The all_roles_used_in_models allows a user to access the set of roles that are included in current models. This is important. There are far fewer roles used in models than overall. Hence, the returned set represents the minimal set we need to clean up in order to properly support modeling.
all_roles_used_in_models > output
This is a pipe command. The is no input, and the output is to the standard output.
Documentation for underlying call
This script is a wrapper for the CDMI-API call all_roles_used_in_models. It is documented as follows:
$return = $obj->all_roles_used_in_models()
- Parameter and return types
$return is a roles roles is a reference to a list where each element is a role role is a string
Output Format
The output is a file in which each line contains just a role used in the construction of models.