A terminus for a scenario is a compound that acts as its input or output. A compound can be the terminus for many scenarios, and a scenario will have many termini. The relationship attributes indicate whether the compound is an input to the scenario or an output. In some cases, there may be multiple alternative output groups. This is also indicated by the attributes.
get_relationship_IsTerminusFor -a < ids > table.with.fields.added
would read in a file of ids and add a column for each field in the relationship.
The standard input should be a tab-separated table (i.e., each line is a tab-separated set of fields). Normally, the last field in each line would contain the id. If some other column contains the id, use
-c N
where N is the column (from 1) that contains the id.
This is a pipe command. The input is taken from the standard input, and the output is to the standard output.
Command-Line Options
- -c Column
This is used only if the column containing id is not the last.
- -from field-list
Choose a set of fields from the Compound entity to return. Field-list is a comma-separated list of strings. The following fields are available:
- id
- label
- abbr
- msid
- ubiquitous
- mod_date
- uncharged_formula
- formula
- mass
- -rel field-list
Choose a set of fields from the relationship to return. Field-list is a comma-separated list of strings. The following fields are available:
- from_link
- to_link
- group_number
- -to field-list
Choose a set of fields from the Scenario entity to return. Field-list is a comma-separated list of strings. The following fields are available:
- id
- common_name
Output Format
The standard output is a tab-delimited file. It consists of the input file with an extra column added for each requested field. Input lines that cannot be extended are written to stderr.