Return all instances of the Reaction entity.
A reaction is a chemical process that converts one set of compounds (substrate) to another set (products).
all_entities_Reaction -a
would retrieve all entities of type Reaction and include all fields in the entities in the output.
Related entities
The Reaction entity has the following relationship links:
- Involves Reagent
- IsDisplayedOn Diagram
- IsRequiredBy Requirement
- IsUsedAs ReactionRule
- ParticipatesIn Scenario
- RunsByDefaultIn Compartment
- UsesAliasForReaction Source
Command-Line Options
- -a
Return all fields.
- -h
Display a list of the fields available for use.
- -fields field-list
Choose a set of fields to return. Field-list is a comma-separated list of strings. The following fields are available:
- mod_date
- name
- msid
- abbr
- equation
- reversibility
Output Format
The standard output is a tab-delimited file. It consists of the input file with an extra column added for each requested field. Input lines that cannot be extended are written to stderr.