Query the entity Feature.
A feature (sometimes also called a gene) is a part of a genome that is of special interest. Features may be spread across multiple DNA sequences (contigs) of a genome, but never across more than one genome. Each feature in the database has a unique ID that functions as its ID in this table. Normally a Feature is just a single contigous region on a contig. Features have types, and an appropriate choice of available types allows the support of protein-encoding genes, exons, RNA genes, binding sites, pathogenicity islands, or whatever.
query_entity_Feature -a
Related entities
The Feature entity has the following relationship links:
- Controls CoregulatedSet
- Encompasses Feature
- HasCoregulationWith Feature
- HasFunctional Role
- HasIndicatedSignalFrom Experiment
- HasLevelsFrom ProbeSet
- IsAnnotatedBy Annotation
- IsContainedIn SSCell
- IsCoregulatedWith Feature
- IsEncompassedIn Feature
- IsExemplarOf Role
- IsFormedInto AtomicRegulon
- IsInPair Pairing
- IsLocatedIn Contig
- IsMemberOf Family
- IsOwnedBy Genome
- IsRegulatedIn CoregulatedSet
- Produces ProteinSequence
Command-Line Options
- -is field,value
Limit the results to entities where the given field has the given value.
- -like field,value
Limit the results to entities where the given field is LIKE (in the sql sense) the given value.
- -op operator,field,value
Limit the results to entities where the given field is related to the given value based on the given operator.
The operators supported are as follows. We provide text based alternatives to the comparison operators so that extra quoting is not required to keep the command-line shell from confusing them with shell I/O redirection operators.
- -a
Return all fields.
- -h
Display a list of the fields available for use.
- -fields field-list
Choose a set of fields to return. Field-list is a comma-separated list of strings. The following fields are available:
- feature_type
- source_id
- sequence_length
- function
- alias
Output Format
The standard output is a tab-delimited file containing a column for each requested field.