package Net::FullAuto::FA_Core;

#    Net::FullAuto - Powerful Network Process Automation Software
#    Copyright (C) 2011  Brian M. Kelly
#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#    any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but **WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY**; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

## ******* Misc Notes ******************************************
## For Testing Multiple Iterations in a BASH shell environment
#  num=0; while (( $num < 1000 )); do --login *******
#  --password --code hello_world --log; let num+=1;
#  echo "FINISHED NUM=$num"; done
## For re-configuring CPAN:
#  at CPAN prompt (cpan[1]) type: o conf init
## For creating gpg secret key for use with cpansign -s
#  gpg --gen-key (then follow onscreen instructions)
# (gpg cheatsheet)
## For running CPAN with sudo
#  sudo -i cpan   (-i loads the root environment)
## For compiling into MSWin32 setup executable with PAR::Packager
#  pp -c -o "Setup FullAuto MSWin32-x86.exe" 
#     -l C:\strawberry\perl\bin\libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll Makefile.PL
#     -a bin -a ChangeLog -a inc -a lib -a t -a META.yml
#     -a LICENSE -a MANIFEST -a README --icon FA_Setup.ico
## For OpenSolaris - getting a dev environment
#  pfexec pkg install ss-dev
## For Slow SSH on Cygwin
#  verify that the fifth field in the user entry in /etc/passwd
#  references the correct host name of the machine.
#  loginId,U-WRONGHOSTNAME\loginId,S-1-5-21-...
#  -to- loginId,U-RIGHTHOSTNAME\loginId,S-1-5-21...
#  Also - in the /etc/ssh_config, set UseDNS to no.
## *************************************************************

use strict;
use warnings;
our $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
our @tran=('','',0,$$."_".$^T,'',0);
$ENV{OS}='' if !$ENV{OS};
my $md_='';our $thismonth='';our $thisyear='';
my $mo_=$thismonth;my $yr_=$thisyear;
$md_="0$md_" if $md_<10;
$mo_++;$mo_="0$mo_" if $mo_<10;
my $yr__=sprintf("%02d",$yr_%100);
my $yr____=(1900+$yr_);
my $mdy="$mo_$md_$yr__";
my $mdyyyy="$mo_$md_$yr____";
my $tm=scalar localtime($^T);
my $hms=substr($tm,11,8);
my $hr=$1;my $mn=$2;my $sc=$3;
our $curyear=$thisyear + 1900;
our $curcen=unpack('a2',$curyear);
our @invoked=($^T, $tm, $mdy, $hms, $hr, $mn, $sc, $mdyyyy);

   unless (exists $INC{'Net/'}) {
      foreach my $fpath (@INC) {
         my $f=$fpath;
         if (-e $f.'/Net/') {
   } else {


   if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'MSWin64') {
      print "\n       FATAL ERROR! : Cygwin Linux Emulation Layer".
            "\n                      is required to use FullAuto".
            "\n                      on Windows - goto".
            "\n\n       \(Be sure to install OpenSSH and the sshd ".

   #use if ($^O eq 'cygwin'), 'Win32::Semaphore';
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
      my $srvout=`/bin/cygrunsrv -Q cygserver 2>&1`;
      if (-1<index $srvout,'Stopped') {
         print "\nFatal Error: The Cygwin cygserver service is NOT",
               " running:\n\n${srvout}To start type:  'net use cygserver'\n\n";
      } elsif (-1<index $srvout,'The specified service does not exist') {
         print "\nFatal Error: The Cygwin cygserver service is NOT",
               " installed:\n\n${srvout}To install type:  ",
      $srvout=`/bin/cygrunsrv -Q sshd 2>&1`;
      if (-1<index $srvout,'Stopped') {
         print "\nFatal Error: The Cygwin sshd (Secure Shell) service is NOT",
               " running:\n\n${srvout}To start type:  'net use sshd'\n\n";
      } elsif (-1<index $srvout,'The specified service does not exist') {
         print "\nFatal Error: The Cygwin sshd (Secure Shell) service is NOT",
               " installed:\n\n${srvout}To install type:  ",
               "'/bin/ssh-host-config --privileged'\n\n";
   use IPC::Semaphore;
   push @INC, substr($main::netfull,0,-3);


use warnings;
   no warnings;
   use Socket;
   require Exporter;

our @ISA     = qw(Exporter Net::Telnet Cwd);
our @EXPORT  = qw(%Hosts $localhost getpasswd
                  connect_host get_all_hosts
                  $username connect_ftp $cron
                  connect_telnet connect_sftp
                  send_email $log connect_ssh
                  connect_secure connect_insecure
                  connect_reverse $prod $random
                  @invoked $cleanup pick Menu
                  $progname memnow acquire_semaphore
                  release_semaphore $savetran %hours
                  $increment %month ls_timestamp
                  cleanup $dest_first_hash %days
                  test_file test_dir timelocal
                  %GLOBAL @GLOBAL $MRLOG $^O
                  $funkyprompt handle_error
                  $quiet $batch $unattended
                  $passwd_file_loc $fullauto
                  %email_addresses @plans
                  %email_defaults $service
                  persist_get persist_put

   no warnings;
   use BerkeleyDB;
   use Sys::Hostname;
   our $local_hostname=&Sys::Hostname::hostname;
   use Data::Dump::Streamer;
   use Time::Local;
   use Crypt::CBC;
   use Crypt::DES;
   use Cwd qw(getcwd);
   use Digest::MD5 qw(md5);
   use Digest::SHA qw(sha256_hex);
   use English;
   use Email::Sender::Simple qw(sendmail);
   use Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP qw();
   use File::stat;
   use File::Copy;
   use File::Path;
   use MIME::Entity;
   use Module::Load::Conditional qw[can_load];
   use Net::Telnet;
   use Getopt::Long;
   use Pod::Usage;
   use Term::ReadKey;
   use Term::RawInput;
   use LWP::UserAgent ();
   use LWP::MediaTypes qw(guess_media_type media_suffix);
   use URI ();
   use HTTP::Date ();
   use IO::Handle;
   use IO::Select;
   use IO::Capture::Stderr;
   use IO::CaptureOutput;
   use Capture::Tiny;
   use String::Random;
   use Symbol qw(qualify_to_ref);
   use Tie::Cache;
   use IO::Pty;
   use POSIX qw(setsid uname);

our $home_dir='~';
if (exists $ENV{HOME} && -d $ENV{HOME}) {
} elsif (exists $ENV{USER} && $ENV{USER}) {
   if (-d "/home/$ENV{USER}") {
   } elsif (-d "/export/home/$ENV{USER}") {
} elsif ((getpwuid($<))[7]) {


   my $md_='';our $thismonth='';our $thisyear='';
   my $mo_=$thismonth;my $yr_=$thisyear;
   $md_="0$md_" if $md_<10;
   $mo_++;$mo_="0$mo_" if $mo_<10;
   my $yr__=sprintf("%02d",$yr_%100);
   my $yr____=(1900+$yr_);
   my $mdy="$mo_$md_$yr__";
   my $mdyyyy="$mo_$md_$yr____";
   my $tm=scalar localtime($^T);
   my $hms=substr($tm,11,8);
   my $hr=$1;my $mn=$2;my $sc=$3;
   our $curyear=$thisyear + 1900;
   our $curcen=unpack('a2',$curyear);
   our @invoked=($^T, $tm, $mdy, $hms, $hr, $mn, $sc, $mdyyyy);
   my $customdir='Net/FullAuto/Custom';

   our $fa_conf='';
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_conf) {
      if (defined $fa_conf->[0]) {
         eval {
            require $fa_conf->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_conf->[0],(rindex $fa_conf->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;

   our $fa_host='';
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_host) {
      if (defined $fa_host->[0]) {
         eval {
            require $fa_host->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_host->[0],(rindex $fa_host->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;

   our $fa_maps='';
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_maps) {
      if (defined $fa_maps->[0]) {
         eval {
            require $fa_maps->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_maps->[0],(rindex $fa_maps->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;

   our $fa_menu='';
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_menu) {
      if (defined $fa_menu->[0]) {
         eval {
            require $fa_menu->[0];
            my $mod=substr($fa_menu->[0],(rindex $fa_menu->[0],'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;

   our $bashpath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/bash') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/bash') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/bash') {

   our $greppath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/grep') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/grep') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/grep') {

   our $findpath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/find') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/find') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/find') {

   our $lspath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/ls') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/ls') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/ls') {

   our $sedpath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/sed') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/sed') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/sed') {

   our $printfpath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/printf') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/printf') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/printf') {

   our $pspath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/ps') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/ps') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/ps') {

   our $sshpath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/ssh') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/ssh') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/ssh') {

   our $telnetpath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/telnet') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/telnet') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/telnet') {

   our $sftppath='';our $sftpport='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/sftp') {
      $sftpport=`${sftppath}sftp 2>&1`;
   } elsif (-e '/bin/sftp') {
      $sftpport=`${sftppath}sftp 2>&1`;
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/sftp') {
      $sftpport=`${sftppath}sftp 2>&1`;
   if ($sftpport) {
      if ($sftpport=~/-P sftp_server_path/s) {
      } else {
         $sftpport='-P ';

   our $ftppath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/ftp') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/ftp') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/ftp') {

   our $mountpath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/mount') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/mount') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/mount') {

   our $killpath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/kill') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/kill') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/kill') {

   our $stringspath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/strings') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/strings') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/strings') {

   our $tarpath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/tar') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/tar') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/tar') {

   our $xargspath='';
   if (-e '/usr/bin/xargs') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/xargs') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/xargs') {

   our $pingpath='';
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
      my $windir=$ENV{'WINDIR'};
   } elsif (-e '/usr/bin/ping') {
   } elsif (-e '/bin/ping') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/ping') {
   } elsif (-e '/etc/ping') {
   } elsif (-e '/usr/sbin/ping') {

   our $termwidth=''; our $termheight='';
   if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
      eval {
         no strict 'subs';
         ($termwidth, $termheight) = GetTerminalSize(STDOUT);
      if ($@) {


# Globally Scoped Variables, but Intentionally NOT Initialized.
# Getopt::Long needs it this way for some args to work properly. 
our ($plan,$plan_ignore_error,$log,$cron,$edit,$version,$set,

# Globally Scoped and Intialized Variables.
our $blanklines='';our $oldpasswd='';our $authorize_connect='';
our $scrub=0;our $pcnt=0;our $chk_id='';our $d_sub='';
our $deploy_info='';our $f_sub='';our $updatepw=0;
our $shown='';our $websphere_not_running=0;my @hours=();
our $master_hostlabel='';our $random=0;our @plans=();
our $parent_menu='';our @menu_args=();our $savetran=0;
our $MRLOG='';our @pid_ts=();our %drives=();our @month=();
our $username='';our @passwd=('','');our %cygpathw=();
our $localhost={};our %localhost=();our %cygpathu=();
our @RCM_Link=();our @FTM_Link=();our $cleanup=0;our %Maps=();
our $starting_memory=0;our $custom_code_module_file='';
our %email_addresses=();our $debug=0;our %tiedb=();
our @ascii_que=();our $passetts=['','','','','','','','','',''];
our %Connections=();our $tranback=0;our @ascii=();our $uhray='';
our %base_excluded_dirs=();our %base_excluded_files=(); 
our %hours=();our %month=();our %Hosts=();our $berkeleydb='';
our %same_host_as_Master=("__Master_${$}__"=>'-','localhost'=>'-');
our @same_host_as_Master=();our $dest_first_hash='';
our %file_rename=();our %rename_file=();our $quiet='';
our %filerename=();our %renamefile=();our %fullmonth=();
our %Processes=();our %shellpids=();our %ftpcwd=();
our @DeploySMB_Proxy=('');our @DeployRCM_Proxy=('');
our @DeployFTM_Proxy=('');our $master_transfer_dir='';
our %perms=();our @ApacheNode=();our $test=0;our %days=();
our $prod=0;our $force_pause_for_exceed=0;our $tosspass=0;
our $timeout=30;our $cltimeout='X';our $slave=0;our $dcipher='';
our %email_defaults=();our $increment=0;our %tosspass=();
our $email_defaults='';our %semaphores=();our $batch='';
our $unattended='';our $fullauto='';our $service='';
our %base_shortcut_info=();our @dhostlabels=();our %monthconv=();
our %hourconv=();our @weekdays=();our %weekdaysconv=();
our $funkyprompt='\\\\137\\\\146\\\\165\\\\156\\\\153\\\\171\\\\120'.
our $specialperms='none';
   my $ex=$0;
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
   } else {
   if (-u $ex) {
   } elsif (-g $ex) {


@hours=('12:00am',' 1:00am',' 2:00am',' 3:00am',' 4:00am',
        ' 5:00am',' 6:00am',' 7:00am',' 8:00am',' 9:00am',
        '10:00am','11:00am','12:00pm',' 1:00pm',' 2:00pm',
        ' 3:00pm',' 4:00pm',' 5:00pm',' 6:00pm',' 7:00pm',
        ' 8:00pm',' 9:00pm','10:00pm','11:00pm');

%hourconv=('12:00am'=>0,' 1:00am'=>1,' 2:00am'=>2,' 3:00am'=>3,
           ' 4:00am'=>4,' 5:00am'=>5,' 6:00am'=>6,' 7:00am'=>7,
           ' 8:00am'=>8,' 9:00am'=>9,'10:00am'=>10,'11:00am'=>11,
           '12:00pm'=>12,' 1:00pm'=>13,' 2:00pm'=>14,' 3:00pm'=>15,
           ' 4:00pm'=>16,' 5:00pm'=>17,' 6:00pm'=>18,' 7:00pm'=>19,
           ' 8:00pm'=>20,' 9:00pm'=>21,'10:00pm'=>22,'11:00pm'=>23);

@weekdays=('Sunday   ','Monday   ','Tuesday  ','Wednesday',
           'Thursday ','Friday   ','Saturday ');

%weekdaysconv=('Sunday   '=>1,'Monday   '=>2,'Tuesday  '=>3,
               'Wednesday'=>4,'Thursday '=>5,'Friday   '=>6,
               'Saturday '=>7);


@month=('January  ','February ','March    ',
        'April    ','May      ','June     ','July     ',
        'August   ','September','October  ','November ',
        'December ');

%monthconv=('January '=>1,'February'=>2,'March   '=>3,
            'April   '=>4,'May     '=>5,'June    '=>6,
            'July    '=>7,'August  '=>8,'September'=>9,
            'October '=>10,'November'=>11,'December'=>12);






#if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
                        # If using an exceed X-window launched from
                        # a desktop icon and configured to launch
                        # this script/program automatically, then
                        # set $force_pause_for_exceed to pause the
                        # script before a forced exit following an
                        # error condition.
#print "HOMEDIR=$home_dir and UID=$UID and EUID=$EUID\n";<STDIN>;
#   open (FH,"<$home_dir/.sh_history") ||
#                    warn "Cannot open .sh_history file! : $!";
#   my @command_history=<FH>;
#   CORE::close(FH);
#   foreach (@command_history) {
#      if (/xterm/ and /$0/) {
#         $force_pause=1;last;
#      }
#   }

# our $maintainer='Brian Kelly';
# our $maintainer_phone='';
                                       # Options: telnet, ssh,
                                       #   telnet_proxy, ssh_proxy
                                       #   Order from left to right
                                       #   determines attempt order.
                                       #   Only one method is required.
                                       # Options: ftp sftp
                                       #   ftp_proxy sftp_proxy
                                       #   Same as above.

my $count=0;
# Set Blanklines
if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
   while ($count++!=5) { $blanklines.="\n" }
} else {
   while ($count++!=5) { $blanklines.="\n" }

# cleanup subroutine called during normal & abnormal terminations
sub cleanup {

   my @topcaller=caller;
   my $param_one=$_[0];
   my $param_two=$_[1]||='';
   my ($stdout,$stderr,$track)=('','','');
   unless (defined $param_one) {
   print "\nINFO: main::cleanup() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::cleanup() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';

   if (keys %semaphores) {
      foreach my $ipc_key (keys %semaphores) {
         next if $ipc_key=~/^\s*$/;
         if (-1<index $semaphores{$ipc_key},'IPC::') {
            my $val=$semaphores{$ipc_key}->getval(0)||0;
            if (1<$val) {
            } else {
         } else {

   my $tm='';my $ob='';my %cleansync=();
   my $new_cmd='';my $cmd='';my $clean_master='';
   my @cmd=();my %did_tran=();
   my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
   foreach my $hostlabel (keys %Processes) {
      foreach my $id (keys %{$Processes{$hostlabel}}) {
         foreach my $type (reverse sort keys
                           %{$Processes{$hostlabel}{$id}}) {
            my ($cnct_type,$id_type)=split /_/, $type;
my $show1="CNCT_TYPE=$cnct_type and HOSTLABEL=$hostlabel "
         ."and PROCESS=".$Processes{$hostlabel}{$id}{$type}
         ." and DeploySMB=$DeploySMB_Proxy[0]<==\n"; 
print $show1 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $show1 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if ($cnct_type eq 'cmd'
                    && $hostlabel eq $DeploySMB_Proxy[0]) {
               my ($cmd_fh,$cmd_pid,$shell_pid,$cmd)=
               if (defined fileno $cmd_fh) {
                  my $next=0;
                  eval { # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
                         # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
                         # of this routine.
                     while (my $line=$cmd_fh->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "cleanup() LINE_1=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
                        last if $line=~/Killed by signal 2\.$/s;
                        my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
                           if &testpid($shell_pid);
                        if ($cmd_pid) {
                           if (&testpid($cmd_pid)) {
                  }; next if $next;
               if ($@) {
print "clean_ERRORRRRR=$@\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
               if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs{$cmd_fh}) {
                  my $tmpdir=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs{$cmd_fh}}[0];
                  my $tdir=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs{$cmd_fh}}[1];
                  { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },"cd $tmpdir");
                  { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },"rm -rf $tdir");
               foreach my $pid_ts (@pid_ts) {
                  $cmd_fh->cmd("rm -f *${pid_ts}*");
               if ($cmd) {
                  # DO ps cmd and find pid and then kill
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[0]
                     && !exists $did_tran{$hostlabel}) {
                  $clean_master=2 if $tran[2];
                     if ($tran[1] eq $hostlabel &&
                        $tran[1] ne "__Master_${$}__" && !exists
                        $same_host_as_Master{$tran[1]}) {
                     my $cmd="cd $tran[0] | sed -e "
                            ."\'s/^/stdout: /\' 2>&1";
                     $cmd_fh->cmd("rm -f transfer$tran[3]*tar");
                     if ($tran[2]) {
                        $cmd_fh->cmd('cd ..');
                     if ($tran[4] && !$savetran) {
                           "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer$tran[3]");
                        if (&test_dir($cmd_fh,"transfer$tran[3]")) {
                              "chmod -R 777 transfer$tran[3]");
                              "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer$tran[3]");
                  } $did_tran{$hostlabel}='-';
               } ($stdout,$stderr)=&kill($shell_pid,$kill_arg)
                    if &testpid($shell_pid);
            if ($cnct_type eq 'ftm') {
               my ($ftp_fh,$ftp_pid,$shell_pid,$ig_nore)=
               if (defined fileno $ftp_fh) {
                  eval {  # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
                          # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
                          # of this routine.
                     SC: while (defined fileno $ftp_fh) {
print "FTP_FH_ERRMSG=",$ftp_fh->errmsg,"\n" if $ftp_fh->errmsg
      && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                        while (my $line=$ftp_fh->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "cleanup() LINE_2=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$|
                           last SC if $line=~/Connection.*closed|Exit\sstatus\s0/s;
                           if ($line=~/^\s*$|^\s*exit\s*$/s) {
                              last SC if $count++==20;
                           } else { $count=0 }
                           if ($^O eq 'cygwin' ||
                                 (-1<index $line,'password:')) {
                           } else {
                              # sleep for 1/50th second;
                  if ($@) {
print "WHAT IS THE LINE_2 EVALERROR=$@<====\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                     if ((-1<index $@,'read error: Connection aborted')
                           || (-1<index $@,'read timed-out')
                           || (-1<index $@,'filehandle isn')
                           || (-1<index $@,'input or output error')) {
                     } else { $ftp_fh->close();die "$@       $!" }
               if (($tran[0] || $hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__")
                      && !exists $did_tran{$hostlabel}) {
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                     $clean_master=2 if $tran[2];
                     $clean_master=3 if $tran[4]
                        && $clean_master!=2;
                  } $did_tran{$hostlabel}='-';
                  if &testpid($shell_pid);
                  if &testpid($ftp_pid);
            } else {
               my ($cmd_fh,$cmd_pid,$shell_pid,$cmd)=
               if (defined fileno $cmd_fh) {
                  my $gone=1;my $was_a_local=0;
                  eval {  # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
                          # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
                          # of this routine.
                     CC: while (defined fileno $cmd_fh) {
                                       "printf $funkyprompt");
                        while (my $line=$cmd_fh->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "cleanup() LINE_3=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           if (-1<index $line,'logout') {
                              if (-1<index $line,'Exit status 0') {
                                 last CC;
                              } else {
                           } elsif ($line=~/221\sGoodbye/sx) {
                           if ($line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s) {
                              my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                              if ($cfh_error eq 'Exit status 0') {
                                 last CC;
                              } else {
                           } elsif (($line=~/Killed|_funkyPrompt_/s) ||
                                 ($line=~/[:\$%>#-] ?$/s) ||
                                 ($line=~/sion denied.*[)][.]\s*$/s)) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "cleanup() SHOULD BE LAST CC=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              $gone=0;last CC;
                           } elsif (-1<index $line,'Exit status 0') {
                              last CC;
                           } elsif (-1<index $line,
                                 'Connection to localhost closed') {
                              last CC;
                           } elsif ($line=~/Connection.*closed/s) {
                              last CC;
                           if ($line=~/^\s*$|^\s*exit\s*$/s) {
                              last CC if $count++==20;
                           } else { $count=0 }
                           if (-1<index $line,'password:'
                              || -1<index $line,'Permission denied') {
print "WOW I ACTUALLY GOT OUT3 and GONE=$gone and WASALOCAL=$was_a_local AND CMD_ERR=",
   $cmd_fh->errmsg,"<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
   "cleanup() I AM OUT OF CC and EVALERR=$@ ".
   "and WAS=$was_a_local and GONE=$gone<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  if ($@) {
                     if ((-1<index $@,'read error: Connection aborted')
                           || (-1<index $@,'read timed-out')
                           || (-1<index $@,'filehandle isn')
                           || (-1<index $@,'input or output error')) {
                     } else { $cmd_fh->close();die "$@       $!" }
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "cleanup() I GOT TO WAS A LOCAL\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  if (!$was_a_local && !$gone &&
                        exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs{$cmd_fh}) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "IN !WASALOCAL AND !GONE<====\n";
print "IN !WASALOCAL AND !GONE<====\n";
                     my $tmpdir=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs{$cmd_fh}}[0];
                     my $tdir=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tmp_files_dirs{$cmd_fh}}[1];
                     { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },"cd $tmpdir");
                     { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_fh,
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },"rm -rf $tdir");
                  if ($tran[0] && !exists $did_tran{$hostlabel}) {
                     if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                        $clean_master=2 if $tran[2];
                        $clean_master=3 if $tran[4]
                           && $clean_master!=2;
                     if (!$was_a_local && !$gone
                           && $tran[1] eq $hostlabel &&
                           $tran[1] ne "__Master_${$}__" && !exists
                           $same_host_as_Master{$tran[1]}) {
                        my $cmd="cd $tran[0] | sed -e "
                               ."\'s/^/stdout: /\' 2>&1";
                        while (my $line=$cmd_fh->get) {
                           last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_/;
                        $cmd_fh->cmd("rm -f transfer$tran[3]*tar")
                           if !$savetran;
                        if ($tran[2]) {
                           $cmd_fh->cmd('cd ..');
                        if ($tran[4]) {
                              "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer$tran[3]")
                              if !$savetran;
                           if (&test_dir($cmd_fh,"transfer$tran[3]")) {
                                 "chmod -R 777 transfer$tran[3]");
                                 "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer$tran[3]")
                                 if !$savetran;
                     } $did_tran{$hostlabel}='-';
                  } elsif ($tran[3] && !$savetran) {
                     if ($was_a_local) {
                        $localhost->cmd("rm -f transfer$tran[3]*tar");
                     } elsif (!$gone) {
                        if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::alarm_sounded) {
                           print "WE ARE TRYING SOMETHING and ALRM SOUNDED\n";
                           print "WOW - GOT TO CLEAN_FILEHANDLE\n";
                           my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                           print "GOT OUT OF CLEAN_FILEHANDLE\n";
                        $cmd_fh->print("rm -f transfer$tran[3]*tar");
                        my $lin='';my $cownt=0;
                        eval {  # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
                                # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
                                # of this routine.
                           while (my $line=$cmd_fh->get) {
                           if ($lin=~/_funkyPrompt_/s ||
                                    $lin=~/assword: ?$/m ||
                                    $lin=~/Exit\sstatus\s0/m ||
                                    $lin=~/sion denied.*[)][.]\s*$/s ||
                                    $lin=~/[$|%|>|#|-|:] ?$/s) {
                              } elsif ($lin=~/(Connection.+close.+)$|
                                    Killed\sby\ssignal\s2\.$/xm) {
                                 my $one=$1;$one||='';
                                 if ($one=~/local.+close/) {
                                 } elsif ($one=~/Connection clo/) {
                              } elsif ($cownt++<20) {
                              } else { $cmd_fh->print("\003") }
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GOT EVEN FARTHER HERE\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  if ($was_a_local) {
                     foreach my $pid_ts (@pid_ts) {
                        $localhost->cmd("rm -f *${pid_ts}*");
                  } elsif (!$gone) {
                     foreach my $pid_ts (@pid_ts) {
                        $cmd_fh->cmd("rm -f *${pid_ts}*");
                  if (!$was_a_local && !$gone) {
                     eval {
                        while (my $line=$cmd_fh->get) {
                           if ($line=~/onnection.*close/
                                 || $line=~/_funkyPrompt_/
                                 || $line=~/siondenied.*[)][.]$/
                                 || $line=~/logout/
                                 || $line=~/cleanup/
                                 || $line=~/Exitstatus(0|-1)/
                                 || $line=~/exit\s*$/s
                                 || $line=~/[$|%|>|#|-|:]$/) {
                  if (&testpid($shell_pid)) {
                     eval {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "WHAT IS SHELL_PID=$shell_pid "
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                        "LINE ".__LINE__." ERROR=$@\n"
                        if $@ && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     eval {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "and \$\$=$$ and ".
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                        "LINE ".__LINE__." ERROR=$@\n"
                        if $@ && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GETTING READY TO KILL!!!!! CMD\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  ($stdout,$stderr)=&kill($cmd_pid,$kill_arg) if &testpid($cmd_pid);
   if ($clean_master) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
         "INFO: &cleanup() GOING TO CLEAN MASTER\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      if ($tran[3]) {
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
         &handle_error("CLEANUP ERROR -> $cfh_error",'-1') if $cfh_error
            && (-1==index $cfh_error,'Connection to localhost closed');
         ($stdout,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd("cd $master_transfer_dir");
         &handle_error("CLEANUP ERROR -> $stderr",'-1') if $stderr;
            $localhost->cmd("rm -f transfer${tran[3]}*tar");
            $localhost->cmd("rm -f transfer${tran[3]}*tar")
            if $stderr;
         &handle_error("CLEANUP ERROR -> $stderr",'-1') if $stderr;
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            if ($clean_master==2) {
               $localhost->cmd('cd ..');
            if ($clean_master==2 || $clean_master==3) {
                  "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer$tran[3]");
               if (&test_dir($localhost->{_cmd_handle},
                      "transfer$tran[3]")) {
                     "chmod -R 777 transfer$tran[3]");
                     "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer$tran[3]")
                     if !$savetran;
      foreach my $pid_ts (@pid_ts) {
         $localhost->cmd("rm -f *${pid_ts}*");

#print "LOCALHOSTSTDOUT=$stdout<== and LOCALHOSTSTDERR=$stderr<==\n";

   %{$localhost}=();undef $localhost;
   if (defined $master_hostlabel &&
         defined $username) {
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan) {
      unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Plans') {
      my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
         -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Plans',
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
      my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename => "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}_plans.db",
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
         -Compare    => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
         -Env      => $dbenv
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
      my $plan_number=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan->{'Number'}||'';
      my $plan_title =$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan->{'Title'}||'';
      my $put_plan=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump(
      if ($plan_number) {
         my $pregx=qr/\]quit\[|INT|ERROR/;
         unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::plan_ignore_error) {
         unless ($param_two=~/$pregx/) {
            my $status=$bdb->db_put($plan_number,$put_plan);
            print "\n\n       ################ NEW PLAN ##################\n\n",
                  "          Number: $plan_number\n",
                  "          Title:  $plan_title\n\n",
                  "       WAS SUCCESSFULLY CREATED!\n";
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
   if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
         && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
      if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
         print "\n";
      } else {
         print "\n\n";
   } ReadMode 0;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "INFO: GOING TO CLOSE LOG\n"
      if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   CORE::close($MRLOG) if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   print "\n  LOGFILE ==> \"",$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'},"\"\n\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && !($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet ||
   print "FullAuto COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY on ".localtime()."\n"
      if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
          || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
          && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
   if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
         && exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'}
         && $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'}) {
      unlink $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'};
   return 1 if $param_one;
   exit 0;


# Handle INT SIGNAL interruption
$SIG{ INT } = sub{
                    print "\n\nCAUGHT AN INTERUPT SIGNAL!!\n";
                    print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                       "\n====   INTERUPT SIGNAL   ====",
                       if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                       -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';

                    $cleanup=1;&cleanup('','INT') };
our $alarm_sounded=0;
$SIG{ ALRM } = sub{ open(AL,">>ALRM.txt");
                    print AL scalar(localtime())."\n";
                    close AL;
                    print "CAUGHT AN ALRM!! FROM ",caller,"\n";
                    $cleanup=1;&cleanup('','ALRM') };

my @Hosts=@{&check_Hosts($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host)};

sub grep_for_string_existence_only
   my $file=$_[0];
   my $pattern=$_[1];
   my $return_value=0;
   eval {
      open(FH,"<$file") || return 0;
      my $keygen_flag=0;
      while (my $line=<FH>) {
         if ($line=~/^\[1\]|ssh-rsa/) {
         if ($line=~/$pattern/) {
      if ($keygen_flag) {
         my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
         my $output=`ssh-keygen -F localhost 2>&1`;
         $return_value=1 if $output=~/localhost|^\[1\]|ssh-rsa/s;
   return $return_value;

sub version
can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto" => 0 });
my $version=<<VERSION;

This is Net::FullAuto, v$Net::FullAuto::VERSION
(See  fullauto -V  or  fa -V  for more detail)

Copyright 2000-2011, Brian M. Kelly

FullAuto may be copied only under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
which may be found in the FullAuto source distribution.

Complete documentation for FullAuto, including FAQ lists, should be found on
this system using "man fullauto" or "perldoc fullauto".  If you have access
to the Internet, point your browser at, the
FullAuto Home Page.
print $version;

   can_load(modules => { "Term::Menus" => 0 });
   can_load(modules => { "Net::FullAuto" => 0 });
   my $term_menus_path=
      (rindex $INC{'Term/'},'Term'));
   my $net_fulla_path=
      (rindex $INC{'Net/'},'Net'));
      if -1<index $term_menus_path,'share';
   my $o='';
   foreach my $p (@INC) {
      last if -1<index $o,$term_menus_path;
      last if "$o/" eq $term_menus_path;
   my @tmlist=();
   if (-f $o.'/auto/Term/Menus/.packlist') {
      open (TH,"<$o/auto/Term/Menus/.packlist");
      while (my $f=<TH>) {
         chomp $f;
         push @tmlist,$f;
   my @falist=();
   if (-f $o.'/auto/Net/FullAuto/.packlist') {
      open (PH,"<$o/auto/Net/FullAuto/.packlist");
   my @pl=();my @exe=();my @O=();my %Cust=();my @Dist=();
   my @Tpm=();my @html=();my @Core=();my @README=();
   foreach my $file (@falist) {
      chomp $file;
      if ($file=~/\.pm$/) {
         if (-1<index $file,'Distro') {
            push @Dist, $file;next;
         } elsif (-1<index $file,'Custom') {
         } else { push @Core, $file;next }
      } elsif ($file=~/\.pl$/) {
         push @pl, $file;next;
      } elsif ($file=~/fullauto(?:\.exe)*$/) {
         push @exe, $file;next;
      } elsif ($file=~/1$/) {
         push @O, $file;next;
      } elsif ($file=~/html$/) {
         push @html, $file;next;
      } elsif ($file=~/3pm/) {
         push @Tpm, $file;next;
      } elsif (-1<index $file,'README') {
         if (-1<index $file,'Custom/README') {
            my $path=$file;
            opendir(my $dh, $path) || die "can't opendir $path: $!";
            while (my $file=readdir($dh)) {
               $Cust{"$path/$file"}='' if $file!~/^[.]|README$/
                  && -f "$path/$file";
            closedir $dh;
         push @README, $file;
   print "\nTerm::Menus Version $Term::Menus::VERSION\n",
         (join "\n",@tmlist),"\n\n",
         "Net::FullAuto Version $Net::FullAuto::VERSION\n",
         (join "\n",@pl),"\n",
         (join "\n",@exe),"\n\n";
   print '',(join "\n",@O),"\n" if -1<$#O;
   print '',(join "\n",@Tpm),"\n",
         (join "\n",@html),"\n",
         (join "\n",@README),"\n\n",
         (join "\n",sort @Dist),"\n\n",
         (join "\n",sort keys %Cust),"\n\n",
         (join "\n",reverse @Core),"\n";


sub pick
   return &Menus::pick(@_);

sub Menu
#print "FAMENUCALLER=",caller,"\n";
   can_load(modules => { "Term::Menus" => 0 });
   return &Term::Menus::Menu(@_);

sub get_today
   my @what=split / +/, scalar localtime(time);
   my $day=$days{$what[0]};
   my $month=$fullmonth{$what[1]};
   my $what="$day, $month $what[2], $what[4]";
   return $what;

sub get_tomorrow
   my $t=time+86400;
   my @what=split / +/, scalar localtime($t);
   my $day=$days{$what[0]};
   my $month=$fullmonth{$what[1]};
   my $what="$day, $month $what[2], $what[4]";
   return $what;

sub get_now_am_pm
   my $t=unpack('a5',(split / +/, scalar localtime(time))[3]);
   my $i=unpack('a2',$t);
   if ($i<12) {
      substr($t,0,1)='' if $i<10;
      return $t.'am';
   } elsif ($i==12) {
      return $t.'pm';
   } else {
      return $t.'pm';

sub ls_timestamp

   my $line=$_[0];my $size='';
   my $mn='';my $dy='';my $time='';my $fileyr='';
   my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
   my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
   if ($line=~s/^.*\s+($rx1|$rx2)$/$1/) {
   my $hr=12;my $mt='00';
   if (length $time==4) {
   } else {
      ($hr,$mt)=unpack('a2 @3 a2',"$time");
      my $yr=unpack('x1 a2',"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thisyear");
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth<$mn-1) {
         $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
      } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth==$mn-1) {
         my $filetime=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timelocal(
         if (time()<$filetime) {
            $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
   return $size, timelocal(0,$mt,$hr,$dy,$mn-1,$fileyr);


sub find_berkeleydb_recover {

print "find_berkeleydb_recover CALLER=",caller,"\n";<STDIN>;

   my @topcaller=caller;
   my $hlab="localhost - ".hostname;
   print "\nINFO: main::find_berkeleydb_recover() (((((((CALLER))))))) ".
      "for HostLabel $hlab:\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::find_berkeleydb_recover() (((((((CALLER))))))) ".
      "for HostLabel $hlab:\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $berkeleydb_perl_module_lib='';
   if ((defined $fa_conf::berkeleydb_perl_module_lib) &&
         ($fa_conf::berkeleydb_perl_module_lib) &&
         (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb_perl_module_lib)) {
   } else {
      require ExtUtils::Installed;
      my ($inst) = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
      my @db_path = grep { /\.dll|\.so/ } $inst->files("BerkeleyDB");
      if (-f $db_path[0] && (-f $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.
                  "Custom/$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_conf")) {
         my $fconf=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.'Custom/'.
         open(CH,"+<$fconf") or &handle_error("Cannot open $fconf");
         flock CH, 2;
         my @data=<CH>;
         my $bd=0;my @new=();
         foreach my $ln (@data) {
            my $l=$ln;
            if (($bd==0) &&
                  ($l=~/^\s*[#]*\s*our\s+[\$]berkeleydb_perl_module_lib\s*=/)) {
               push @new, "our \$berkeleydb_perl_module_lib = \"".
            } else {
               push @new, $l;
         unless ($bd) {
            foreach my $ln (@data) {
               my $l=$ln;
               if (($bd==0) &&
                     ($l=~/^\s*[#]*\s*our\s*(?!ISA|VERSION|EXPORT)/)) {
                  push @new, "our \$berkeleydb_perl_module_lib = \"".
                  push @new, $ln;
               } else {
                  push @new, $ln;
         seek CH, 0, 0;
         truncate CH, 0;
         print CH @new;
         close CH;
   my $bcmd="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::stringspath}strings ".
            "$berkeleydb_perl_module_lib ".
            "| ${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::greppath}grep Release";
   my $bver=`$bcmd`;
   $bver=~s/^.*?version \d+\.\d+\.(.*?)\.\d+:.*$/$1/s;
   if ((defined $fa_conf::berkeleydb) &&
         ($fa_conf::berkeleydb) && (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb)) {
      if (-1<index $fa_conf::berkeleydb,$bver) {
         if (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin') {
            return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin/db_recover';
         } elsif (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_recover') {
            return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_recover';
      } elsif (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/include') {
         if (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/include/db.h') {
            my $dbh=$fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/include/db.h';
               or &handle_error(
               "Cannot open $fa_conf::berkeleydb/include/db.h");
            my @finc=<FH>;
            foreach my $line (@finc) {
               if ($line=~/^.*VERSION.*$bver.*$/) {
                  if (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin') {
                     return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin/db_recover';
                  } elsif (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_recover') {
                     return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_recover';
            &handle_error("Cannot Locate BerkeleyDB installation");
         } elsif (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin') {
            return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin/db_recover';
         } elsif (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_recover') {
            return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_recover';
         } else {
            &handle_error("Cannot Locate BerkeleyDB db_recover utility");
      } elsif (-d $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin') {
         return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/bin/db_recover';
      } elsif (-f $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_recover') {
         return $fa_conf::berkeleydb.'/db_recover';
      } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin' && (-f "/bin/db${bver}_recover.exe")) {
         return "/bin/db${bver}_recover.exe";
      } else {
         &handle_error("Cannot Locate BerkeleyDB db_recover utility");
   } else {
      my @output=();
      my $testgrep =`${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::greppath}grep -H 2>&1`;
      my $testgrep2=`${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::greppath}grep 2>&1`;
      my $grepopt='';
      if ((-1==index $testgrep,'illegal option')
            && (-1==index $testgrep2,'-insvxbhwyu')) {
         $grepopt='-H ';
      my $find_cmd1="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::findpath}find ";
      my $find_cmd2=" -name \"*.h\" ".
                   "| ${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::xargspath}xargs ".
                   "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::greppath}grep ".
      print "\nSearching for latest verison of BerkeleyDB.\n".
            "This may take up to five minutes ...\n\n";
      foreach my $dir ('/usr/local/',
            '/usr/','/opt/',(getpwuid $>)[7].'/') {
         next if unpack('a1',$dir) eq '.';
         next unless -d $dir;
         opendir(DIR, $dir) or die $!;
         while (my $file = readdir(DIR) ) {
            next if ($file eq "." or $file eq ".." or $file eq "doc" or
                     $file eq "X11R6" or $file eq "docs" or
                     $file eq "man" or $file eq "ssl" or
                     $file eq "license" or $file eq "logfile" or
                     $file eq "bin" or ($^O eq 'cygwin' &&
                     ($file eq "Application Data" or
                      $file eq "Favorites" or $file eq
                      "Local Settings" or $file eq "Recent" or
                      $file eq "Start Menu" or $file eq "SendTo" or
                      $file eq "NetHood" or $file eq "PrintHood")));
            if (-d $dir.$file) {
               print "Searching $dir$file ...\n";
               my @subout=`$find_cmd1\"$dir$file\"$find_cmd2`;
               if (-1<$#subout) {
                  require CPAN::Config;
                  my $ccon=(defined $CPAN::Config &&
                        exists $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home})?
                  my @vers=();my %verhash=();
                  foreach my $version (@subout) {
                     next if (-1<index $version, $ccon) ||
                             (-1<index $version, 'Net-FullAuto-') ||
                     my @fileparts=split 'db.h:', $version;
                     $fileparts[1]=~s/^.*DB (\d+[^:]+):.*$/$1/;
                     if (-1<index $fileparts[1], $bver) {
                        my $bintest=$subout[0];
                        substr($bintest,(rindex $bintest,'include'))='bin';
                           if -d $bintest;
            last if $berkeleydb;
         } last if $berkeleydb;
      if ($berkeleydb) {
         my $fconf=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.'Custom/'.
         open(CH,"+<$fconf") or &handle_error("Cannot open $fconf");
         flock CH, 2;
         my @data=<CH>;
         my $bd=0;my @new=();
         foreach my $ln (@data) {
            if (($bd==0) && ($ln=~/^\s*[#]*\s*our\s+[\$]berkeleydb\s*=/)) {
               push @new, "our \$berkeleydb = \"$berkeleydb\";\n";
            } else {
               push @new, $ln;
         unless ($bd) {
            foreach my $ln (@data) {
               my $l=$ln;
               if (($bd==0) &&
                     ($l=~/^\s*[#]*\s*our\s+(?!ISA|VERSION|EXPORT)/)) {
                  push @new, "our \$berkeleydb = \"".
                  push @new, $ln;
               } else {
                  push @new, $ln;
         seek CH, 0, 0;
         truncate CH, 0;
         print CH @new;
         close CH;
      return $berkeleydb.'/bin/db_recover';

sub edit {

   eval {
   my $path=$@;
   $path=~s/Died at (.*)*$/$1/;
   my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
   my $cpath=$path."Custom/$username/";
   my $tpath=$path;

   our $fa_code='';
   our $fa_conf='';
   our $fa_host='';
   our $fa_maps='';
   our $fa_menu='';
   require Term::Menus;
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_conf) {
      if (-d $tpath.'Net/FullAuto/Custom/'.$username) {
         eval {
            require 'Net/FullAuto/Custom/'.$username.'/Conf/'.$fa_conf;
            my $mod=substr($fa_conf,(rindex $fa_conf,'/')+1,-3);
            import $mod;
         if ($@) {
            die "ERROR=$@\n";
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_code) {
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_host) {
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_maps) {
   if (defined $Term::Menus::fa_menu) {

   my $editor='';
   unless ($editor=$fa_conf::editor) {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         my $mount=`/bin/mount -p`;
         if (-e $mount.
               '/c/Program Files/Windows NT/Accessories/wordpad.exe') {
               '/c/Program Files/Windows NT/Accessories/wordpad.exe';
         } elsif (-e '/bin/vim-nox.exe') {
      } else {
         if (-e '/usr/bin/vi') {
         } elsif (-e '/bin/vi') {
         } elsif (-e '/usr/bin/emacs') {

   my $savdir=Cwd::cwd();
   if ($_[0]=~/ho*s*t*|^fa_host$/i) {
      system("cd $cpath;\"$editor\" ".
         "$fa_host;cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/^m$|^me$|^men$|^menu$|^fa_menu$/i) {
         unless -f "$cpath./$fa_menu";
      system("cd $cpath;\"$editor\" ".
         "$fa_menu;cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/map*s*|^fa_maps$/i) {
      system("cd $cpath;\"$editor\" ".
         "$fa_maps;cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/^c$|^co$|^cod$|^code$|^fa_code$/i) {
         unless -f "$cpath./$fa_code";
      system("cd $cpath;\"$editor\" ".
         "$fa_code;cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/con*f*|^fa_conf$/i) {
      system("cd $cpath;\"$editor\" ".
         "$fa_conf;cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/f/) {
      system("cd $path;\"$editor\";cd \"$savdir\"");
   } elsif ($_[0]=~/t/) {
      system("cd ${tpath}Term;\"$editor\";cd \"$savdir\""); 
   } else {
      my $stderr='';my $stdout='';
      chdir $cpath;
      ($stdout,$stderr)=cmd("${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::lspath}ls -lR");
      die $stderr if $stderr;
      my @files=split "\n", $stdout;
      my @file=();my $dirr='';
      foreach my $file (@files) {
         next if $file=~/^\s*$/;
         next if unpack('a1',$file) eq 'd';
         next if $file=~/^total/;
         next if $file eq '.:';
         if (unpack('a2',$file) eq './') {
         next if $file=~/\/$/;
         next if $file eq 'README';
         push @file,$username.'/'.$dirr.'/'.$file;
      my %Menu_1=(

         Label   => 'Menu_1',
         Item_1  => {

            Text    => "]C[",
            Convey  => \@file,

         Select => 'One',
         Banner => "\n   Choose a File to Edit :"

      my $file=Menu(\%Menu_1);
      if ($file eq ']quit[') {
         print "\n";
      chdir '..';
      system("\"$editor\" $file");
      chdir $savdir;

my $today=unpack('x2a2',$invoked[7]);
my $curmonth=unpack('a2',$invoked[7]);
my $fullmonth=$month[$curmonth-1];
my $todays_date="$fullmonth $today, $curyear";
my $endyear=$curyear + 20;
my %mdates=();
my $lastday='';
my $showmins=sub { package showmins;
                   my $datechosen=']P[';
                   $datechosen=~s/^(?:Today|Tomorrow) - //;
                   $datechosen=~s/^[A-Za-z]+, //;
                   my @hrmn=();
                   if ($datechosen eq $todays_date) {
                      my $now=unpack('a2',(split ':',
                      foreach my $hr (@hours[$invoked[4]..23]) {
                         foreach my $mn ($now..59) {
                            if (length $mn==1) {
                            push @hrmn, unpack('a3',$hr).$mn.unpack('x5a2',$hr);
                         } $now=0;
                      } return @hrmn;
                   } else {
                      foreach my $hr (@hours[0..23]) {
                         foreach my $mn (0..59) {
                            if (length $mn==1) {
                            push @hrmn, unpack('a3',$hr).$mn.unpack('x5a2',$hr);
                      } return @hrmn;
my $hours=sub { package hours;
                my $date_chosen=']P[';
                $date_chosen=~s/^(?:Today|Tomorrow) - //;
                $date_chosen=~s/^[A-Za-z]+, //;
                if ($date_chosen eq $todays_date) {
                   my $in=$invoked[4]+1;
                   return (@hours[$in..23])
                } else { return @hours } };
my $cal_months=sub { package cal_months;
                     my $yr=']P[';
                     my @munths=();
                     my $cmonth=$curmonth-1;
                     if ($curyear==$yr) {
                        if ($curmonth==12) {
                        } else {
                     } else {
                     my @new=map { $_.' '.']P[' } @munths;
                     return @new };
my $currmonth=$curmonth;
foreach my $year ($curyear..$endyear) {
   my $cnt=0;
   if ($year ne $curyear) {
   } else {
   foreach my $mth ($currmonth..12) {
      my $d=localtime($lastday);
      my @d=split ' ',$d;
my $fulldays=sub { package fulldays;
                   my ($a,$b)=('','');
                   ($a,$b)=split / +/, ']P[';
                   my $c=pack('A9',$a);
                   my @n=();
                   my $s=1;
                   $s=$today if $b eq $curyear &&
                      -1<index $month[$curmonth-1],$a;
                   foreach my $d ($s..$mdates{$b}{$c}) {
                      $d='0'.$d if length $d==1;
                      push @n, $a.' '.$d.', '.$b;
                   return @n };

sub plan {

print "PLANCALLER=",caller,"\n";

   #my $bcmd="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::stringspath}strings ".
   #         "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::berklib ".
   #         "| ${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::greppath}grep Release";
   #my $bver=`$bcmd`;
   #$bver=~s/^.*?version \d+\.\d+\.(.*?)\.\d+:.*$/$1/s;

   my $track='';
   my %new_plan_options_menu=(

         Label  => 'new_plan_options_menu',
         Item_1 => {

             Text => 'Set Optional Maximum Number of Invocations',
         Item_2 => {

             Text => 'Set Optional Expiration Date and/or Time',

         Item_3 => {

             Text => 'Set Authorized Users of this Plan',



   my %select_min_for_invocation=(

      Label => 'select_min_for_invocation',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => $showmins,
         Result => sub{ return 'select_min_for_invocation '.
                   ']P[{one_time_launch} '.
                   ']S[ | ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}' }

      Banner=> "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                   POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
               "   Please Select a Job Invocation Time :",


   my %select_hour_for_invocation=(

      Label => 'select_hour_for_invocation',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "Show Minutes",
         Result => \%select_min_for_invocation,

      Item_2=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => $hours,
         Result => sub{ return 'select_hour_for_invocation '.
                   ']P[{one_time_launch} '.
                   ']S[ | ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}' }

      Banner=> "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                   POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
               "   Please Select a Job Invocation Time for\n\n   ]P[ :",


   my %select_cal_mins_for_plan=(

      Label => 'select_cal_mins_for_plan',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => $showmins,
         Result => sub{ return 'select_cal_mins_for_plan '.
                   ']|[ ]P[{select_cal_months_for_plan} '.
                   ']|[ ]P[{select_cal_days_for_plan} '.
                   ']|[ ]P[{select_cal_hours_for_plan} ]|[ '.
                   ']S[ ]|[ ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}' }

      Banner=> "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                   POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
               "   Please Select a Job Invocation Time :", 

   my %select_cal_hours_for_plan=(

      Label => 'select_cal_hours_for_plan',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "Show Minutes",
         Negate => [ 'Item_2' ],
         Result => \%select_cal_mins_for_plan,

      Item_2=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => $hours,
         Negate => [ 'Item_1' ],
         Result => sub{ return 'select_cal_hours_for_plan '.
                   ']|[ ]P[{select_cal_months_for_plan} '.
                   ']|[ ]P[{select_cal_days_for_plan} ]|[ '.
                   ']S[ ]|[ ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}' }

      Banner=> "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                   POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
               "   Please Select a Job Invocation Time :",


   my %select_cal_days_for_plan=(

      Label => 'select_cal_days_for_plan',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => $fulldays,
         Result => \%select_cal_hours_for_plan,

      Banner=> '   Please Select a Job cal_days Invocation Time :'

   my %select_cal_months_for_plan=(

      Label => 'select_cal_months_for_plan',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => $cal_months,
         Result => \%select_cal_days_for_plan,
      Banner=> '   Please Select a Month :'

   my %calendar_years_for_plan=(

      Label => 'calendar_years_for_plan',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => [$curyear..$endyear],
         Result => \%select_cal_months_for_plan,

      Banner=> '   Please Select a Year :'

   my %select_recurrent_minutes=(

      Label => 'select_recurrent_minutes',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "Minute  ]C[",
         #Convey => $showmins,
         Convey => [0..59],
         Result => sub{ return '][[ select_recurrent_minutes '.
                   ']|[ ]P[{select_recurrent_months} '.
                   ']|[ ]P[{select_recurrent_weekdays} '.
                   ']|[ ]P[{select_recurrent_days} '.
                   ']|[ ]P[{select_recurrent_hours} ]|[ '.
                   ']S[ ]|[ ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans} ]][' }

      Select=> "Many",
      Banner=> "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                   POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
               "   Select the --MINUTE(S)-- of the Day Where\n\n   ".
                   "Plan -  ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}".
                   "\n\n   Will be Run :",


   my %select_recurrent_hours=(

         Label  => 'select_recurrent_hours',
         #Item_1=> {

         #   Text => "Show Minutes",
         #   Negate => [ 'Item_2' ],
         #   Result => \%select_recurrent_minutes,

         Item_1 => {

              Text => 'Hour  ]C[',
              Convey => $hours,
              Result => \%select_recurrent_minutes,
              #Negate => [ 'Item_1' ],
              #Result => sub{ return 'select_recurrent_hours '.
              #          ']|[ ]P[{select_recurrent_months} '.
              #          ']|[ ]P[{select_recurrent_days} ]|[ '.
              #          ']S[ ]|[ ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}' }

         Select => 'Many',
         Banner => "   Select the --HOUR(S)-- of the Day Where\n\n   ".
                   "Plan -  ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}".
                   "\n\n   Will be Run :",


   my %select_recurrent_days=(

         Label  => 'select_recurrent_days',
         Item_1 => {

              Text => 'Day  ]C[',
              Convey => [1..31],
              Result => \%select_recurrent_hours,

         Select => 'Many',
         Banner => "   Select the --DAY(S)-- of the Month Where\n\n   ".
                   "Plan -  ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}".
                   "\n\n   Will be Run :",


   my %select_recurrent_weekdays=(

         Label  => 'select_recurrent_weekdays',
         Item_1 => {

              Text => ']C[',
              Convey => \@weekdays,
              Result => \%select_recurrent_days,

         Select => 'Many',
         Banner => "   Select the --WEEKDAY(S)-- Where\n\n   ".
                   "Plan -  ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}".
                   "\n\n   Will be Run :",


   my %select_recurrent_months=(

         Label  => 'select_recurrent_months',
         Item_1 => {

              Text => ']C[',
              Convey => \@month,
              Result => \%select_recurrent_weekdays,

         Select => 'Many',
         Banner => "   Select the --MONTH(S)-- where\n\n   ".
                   "Plan -  ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}".
                   "\n\n   Will be Run :",


   my %one_time_launch=(

         Label  => 'one_time_launch',
         Item_1 => {

              Text => 'FULL CALENDAR',
              Result => \%calendar_years_for_plan,

         Item_2 => {

              Text => "]C[", 
              Convey => sub { return 'Today - '.&get_today() },
              Result => \%select_hour_for_invocation,

         Item_3 => {

              Text => "]C[",
              Convey => sub { return 'Tomorrow - '.&get_tomorrow() },
              Result => \%select_hour_for_invocation,

         Banner => "   Select Invocation Time for\n\n   ".
                   "Plan -  ]P[{choose_from_fullauto_plans}",


   my %select_type_of_scheduled_plan=(

         Label  => 'select_type_of_scheduled_plan',
         Item_1 => {
              Text => 'This Plan will Launch Recurrently',
              Result => \%select_recurrent_months,

         Item_2 => {

              Text => 'This Plan will Launch One Time Only',
              Result => \%one_time_launch,

         Banner => "   Select Type of Scheduled Job for\n\n   Plan -  ]P["


   my %choose_from_fullauto_plans=(

         Label  => 'choose_from_fullauto_plans',
         Item_1 => {

              Text => "]C[",
              Convey => sub { return @{&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getplans()} },
              Result => \%select_type_of_scheduled_plan,

         Banner => "   Select a Plan to Schedule:",
   my %setup_new_sched_job_menu=(

         Label  => 'setup_new_sched_job_menu',
         Item_1 => {

              Text => 'Choose a FullAuto Plan to Schedule',
              Result => \%choose_from_fullauto_plans,

         Item_2 => {

              Text => 'Choose a FullAuto Custom Code Block to Schedule',

         Item_3 => {

              Text => 'Set up a Non-FullAuto Task to Schedule',

         Banner => '   Select a Task to Perform',


   my %plan_menu=(

         Label  => 'plan_menu',
         Item_1 => {

             Text => 'Accept Defaults and Create New Plan',
             #Result => sub { return '' },

         Item_2 => {

             Text => 'Set Options for New Plan',
             Result => \%new_plan_options_menu,

         Item_3 => {

             Text => 'Set Up a New Scheduled Job',
             Result => \%setup_new_sched_job_menu,

         Item_4 => {

             Text => 'Work with Existing Plans',

         Item_5 => {

             Text => 'Work with Existing Scheduled Jobs',


         Banner => "                 FullAuto Job Planning Menu\n\n".
                   "    \"Always plan ahead. It wasn\'t raining when Noah\n".
                   "     built the ark.\" -  Richard C. Cushing\n\n".
                   "    Plan:  Indicated by a Plan Number, A FullAuto \"Plan\"\n".
                   "           is a Complete Job Definition composed of recorded\n".
                   "           User interaction Menu choices and Input. FullAuto\n".
                   "           \"Plans\" allow otherwise manual/interactive processes\n".
                   "           to be run unattended when FullAuto is started with\n".
                   "           the --cron or --unattended or --fullauto options.\n\n".
                   "    Job:   A FullAuto \"Scheduled Job\" is a fully unattended\n".
                   "           invocation of a pre-created \"Plan\". Not all Plans\n".
                   "           are \"Scheduled Jobs\", but all \"Scheduled Jobs\" are\n".
                   "           directed by a \"Plan\". FullAuto uses external cron\n".
                   "           for it's scheduling engine.",


   my $output=&Menu(\%plan_menu);
   &cleanup() if $output=~/\]quit\[/i;

#print "WHAT IS OUTPUTFRESH=$output\n";
my $outp=join ' ', @{$output} if ref $output eq 'ARRAY';

print "OUTPUT=$outp\n" if defined $outp && $outp;

   if ($output ne ']quit[') {
      unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Plans') {
      my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
         -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Plans',
      ) or &handle_error(
        "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
      my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename => "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}_plans.db",
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
         -Compare  => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
         -Env      => $dbenv
      ) or &handle_error(
        "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
      my $new_plan_number=0;
      my ($k,$v) = ('','') ;
      if ($output eq 'Accept Defaults and Create New Plan') {
         my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
         my $status=$cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_LAST);
         undef $cursor;
         my $plann={ 'Number' =>$new_plan_number,
                     'Host'   =>$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::local_hostname,
                     'Plan'   =>[] };
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         return $plann;
      } elsif ($output eq 'Work with Existing Plans') {
         my $plans=getplans($bdb);
         if (-1<$#{$plans}) {
            my %existing=(

                  Label => 'existing',
                  Item_1=> {
                     Text => "]C[",
                     Convey => $plans

                  Banner=> '   Select a Plan to work with:'
            my $outp=Menu(\%existing);
            undef $bdb;
            undef $dbenv;
            undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan;
         } else {
            print "\n\n   ########################### NOTE ".
                  "   *NO* Plans have been \"made\" with ".
                  "this FullAuto installation.\n\n";
      } elsif (ref $output eq 'ARRAY' && $output->[0]
                  eq 'select_recurrent_minutes') {
         my ($monthstring,$weekdaysstring,$daystring,
         if (ref $output->[1] eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($#{$output->[1]}==11) {
            } elsif ($#{$output->[1]}==0) {
            } else {
               my $cnt=$monthconv{${$output->[1]}[0]};
               my $save_start=$cnt;
               foreach my $month (@{$output->[1]}) {
                  unless ($cnt++==$monthconv{$month}) {
               if (-1<$save_start) {
               } else {
                  chop $monthstring;
         } else {
         if (ref $output->[2] eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($#{$output->[2]}==6) {
            } elsif ($#{$output->[2]}==0) {
            } else {
               my $cnt=$weekdaysconv{${$output->[2]}[0]};
               my $save_start=$cnt;
               foreach my $weekday (@{$output->[2]}) {
                  unless ($cnt++==$weekdaysconv{$weekday}) {
               if (-1<$save_start) {
               } else {
                  chop $weekdaysstring;
         } else {
         if (ref $output->[3] eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($#{$output->[3]}==30) {
            } elsif ($#{$output->[3]}==0) {
               $daystring=unpack('x5 a*',${$output->[3]}[0]);
            } else {
               my $cnt=unpack('x5 a*',${$output->[3]}[0]);
               my $save_start=$cnt;
               foreach my $day (@{$output->[3]}) {
                  $day=unpack('x5 a*',$day);
                  unless ($cnt++==$day) {
               if (-1<$save_start) {
               } else {
                  chop $daystring;
         } else {
            $daystring=unpack('x5 a*',{$output->[3]});
         if (ref $output->[4] eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($#{$output->[4]}==23) {
            } elsif ($#{$output->[4]}==0) {
            } else {
               my $cnt=$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',${$output->[4]}[0])};
               my $save_start=$cnt;
               foreach my $hour (@{$output->[4]}) {
                  unless ($cnt++==$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$hour)}) {
                  $hourstring.=$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$hour)}.',';
               if (-1<$save_start) {
                     $hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',${$output->[4]}
               } else {
                  chop $hourstring;
         } else {
            $hourstring=$hourconv{unpack('x6 a*',$output->[4])};
         if (ref $output->[5] eq 'ARRAY') {
            if ($#{$output->[5]}==59) {
            } elsif ($#{$output->[5]}==0) {
               $minstring=unpack('x8 a*',${$output->[5]}[0]);
            } else {
               my $cnt=unpack('x8 a*',${$output->[5]}[0]);
               my $save_start=$cnt;
               foreach my $minute (@{$output->[5]}) {
                  $minute=unpack('x8 a*',$minute);
                  unless ($cnt++==$minute) {
               if (-1<$save_start) {
               } else {
                  chop $minstring;
         } else {
            $minstring=unpack('x8 a*',$output->[5]);
         my $planstring=$output->[6];
         my $cronstring=$minstring.' '.$hourstring.' '.$daystring.' '.
               $monthstring.' '.$weekdaysstring;
         print "CRONSTRING=$cronstring\n";
         our $crontabpath='';
         if (-e '/usr/bin/crontab') {
         } elsif (-e '/bin/crontab') {
         } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/crontab') {
         my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
         ($stdout,$stderr)=cmd("${crontabpath}crontab -l");
#print "WAHT IS CRONTABSTDOUT=$stdout\n";
         unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Jobs') {
         my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
            -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Jobs',
            -Flags =>
         ) or &handle_error(
           "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
         my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
            -Filename => "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}_jobs.db",
            -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
            -Compare  => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
            -Env      => $dbenv
         ) or &handle_error(
            "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
         if ($stderr && -1<index $stderr,'no crontab') {
            $planstring=~tr/ //s;
            my $plnn=$planstring;
            my $dig=sha256_hex("$cronstring /usr/local/bin/fa --login ".
                               "$username --password --plan $plnn");
               "printf \"# FullAuto Plan $planstring \]|\[ $dig\012".
               "$cronstring /usr/local/bin/fa --login $username ".
               "--password --plan $plnn\012\"".'| crontab -'); 
         } elsif ($stdout=~/^\s*[^#].*$/m) {
            my $line='';
            foreach my $line (split "\n", $stdout) {
               if ($line=~/^\s*[#]/) {
                  next if (-1<index $line,'# DO NOT EDIT T');
                  next if $line=~/^# \(.* installed on /;
                  next if (-1<index $line,'# (Cron version');
                  print "COMMENTED LINE=$line\n";
                  my @plancom=split ' ',$line;
                  my $plnum='';my $chksum='';
print "WHAT IS THIS=$plancom[$#plancom-2]\n";
                  if ($plancom[$#plancom-1] eq ']|[') {
print "PLAN=$plnum and CHKSUM=$chksum\n";
               } else {
                  print "UNCOMMENTED LINE=$line<==\n";
                  my $tesline=sha256_hex($line);
                  print "TESTLINE=$tesline<==\n";
#print "LINE=$line\n";
            print "WE GOT CRON CONTENTS=$stdout<==\n";
print "STDOUTCRONT=$stdout<==\n";
print "STDERRCRONT=$stderr<==\n";

      undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan;
   } else {
      undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan;


sub persist_get {

   my $track='';
   my $key=$_[0]||'';
   &handle_error("Missing Arguements: ".
      unless $key;
   unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Persist') {
   my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
      -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Persist',
   ) or &handle_error(
     "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
   my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
      -Filename => "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}_persist.db",
      -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
      -Env      => $dbenv
   ) or &handle_error(
     "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
   $key.=join '&', caller;
   my $value='';
   my $status=$bdb->db_get($key,$value);
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return ($value,$key,$status);


sub persist_put {

   my $key=$_[0]||'';
   my $value=$_[1]||'';
   &handle_error("Missing Arguements: ".
      unless $key && $value;
   my $track='';
   unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Persist') {
   my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
      -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Persist',
   ) or &handle_error(
     "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
   my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
      -Filename => "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}_persist.db",
      -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
      -Env      => $dbenv
   ) or &handle_error(
     "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
   my $status=$bdb->db_put($key,$value);
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return $status;


sub openplandb {
print "openplandb CALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my $track='';
   unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Plans') {
   my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
      -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Plans',
   ) or &handle_error(
     "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
   my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
      -Filename => "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}_plans.db",
      -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
      -Compare  => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
      -Env      => $dbenv
   ) or &handle_error(
     "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
   return $bdb;

sub getplans {

   my $bdb=openplandb;
   my $cursor=$bdb->db_cursor();
   my @plans=();
   my ($k,$v)=('','');
   while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
      my $planhash=eval $v;
      push @plans, pack('A10',$k).$planhash->{'Title'};
   undef $cursor;
   return \@plans;

sub sysreadline(*;$) {
   my($handle, $timeout) = @_;
   $handle = qualify_to_ref($handle, caller());
   my $infinitely_patient = (@_ == 1 || $timeout < 0);
   my $start_time = time();
   my $selector = IO::Select->new();
   my $line = '';
   until (at_eol($line)) {
      unless ($infinitely_patient) {
         return $line if time() > ($start_time + $timeout);
      #sleep only 1 second before checking again
      next SLEEP unless $selector->can_read(1.0);
      while ($selector->can_read(0.0)) {
         my $was_blocking = $handle->blocking(0);
CHAR:    while (sysread($handle, my $nextbyte, 1)) {
            $line .= $nextbyte;
            last CHAR if $nextbyte eq "\n"; 
         # if incomplete line, keep trying
         next SLEEP unless at_eol($line);
         last INPUT_READY;
   return $line;
} sub at_eol($) { $_[0] =~ /\n\z/ }

sub acquire_semaphore
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "acquire_semaphore() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "acquire_semaphore() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $sem='';
   my $IPC_KEY=(defined $_[0] && $_[0])?$_[0]:'1234';
   my $process_description=$_[1]||'';
   my $semaphorecount=$_[2];
   my $semaphore_count;
   $semaphore_count=(defined $semaphorecount && 0<$semaphorecount) ? 
                    $semaphorecount : 1;
   &handle_error(("IPC Semaphore FATAL ERROR:\n\n"
      ."    semaphore count argument must greater than zero\n\n"
      ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__')
      if $semaphore_count<1;
   my $semaphore_timeout=$_[3]||180;
   if (0) {
   #if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
      # try to open a semaphore
      my $sem=Win32::Semaphore->open($IPC_KEY);
      if (defined $sem && $sem) {
         # wait for semaphore to be zero
         my $previous='';
         if ($semaphore_count<2) {
            if ($process_description
                  && ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet)) {
                  "\n\n  Status:  Waiting for lock release. Another FullAuto",
                  "\n           process has a lock on ",$process_description,
                  "\n           . . .\n\n";
            eval {
               $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
               my $stim=$semaphore_timeout * 1000;
               sleep 2;
            if ($@) {
               &handle_error(("Win32 Semaphore Timed Out:\n\n"
                  ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');
         } elsif (!$sem->release(1,$previous)) {
            &handle_error(("FATAL ERROR: Maximum Number of FullAuto Processes"
                  ." Exists:\n\n"
                  ."          Maximum Number => $semaphore_count\n\n"
                  ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');

      # create a semaphore
      --$semaphore_count if 1<$semaphore_count;
         || &handle_error(("Could not create Win32 Semaphore: $!\n\n"
                 ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');
   } else {
      # create a semaphore
      unless ($IPC_KEY=~/^\d+$/) {
      $sem = IPC::Semaphore->new($IPC_KEY,$semaphore_count,&S_IRWXU);
      if (defined $sem && $sem) {
         if ($semaphore_count<2) {
            if ($process_description
                  && ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet)) {
                  "\n\n  Status:  Waiting for lock release. Another FullAuto",
                  "\n           process has a lock on ",$process_description,
                  "\n           . . .\n",
                  "\n  (Hint: If lock fails to release in a reasonable",
                  "\n         time period, use command line tools 'ipcs'",
                  "\n         and 'ipcrm' to investigate and resolve, or",
                  "\n         simply restart the host computer)\n";
            eval {
               $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
               # Decrement the semaphore count by 1
               my $success=
                  # blocks if semaphore is zero
               my $result = int $!; # capture the value of errno
               if (!$success && $result == &EINTR) {
                  die $result;
               sleep 2;
            if ($@) {
               &handle_error(("IPC Semaphore Timed Out:\n\n"
                  ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');
         } else {
            my $value=$sem->getval(0); 
            if ($semaphore_count<=$value) {
               # semaphore was zero, no slots available
                  ("FATAL ERROR: Maximum Number of FullAuto Processes"
                  ." Exists:\n\n"
                  ."          Maximum Number => $semaphore_count: $!\n\n"
                  ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');
            } else {
      } else {
         # create a semaphore
            || &handle_error(("Could not create IPC Semaphore\n\n"
            ."    Called by " . join ' ', @topcaller),'__cleanup__');
         $sem->op(0,1,&SEM_UNDO) if 1<$semaphore_count;
   return $sem


sub test_semaphore
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "test_semaphore() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "test_semaphore() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $IPC_KEY=$_[0];

   my $opstring='';
   my $opstring1='';
   my $opstring2='';
   my $semnum=0;
   my $semop=0;
   my $semflag=0;
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {

      # try to open a semaphore
      if (Win32::Semaphore->open($IPC_KEY)) {
         return 1;
      } else {
         return 0;

   } elsif (0) {



sub release_semaphore

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "release_semaphore() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "release_semaphore() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $IPC_KEY=$_[0]||0;
   my $semaphore_timeout=$_[1]||180;
   if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$IPC_KEY}) {
      if (0) {
      #if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {

         # Increment the semaphore count by 1
         # Destroy the semaphore

         my $previous='';
         delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$IPC_KEY};

         # once past this point, any process waiting can proceed

      } else {

         # Increment the semaphore count by 1

         delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$IPC_KEY};

         # once past this point, any process waiting can proceed


sub kill
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::kill() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::kill() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $pid=$_[0];my $arg=$_[1]||'';my $cmd=[];
   my $stdout='';my $ignore='';
   my $killpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::killpath;
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'kill'}) {
      $killpath.='/' if $killpath!~/\/$/;
   my $bashpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bashpath;
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'bash'}) {
      $bashpath.='/' if $bashpath!~/\/$/;
   my $sedpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sedpath;
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'sed'}) {
      $sedpath.='/' if $sedpath!~/\/$/;
   if ($pid) {
      if ($arg) {
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            $cmd=[ "${killpath}kill -$arg $pid" ]
         } else {
            $cmd=[ "${bashpath}bash",'-c',
                   "\"${killpath}kill -$arg $pid\" 2>&1" ]
      } else {
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            $cmd=[ "${killpath}kill $pid" ]
         } else {
            $cmd=[ "${bashpath}bash",'-c',
                   "\"${killpath}kill $pid\" 2>&1" ]
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "BEFOREKILL -> ",join ' ',@{$cmd},"\n"
      if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $mystdout='';
   IO::CaptureOutput::capture sub {
           }, \$mystdout;
   if (wantarray) {
      return $stdout,'';
   } else { return $stdout }

sub testpid
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::testpid() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::testpid() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $pid=$_[0];
   if (!$pid) {
      if (wantarray) {
         return 0,'';
      } else { return 0 }
   my $killpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::killpath;
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'kill'}) {
      $killpath.='/' if $killpath!~/\/$/;
   my $bashpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bashpath;
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'bash'}) {
      $bashpath.='/' if $bashpath!~/\/$/;
   my $sedpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sedpath;
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'sed'}) {
      $sedpath.='/' if $sedpath!~/\/$/;
   my $cmd=[ "${bashpath}bash",'-c',
             "if ${killpath}kill -0 $pid"
             ." \012then echo 1\012else echo 0\012fi"
             ." | ${sedpath}sed -e \'s/^/stdout: /' 2>&1" ];
   my $mystdout='';my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
   IO::CaptureOutput::capture sub {
           }, \$mystdout;
   chomp $mystdout;
   if ($mystdout=~s/^stdout: ?//) {
   } elsif ($mystdout) {
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nppppppp &main::testpid() ppppppp STDOUT ",
      "==>$stdout<== and STDERR ==>$stderr<==",
      "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   print "\nppppppp &main::testpid() ppppppp STDOUT ",
      "==>$stdout<== and STDERR ==>$stderr<==",
      "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   if (wantarray) {
      return $stdout, $stderr;
   } elsif ($stdout) {
      return $stdout;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else { return $stdout }

sub get_master_info

   my $Local_HostName='';my $Local_FullHostName='';
   my $Local_IP_Address={};
   $Local_HostName=&Sys::Hostname::hostname if !$Local_HostName;
   my $addr='';
   if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
      if ($Local_HostName!~/^localhost\.local/) {
         $addr=gethostbyname($Local_HostName) ||
             "Couldn't Resolve Local Hostname $Local_HostName : ");
         my $gip=sprintf "%vd", $addr;
# --CONTINUE-- print "WHAT IS GIP=$gip<==\n";
         $Local_FullHostName=gethostbyaddr($addr,AF_INET) ||
            "Couldn't Re-Resolve Local Hostname $Local_HostName : ");
      } else {
         my $gip='';
   } else {
      #my $route=cmd('cmd /c route print',3);
      my $route=cmd('route print',3);
      my $getip=0;
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $route) {
         if (!$getip) {
            if (-1<index $line, 'Metric') {
            } else { next }
         } else {
            my $gip=(split ' ', $line)[3];
            next if !$gip;
            next if -1==index $gip,'.';
            next if $gip=~/\d+\.0\.0\.1/;
   $Local_FullHostName=$Local_HostName if !$Local_FullHostName;

   return $Local_HostName,$Local_FullHostName,$Local_IP_Address;


sub check_Hosts

   our ($Local_HostName,$Local_FullHostName,$Local_IP_Address)=
   my $chk_hostname='';my $chk_ip='';my $trandir_flag='';
   my $name=substr($_[0],0,-3);
   my @Hosts=();
      no warnings;
      @Hosts=eval "\@${name}::Hosts";
   my @Cycle=@Hosts;
   my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
   HOST: foreach my $h (@Cycle) {
      my $host=$h;
      my $hostn='';my $ipn='';my $lh_key=0;
      foreach my $keee (keys %{$host}) {
         my $ke=$keee;
         if (lc($ke) eq 'label' && lc($host->{$ke}) eq 'localhost') {
         } elsif (lc($ke) eq 'hostname') {
         } elsif (lc($ke) eq 'ip') {
      if ($hostn eq lc($Local_FullHostName)) {
      } elsif ($hostn eq lc($Local_HostName)) {
      } elsif (exists $Local_IP_Address->{$ipn}) {
      } elsif ($lh_key) {
      } else { next }
      if ($chk_hostname || $chk_ip || $lh_key==1) {
         my $hash="\'Label\'=>\'__Master_${$}__\'\,";
         foreach my $key (keys %{$host}) {
            if (lc($key) eq 'sshport') {
               next HOST;
            } elsif (lc($key) eq 'label') {
               if (lc($host->{$key}) eq 'localhost') {
                  foreach my $kee (keys %{$host}) {
                     if (lc($kee) eq 'label') {
                     } elsif ((lc(unpack('a1',$kee)) eq 's') &&
                           (lc($kee) eq 'su' || lc($kee) eq 'su_id' ||
                           lc($kee) eq 'suloginid' || lc($kee) eq 'suid' ||
                           lc($kee) eq 'sulogin')) {
                        if ($host->{$kee}) {
                        } else {
                        } next;
                     } elsif (lc($kee) eq 'hostname' && !$chk_hostname) {
                        if (defined $Local_HostName) {
                        } elsif (defined $Local_FullHostName) {
                        } next;
                     } elsif (lc($kee) eq 'ip' && !$chk_hostname && keys
                              %{$Local_IP_Address}) {
                                  (keys %{$Local_IP_Address})[0]."\'\,";
                     } else {
                  my $li_flag=0;my $hn_flag=0;my $ip_flag=0;
                  foreach my $ky (eval "\{ $hash \}") {
                     if (lc($ky) eq 'loginid' || lc($ky) eq 'login') {
                     } elsif (lc($ky) eq 'hostname') {
                     } elsif (lc($ky) eq 'ip') {
                  $hash.="\'LoginID'=>\'".$username."\'\," unless $li_flag;
                  unless ($hn_flag) {
                     if (defined $Local_HostName) {
                     } elsif (defined $Local_FullHostName) {
                  unless ($ip_flag) {
                     if (keys %{$Local_IP_Address}) {
                                 (keys %{$Local_IP_Address})[0]."\'\,";
                  my $has=eval "\{ $hash \}";
                  unshift @Hosts, $has;
                  next HOST;
               } else {
            } elsif ((lc(unpack('a1',$key)) eq 's') && (lc($key) eq 'su' ||
                  lc($key) eq 'su_id' || lc($key) eq 'suloginid'
                  || lc($key) eq 'suid' || lc($key) eq 'sulogin')) {
               next if $host->{'Label'} eq 'localhost';
               next HOST;
            } elsif ((lc(unpack('a1',$key)) eq 'l') && (lc($key) eq 'loginid'
                  || lc($key) eq 'login') && $host->{$key} eq $username) {
            } elsif ($key eq 'SMB_Proxy'
                  || $key eq 'RCM_Proxy'
                  || $key eq 'FTM_Proxy') {
            } elsif (lc($key) eq 'hostName' && !$chk_hostname) {
               if (defined $Local_HostName) {
               } elsif (defined $Local_FullHostName) {
               } next;
            } elsif (lc($key) eq 'ip' && !$chk_hostname && keys
                     %{$Local_IP_Address}) {
               $hash.="\'IP'=>\'".(keys %{$Local_IP_Address})[0]."\'\,";
            } elsif (lc($key) eq 'transferdir') {
               next HOST;
         } $hash.="\'Uname'=>\'".(uname)[0]."\'\,";
         unshift @Hosts, eval "\{ $hash \}";last;
   if (!$chk_hostname && !$chk_ip) {
      my $hostn='';my $ip='';
      if ($Local_FullHostName) {
      } elsif ($Local_HostName) {
      if (keys %{$Local_IP_Address}) {
         $ip="'IP'=>\'".(keys %{$Local_IP_Address})[0]."\',";
      my $label="\'Label\'=>\'__Master_${$}__\',";
      my $uname="'Uname'=>'".(uname)[0]."',";
      my $local="'Local'=>'connect_ssh_telnet',";
      my $remote="'Remote'=>'connect_host',";
      unshift @Hosts,
          eval "\{ $ip$hostn$label$uname$local$remote \}";
   } return \@Hosts;


$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'}=&Sys::Hostname::hostname if
   !exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'};
$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IP'}='' if
   !exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'IP'};
if (!exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}) {
} else {
   eval "require " . $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'};
   &handle_error($@) if $@;

#sub check_Maps
#   foreach my $map (@fa_maps::Maps) {
#      my $RCM_map=(exists ${$map}{'RCM'})?lc(${$map}{'RCM'}):'';
#      my $FCM_map=(exists ${$map}{'FCM'})?${$map}{'FCM'}:'';
#   }
#   unshift @fa_maps::Maps, eval "\{ $map \}";last;
#   unshift @fa_maps::Maps, eval "\{ $map \}";last;

my %msproxies=();my %uxproxies=();my %labels=();
my %DeploySMB_Proxy=();my %DeployFTM_Proxy=();
my %DeployRCM_Proxy=();my $msflag='';my $uxflag='';
foreach my $host (@Hosts) {
   if (exists $labels{$host->{'Label'}} && 
         ($host->{'Label'} ne "__Master_${$}__")) {
      &handle_error("DUPLICATE LABEL DETECTED - $host->{'Label'}");
   } $labels{${$host}{'Label'}}='' if $host->{'Label'};
   if (exists ${$host}{'SMB_Proxy'}) {
      if (exists $msproxies{${$host}{'SMB_Proxy'}} &&
            ${$msproxies{${$host}{'SMB_Proxy'}}}[0] eq ${$host}{'SMB_Proxy'}
            && ${$msproxies{${$host}{'SMB_Proxy'}}}[1] eq 'SMB_Proxy') {
         my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - Duplicate \"'SMB_Proxy' =>"
                ." \" Values Detected.\n\n       Hint:  No Host "
                ."Unit in $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host should have"
                ."\n              "
                ."the same value for 'SMB_Proxy' =>\n\n       {\n"
                ."          ...\n\n          'SMB_Proxy' => 1,"
                ."\n          ...\n       },\n       {\n          "
                ."...\n\n          'SMB_Proxy' => 2,\n          ..."
                ."\n       },\n";
      } else {
   if (exists ${$host}{'RCM_Proxy'}) {
      if (exists $uxproxies{${$host}{'RCM_Proxy'}} &&
            ${$uxproxies{${$host}{'RCM_Proxy'}}}[0] eq ${$host}{'RCM_Proxy'}
            && ${$uxproxies{${$host}{'RCM_Proxy'}}}[1] eq 'RCM_Proxy') {
         &handle_error("DUPLICATE \"RCM_Proxy\" HOSTUNIT DETECTED");
      } else {
   if (exists ${$host}{'FTM_Proxy'}) {
     if (exists $uxproxies{${$host}{'FTM_Proxy'}} &&
              eq ${$host}{'FTM_Proxy'}
           && ${$uxproxies{${$host}{'FTM_Proxy'}}}[1] eq 'FTM_Proxy') {
         &handle_error("DUPLICATE \"RCM_Proxy\" HOSTUNIT DETECTED");
      } else {
   foreach my $key (keys %{$host}) {
      if ($key eq 'SMB_Proxy') {
         if (exists $same_host_as_Master{${$host}{'Label'}}) {
            if (${$host}{'SMB_Proxy'}=~/^(\d+)$/) {
            } else { push @DeploySMB_Proxy, "__Master_${$}__" }
         } elsif (&ping(${$host}{'IP'},'__return__') ||
                  &ping(${$host}{'HostName'},'__return__')) {
            if (${$host}{'SMB_Proxy'}=~/^(\d+)$/) {
            } else { push @DeploySMB_Proxy, ${$host}{'Label'} }
      if ($key eq 'RCM_Proxy') {
         if (exists $same_host_as_Master{${$host}{'Label'}}) {
            if (exists ${$host}{'RCM_Proxy'} &&
                  ${$host}{'RCM_Proxy'}=~/^(\d+)$/) {
            } else { push @DeployRCM_Proxy, "__Master_${$}__" }
         } elsif ((exists ${$host}{'IP'} &&
                  &ping(${$host}{'IP'},'__return__')) ||
                  (exists ${$host}{'HostName'} &&
                  &ping(${$host}{'HostName'},'__return__'))) {
            if (exists ${$host}{'RCM_Proxy'} &&
                  ${$host}{'RCM_Proxy'}=~/^(\d+)$/) {
            } else { push @DeployRCM_Proxy, ${$host}{'Label'} }
      if ($key eq 'FTM_Proxy') {
         if (exists $same_host_as_Master{${$host}{'Label'}}) {
            if (${$host}{'FTM_Proxy'}=~/^(\d+)$/) {
            } else { push @DeployFTM_Proxy, "__Master_${$}__" }
         } elsif (&ping(${$host}{'IP'},'__return__') ||
                  &ping(${$host}{'HostName'},'__return__')) {
            if (${$host}{'FTM_Proxy'}=~/^(\d+)$/) {
            } else { push @DeployFTM_Proxy, ${$host}{'Label'} }

if (keys %DeploySMB_Proxy) {
   foreach my $key (reverse sort keys %DeploySMB_Proxy) {
      unshift @DeploySMB_Proxy, $DeploySMB_Proxy{$key};
if (keys %DeployRCM_Proxy) {
   foreach my $key (reverse sort keys %DeployRCM_Proxy) {
      unshift @DeployRCM_Proxy, $DeployRCM_Proxy{$key};
if (keys %DeployFTM_Proxy) {
   foreach my $key (reverse sort keys %DeployFTM_Proxy) {
      unshift @DeployFTM_Proxy, $DeployFTM_Proxy{$key};

#my $ps__=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'ps':$pspath.'ps';
my $ps_stdout=&cmd($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pspath.'ps');

sub get_all_hosts
   return keys %Hosts;

sub connect_sftp
   push @_, '__sftp__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_ftp
   push @_, '__ftp__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_ftp_sftp
   push @_, '__ftp_sftp__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_sftp_ftp
   push @_, '__sftp_ftp__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_ssh
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_ssh() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "connect_ssh() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   push @_, '__ssh__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      return $handle;

sub connect_ssh_telnet
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_ssh-telnet() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "connect_ssh-telnet() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   push @_, '__ssh_telnet__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n";
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n";
      return $handle;

sub connect_telnet_ssh
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_ssh-telnet() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "connect_ssh-telnet() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   push @_, '__telnet_ssh__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n";
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n";
      return $handle;

sub connect_secure
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_secure() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "connect_ssh() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   push @_, '__secure__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n"
if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n"
if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      return $handle;

sub connect_insecure
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "connect_insecure() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "connect_insecure() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   push @_, '__insecure__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE1\n";
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNINGSSH_HANDLE2\n";
      return $handle;

sub connect_telnet
   push @_, '__telnet__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_reverse
   push @_, '__reverse__';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_cmd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::connect_cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::connect_cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my ($handle,$stderr)=('','');
   if (wantarray) {
      return $handle,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else {
      return $handle;

sub connect_host
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::connect_host() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::connect_host() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $caller=(caller(1))[3];
   substr($caller,0,(index $caller,'::')+2)='';
   my $sub='';my $_connect='connect_host';
   if ((-1<index $caller,'connect_ftp')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_telnet')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_ssh')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_sftp')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_secure')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_insecure')
         || (-1<index $caller,'connect_reverse')) {
      $_connect=(split '::', $caller)[2];
      ($caller,$sub)=split '::', (caller(2))[3];
   } else {
      my @called=caller(2);
      #if ((-1<index $caller,'mirror') || (-1<index $caller,'login_retry')
      #      || (-1<index $caller,'connect_cmd')) {
      if ((-1<index $caller,'mirror') || (-1<index $caller,'login_retry')) {
      } else {
         $caller=(caller(0))[0] if $caller=~/[(]eval[)]/;
      } $sub=~s/\s*\;\n*//
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (defined $_[1] && $_[1]=~/^[1-9]+/) {
   } elsif ((-1==index $caller,'mirror') &&
         (-1==index $caller,'login_retry')) {
      my $time_out='$' . (caller)[0] . '::timeout';
      $time_out= eval $time_out;
      if ($@ || $time_out!~/^[1-9]+/) {
      } else { $timeout=$time_out }
   } else { $timeout=30 }
   if (defined $_[2] && lc($_[2]) ne '__telnet__' && lc($_[2]) ne '__ftp__') {
   } else {
      my $tst='$' . (caller)[0] . '::test';
      $tst= eval $tst;
      if ($@ || $tst!~/^[1-9]+/) {
      } else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test=$tst }
   unless (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}) {
      my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - The First Argument to "
             ."&connect_host()\n              ->  \"$hostlabel"
             ."\"\n              Called from the User Defined "
             ."Subroutine\n              -> \&$sub\n       "
             ."       in the \"Custom Code\" module file"
             ."\n              ->   $caller   is NOT a\n"
             ."              Valid Host Label\n\n"
             ."              Be sure there is Valid Host "
             ."Block\n              Entry in the Hosts file\n"
             ."              ->   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host .\n\n";
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
          -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                   || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                   && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
   my $new_handle='';my $stderr='';
   if ($_connect eq 'connect_ssh'
         || $_connect eq 'connect_telnet') {
      ($new_handle,$stderr)=new Rem_Command($hostlabel,
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "connect_host()1 STDERRFOR1011=$stderr<==\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   } else {
      ($new_handle,$stderr)=new File_Transfer($hostlabel,
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "connect_host()2 STDERRFOR1011=$stderr<==\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNING1\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      return $new_handle,$stderr;
   } elsif (!$stderr) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "RETURNING2\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      return $new_handle;
   } else {
     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DIEINGNOWHERE\n"
        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';


sub memnow
   my $stdout='';my $stderr='';my $all=0;
   $all=1 if $_[0] && grep { /__all__/i } @_;
   if ($_[0] && ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            $_[0],"cat /proc/meminfo");
            $stderr,'__cleanup__') if $stderr
            && !wantarray
   } else {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         ($stdout,$stderr)=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cmd("cat /proc/meminfo");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'__cleanup__') if $stderr
            && !wantarray
   if (!$all && $^O eq 'cygwin') {
      my $cnt=0;
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $stdout) {
         next if !$cnt++;
         $stdout=substr($line,(rindex $line,' ')+1,-1);
   if (wantarray) {
      return $stdout, $stderr;
   } else {
      return $stdout;

sub handle_error
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "FA_Core::handle_error() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FA_Core::handle_error() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
#$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=0 if $logreset;
   my $return=0;
   my $line_adjust=0;my $warn=0;
   my $error=$_[0];my $track='';
   my $cleanup=0;
   my $mail='';my $new_invoked='';
   if (defined $_[1] && $_[1]) {
      if (ref $_[1] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[1] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[1] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[1] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[1] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[1]=~/^\s*-(\d+)\s*$/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG1 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[1]<==\n";
   if (defined $_[2] && $_[2]) {
      if (ref $_[2] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[2] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[2] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[2] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[2] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[2]=~/^\s*-(\d+)\s*/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG2 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[2]<==\n";
   if (defined $_[3] && $_[3]) {
      if (ref $_[3] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[3] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[3] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[3] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[3] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[3]=~/^-(\d+)/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG3 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[3]<==\n";
   if (defined $_[4] && $_[4]) {
      if (ref $_[4] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[4] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[4] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[4] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[4] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[4]=~/^\s*-(\d+)\s*/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG4 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[4]<==\n";
   if (defined $_[5] && $_[5]) {
      if (ref $_[5] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[5] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[5] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[5] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[5] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[5]=~/^\s*-(\d+)\s*/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG5 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[5]<==\n";
   if (defined $_[6] && $_[6]) {
      if (ref $_[6] eq 'HASH') {
      } elsif (ref $_[6] eq 'ARRAY') {
      } else {
         if ($_[6] eq '__cleanup__') {
         } elsif ($_[6] eq '__return__') {
         } elsif ($_[6] eq '__warn__') {
         } elsif ($_[6]=~/^\s*-(\d+)\s*/) {
         } else {
            print "ARG6 is NOT recognized\n==>$_[6]<==\n";
   } my $line='';
   if ($line_adjust) {
      if (unpack('a1',$line_adjust) eq '-') {
         $line_adjust=unpack('x1 a*',$line_adjust);
      } else {
   } else { $line=$topcaller[2] }
   my $tie_err='';my $trackdb='';my $hostlabel='';
   my $command='';my $suberr='';
   if ($track) {
      $suberr=${$track}[3] if defined ${$track}[3] && ${$track}[3];
      unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}."Track") {
      my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
           -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Track',
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
      my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
           -Filename => "${trackdb}.db",
           -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
           -Compare    => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
           -Env      => $dbenv
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
      my $tref='';
      my $status=$bdb->db_get($invoked[2],$tref);
      $tref=eval $tref;
      if (!$status && exists ${$tref}{"${hostlabel}_$command"}
            && ${$tref}{"${hostlabel}_$command"}
            eq $error) {
         # loop the contents of the file
         my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
         my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
         while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
            if ($k!=$invoked[2]) {
         undef $cursor;
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            if (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
               foreach my $ipc_key (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$ipc_key};
         } else {
            no strict 'subs';
            semctl(34, 0, SETVAL, -1);
         } return 1,'';
      } elsif ($suberr && exists ${$tref}{"${hostlabel}_$suberr"}
            && ${$tref}{"${hostlabel}_$suberr"}
            eq $suberr) {
         # loop the contents of the file
         my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
         my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
         while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
            if ($k!=$invoked[2]) {
         undef $cursor;
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            if (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
               foreach my $ipc_key (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$ipc_key};
         } else {
            no strict 'subs';
            semctl(34, 0, SETVAL, -1);
         } return 1,'';
      } else {
         my $put_tref=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($tref)->Out();
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
      # loop the contents of the file
      my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
      my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
      while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
         if ($k!=$invoked[2]) {
      undef $cursor;
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
   } my $errtxt='';
   if (10<length $error && unpack('a11',$error) ne 'FATAL ERROR') {
      $errtxt="$error\n\n       at $topcaller[0] "
             ."$topcaller[1] line $line.\n";
   } else {
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "HANDLE_ERROR ERRTXT=$errtxt<==\n";
   if ($errtxt=~/^You have mail/) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\nAttn: --> $errtxt\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      print "\nAttn: --> $errtxt\n\n";
   } elsif ($track || $return || $cleanup) {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\n       $errtxt"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      print "\n       $errtxt"
   if ($mail) {
      if ($warn) {
      } else { send_email($mail,$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) }
   } elsif (!$mail && exists $email_defaults{Usage} &&
         lc($email_defaults{Usage}) eq 'notify_on_error'
         && ($track && ($cleanup || $return))) {
      my %mail=(Body=>"       $errtxt");
      if ($warn) {
      } else { send_email(\%mail,$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) }
   if ($track) {
      if (wantarray) {
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            if (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
               foreach my $ipc_key (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$ipc_key};
         } else {
            no strict 'subs';
            semctl(34, 0, SETVAL, -1);
         } return 0,$errtxt;
      } else {
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            if (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
               foreach my $ipc_key (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::semaphores{$ipc_key};
         } else {
            no strict 'subs';
            semctl(34, 0, SETVAL, -1);
         } return 0,'';
   } elsif ($cleanup) {
   } else {
print "WE ARE GOING TO DIE IN HANDLE_ERROR and CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WE ARE GOING TO DIE IN HANDLE_ERROR and CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      if ($return && $warn) {
         print "\n       $errtxt\n";
      } else { die $errtxt }

sub lookup_hostinfo_from_label
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "lookup_hostinfo_from_label() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "lookup_hostinfo_from_label() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
      && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $ip='';my $hostname='';my $use='';my $ms_share='';
   my $ms_domain='';my $cmd_cnct=[''];my $ftr_cnct=[''];
   my $login_id='';my $su_id='';my $chmod='';my $ping='';
   my $owner='';my $group='';my $transfer_dir='';
   my $rcm_chain='';my $rcm_map='';my $uname='';
   my $ip_flag='';my $hn_flag='';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];my $_connect=$_[1]||'';
   $hostlabel="__Master_${$}__" if lc($hostlabel) eq 'localhost';
   my $timeout=0;
   $use=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'Use'} if exists
        $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'Use'} &&
   my $defined_use=0;
   $defined_use=$use if $use;
   $ping=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{'Ping'} if exists
        $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'Ping'} &&
   foreach my $key (keys %{$Hosts{$hostlabel}}) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "KEY FROM HOST HASH=$key and USE=$use\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      if (!$use || (!$defined_use && $ip && !$hostname)) {
         if ($key eq 'IP') {
            if (ref $Hosts{$hostlabel}{$key} eq 'CODE') {
            } else {
            if (exists $same_host_as_Master{$ip} || $ping) {
               if (exists $same_host_as_Master{$ip}
                     || !(&ping($ip,'__return__'))[1]) {
               } else { $ip_flag=1 }
         } elsif (lc($key) eq 'hostname') {
            if ($hostname && $ping) {
               if (&ping($hostname,'__return__')) {
               } else {
                  my $pinghost=$hostname;
                     (index $hostname,'.'))
                     if -1<index $hostname,'.';
                  if (&ping($pinghost,'__return__')) {
                  } else { $hn_flag=1 }
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'ip') {
         if (!exists $same_host_as_Master{$ip} && $ping) {
            unless (&ping($ip,'__return__')) {
               if ($defined_use eq 'ip') {
      } elsif (lc($key) eq 'hostname') {
         if ($ping) {
            my $pinghost=$hostname;
               (index $hostname,'.'))
               if -1<index $hostname,'.';
            unless (&ping($pinghost,'__return__')) {
               if ($defined_use eq 'hostname') {
      if (lc($key) eq 'ms_share') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'MS_Domain') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'Remote') {
         my $rem_cnct=$Hosts{$hostlabel}{$key};
         if (!exists $same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel}) {
            if ($_connect && $rem_cnct ne $_connect) {
               if (($rem_cnct eq 'connect_ssh'
                     || $rem_cnct eq 'connect_telnet'
                     || $rem_cnct eq 'connect_sftp'
                     || $rem_cnct eq 'connect_ftp')
                     || (($_connect eq 'connect_secure'
                     || $_connect eq 'connect_insecure')
                     && ($rem_cnct ne 'connect_host'
                     && $rem_cnct ne 'connect_reverse'))) {
                  my $die.="\n              \"Remote\" Value:  \'$rem_cnct\'"
                         ."\n              for Host Block  --> $hostlabel"
                         ."\n              in file "
                         ."\n              conflicts with calling connect"
                         ."\n              method:  $_connect";
               } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_secure') {
                  $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp' ];
                  $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh' ];
               } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_insecure') {
                  $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp' ];
                  $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet' ];
               } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_host') {
                  $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp','ftp' ];
                  $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh','telnet' ];
               } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_reverse') {
                  $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp','sftp' ];
                  $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet','ssh' ];
         } else {
            if ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_secure') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp' ];
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh' ];
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_ssh') {
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh' ];
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_sftp') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp' ]; 
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_host') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp','ftp' ];
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh','telnet' ];
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_insecure') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp' ];
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet' ];
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_telnet') {
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet' ];
            } elsif ($rem_cnct eq 'connect_ftp') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp' ];
            } elsif ($ftr_cnct eq 'connect_reverse') {
               $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp','sftp' ];
               $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet','ssh' ];
      } elsif ((lc(unpack('a1',$key)) eq 'l') && (lc($key) eq 'loginid'
            || $key eq 'login')) {
      } elsif ((lc(unpack('a1',$key)) eq 's') && (lc($key) eq 'su' ||
            lc($key) eq 'su_id' || lc($key) eq 'suloginid'
            || lc($key) eq 'suid' || lc($key) eq 'sulogin')) {
      } elsif ($key eq 'Chmod') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'Owner') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'Group') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'Timeout') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'TransferDir') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'RCM_Chain') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'RCM_Map') {
      } elsif ($key eq 'Uname') {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GOING BACK TO TOP OF FOR LOOP\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (!$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
      if ($_connect eq 'connect_secure') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp' ];
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_host') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp','ftp' ];
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh','telnet' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_ssh') {
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'ssh' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_sftp') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'sftp' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_telnet') {
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_ftp') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_insecure') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp' ];
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet' ];
      } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_reverse') {
         $ftr_cnct=[ 'ftp','sftp' ];
         $cmd_cnct=[ 'telnet','ssh' ];
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WHAT IS USE?=$use\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (!$use || (!$ip && !$hostname)) {
      my $die="Cannot Contact Server \'$hostlabel\' -";
      my $fah=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host;
      if ($ip_flag) {
         $die.="\n              1ping failed for ip address $ip";
         if ($hn_flag) {
            $die.="\n              and hostname: $hostname\n" if $hostname;
         } &handle_error($die);
      } elsif ($hn_flag) {
         $die.="\n              2ping failed for hostname: $hostname  &"
             ."\n              No ip address if defined for Server"
             ."\n              --> $hostlabel  in $fah file.";
      } elsif ($hostname || ($use eq 'ip' && !$ip)) {
      } elsif ($ip) {
      } else {
         $die.="\n              No ip address or hostname defined for Server"
             ."\n              --> $hostlabel  in $fah file.";
   } elsif ($use eq 'hostname' && !$hostname && $ip) {
   } elsif ($use eq 'ip' && !$ip && $hostname) {
   return ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,


sub pty_do_cmd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: FA_Core::pty_do_cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nFA_Core::pty_do_cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $cmd='';my @args=();
   my $pty='';my $pty_err='';my $try=0;
   my $capture = IO::Capture::Stderr->new();
   while (1) {
      my $m="Hint: Try Rebooting the Local Host";
      eval {
         $pty = IO::Pty->new;
      if ($@) {
         if ($@=~/Cannot open/is && $try++!=4) {
            sleep $try;next;
         } else {
            my @all_lines = $capture->read || ();
               $@."\n        $all_lines[$#all_lines]\n       $m");
      } else { last }
   $try=0;my $child='';
   my $cmd_err=join ' ',@{$cmd};
   my $one=shift @{$cmd};
   my $doslave=${$cmd}[$#{$cmd}] eq '_slave_' ? pop @{$cmd} : '';
   my $two='';my $three='';
   my $four='';my $five='';
   if (-1<$#{$cmd}) {
      $two=shift @{$cmd};
      if (-1<$#{$cmd}) {
         $three=shift @{$cmd};
         if (-1<$#{$cmd}) {
            $four=shift @{$cmd};
   while (1) {
      my $m="Hint: Try Rebooting the Local Host";
      eval {
         $child = fork;
      if ($@) {
         if ($@=~/temporarily unavailable/ && $try++!=4) {
            sleep 5;next;
         } else {
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($@."\n       $m");
      } else { last }
   return $pty,$child if $child; # Save Pound Sign
   POSIX::setsid or &handle_error("setsid failed: ".($!)); # Save Pound Sign
   my $tty = $pty->slave; # Save Pound Sign
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') || ($doslave eq '_slave_'); # Save Pound Sign
   CORE::close $pty; # Save Pound Sign

   STDIN->fdopen($tty,"<")  or &handle_error("STDIN: ".($!)); # Save Pound Sign
   STDOUT->fdopen($tty,">") or &handle_error("STDOUT: ".($!)); # Save Pound Sign
   STDERR->fdopen($tty,">") or &handle_error("STDERR: ".($!)); # Save Pound Sign
   CORE::close $tty; # Save Pound Sign
   $| = 1; # Save Pound Sign
   #my $flag=''; # Save Pound Sign
   #if (!$flag || lc($flag) ne '__use_parent_env__') {
   if ($^O ne 'cygwin' && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::specialperms eq 'setgid') {
      $ENV{PATH} = ''; # Save Pound Sign
      $ENV{ENV}  = ''; # Save Pound Sign
   } else {
      $ENV{PATH}=~/^(.*)$/; # Save Pound Sign
      $ENV{PATH}=$1; # Save Pound Sign
      $ENV{ENV}||=''; # Save Pound Sign
      $ENV{ENV}=~/^(.*)$/; # Save Pound Sign
      $ENV{ENV}=$1; # Save Pound Sign
   $ENV{DISPLAY}=''; # Save Pound Sign
   print "\n"; # Save Pound Sign

   if ($four) {
      exec $one, $two, $three, $four ||
         &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
   } elsif ($three) {
      exec $one, $two, $three ||
         &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
   } elsif ($two) {
      exec $one, $two ||
         &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
   } else {
      exec $one ||
         &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign


sub apache_login
print "APACHE_LOGINCALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my ($ip,$hostlabel,$hostname,$info,$apache_handle,$ua)=@_;
   my @info=@{$info};
   my %apache_handle=%{$apache_handle};
   my %ua=%{$ua};
   my $node=substr(${$DeploySMB_Proxy[0]}{'HostName'},0,
                  (index ${$DeploySMB_Proxy[0]}{'HostName'},'.'));
   my $an="${$DeploySMB_Proxy[0]}{'IP'}:80";
   eval {
      #$apache_handle{$info[2]} = new LWP::UserAgent;
      my $un=$username;
#print "GP1\n";
            "$progname " . $ua->agent);
   if ($@) {
      return $@;

sub test_file

   my ($cmd_handle,$tfile)=@_;my $test_result=0;
   my $shell_cmd="if\n[[ -f $tfile ]]\nthen\nif\n[[ -w $tfile ]]"
                ."\nthen\necho WRITE\nelse\necho READ\nfi\n"
                ."else\necho NOFILE\nfi";
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   return $stdout;


sub test_dir

   my ($cmd_handle,$tdir)=@_;my $test_result=0;
   my $shell_cmd="if\n[[ -d $tdir ]]\nthen\nif\n[[ -w $tdir ]]"
                ."\nthen\necho WRITE\nelse\necho READ\nfi\n"
                ."else\necho NODIR\nfi;".
                $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath."printf \\\\055";
   my $cnt=5;
   while ($cnt--) {
      my $leave=0;my $l='';
      TD: while (1) {
         while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get) {
            if ($l=~/printf/s) {
               if ($line=~/^WRITE|^(?:[>]\s)*WRITE/m) {
               } elsif ($line=~/^READ|^(?:[>]\s)*READ/m) {
               } elsif ($line=~/^NODIR|^(?:[>]\s)*NODIR/m) {
               # sleep for 1/50th second;
            if ($l=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s) {
               last TD;
            } else {
               # sleep for 1/50th second;
         } last if $leave;
         # sleep for 1/50th second;
      } last if $leave;
      my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
      &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
   } return $test_result;


sub inc_oct
   my $num=$_[0];
   while (1) {
      return $num if (-1==index $num,'8') && (-1==index $num,'9')

sub get_prompt {
   unless ($#ascii_que) {
   } return shift @ascii_que;

sub clean_filehandle

my $onemore=0;
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }
      "clean_filehandle() at Line: ".__LINE__,1);
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::clean_filehandle() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::clean_filehandle() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $filehandle=$_[0];
   my $cftimeout=$_[1]||0;
   if (!defined $filehandle || -1==index $filehandle,'GLOB'
         || !defined fileno $filehandle) {
      if (defined $filehandle && (-1==index $filehandle,'GLOB')) {
         eval {
               if -1==index $filehandle,'GLOB';
         if (($@ && -1==index $filehandle,'GLOB') ||
               !defined fileno $filehandle) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '','Invalid filehandle';
            } else {
                 "\n       from &main::clean_filehandle(): Line ".__LINE__.
                 "\n       Reminder: Return output to list (\$stdout,\$stderr)".
                 "\n       if you don't want &clean_filehandle() to die",
      } else {
         if (wantarray) {
            if ($cftimeout) {
               return '',"\n\n       Command did not complete before timeout".
                         "\n       => $timeout seconds. This is common if".
                         " the\n       command takes more than $timeout".
                         "\n       seconds to complete, and/or no".
                         "\n       output is generated within $timeout".
                         "\n       seconds.\n".
                         "\n       Increase the timeout for the command, or".
                         "\n       if it is a script or program you".
                         "\n       authored, consider adding verbose output".
                         "\n       that appears before the timeout of".
                         "\n       $timeout seconds expires.";
            } else {
               return '','Invalid filehandle';
         } else {
               "$filehandle is NOT a valid filehandle".
               "\n       from &main::clean_filehandle(): Line ".__LINE__.
               "\n       Reminder: Return output to list (\$stdout,\$stderr)".
               "\n       if you don't want &clean_filehandle() to die",
   } my $loop=0;my $sec=0;my $ten=0;my $hun=5;my $closederror='';
   while (1) {
      $filehandle->print('cmd /Q /C "set /A '.
                         ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
                         '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath.
                         'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2].
                         '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
      if ($loop==100) {
         my $die="100 attempts without indication that filehandle is clean";
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$die;
         } else {
      my $wait=$sec.'.'.$ten.$hun;
      if ($wait!=3.00) {
         if ($hun==9) {
            if ($ten==9) {
            } else {
         } else { $hun++ }
         if $loop++!=1; # sleep;
      eval {
         my $all_lines='';my $loop2=0;
         while (my $line=$filehandle->get(Timeout=>30)) {
#print "CLEAN_LINE=$line and ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_-<==\n";
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\nclean_filehandle() (((((((CLEAN_LINE))))))):",
      "\n       CLEAN_LINE=$line AND LOOKINGFOR=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_-<==\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if (-1<index $all_lines,"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray->[0]_-") {
               if ($all_lines=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s) {
                  return '','';
               } else {
            } elsif (-1<index $all_lines,'Exit status 0') {
               $closederror='Exit status 0';
            } elsif (
                  $all_lines=~/(Conn.*reset|Conn.*closed|filehandle.*isn)/s) {
            } elsif ($loop2==100) {
               my $die="100 attempts without indication ".
                       "that filehandle is clean";
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$die;
               } else {
            if ($wait!=3.00) {
               if ($hun==9) {
                  if ($ten==9) {
                  } else {
               } else { $hun++ }
               if $loop2++!=1; # sleep;
      if ($@) {
         if (!$onemore) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '',$@;
            } else {
                 "\n       from &main::clean_filehandle(): Line ".__LINE__.
                 "\n       Reminder: Return output to list (\$stdout,\$stderr)".
                 "\n       if you don't want &clean_filehandle() to die",
         } else {
      } elsif ($closederror) {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$closederror;
         } else {
               "\n       from &main::clean_filehandle(): Line ".__LINE__.
               "\n       Reminder: Return output to list (\$stdout,\$stderr)".
               "\n       if you don't want &clean_filehandle() to die",
      } else {
         # sleep for 1/50th second;
         return '',''
} ## END of &clean_filehandle

sub attempt_cmd_xtimes
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::attempt_cmd_xtimes() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\nmain::attempt_cmd_xtimes() (((((((CALLER))))))):",
      "\n       ",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   my $cmd=$_[1];
   my $num_of_attempts=$_[2]||100;
   my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
   my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
   &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
   if (-1==index $cmd_handle,'GLOB' || !defined fileno $cmd_handle) {
      if (-1==index $cmd_handle,'GLOB') {
         eval {
               if -1==index $cmd_handle,'GLOB';
         if (($@ && -1==index $cmd_handle,'GLOB') ||
               !defined fileno $cmd_handle) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '','Connection closed';
            } else {
      } else {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '','Connection closed';
         } else {
               "$cmd_handle is NOT a valid filehandle",'__cleanup__')
   my $hostlabel=$_[2];
   my $cou=100;
   while ($cou--) {
         { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
           _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
      print "\nOUTPUT FROM \" attempt_cmd_xtimes()\" (problamatic cmds that often need to be tried",
         " more than once):\n       ==>$stdout<== at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
         if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
          "\nOUTPUT FROM \" attempt_cmd_xtimes()\" (problamatic cmds that often need to be tried",
         " more than once):\n       ==>$stdout<== at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      if (!$stdout) {
         $cfh_error||='Not a GLOB reference' if $cou==1;
         &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath.'printf \\\\041\\\\041;$cmd;'.
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath.'printf \\\\045\\\\045');
         my $allins='';my $ct=0;
         while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get) {
#print "PUSH_CMD_LINE_QQQQQQQQQQQ=$allins<== AND LINE=$line<==\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "PUSH_CMD_LINE_QQQQQQQQQQQ=$allins<== AND LINE=$line<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if ($allins=~/!!(.*)%%/) {
            } else {
                  print($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath.'printf \\\\055');
            if ($ct++==10) {
         &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
      } else { last }
   &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
   return $stdout;

sub master_transfer_dir

   my $localhost=$_[0];
   my $tdir='';my $transfer_dir='';my $curdir='';
   my $output='';my $stderr='';my $work_dirs={};my $endp=0;my $testd='';
   while (1) {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         my $cdr='';
         if (-1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
            my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
            $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
         } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
         } else {
               $localhost,"cygpath -w $curdir");
            &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         $work_dirs->{_pre}=$curdir.'/' if $curdir ne '/';
      } else {
         $work_dirs->{_pre}=$curdir.'/' if $curdir ne '/';
      if (!$curdir || $curdir=~/^\s*$/s ||
            256<length $curdir || $curdir=~/\n/s) {
            "(TRYING AGAIN):",
            " ==>$curdir<== ".
            " at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
            " ==>$curdir<== ".
            " at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
         &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
      last if $curdir;
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'TransferDir'}) {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin' && $tdir=~/^[\\|\/]/
            && $tdir!~/$localhost->{_cygdrive_regex}/o) {
         if (($work_dirs->{_tmp},$work_dirs->{_tmp_mswin})
               $tdir,'Target','',"__Master_${$}__")) {
            if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
               if (lc($work_dirs->{_tmp_mswin}) ne lc($curdir)) {
                     'cd '.${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::work_dirs}{_tmp});
                  &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
            } else {
                  'TransferDir not Writable');
      } elsif ($tdir=~/^[a-zA-Z]:/) {
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$tdir);
            if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
               if ($tdir ne $curdir) {
                     'cd '.$work_dirs->{_cwd});
                  &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
               } else {
               return $work_dirs;
            } else {
                  "TransferDir not Writable and TESTD=$testd<==".
                  " and work_dirs-_cwd=$work_dirs->{_cwd}<==");
         my $warn="Cannot cd to $tdir\n\tOperating " .
                 "System is $^O - NOT cygwin!";
         warn "$warn       $!";
      } $tdir=~tr/\\/\//;
      if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
         my $drive='';my $path='';
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 a*',$tdir);
         if ($tdir ne $curdir) {
            if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                  'cd '.$work_dirs->{_cwd});
               &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
            } else {
               ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd("cd $tdir");
               &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
         } else {
               if $^O eq 'cygwin';
            if $^O eq 'cygwin';
         return $work_dirs;
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
      ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd("cd /tmp");
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
         "\nTTTTTTT cd /tmp TTTTTTT OUTPUT ==>$output<== ",
         "and STDERR ==>$stderr<==",
         "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      print "\nTTTTTTT cd /tmp TTTTTTT OUTPUT ==>$output<== ",
         "and STDERR ==>$stderr<==",
         "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
         if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
      if (!$stderr || ($stderr=~/^.*cd \/tmp 2[>][&]1$/)) {
         my $cnt=2;
         while ($cnt--) {
            &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            my $cdr='';
            if (-1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
               my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
               $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
            } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
            } else {
                  $localhost,"cygpath -w $curdir");
               &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "\nDDDDDDD &test_dir() of $curdir DDDDDDD OUTPUT ==>$testd<==",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            print "\nDDDDDDD &test_dir of $curdir DDDDDDD OUTPUT ==>$testd<==",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
               return $work_dirs;
            } elsif ($testd eq 'READ' || $testd eq 'NOFILE') {
            } else {
               ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd('cd -')
               &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
      if ((${$work_dirs}{_tmp},${$work_dirs}{_tmp_mswin})
            '/tmp','Target','',"__Master_${$}__")) {
         if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
            if (lc($work_dirs->{_tmp_mswin}) ne lc($curdir)) {
                  'cd '.$work_dirs->{_tmp});
               &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
            return $work_dirs;
      if (($work_dirs->{_tmp},$work_dirs->{_tmp_mswin})
            '/temp','Target','',"__Master_${$}__")) {
         if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
            if (lc($work_dirs->{_tmp_mswin}) ne lc($curdir)) {
                  'cd '.$work_dirs->{_tmp});
               &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
            return $work_dirs;
      ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd("cd $home_dir");
      my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
      &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
      if (!$stderr) {
         &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         my $cdr='';
         if (-1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
            my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
            $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
         } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
         } else {
               $localhost,"cygpath -w $curdir");
            &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
            return $work_dirs;
         } else {
            ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd('cd -')
            &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
      if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
         return $work_dirs;
      } else {
         my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - Cannot Write to "
                ."Local Host $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Local_HostName!";
   } $testd=&test_dir($localhost->{_cmd_handle},'/tmp');
   if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
      ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd('cd /tmp')
         if '/tmp' ne $curdir;
      &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
      return $work_dirs;
   } $testd=&test_dir($localhost->{_cmd_handle},$home_dir);
   if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
      ($output,$stderr)=$localhost->cmd("cd $home_dir")
         if $home_dir ne $curdir;
      &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
      return $work_dirs;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nDDDDDDD &test_dir() of $curdir DDDDDDD OUTPUT ==>$testd<==",
      "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   print "\nDDDDDDD &test_dir of $curdir DDDDDDD OUTPUT ==>$testd<==",
      "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   if ($testd eq 'WRITE') {
      return $work_dirs;
   } else {
      my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - Cannot Write to "
             ."Local Host $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Local_HostName!";


sub master_transfer_dir_no_telnet_login

   #my $transfer_dir='';
   my $curdir=Cwd::getcwd();
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'TransferDir'}
         && -d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'TransferDir'}
         && -w _) {
      if (unpack('x1 a1',"$master_transfer_dir") eq ':') {
         my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 @2 a*',$master_transfer_dir);
   } elsif ($^O ne 'cygwin' &&
               $^O ne 'MSWin32' &&
               $^O ne 'MSWin64' &&
               $ENV{OS} ne 'Windows_NT' &&
               -d '/tmp' && -w _) {
   } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin' &&
                        -d $localhost->{_cygdrive}.'/c/tmp' && -w _) {
   } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin' &&
                       -d $localhost->{_cygdrive}.'/c/temp' && -w _) {
   } elsif (-d $home_dir && -w _) {
      if (unpack('@1 a1',$master_transfer_dir) eq ':') {
         my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$master_transfer_dir);
   } elsif (!(-w $curdir)) {
      my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - Cannot Write to "
             ."Local Host $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Local_HostName!\n";
      print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                   || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                   && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   } else {
print "GETTING CURDIR FOR TRANSFER=",cwd(),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GETTING CURDIR FOR TRANSFER=",cwd(),"\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   return $master_transfer_dir;


sub getpasswd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::getpasswd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::getpasswd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $passlabel=$_[0];$passlabel||='';my $use='';
   my $host='';
   if (exists $Hosts{$passlabel}) {
      if (exists $Hosts{$passlabel}{'HostName'}) {
         if (exists $Hosts{$passlabel}{'IP'}) {
            if (exists $Hosts{$passlabel}{'Use'}) {
               if (lc($Hosts{$passlabel}{'Use'}) eq 'ip') {
                  if (ref $Hosts{$passlabel}{'IP'} eq 'CODE') {
                  } else {
               } else {
            } else {
         } else {
      } elsif (exists $Hosts{$passlabel}{'IP'}) {
         if (ref $Hosts{$passlabel}{'IP'} eq 'CODE') {
         } else {
   my $login_id=$_[1];
   my $force=0;my $su_login=0;
   my $ms_domain='';my $errmsg='';
   my $track='';my $prox='';
   my $pass='';my $save_passwd='';
   my $cmd_type='';my $status='';
   my $encrypted_passwd='';
   my $bdb='';
   if (defined $_[2] && $_[2]) {
      if ($_[2] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__su__') {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[3] && $_[3]) {
      if ($_[3] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[3] eq '__su__') {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[4] && $_[4]) {
      if ($_[4] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[4] eq '__su__') {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[5] && $_[5]) {
      if ($_[5] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[5] eq '__su__') {
      } else {
         $prox='SMB_Proxy' if $cmd_type eq 'smb';
   if (defined $_[6] && $_[6]) {
      if ($_[6] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[6] eq '__su__') {
   if (defined $_[7] && $_[7]) {
      if ($_[7] eq '__force__') {
      } elsif ($_[7] eq '__su__') {
   my $cipher='';
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
      $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
   } else {
      $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
   my $local_host_flag=0;my $href='';
   if (exists $same_host_as_Master{$passlabel} ||
         ($passlabel eq "__Master_${$}__")) {
      foreach my $hostlab (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
         next if $hostlab eq "__Master_${$}__";
      if (!$local_host_flag) {
   if (!$passlabel) {
      my $herr="HOSTLABEL or LABEL needed for first arguement to &getpasswd()"
              ."\n\n              Called from ".(caller(0))[1]." line "
              .(caller(0))[2]." :\n       ";
   my $key='';
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::plan) {
      #my $pl=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::plan->{Number};
#print "WHAT IS PL=$pl<==\n";<STDIN>;
      if ($local_host_flag && $username eq $login_id) {
      } elsif ($cmd_type) {
      } else {
   } else {
      if ($local_host_flag && $username eq $login_id) {
      } elsif ($cmd_type) {
      } else {
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::scrub) {
      if ($passlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
         foreach my $hostlab (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
            next if $hostlab eq "__Master_${$}__";
            unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass) {
            } else {
               delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass{$key};
      } else {
         unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass) {
         } else {
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass{$key};
      } $force=1;
   my $kind='prod';
   $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test &&
   my $tie_err="can't open tie to "
           . $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}
   unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass) {
      print $MRLOG "PASSWDDB=",
         if -1<index $MRLOG,'*';
      unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds') {
      my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
         -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds',
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
         "BDB DB Access: ".__LINE__);
      my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename =>
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
         -Env      => $dbenv
      unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
         $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
            -Filename => 
            -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
            -Env      => $dbenv
         unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
            die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
         "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
         unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
      $href=eval $href;
      print $MRLOG "HREF=$href and KEY=$key and KEYS=",
         (join "\n",keys %{$href}),"<==\n" 
         if -1<index $MRLOG,'*';
      if (exists $href->{$key} && !$force) {
         my $pspath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pspath;
         if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ps'}) {
            $pspath.='/' if $pspath!~/\/$/;
         my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
            "${pspath}ps -e",'__escape__');
            if $stderr;
         my $encrypted_passwd=$href->{$key};
         foreach my $ky (keys %{$href}) {
            if ($ky=~/_X_(\d+)_X_\d+$/) {
               my $one=$1;
               delete $href->{$ky} if (-1==index $stdout,$one);
         my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
         undef $bdb; 
         undef $dbenv;
         eval {
            chop $pass if $pass eq substr($pass,0,(rindex $pass,'.')).'X';
# --CONTINUE-- print "WHAT IS PASS=$pass<====\n";
         return $pass if $pass && $pass!~tr/\0-\37\177-\377//;
         if (!$pass && $oldpasswd) {
            my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($oldpasswd,
      } elsif (keys %{$href}) {
         foreach my $ky (keys %{$href}) {
            if ($ky=~/_X_(\d+)_X_\d+$/) {
               unless (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($1)) {
                  delete $href->{$ky}
                     unless &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($1);
         my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
      } else {
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
      &scrub_passwd_file($passlabel,$login_id) if
         $errmsg=~/Permission denied|Password:/s;
         # SCRUB PROBLEM;
   } elsif (!$force && (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass{$key})) {
   if (!$save_passwd) {
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron) {
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass) {
            my $die="\n\nBoth 'cron' and 'tosspass' Conditions"
                   ." Active.\n\n              Hostlabel:  "
                   ." $passlabel\n              Login ID:    $login_id\n    "
                   ."          Needed For:  $host\n\n        "
                   ."      &getpasswd() Called from ".(caller(0))[1]." line "
                   ."\n       - 'cron' and 'tossposs' are incompatible "
                   ."conditions "
                   ."\n          and cannot be specified together for any "
                   ."FullAuto "
                   ."\n          invocation.\n";
            return '',$die;
         } elsif ($host) {
            my $die="Invalid Password Stored for\n\n              Hostlabel:  "
                   ." $passlabel\n              Login ID:    $login_id\n    "
                   ."          Needed For:  $host\n\n        "
                   ."      &getpasswd() Called from ".(caller(0))[1]." line "
                   ."\n       - Run $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname outside "
                   ."of cron and enter "
                   ."\n         the correct Password when prompted.\n";
            return '',$die;
         } else {
            my $die="Invalid Password Stored for\n\n              Label:"
                   ."   $passlabel\n              Login ID:    $login_id"
                   ."\n\n              "
                   ."&getpasswd() Called from ".(caller(0))[1]." line "
                   ."\n       - Run $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname "
                   ."outside of cron and enter "
                   ."\n         the correct Password when prompted.\n";
            return '',$die;
      my $loop_count=0;
      while (1) {
         print $blanklines;
         print "\n  ERROR MESSAGE-> $errmsg" if $errmsg;
         my $print1='';
         if ($ms_domain) {
            if ($local_host_flag) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (1) the MS Domain password for "
                         ."\n  (Needed for Local Host \'$passlabel\' - $host)"
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter the MS Domain password for "
                         ."\n  (Needed for Local Host \'$passlabel\' - $host)"
            } elsif ($host) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (2) the MS Domain password "
                         ."for $login_id"
                         ."\n  (Needed for HostLabel \'$passlabel\' - $host)\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter the MS Domain password for "
                         ."\n  (Needed for HostLabel \'$passlabel\' - $host)\n";
            } else {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (3) authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
         } elsif ($login_id eq 'root') {
            if ($local_host_flag) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (4) the \'root\' password "
                         ."for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for Local Host, "
                         ."HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter the \'root\' password for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for Local Host, "
                         ."HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
            } elsif ($host) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (5) the \'root\' password "
                         ."for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter the \'root\' password for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
            } else {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (6) authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
         } else {
            if ($local_host_flag && !$passlabel) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (7) $login_id\'s "
                         ."password for $host."
                         ."\n  (WNeeded for ${prox}Local Host \'$host\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter $login_id\'s password for $host."
                         ."\n  (WNeeded for ${prox}Local Host \'$host\')\n";
            } elsif ($host) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (8) $login_id\'s password "
                         ."for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for ${prox}HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter $login_id\'s password for $host."
                         ."\n  (Needed for ${prox}HostLabel \'$passlabel\')\n";
            } else {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter (9) authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for ${prox}Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
               } else {
                  $print1="\n  Please Enter authentication password."
                         ."\n  (Needed for ${prox}Label \'$passlabel\')\n";
         my $passwd_timeout=350;
         my $te_time=time;
         eval {
            $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
               "Password Input Prompt at Line: ".__LINE__,1);
            print $print1;
            print "\n  PasswordX1: ";
            ReadMode 2;
         if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
            print "\n\n";
            $errmsg.="\n\n       ".
                     "Time Allowed for Password Input has Expired.\n";
            if (exists $email_defaults{Usage} &&
                  lc($email_defaults{Usage}) eq 'notify_on_error') {
               my $body='';
               $body="\n  ERROR MESSAGE-> $errmsg" if $errmsg;
               $body.=$print1;my $subject='';
               if ($host) {
                  $subject="Login Failed for $login_id on $host";
               } else {
                  $subject="Authentication Failed";
               my %mail=(
                  'Body'    => $body,
                  'Subject' => $subject
               "Time Allowed for Password Input has Expired.",
         my $te_time2=time; 
         if (10<$loop_count ||
               (($te_time==$te_time2 || $te_time==$te_time2-1) &&
               !$save_passwd)) {
            print "\n";
               "\n       FATAL ERROR: Password Input Prompt appeared".
               "\n              in what appears to be an unattended".
               "\n              process/job - no password was entered".
               "\n              and one is ALWAYS required with".
               "\n              FullAuto. The Prompt does not appear".
               "\n              to have paused at all - which is".
               "\n              proper and expected when FullAuto".
               "\n              is invoked from cron, but no password".
               "\n              was previously saved".
               "\n       Remedy: Run FullAuto manually with the".
               "\n              --password option (with no actual".
               "\n              password following the option) and".
               "\n              choose an appropriate expiration time".
               "\n              with the resulting menus.",
         ReadMode 0;
         print "\n\n";
         if (exists $email_defaults{Usage} &&
               lc($email_defaults{Usage}) eq 'notify_on_error') {
            my $body='';
            $body="\n  ERROR MESSAGE-> $errmsg" if $errmsg;
            $body.=$print1;my $subject='';
            if ($host) {
               $subject="Login Failed for $login_id on $host";
            } else {
               $subject="Authentication Failed";
            my %mail=(
               'Body'    => $body,
               'Subject' => $subject
         last if $save_passwd;
   unless ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tosspass) {
      unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds') {
      my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
         -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds',
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
         "BDB DB Access: ".__LINE__);
      my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename =>
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
         -Env      => $dbenv
      unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
         $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
            -Filename =>
            -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
            -Env      => $dbenv
         unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
            die "Cannot Open DB:".
                " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
         "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
         unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
      $href=eval $href;
      while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
      $save_passwd.='X' if $save_passwd
         eq substr($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname,0,
         (rindex $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname,'.'));
      my $cipher='';my $mr="__Master_${$}__";
      if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
         if (8<length $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher->decrypt(
               $passetts->[0])) {
            $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
         } else {
            $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
      } else {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
      #$cipher = new Crypt::CBC($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passwd[1],
      #$cipher = new Crypt::CBC($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passetts->[1],
      #   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'});
      my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt($save_passwd);
      my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
   } else {
   return $save_passwd;


sub chgdir
   my $pwd='';my $destdir=$_[1];
   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   $cmd_handle->cmd("cd $destdir");
#print "PWD=$pwd and DEST=$_[1]\n";<STDIN>;
   if ($pwd eq $_[1] or "$pwd/" eq "$_[1]") { return 1 }
   else {
      print "FATAL ERROR! The directory \"$_[1]\" does NOT exist!";
      return 0;

sub runcmd # USAGE: &runcmd(FileHandle, "command_to_run_string")

    my @output=${$_[0]}->cmd($_[1]);
    foreach (@output) {
       if (/Execute permiss/) {
          print "FATAL ERROR! Execute permission denied for command:";
          print "--> $_[1]\n";
          return 0;
    } return \@output;

sub check_if_websphere_is_running

   my ($cmd_handle,$applic)=@_;
   return if $websphere_not_running==1;
   my @ls=$cmd_handle->cmd("ls -C1 /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin");
   my $wscp_UX||='';
   @ls=grep { /^wscp/ } @ls;
   print "--> Verifying that WebSphere is Offline ...\n";
   my $wscp_sub = sub {
      my $wscp_copy=$wscp_UX;
      substr($wscp_copy,(index $wscp_UX,'__JVM__'),7)=$_[1];
      #   || handle_error(
      #         "Cannot &chgdir /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin");
      my ($output,$stderr)=$cmd_handle->cwd(
      &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      my $app='';
      $output=&runcmd($_[0],$wscp_copy) ||
         &handle_error("Cannot &runcmd $wscp_copy");
      my @output=@{$output};
      if ($applic eq 'member') { $app='Empire' }
      elsif ($applic eq 'provider') { $app='Provider' }
      foreach (@output) {
         if (/Running|Initializing/ &&
               (($app eq 'Empire' && /(EmpireServer.*)}/m) ||
               ($app eq 'Provider' && /(ProviderServer.*)}/m))) {
            my $serv="";($serv=$1)=~s/}.*$//;
            my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - \"$serv\" is RUNNING!\n\n";
            print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                         || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                         && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
               && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   foreach (@ls) {
      my $num='';
      $num='' if substr($num,0,4)=='wscp';
   } $websphere_not_running=1;


sub apache_download

   $| = 1;  # autoflush
   my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
   my ($file,$host,$hostlabel)=@_;
   my ($size,$start_t,$length,$flength,$last_dur)='';

   $ua->agent("$progname " . $ua->agent);
   my $un=$username;
#print "GP3\n";

   my $url="http://${$ApacheNode[0]}[0]/download/$_[0]";
   my $req = new HTTP::Request GET => $url;
   my $shown = 0; # have we called the show() function yet
   my $res = $ua->request($req,
      sub {
         my $res = $_[1];
         open(FILE, ">$file") ||
            &handle_error("Can't open $file: ");
         binmode FILE;
         $length = $res->content_length;
         $flength = fbytes($length) if defined $length;
         $start_t = time;
         $last_dur = 0;
         $size += length($_[0]);
         print FILE $_[0];
         if (defined $length) {
             my $dur  = time - $start_t;
             if ($dur != $last_dur) {  # don't update too often
                $last_dur = $dur;
                my $perc = $size / $length;
                my $speed = fbytes($size/$dur) . "/sec" if $dur > 3;
                my $secs_left = fduration($dur/$perc - $dur);
                $perc = int($perc*100);
                my $show = "$perc% of $flength";
                $show .= " (at $speed, $secs_left remaining)" if $speed;
                show($show, 1);
         } else {
            show( fbytes($size) . " received");

   if ($res->is_success || $res->message =~ /^Interrupted/) {
      print "\r";
      print fbytes($size);
      print " of ", fbytes($length) if defined($length) && $length != $size;
      print " received";
      my $dur = time - $start_t;
      if ($dur) {
         my $speed = fbytes($size/$dur) . "/sec";
         print " in ", fduration($dur), " ($speed)";
      print "\n";
      my $died = $res->header("X-Died");
      if ($died || !$res->is_success) {
         if (-t) {
            print "Transfer aborted.  Delete $file? [n] ";
            my $ans = <STDIN>;
            unlink($file) if defined($ans) && $ans =~ /^y\n/;
         } else {
            print "Transfer aborted, $file kept\n";
   } else {
      print "\n" if $shown;
      print "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}.pl: ", $res->status_line, "\n";
      exit 1;


sub fbytes
   my $n = int(shift);
   if ($n >= 1024 * 1024) {
      return sprintf "%.3g MB", $n / (1024.0 * 1024);
   } elsif ($n >= 1024) {
      return sprintf "%.3g KB", $n / 1024.0;
   } else {
      return "$n bytes";

sub fduration
   use integer;
   my $secs = int(shift);
   my $hours = $secs / (60*60);
   $secs -= $hours * 60*60;
   my $mins = $secs / 60;
   $secs %= 60;
   if ($hours) {
      return "$hours hours $mins minutes";
   } elsif ($mins >= 2) {
      return "$mins minutes";
   } else {
      $secs += $mins * 60;
      return "$secs seconds";


    my @ani = qw(- \ | /);
    my $ani = 0;

    sub show
        my($mess, $show_ani) = @_;
        print "\r$mess" . (" " x (75 - length $mess));
        print $show_ani ? "$ani[$ani++]\b" : " ";
        $ani %= @ani;


sub Net::Telnet::select_dir
print "NetSELECTDIRCALLER=",caller,"\n";#<STDIN>;
   return File_Transfer::select_dir(@_);

sub Net::Telnet::diff
   return File_Transfer::diff(@_);

sub Net::Telnet::mirror
   return File_Transfer::mirror(@_);

sub send_email

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::send_email() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::send_email() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $usage='notify_on_error';my $mail_module='Mail::Sender';
   my $mail_method='';my $mail_server='';my $mail_port='';
   my $bcc='';my $cc='';my $content_type='';my $priority='';
   my $content_transfer_encoding='';my $content_disposition='';
   my $date='';my $from='';my $keywords='';my $message_id='';
   my $mime_version='';my $organization='';my $received='';
   my $references='';my $reply_to='';my $resent_from='';
   my $return_path='';my $sender='';my $subject='';my $body='';
   my $to='';my $sendemail=0;my $done_warning=0;my $transport='';
   my $head='';my $mail_sender='';my %mail_sender_defaults=();
   my $mail_info=$_[0];my $ent='';
   my $warn=1 if grep { lc($_) eq '__warn__' } @_;
   #tie *debug, "Net::FullAuto::MemoryHandle";
   if (ref $mail_info eq 'HASH') {
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{Usage}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Usage})) {
      if ($usage ne 'notify_on_error'
               && (caller(1))[3] eq 'FA_Core::handle_error') {
         return 0;
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{Mail_Method}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Mail_Method})) {
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{Mail_Server}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Mail_Server})) {
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{Mail_Port}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Mail_Port})) {
      if ($mail_method=~/smtp/i) {
         if ($mail_server) {
            if ($mail_port) {
                   host => $mail_server,
                   prot => $mail_port 
            } else {
                   host => $mail_server
      $ent = MIME::Entity->build(Type       => "multipart/mixed",
                                 'X-Mailer' => undef);
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{Bcc}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{Bcc})) {
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{Cc}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{Cc})) {
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{"Reply-To"}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{"Reply-To"})) {
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{Priority}) {
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{From}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{From})) {
      } else {
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username) {
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username=getlogin || getpwuid($<)
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{Subject}) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{Subject})) {
      } elsif ($usage eq 'notify_on_error') {
         if ($warn) {
            $subject="WARNING! from $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::local_hostname";
         } else {
            $subject="FATAL ERROR! from ".
         $ent->head->mime_attr("Importance:"=>1) unless $warn;
      if (exists ${$mail_info}{To}) {
         if ($email_defaults &&
               (exists $email_defaults{To})) {
            push @{$to}, @{$email_defaults{To}};
         if (exists ${$mail_info}{To} && ${$mail_info}{To}) {
            if (ref ${$mail_info}{To} eq 'ARRAY') {
               if ($to) {
                  push @{$to}, @{${$mail_info}{To}};
               } else { $to=${$mail_info}{To} }
            } else {
               if ($to) {
                  push @{$to}, ${$mail_info}{To};
               } else { $to=${$mail_info}{To} }
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username) {
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username=getlogin || getpwuid($<)
         if (ref $to eq 'ARRAY') {
            my $going_to='';
            foreach my $item (@{$to}) {
               if ($item=~/(__|\])USERNAME(\[|__)/i) {
                     if exists $email_addresses{
               } $going_to.="$item\,";
            } $to=substr($going_to,0,-1);
         } elsif ($to=~/(__|\])USERNAME(\[|__)/i) {
               if exists $email_addresses{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username};
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
            (exists $email_defaults{To})) {
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username) {
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username=getlogin || getpwuid($<)
         if (ref $to eq 'ARRAY') {
            my $going_to='';
            foreach my $item (@{$to}) {
               if ($item=~/(__|\])USERNAME(\[|__)/i) {
                     if exists $email_addresses{
               } $going_to.="$item\,";
            } $to=substr($going_to,0,-1);
         } elsif ($to=~/(__|\])USERNAME(\[|__)/i) {
               if exists $email_addresses{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username};
   } elsif ($email_defaults) {
         if (exists $email_defaults{Usage});
      if ($usage ne 'notify_on_error'
               && (caller(1))[3] eq 'FA_Core::handle_error') {
         return 0;
         if exists $email_defaults{Mail_Server};
      $mail_port  =$email_defaults{Mail_Port}
         if exists $email_defaults{Mail_Port};
         if exists $email_defaults{Mail_Method};
      if ($mail_method=~/smtp/i) {
         if ($mail_server) {
            if ($mail_port) {
                   host => $mail_server,
                   port => $mail_port
            } else {
                   host => $mail_server
      $ent = MIME::Entity->build(Type       => "multipart/mixed",
                                 'X-Mailer' => undef);
      if (exists $email_defaults{Bcc}) {
      if (exists $email_defaults{Cc}) {
      if (exists $email_defaults{From}) {
      if (exists $email_defaults{Subject}) {
      if (exists $email_defaults{To}) {
   } else {
      warn "EMAIL ERROR - no email information defined       $!";
   if (!$sendemail && !$done_warning) {
      warn "EMAIL ERROR - no recipients defined       $!";
   if ($sendemail) {
      if (ref $mail_info eq 'HASH') {
         if (exists ${$mail_info}{Body}) {
         } elsif ($email_defaults &&
              (exists $email_defaults{Body})) {
         } elsif (exists ${$mail_info}{Msg}) {
         } elsif ($email_defaults &&
              (exists $email_defaults{Msg})) {
         } elsif (exists ${$mail_info}{Message}) {
         } elsif ($email_defaults &&
              (exists $email_defaults{Message})) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Body})) {
      } elsif ($email_defaults &&
           (exists $email_defaults{Msg})) {
      $body=join '',@{$body} if ref $body eq 'ARRAY';
      $ent->attach(Data => $body);
      my $stdout_capture='';my $stderr_capture='';
      while (1) {
         my $eval_error='';
         ($stdout_capture,$stderr_capture)=Capture::Tiny::capture {
            eval {
               if ($transport) {
               } else {
         if ($eval_error || $stdout_capture) {
            if ($eval_error=~/^\s*$/ && $stdout_capture) {
            } elsif ($stdout_capture) {
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $eval_error
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if (wantarray) {
               return '',$eval_error,'';
            } else {
               die $eval_error;
         } elsif (wantarray) {
            return 'Mail sent OK.','','';
         } elsif ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                    $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
                    !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
            print "\nMail sent OK.\n";


sub set_fa_modules
   my $type=$_[0];
   my $default_modules=$_[1];
   my $track=$_[2];
   my $defallt=$default_modules->{"fa_$type"};
   my @items=();
   if (-f $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.
         "Custom/fa_$") {
      push @items, "Custom/fa_$";
   if (-f $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.
         "Distro/fa_${type}") {
      push @items, "Distro/fa_${type}";
   if (-f $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.
         "Distro/fa_$") {
      push @items, "Distro/fa_$";
   my %uc=(
      code => 'Code',
      conf => 'Conf',
      host => 'Host',
      maps => 'Maps',
      menu => 'Menu',
   if (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.
         "Custom/$username/$uc{$type}") {
      my $path=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.
      opendir(my $dh, $path) ||
         &handle_error("can't opendir $path: $!");
      my @useri=();
      while (my $file=readdir($dh)) {
         push @useri, "Custom/$username/$uc{$type}/$file"
            if $file!~/^[.]|README$/   
      unshift @items, @useri;
   undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once;
   undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once;
   my $def=$defallt;
   my %show_default_type=(

       Label  => 'show_default_type',
       Item_1 => {

          Text    => ']C[',
          Convey  => \@items,
          Default => $def,

       Banner => "   Current FullAuto Default $uc{$type} for $username:\n\n".
                 "      $def\n\n",
   my $selection=Menu(\%show_default_type);
   if ($selection ne $def && $selection ne ']quit[') {
      $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
         -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Defaults',
         -Flags =>
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',
      $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename => ${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}.
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
         -Env      => $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once
      unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once =
            -Filename =>
            -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
            -Env      => $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once
         unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
            die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
         "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
         '__cleanup__',$track) unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
      my $defaultmodules=
      my $status=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once->db_put(
      undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once;
      undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once;

sub fa_login

   if (defined $_[0] && $_[0]=~/^\d+$/) {
   } else {
      my $time_out='$' . (caller)[0] . '::timeout';
      $time_out= eval $time_out;
      if ($@ || $time_out!~/^[1-9]+/) {
      } else { $timeout=$time_out }
   } $test=0;$prod=0;

   # The following are being set if
   # found defined in Term::Menus
   my $log_='$' . (caller)[0] . '::log';
   $log_= eval $log_;
   $log_=0 if $@ || !$log_;
   my $tosspass_='$' . (caller)[0] . '::tosspass';
   $tosspass_= eval $tosspass_;
   $tosspass_=0 if $@ || !$tosspass_;
   ## end Term::Menus defs ###########
   my $fhtimeout='X';
   my $fatimeout=$timeout;
   my $tst='$' . (caller)[0] . '::test';
   $tst=eval $tst;
   $test=$tst if !$@ || $tst=~/^[1-9]+/;
   my $_connect='connect_ssh_telnet';
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Local'}) {
      my $loc=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Local'};
      unless ($loc eq 'connect_ssh'
             || $loc eq 'connect_telnet'
             || $loc eq 'connect_ssh_telnet'
             || $loc eq 'connect_telnet_ssh') {
          my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - \"Local\" has "
                 ."*NOT* been Properly\n              Defined in the "
                 ."\"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host\" File."
                 ."\n              This "
                 ."Element must have one of the following\n"
                 ."              Values:\n\n       "
                 ."          'connect_ssh'or 'connect_telnet'\n       "
                 ."          'connect_ssh_telnet' or\n       "
                 ."          'connect_telnet_ssh'\n\n"
                 ."       \'$loc\' is INCORRECT.\n\n";
          print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
             if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
             -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_ssh') {
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_telnet') {
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_ssh_telnet') {
      } else {
   } else {
   $email_defaults='%' . (caller)[0] . '::email_defaults';
   %email_defaults=eval $email_defaults;
   if ($@) {
   } else { $email_defaults=1 }
   my $email_addresses='%' . (caller)[0] . '::email_addresses';
   %email_addresses=eval $email_addresses;
   %email_addresses=() if $@;
   $custom_code_module_file='$' . (caller)[0] . '::fa_code';
   $custom_code_module_file=eval $custom_code_module_file;
   if ($@) {
      my $die="Cannot Locate the \"FullAuto Custom Code\" "
              ."perl module (.pm) file\n       < original "
              ."default name '' >\n\n       $@";
   my $man=0;my $help=0;my $userflag=0;my $passerror=0;
   my $test_arg=0;my $oldcipher='';my $password_from='user_input';
   my @holdARGV=@ARGV;@menu_args=();my $username_from='';
   my $cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file;my $sem='';

   Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
                'authorize_connect'     => \$authorize_connect,
                'debug'                 => \$debug,
                'scrub'                 => \$scrub,
                'help|?'                => \$help,
                'h|?'                   => \$help,
                'log:s'                 => \$log,
                'l:s'                   => \$log, 
                 man                    => \$man,
                'password:s'            => \$passwrd,
                'quiet'                 => \$quiet,
                'oldpassword=s'         => \$oldpasswd,
                'oldcipher=s'           => \$oldcipher,
                'updatepw'              => \$updatepw,
                'local-login-id=s'      => \$usrname,
                'login=s'               => \$usrname,
                'code=s'                => \$cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file,
                'subroutine'            => \$cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file,
                'subname'               => \$cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file,
                'sub'                   => \$cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file,
                'sub-arg=s'             => \@menu_args,
                'sub_arg=s'             => \@menu_args,
                'arg=s'                 => \@menu_args,
                'a=s'                   => \@menu_args,
                'cron:s'                => \$cron,
                'unattended:s'          => \$cron,
                'batch:s'               => \$cron,
                'fullauto:s'            => \$cron,
                'defaults'              => \$default,
                'default'               => \$default,
                'fa_code:s'             => \$facode,
                'fa_conf:s'             => \$faconf,
                'fa_host:s'             => \$fahost,
                'fa_maps:s'             => \$famaps,
                'fa_menu:s'             => \$famenu,
                'm:s'                   => \$famenu,
                'sets'                  => \$set,
                'set:s'                 => \$set,
                's:s'                   => \$set,
                'random'                => \$random,
                'timeout=i'             => \$cltimeout,
                'prod'                  => \$prod,
                'plan_ignore_error:s'   => \$plan_ignore_error,
                'plan:s'                => \$plan,
                'p:s'                   => \$plan,
                'test'                  => \$test_arg,
                'tosspass'              => \$tosspass,
                'daemon'                => \$service,
                'service'               => \$service,
                'edit:s'                => \$edit,
                'e:s'                   => \$edit,
                'v'                     => \$version,
                'version'               => \$version,
                'V'                     => \$VERSION,
              ) or pod2usage(2);
   pod2usage(1) if $help;
   pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
   @ARGV=@holdARGV;undef @holdARGV;
   $random='__random__' if $random;
   if (defined $log) { $log=1 }
   $log=$log_ if !$log;
   $tosspass=$tosspass_ if !$tosspass;
   if ($test_arg) {
   } elsif ($prod) {
   my $save_main_pass=0;my $track=0;
   if (defined $passwrd) {
      if ($passwrd) {
      } else {
      } undef $passwrd;
   if (defined $usrname) {
   } else {
      $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);

   if (-1<$#_ && $_[0] && $_[0]!~/^\d+$/) {
      if ($#_ && $#_%2!=0) {
         my $key='';my $margs=0;
         foreach my $arg (@_) {
            if (!$key) {
            } else {
               if ($key eq 'local-login-id') {
               } elsif ($key eq 'login') {
               } elsif ($key eq 'password') {
               } elsif ($key eq 'sub_arg' ||
                     $key eq 'sub-arg') {
                  @menu_args=() if !$margs;
                  push @menu_args, $arg;
               } elsif ($key ne 'test' || $prod==0) {
               } $key='';
      } else {
         &handle_error("Wrong Number of Arguments to &fa_login");
   } elsif (!$prod && defined $_[1] &&
           (!defined $_[0] || !$_[0] || $_[0]=~/^\d+$/)) {
   #if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'} &&
   #      $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/
   #      && 7<length $passwd[0]) {
   if (defined $cron) {
      if ($cron) {

   print "\n  Starting $progname . . .\n"
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
         || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
         && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
   sleep 2 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;

   my $su_scrub='';my $login_Mast_error='';my $id='';my $use='';
   my $hostlabel='';my $mainuser='';my $retrys='';
   my $su_err='';my $su_id='';my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
   my $hostname='';my $fullhostname='';my $passline='';
   my $host=''; my $cmd_type='';my $cmd_pid='';my $login_id;
   my $password='';
   if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'} &&
         -1<index $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'},'.') {
              ,(index $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'},'.'))||'';
   } else {
   my $ip=inet_ntoa((gethostbyname($hostname))[4])||'';
   my $suroot='';
   foreach my $host (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
      next if $host eq "__Master_${$}__";
      if (exists $Hosts{$host}{'LoginID'} &&
            ($Hosts{$host}{'LoginID'} eq $username)) {
         $su_id='' if !$mainuser;
            if exists $Hosts{$host}{'Timeout'};
         if (exists $Hosts{$host}{'SU_ID'}) {
            last if $su_id eq 'root';
         } next
      } elsif (!$mainuser && exists $Hosts{$host}{'SU_ID'}) {
            if exists $Hosts{$host}{'Timeout'};
      } else {
            if exists $Hosts{$host}{'Timeout'};
      } $hostlabel=$host if !$hostlabel;
   } $hostlabel="__Master_${$}__" if !$hostlabel;
   if ($cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif ($fhtimeout ne 'X') {
   } $retrys=0;

   foreach my $key (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
      if (exists $Hosts{$key}{'FA_Secure'}) {
         $Hosts{$key}{'FA_Secure'}.='/' if
            substr($Hosts{$key}{'FA_Secure'},-1) ne '/';
   } my $FA_Core_path='';
   foreach my $key (keys %INC) {
      if (-1<index $key,'') {
         $FA_Core_path=substr($INC{$key},0,(rindex $INC{$key},'/')+1);
   } $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}=$FA_Core_path;
   if (!exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}) {
      unless (-d '/var/db/Berkeley/FullAuto') {
      if (!(-d '/var/db/Berkeley/FullAuto' && -w _)) {
         &handle_error("Cannot Write to Encrypted Passwd Directory :".
            "\n\n             ".
   } elsif (!(-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'} && -w _)) {
      handle_error("Cannot Write to Encrypted Passwd Directory :".
         "\n\n             ".
   } else {
      $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.='/' if
         substr($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'},-1) ne '/';

   if ($updatepw) {
      my $uid=$username;
      while (1) {
         if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
            print $blanklines;
         } else {
            print "$blanklines\n";
         if ($login_Mast_error) {
            print "ERROR MESSAGE-> $login_Mast_error\n";
         if ($test && !$prod) {
            print "\n  Running in TEST mode\n";
         } else { print "\n  Running in PRODUCTION mode\n" }
         my $usrname_timeout=350;
         my $usrname='';
         eval {
            $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
               "Username Input Prompt at Line: ".__LINE__,1);
            my $ikey='';
            print "\n";
            ($usrname,$ikey)=rawInput("  $hostname Login <$uid> : ");
         if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
            print "\n\n";
               "Time Allowed for Username Input has Expired.",
         chomp $usrname;
         next if $usrname=~/^\d/ || !$usrname && !$uid;
         $username= ($usrname) ? $usrname : $uid;
      while (1) {
         print "\n  Enter Old Password: ";
         ReadMode 2;
         my $pas=<STDIN>;
         ReadMode 0;
         print "\n\n";
         if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/
               && 7<length $passwd[0]) {
         print "  Please Enter Old Password Again: ";
         ReadMode 2;
         ReadMode 0;
         print "\n\n";
         if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/
               && 7<length $passwd[3]) {
         if ($passwd[1] eq $passwd[4]) {
         } else {
            if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
               print $blanklines;
            } else {
               print "$blanklines\n";
            } print "\n  Passwords did not match!\n";
      while (1) {
         print "\n  Enter New Password: ";
         ReadMode 2;
         ReadMode 0;
         print "\n\n";
         if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/
               && 7<length $passwd[5]) {
         print "  Please Enter New Password Again: ";
         ReadMode 2;
         ReadMode 0;
         print "\n\n";
         if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/
              && 7<length $passwd[7]) {
         if ($passwd[6] eq $passwd[8]) {
         } else {
            if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
               print $blanklines;
            } else {
               print "$blanklines\n";
            } print "\n  Passwords did not match!\n";
      my $cipher_algorithm=($oldcipher)?$oldcipher:
      my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($passwd[8],
      my $kind='prod';
      $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test
         && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::prod;
      unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds') {
      my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
         -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds',
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
         "BDB DB Access: ".__LINE__);
      my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename =>
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
         -Env      => $dbenv
      unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
         $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
            -Filename =>
            -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
            -Env      => $dbenv
         unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
            die "Cannot Open DB:".
                " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
         "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
         unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
      # print the contents of the file
      my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
      my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
      while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
         my $href=eval $v;
         foreach my $key (keys %{eval $v}) {
            if ($key=~/\d+$/) {
               while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
            my $href_2='';
            my $status=$bdb->db_get($k,$href_2);
            my $encrypted_passwd=$href_2->{$key};
            my $pass=$cipher->decrypt($encrypted_passwd);
            if ($pass && $pass!~tr/\0-\37\177-\377//) {
               print "Updated $key\n";
               while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
               my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($passwd[8],
               my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt($pass);
            } else { print "Skipping $key\n" }
         } my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
         my $status=$bdb->db_put($k,$put_href);
      undef $cursor ;
      undef $bdb ;
      undef $dbenv;

      "FullAuto Process Limit at Line: ".__LINE__,2);

   my $loop_count=0;
   while (1) {
      eval { # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
             # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
             # of this routine.
         if (!$MRLOG) {
            if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'}
                  && $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'}) {
               if (substr($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'},0,1) eq '~') {
               my $die="Cannot Open LOGFILE - \"" .
                       $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'LogFile'} . "\"";
               open ($MRLOG, ">$Hosts{\"__Master_${$}__\"}{'LogFile'}")
                  || &handle_error($die);
               print "\n  LOGFILE ==> \"",
                  unless $quiet;
               print $MRLOG "\n\n#### NEW PROCESS - ",
                  scalar localtime(time)," #####\n\n";
            } elsif ($log) {
               my $olog="$home_dir/FAlog${$}d".
               open ($MRLOG, ">$olog") || &handle_error($!);
               print "\n  LOGFILE ==> \"$olog\"\n"
                  unless $quiet;
               print $MRLOG "\n\n#### NEW PROCESS - ",
                  scalar localtime(time)," #####\n\n";

         if (defined $default || (defined $facode && !$facode)
                              || (defined $faconf && !$faconf)
                              || (defined $fahost && !$fahost)
                              || (defined $famaps && !$famaps)
                              || (defined $famenu && !$famenu)
                              || (defined $set && !$set)) {
            if ($Net::FullAuto::cpu) {
               my $idle=(split ',', $Net::FullAuto::cpu)[3];
               my $cpyou=100-$idle;
               if ($idle<20) {
                  my $die="FATAL ERROR - CPU Usage is too high\n"
                         ."              to run FullAuto safely.\n"
                         ."   CPU are Starttime ==> ${cpyou}%\n";
            unless (-f $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.'') {
               my $fd=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}.'';
               open (FD,">$fd") or &handle_error("Cannot open $fd: $!\n");
               print FD "package fa_defs;\n\n",
                  "### OPEN SOURCE LICENSE - GNU PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.0 #######\n",
                  "#    Net::FullAuto - Powerful Network Process Automation Software\n",
                  "#    Copyright (C) 2011  Brian M. Kelly\n",
                  "#    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\n",
                  "#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n",
                  "#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n",
                  "#    any later version.\n",
                  "#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n",
                  "#    but **WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY**; without even the implied warranty of\n",
                  "#    MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the\n",
                  "#    GNU General Public License for more details.\n",
                  "#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n",
                  "#    along with this program.  If not, see <>.\n",
                  "use strict;\n",
                  "use warnings;\n\n",
                  "##  Do NOT alter code ABOVE this block.\n",
                  "##  -------------------------------------------------------------\n",
                  "##  ADD SETTINGS HERE:\n",
                  "##  -------------------------------------------------------------\n\n",
                  "our \$FA_Secure = \"",$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'},"\";\n\n",
                  "##  Do NOT alter code BELOW this block.\n",
            unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Defaults') {
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
               -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Defaults',
               -Flags =>
            ) or &handle_error(
               "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
               -Filename => ${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}.
               -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
               -Env      => $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once
            unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once =
                  -Filename =>
                  -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
                  -Env      => $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once
               unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                  die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                      " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
               "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
               '__cleanup__',$track) unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
            my $default_modules='';
            my $status=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once->db_get(
               if -1<index $default_modules,'$HASH';
            $default_modules=eval $default_modules;
            undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once;
            undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once;
            if ((-1<index $status,
                  'DB_NOTFOUND: No matching key/data pair found')
                  || !($default_modules)
                  || !exists $default_modules->{fa_code}
                  || !exists $default_modules->{fa_conf}
                  || !exists $default_modules->{fa_host} 
                  || !exists $default_modules->{fa_maps}
                  || !exists $default_modules->{fa_menu}) {
               unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Sets') {
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                  -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Sets',
                  -Flags =>
               ) or &handle_error(
                  "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                  -Filename => ${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}.
                  -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                  -Env      => $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once
               unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once =
                     -Filename =>
                     -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
                     -Env      => $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once
                  unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                     die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                         " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
               my $sref={

                  fa_demo => {

                     Label       => 'fa_demo',
                     Description => 'FullAuto Demo Module Set',
                     fa_code     => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
                     fa_conf     => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
                     fa_host     => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
                     fa_maps     => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
                     fa_menu     => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',


               my $put_sref=
                  set     => 'none',
                  fa_code => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
                  fa_conf => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
                  fa_host => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
                  fa_maps => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
                  fa_menu => 'Net/FullAuto/Distro/',
               undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bdb_once;
               undef $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dbenv_once;
            my $set_default_sub=sub { 
               package set_default_sub;
               my $default_set=shift;
               no strict "subs";
               use BerkeleyDB;
               use File::Path;
               my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
               my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
               require "$loc/";
               unless (-d $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Sets') {
               my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                  -Home  => $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Sets',
                  -Flags => DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_CDB|DB_INIT_MPOOL
               ) or die(
                  "cannot open environment for DB: ".
               my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                  -Filename => "${progname}_sets.db",
                  -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                  -Env      => $dbenv
               unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                  $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                     -Filename => "${progname}_sets.db",
                     -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
                     -Env      => $dbenv
                  unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                     die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                         "${progname}_sets.db $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
               my $mysets='';
               my $status=$bdb->db_get($username,$mysets);
               $mysets=eval $mysets; 
               undef $bdb;
               undef $dbenv;
               my $desc='';
               my @sets=();
               foreach my $key (keys %{$mysets}) {
                  push @sets,"SET Label:   $key\n                ".
                             "Description: ".$mysets->{$key}{'Description'}; 
               return [ sort @sets ];

            my $get_modules=sub {
               use File::Path;
               use File::Copy;
               my $type=$_[0]||'';
               unless ($type) {
                  my $ind=rindex $type,'fa_';
               my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
               my $fadir=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
               unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username/$type") {
                     || do{ die "copy failed: $!" };
               my @xfiles = readdir(DIR);
               my @return=();
               foreach my $entry (@xfiles) {
                  next if $entry eq '.';
                  next if $entry eq '..';
                  next if -d $entry;
                  push @return, $entry;
               return @return;
my $custmm=<<FIN;
    __  __                __  __         _      _
   |  \\/  |___ _ _ _  _  |  \\/  |___  __| |_  _| |___
   | |\\/| / -_) ' \\ || | | |\\/| / _ \\/ _` | || | / -_)
   |_|  |_\\___|_||_\\_,_| |_|  |_\\___/\\__,_|\\_,_|_\\___|

my $custpm=<<FIN;
    __  __                __  __         _      _
   |  \\/  |__ _ _ __ ___ |  \\/  |___  __| |_  _| |___
   | |\\/| / _` | '_ (_-< | |\\/| / _ \\/ _` | || | / -_)
   |_|  |_\\__,_| .__/__/ |_|  |_\\___/\\__,_|\\_,_|_\\___|

my $custhm=<<FIN;
    _  _        _     __  __         _      _
   | || |___ __| |_  |  \\/  |___  __| |_  _| |___
   | __ / _ (_-<  _| | |\\/| / _ \\/ _` | || | / -_)
   |_||_\\___/__/\\__| |_|  |_\\___/\\__,_|\\_,_|_\\___|

my $custfm=<<FIN;
    ___           __   __  __         _      _
   / __|___ _ _  / _| |  \\/  |___  __| |_  _| |___
  | (__/ _ \\ ' \\|  _| | |\\/| / _ \\/ _` | || | / -_)
   \\___\\___/_||_|_|   |_|  |_\\___/\\__,_|\\_,_|_\\___|

my $custcm=<<FIN;
    ___         _       __  __         _      _
   / __|___  __| |___  |  \\/  |___  __| |_  _| |___
  | (__/ _ \\/ _` / -_) | |\\/| / _ \\/ _` | || | / -_)
   \\___\\___/\\__,_\\___| |_|  |_\\___/\\__,_|\\_,_|_\\___|

            my $fabann=sub {
               my $type=$_[0]||'';
               unless ($type) {
                  my $ind=rindex $type,'fa_';
               my $caps='';
               if ($type eq 'code') {
               } elsif ($type eq 'conf') {
               } elsif ($type eq 'host') {
               } elsif ($type eq 'maps') {
               } else {
               my $set='';
               if ($default_modules->{'set'} ne 'none') {
                  $set="   WARNING!: Set \'$default_modules->{'set'}\'".
                       " is currently the Default Set;\n             ".
                       "it will be changed to \'none\' if you proceed.\n".
                       "             Run  \'fa --set\'  to work with ".
                       "FullAuto Sets.\n\n";
               return "   CURRENT MODULE DEFAULTS when Default Set".
                      " is \'none\':\n\n   Code  =>  ".
                      "   Conf  =>  ".
                      "   Host  =>  ".
                      "   Maps  =>  ".
                      "   Menu  =>  ".
                      "$caps$set   Please select the fa_".$type."[.*].pm ".
                      "module that will become the new\n   ".
                      ucfirst($type)." Module Default (run  \'fa --import\'".
                      "  to add more choices):";
            my $fasetdef=sub {
               package fasetdef;
               use BerkeleyDB;
               use File::Path;
               no strict "subs";
               my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
               my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},
               my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')
               require "$loc/";
               unless (-d
                     $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Defaults') {
               my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                  -Home  => $fa_defs::FA_Secure.
                  -Flags =>
               ) or die(
                  "cannot open environment for DB: ".
               my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                  -Filename => $progname.
                  -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                  -Env      => $dbenv
               my $default_modules='';
               my $status=$bdb->db_get(
                  if -1<index $default_modules,'$HASH';
               $default_modules=eval $default_modules;
               if (-1<index ']S[','code') {
                  unless (exists $default_modules->{'fa_conf'}) {
               } elsif (-1<index ']S[','conf') {
                  unless (exists $default_modules->{'fa_host'}) {
               } elsif (-1<index ']S[','host') {
                  unless (exists $default_modules->{'fa_maps'}) {
               } elsif (-1<index ']S[','maps') {
                  unless (exists $default_modules->{'fa_menu'}) {
               } else {
                  unless (exists $default_modules->{'fa_menu'}) {
               my $put_dref=
               undef $bdb;
               undef $dbenv;
               print "\n\n   New Default Modules ".
                     "now:\n\n   Code  =>  ".
                     "\n   Conf  =>  ".
                     "\n   Host  =>  ".
                     "\n   Maps  =>  ".
                     "\n   Menu  =>  ".
                     "\n   Set   =>  \'none\'".
               return "Finished Default Module";
            if (defined $facode) {
               my %define_module_fa_menu=(
                  Label      => 'define_module_fa_menu',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => ']C[',
                     Convey => $get_modules->('Code'),
                     Result => $fasetdef,
                  Banner => $fabann->('Code'),
               my $selection=Menu(\%define_module_fa_menu);
            } elsif (defined $faconf) {
               my %define_module_fa_conf=(
                  Label      => 'define_module_fa_conf',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => ']C[',
                     Convey => $get_modules->('Conf'),
                     Result => $fasetdef,
                  Banner => $fabann->('Conf'),
               my $selection=Menu(\%define_module_fa_conf);
            } elsif (defined $fahost) {
               my %define_module_fa_host=(
                  Label      => 'define_module_fa_host',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => ']C[',
                     Convey => $get_modules->('Host'),
                     Result => $fasetdef,
                  Banner => $fabann->('Host'),
               my $selection=Menu(\%define_module_fa_host);
            } elsif (defined $famaps) {
               my %define_module_fa_maps=(
                  Label      => 'define_module_fa_maps',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => ']C[',
                     Convey => $get_modules->('Maps'),
                     Result => $fasetdef,
                  Banner => $fabann->('Maps'),
               my $selection=Menu(\%define_module_fa_maps);
            } elsif (defined $famenu) {
               my %define_module_fa_menu=(
                  Label      => 'define_module_fa_menu',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => ']C[',
                     Convey => $get_modules->('Menu'),
                     Result => $fasetdef,
                  Banner => $fabann->('Menu'),
               my $selection=Menu(\%define_module_fa_menu);
            } elsif (defined $set) {
               my $current_default_set=$default_modules->{'set'};
               my $dm_banner="   Please Select a Module Set Operation:\n\n";
               if ($current_default_set eq 'none') {
                  $dm_banner.="      ** NO DEFAULT SET DEFINED **\n";
               } else {
                     "      ** DEFAULT SET -> $current_default_set **\n";
               my %define_modules_commit=(
                  Label      => 'define_modules_commit',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text => "YES",
                     Result => sub {
                        package set_default_sub;
                        no strict "subs";
                        use BerkeleyDB;
                        use File::Path;
                        use Data::Dump::Streamer;
                        my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
                        my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')+1,-3);
                        require "$loc/";
                        unless (-d $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Sets') {
                        my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                              -Home  => $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Sets',
                              -Flags => DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_CDB|DB_INIT_MPOOL
                        ) or die(
                           "cannot open environment for DB: ".
                        my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                              -Filename => "${progname}_sets.db",
                              -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                              -Env      => $dbenv
                        unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                           $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                              -Filename => "${progname}_sets.db",
                              -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
                              -Env      => $dbenv
                           unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                              die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                                  "${progname}_sets.db $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
                        my $mysets='';
                        my $status=$bdb->db_get($username,$mysets);
                        $mysets=eval $mysets;
                        my $ph="Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/";

                              Label       => $main::setname,
                              Description => $main::desc,
                              fa_code     => 
                              fa_conf     =>
                              fa_host     =>
                              fa_maps     =>
                              fa_menu     =>

                        my $put_mref=
                        undef $bdb;
                        undef $dbenv;
                        return "Finished Defining Set";
                  Item_2 => {
                     Text => "No  ( FullAuto [fa --set] will EXIT )",
                  Banner => sub {
my $custns=<<FIN;
    _  _              ___      _   
   | \\| |_____ __ __ / __| ___| |_ 
   | .` / -_) V  V / \\__ \\/ -_)  _| o
   |_|\\_\\___|\\_/\\_/  |___/\\___|\\__| o

                     my $spc=length $main::setname;
                     return "$custns     \'$main::setname\'  --> Code => ".
                            "      $spc       Conf => ".
                            "      $spc       Host => ".
                            "      $spc       Maps => ".
                            "      $spc       Menu => ".
                            "      ${spc}Description => $main::desc\n\n\n".
                            "   Would you like to COMMIT the New Set ".
                            "( $main::setname )?:";
               my %define_modules_menu_fa_menu=(
                  Label      => 'define_modules_menu_fa_menu',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text    => ']C[',
                     Convey  => $get_modules->('Menu'),
                     Result => \%define_modules_commit,
                  Banner => sub {
                     my $spc=length $main::setname;
                     return "   New Set:  \'$main::setname\'  --> Code => ".
                            "              $spc       Conf => ".
                            "              $spc       Host => ".
                            "              $spc       Maps => ".
                            "$custmm   Please select a fa_menu[.*].pm ".
               my %define_modules_menu_fa_maps=(
                  Label      => 'define_modules_menu_fa_maps',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text    => ']C[',
                     Convey  => $get_modules->('Maps'),
                     Result => \%define_modules_menu_fa_menu,
                  Banner => sub {
                     my $spc=length $main::setname;
                     return "   New Set:  \'$main::setname\'  --> Code => ".
                            "              $spc       Conf => ".
                            "              $spc       Host => ".
                            "$custpm   Please select a fa_maps[.*].pm ".
               my %define_modules_menu_fa_host=(
                  Label      => 'define_modules_menu_fa_host',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text    => ']C[',
                     Convey  => $get_modules->('Host'),
                     Result => \%define_modules_menu_fa_maps,
                  Banner => sub {
                     my $spc=length $main::setname;
                     return "   New Set:  \'$main::setname\'  --> Code => ".
                            "              $spc       Conf => ".
                            "$custhm   Please select a fa_host[.*].pm ".
               my %define_modules_menu_fa_conf=(
                  Label      => 'define_modules_menu_fa_conf',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text    => ']C[',
                     Convey  => $get_modules->('Conf'),
                     Result => \%define_modules_menu_fa_host,
                  Banner => sub {
                     return "   New Set:  \'$main::setname\'  --> Code => ".
                            "$custfm   Please select a fa_conf[.*].pm ".
               my %define_modules_menu_fa_code=(
                  Label      => 'define_modules_menu_fa_code',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text    => ']C[',
                     Convey  => sub {
                        use File::Path;
                        use File::Copy;
                        while (1) {
                           print "\n\n\n   Please type the name\n".
                                 "   for the new Set: ";
                           my $sets=$set_default_sub->();
                           my %sets=();
                           foreach my $set (@{$sets}) {
                           if (exists $sets{$main::setname}) {
                              my $bann="   The set name you typed: ".
                                       "$main::setname\n   already ".
                                       "is in use. Would\n   you ".
                                       "like to replace it?";
                              my $ans=Term::Menus::pick(['yes','no'],$bann);
                              if ($ans eq 'no') {
                              } else { last }
                           } elsif ($main::setname=~/^\s*$/) {
                           } else { last }
                        print "\n\n\n   Please type the Description\n".
                              "   for the new Set: ";
                        my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
                        my $fadir=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
                        unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username/Code") {
                              || do{ die "copy failed: $!" };
                        my @xfiles = readdir(DIR);
                        my @return=();
                        foreach my $entry (@xfiles) {
                           next if $entry eq '.';
                           next if $entry eq '..';
                           next if -d $entry;
                           push @return, $entry;
                        return @return;
                     Result => \%define_modules_menu_fa_conf,
                  Banner => sub {
my $custcm=<<FIN;
    ___         _       __  __         _      _     
   / __|___  __| |___  |  \\/  |___  __| |_  _| |___ 
  | (__/ _ \\/ _` / -_) | |\\/| / _ \\/ _` | || | / -_)
   \\___\\___/\\__,_\\___| |_|  |_\\___/\\__,_|\\_,_|_\\___|

                     return "   New Set:  \'$main::setname\'\n\n".
                            "$custcm   Please select a fa_code[.*].pm ".
                            "\n\n   (Hint: Use the 'Manage Module Sets'".
                            " feature to import and export modules".
                            "\n   owned by other users, or that are".
                            " components of third party distributions.)\n";
               my $mm_banner="   Please Select a Module Set Operation:\n\n";
               if ($current_default_set eq 'none') {
                  $mm_banner.="      ** NO DEFAULT SET DEFINED **\n";
               } else {
                     "      ** DEFAULT SET -> $current_default_set **\n";
               my %delete_sets_menu=(
                  Label      => 'delete_sets_menu',
                  Item_1     => {
                     Text    => "]C[",
                     Convey  => sub {
                                      my $arr=$set_default_sub->();
                                      my @ret=();
                                      foreach my $ar (@{$arr}) {
                                         push @ret,"$ar\n\n";
                                   return @ret;
                     Result  => sub {
                                      package del_sets;
                                      use BerkeleyDB;
                                      use File::Path;
                                      no strict "subs";
                                      my $res='';
                                      if ("]S[") {
                                         if (substr($res,0,1) eq '[') {
                                            $res=eval $res;
                                      my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
                                      my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},
                                      my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')
                                      require "$loc/";
                                      unless (-d
                                            $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Defaults') {
                                      my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                                        -Home  => $fa_defs::FA_Secure.
                                        -Flags =>
                                      ) or die(
                                      "cannot open environment for DB: ".
                                      my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                                        -Filename => $progname.
                                        -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                                        -Env      => $dbenv
                                      unless (
                                            ) {
                                            $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                                           -Filename => $progname.
                                           -Flags    =>
                                           -Env      => $dbenv
                                         unless (
                                               Successful/) {
                                            die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                                                "${progname}_defaults.db ".
                                      my $default_modules='';
                                      my $status=$bdb->db_get(
                                         if -1<index $default_modules,
                                      $default_modules=eval $default_modules;
                                      unless (-d
                                            $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Sets') {
                                      my $sdbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                                        -Home  => $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Sets',
                                        -Flags =>
                                      ) or die(
                                      "cannot open environment for DB: ".
                                      my $sbdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                                        -Filename => "${progname}_sets.db",
                                        -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                                        -Env      => $sdbenv
                                      unless (
                                            ) {
                                         $sbdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                                           -Filename => $progname."_sets.db",
                                           -Flags    =>
                                           -Env      => $sdbenv
                                         unless (
                                               Successful/) {
                                            die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                                                "${progname}_sets.db ".
                                      my $mysets='';
                                      $mysets=eval $mysets;
                                      foreach my $set (@{$res}) {
                                         if ($default_modules->{'set'}
                                               eq $set) {
                                            my $ban=
                                               "\n\n   WARNING!: You are ".
                                               "about to delete the default".
                                               " set\n\n   -> \'$set\'; ".
                                               " Do you still wish to ".
                                               "proceed?\n\n   (The ".
                                               "Default Set will be set to".
                                               " \'none\' if \'yes\')";
                                            my $ans=Term::Menus::pick(
                                            if ($ans eq 'no') {
                                            } else {
                                         delete $mysets->{$set};
                                      my $put_dref=
                                      my $put_fref=
                                      undef $bdb;
                                      undef $dbenv;
                                      undef $sbdb;
                                      undef $sdbenv;
                                      return 'Finished Deleting Set';
                  Select => 'Many',
                  Banner => sub {
my $custds=<<FIN;
    ___      _     _         ___      _      
   |   \\ ___| |___| |_ ___  / __| ___| |_ ___
   | |) / -_) / -_)  _/ -_) \\__ \\/ -_)  _(_-<
   |___/\\___|_\\___|\\__\\___| |___/\\___|\\__/__/

                     return "$custds   ".
                            "Please Select one or more Sets to Delete:"

               my %manage_modules_menu=(
                  Label      => 'manage_modules_menu',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text    => 'Examine Module Set(s)',
                  Item_2 => {
                     Text    => 'Modify  Module Set',
                  Item_3 => {
                     Text    => 'Delete  Module Set(s)',
                     Result  => \%delete_sets_menu,
                  Item_4 => {
                     Text    => 'Export  Module Set/Components',
                  Item_5 => {
                     Text    => 'Import  Module Set/Components',
                  Banner => $mm_banner
               my $sdf_banner="   Please Select a Default Module Set:\n\n";
               my $clearoption='';
               if ($current_default_set eq 'none') {
                  $sdf_banner.="      ** NO DEFAULT SET DEFINED **\n";
                  $clearoption="Keep as 'none'\n\n";
               } else {
                      "      ** DEFAULT SET -> $current_default_set **\n";
                  $clearoption="Set to 'none'\n\n";
               my %set_default_menu=(
                  Label  => 'set_default_menu',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text    => $clearoption,
                  Item_2 => {
                     Text    => "]C[\n                ".
                                "Username:    $username\n\n",
                     Default => "SET Label:   $current_default_set",
                     Convey  => $set_default_sub->($current_default_set),
                  Banner => $sdf_banner
               my $sm_banner="   Please Select a Module Set Operation:\n\n";
               if ($current_default_set eq 'none') {
                  $sm_banner.="      ** NO DEFAULT SET DEFINED **\n";
                  $clearoption="Keep as 'none'\n\n";
               } else {
                     "      ** DEFAULT SET -> $current_default_set **\n";
                  $clearoption="Set to 'none'\n\n";
               my %set_menu=(
                  Label  => 'set_menu',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => 'Select Default Module Set',
                     Result => \%set_default_menu,
                  Item_2 => {
                     Text   =>
                        "Keep Default Module Set: $current_default_set",
                  Item_3 => {
                     Text   => 'Clear Default Module Set',
                  Item_4 => {
                     Text   => 'Define New Module Set',
                     Result => \%define_modules_menu_fa_code,
                  Item_5 => {
                     Text   => 'Manage Module Sets',
                     Result => \%manage_modules_menu, 
                  Banner => $sm_banner
               my $selection=Menu(\%set_menu);
               if (($selection eq ']quit[') ||
                     (-1<index $selection,'will EXIT') ||
                     ($selection eq 'Finished Defining Set') ||
                     ($selection eq 'Finished Deleting Set')) {
               unless (((-1<index $selection,'none') || 
                      (-1<index $selection,'Clear') ||
                      (-1<index $selection,'Keep'))) {
                  my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                     -Home  => $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Defaults',
                     -Flags => DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_CDB|DB_INIT_MPOOL
                  ) or die(
                     "cannot open environment for DB: ".
                  my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                     -Filename => "${progname}_defaults.db",
                     -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                     -Env      => $dbenv
                  unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                     $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                        -Filename => "${progname}_defaults.db",
                        -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
                        -Env      => $dbenv
                     unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                        die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                            "${progname}_defaults.db $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
                  my $put_dref=
                  undef $bdb;
                  undef $dbenv;
               } elsif ((-1<index $selection,'Set to \'none') ||
                     (-1<index $selection,'Clear')) {
                  my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                     -Home  => $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Defaults',
                     -Flags => DB_CREATE|DB_INIT_CDB|DB_INIT_MPOOL
                  ) or die(
                     "cannot open environment for DB: ".
                  my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                     -Filename => "${progname}_defaults.db",
                     -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                     -Env      => $dbenv
                  unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                     $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                        -Filename => "${progname}_defaults.db",
                        -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
                        -Env      => $dbenv
                     unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                        die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                            "${progname}_defaults.db $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
                  } else { $selection='none' }
                  my $put_dref=
                  undef $bdb;
                  undef $dbenv;
               } elsif (-1<index $selection,'Keep') {
               } else { $selection='none' }
               print "\n\n   Default Module Set is now -> \'$selection\'.\n";
            if (defined $famenu) {
            } elsif (defined $facode) {
            } elsif (defined $fahost) {
            } elsif (defined $faconf) {
            } elsif (defined $famaps) {
            } elsif (defined $default) {
my $dfbann=<<FIN;

    ___     _ _   _       _          ___       __           _ _
   | __|  _| | | /_\\ _  _| |_ ___   |   \\ ___ / _|__ _ _  _| | |_ ___
   | _| || | | |/ _ \\ || |  _/ _ \\  | |) / -_)  _/ _` | || | |  _(_-<
   |_| \\_,_|_|_/_/ \\_\\_,_|\\__\\___/  |___/\\___|_| \\__,_|\\_,_|_|\\__/__/

               my $banner=$dfbann;
               if (!exists $default_modules->{'set'} ||
                     $default_modules->{'set'} eq 'none') {
                  $banner.="      ** NO DEFAULT SET DEFINED **\n\n";
               my $ca_sub=sub {
                  use File::Path;
                  use File::Copy;
                  my $type=$_[0];
                  my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
                  my $fadir=substr($INC{'Net/'},0,-3);
                  unless (-d "$fadir/Custom/$username/$type") {
                       || do{ die "copy failed: $!" };
                  my @xfiles = readdir(DIR);
                  my @return=();
                  foreach my $entry (@xfiles) {
                     next if $entry eq '.';
                     next if $entry eq '..';
                     next if -d $entry;
                     push @return, $entry;
                  return @return;
               my %cacomm=(

                     Label => 'cacomm',
                     Item_1 => {
                        Text   => "YES",
                        Result  => sub {
                                         package del_sets;
                                         use BerkeleyDB;
                                         use File::Path;
                                         no strict "subs";
                                         my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
                                         my $loc=substr($INC{'Net/'},
                                         my $progname=substr($0,(rindex $0,'/')
                                         require "$loc/";
                                         unless (-d
                                               $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Defaults') {
                                         my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                                           -Home  => $fa_defs::FA_Secure.
                                           -Flags =>
                                         ) or die(
                                         "cannot open environment for DB: ".
                                         my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                                           -Filename => $progname.
                                           -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                                           -Env      => $dbenv
                                         my $default_modules='';
                                         my $status=$bdb->db_get(
                                           if -1<index $default_modules,'$HASH';
                                         $default_modules=eval $default_modules;
                                         my $put_dref=
                                         undef $bdb;
                                         undef $dbenv;
                                         print "\n\n   New Default Modules ".
                                               "now:\n\n   Code  =>  ".
                                               "]P[{cacode}\n   Conf  =>  ".
                                               "]P[{caconf}\n   Host  =>  ".
                                               "]P[{cahost}\n   Maps  =>  ".
                                               "]P[{camaps}\n   Menu  =>  ".
                                               "]P[{camenu}\n   Set   =>  ".
                                         return "Finished Defining Defaults";

                     Item_2 => {
                        Text => "No  ( FullAuto [fa --defaults] will EXIT )",
                     Banner => sub {
my $custnd=<<FIN;
    _  _              ___       __           _ _      
   | \\| |_____ __ __ |   \\ ___ / _|__ _ _  _| | |_ ___
   | .` / -_) V  V / | |) / -_)  _/ _` | || | |  _(_-< o
   |_|\\_\\___|\\_/\\_/  |___/\\___|_| \\__,_|\\_,_|_|\\__/__/ o

                        my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
                        return "$custnd    Code  =>  ".
                               "    Conf  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "    Host  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "    Maps  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "    Menu  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "]P[{camenu}\n    Set   =>  none\n\n   ".
                               "Would you like to COMMIT the New Defaults?:";
               my %camenu=(

                     Label => 'camenu',
                     Item_1 => {
                        Text   => ']C[',
                        Convey => $get_modules->('Menu'),
                        Result => \%cacomm,
                     Banner => sub {
                        my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
                        return "   Code  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "   Conf  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "   Host  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "   Maps  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "$custmm   Please select a fa_menu[.*].pm ".

               my %camaps=(

                     Label => 'camaps',
                     Item_1 => {
                        Text   => ']C[',
                        Convey => $get_modules->('Maps'),
                        Result => \%camenu,

                     Banner => sub {
                        my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
                        return "   Code  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "   Conf  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "   Host  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "$custpm   Please select a fa_maps[.*].pm ".

               my %cahost=(

                     Label => 'cahost',
                     Item_1 => {
                        Text   => ']C[',
                        Convey => $get_modules->('Host'),
                        Result => \%camaps,

                     Banner => sub {
                        my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
                        return "   Code  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "   Conf  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "$custhm   Please select a fa_host[.*].pm ".

               my %caconf=(

                     Label => 'caconf',
                     Item_1 => {
                        Text   => ']C[',
                        Convey => $get_modules->('Conf'),
                        Result => \%cahost,
                     Banner => sub {
                        my $username=getlogin || getpwuid($<);
                        return "   Code  =>  Net/FullAuto/Custom/$username/".
                               "$custfm   Please select a fa_conf[.*].pm ".

               my %cacode=(

                     Label => 'cacode',
                     Item_1 => {
                        Text   => ']C[',
                        Convey => $get_modules->('Code'),
                        Result => \%caconf,

                     Banner => "$custcm   Please select a fa_code[.*].pm ".

               my %define_module_from_viewdef=(
                  Label      => 'define_module_from_viewdef',
                  Item_1 => {
                     Text   => ']C[',
                     Convey => $get_modules,
                     Result => $fasetdef,
                  Banner => $fabann,
               my $vdbanner=$banner."    Code  =>  "
                           ."\n    Conf  =>  "
                           ."\n    Host  =>  "
                           ."\n    Maps  =>  "
                           ."\n    Menu  =>  "
               my %viewdefaults=(

                     Label => 'viewdefaults',
                     Item_1 => {
                        Text   => "Change ALL Defaults",
                        Result => \%cacode,
                     Item_2 => {
                        Text   => "Change Default ]C[",
                        Convey => ['fa_code','fa_conf','fa_host',
                        Result => \%define_module_from_viewdef,
                     Banner => $vdbanner,

               if (!exists $default_modules->{'set'} ||
                     $default_modules->{'set'} eq 'none') {
                  my $selection=Menu(\%viewdefaults);
                  if (($selection eq ']quit[') ||
                        (-1<index $selection,'will EXIT') ||
                        ($selection eq 'Finished Defining Defaults') ||
                        ($selection eq 'Finished Default Module')) {
                  #print "SELECTION=$selection\n";sleep 5;
               } else {
                  my $sdbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                       -Home  => $fa_defs::FA_Secure.'Sets',
                       -Flags =>
                  ) or die(
                      "cannot open environment for DB: ".
                  my $sbdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                       -Filename => "${progname}_sets.db",
                       -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                       -Env      => $sdbenv
                  unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                     $sbdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                         -Filename => $progname."_sets.db",
                         -Flags    =>
                         -Env      => $sdbenv
                     unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                        die "Cannot Open DB: ${progname}_sets.db ".
                  my $mysets='';
                  my $status=$sbdb->db_get($username,$mysets);
                  $mysets=eval $mysets;
                  undef $sbdb;
                  undef $sdbenv;
                  my $set=$default_modules->{'set'};
                  my $spc=length $set;
                  $banner.="      ** DEFAULT SET -> $set **\n\n"
                         ."     \'$set\'  --> Code => "
                         ."      $spc       Conf => "
                         ."      $spc       Host => "
                         ."      $spc       Maps => "
                         ."      $spc       Menu => "
                         ."      ${spc}Description => "
                         ."      NOTE: Any action in this Menu"
                         ." will change the Default Set to 'none'.\n"
                         ."            To work with FullAuto Sets, "
                         ."run  \'fa --set\'  instead.\n";
                  my %defaultsettings=(

                        Label  => 'defaultsettings',
                        Item_1 => {
                           Text   =>
                              "View Defaults when Default Set equals \'none\'",
                           Result => \%viewdefaults,
                        Item_2 => {
                           Text   => "Change ALL Defaults",
                           Result => \%cacode,
                        Item_3 => {
                           Text   => "Change Default ]C[",
                           Convey => ['fa_code','fa_conf','fa_host',
                        Banner => $banner,

                  my $selection=Menu(\%defaultsettings);
                  if (($selection eq ']quit[') ||
                        (-1<index $selection,'will EXIT') ||
                        ($selection eq 'Finished Defining Defaults')) {
         if ($plan || $plan_ignore_error) {
            if ($Net::FullAuto::cpu) {
               my $idle=(split ',', $Net::FullAuto::cpu)[3];
               my $cpyou=100-$idle;
               if ($idle<20) {
                  my $die="FATAL ERROR - CPU Usage is too high\n"
                         ."              to run FullAuto safely.\n"
                         ."   CPU are Starttime ==> ${cpyou}%\n";
            my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
               -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Plans',
               -Flags =>
            ) or &handle_error(
               "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',
            my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
               -Filename => ${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}.
               -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
               -Compare  => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
               -Env      => $dbenv
            unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
               $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                  -Filename =>
                  -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
                  -Compare  => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
                  -Env      => $dbenv
               unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                  die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                      " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
               "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
               '__cleanup__',$track) unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
            my $pref='';
            my $status=$bdb->db_get($plan,$pref);
            my $pla_n=eval $pref;
            unless (ref $pla_n eq 'HASH' and exists $pla_n->{Plan}) {
               my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! -  Plan $plan is *NOT* a"
                  ."\n              Valid FullAuto Plan. Please indicate\,"
                  ."\n              a Valid Plan, or Create one using the"
                  ."\n              --plan argument without a number.\n"
                  ."\n           $status\n";
               print $MRLOG $die
                  if $log && -1<index $MRLOG,'*';
            undef $bdb;
            undef $dbenv;
         if ($localhost && -1<index $login_Mast_error,'invalid log'
               && -1<index $login_Mast_error,'ogin incor'
               && -1<index $login_Mast_error,'sion den') {
            if ($cmd_type eq 'telnet' &&
                  defined fileno $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {
               while (defined fileno $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {
                  while (my $line=$localhost->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     my $allout.=$line;
                     last if $allout=~/logout|closed/s;
                  } $localhost->{_cmd_handle}->close;
            } elsif ($cmd_type eq 'ssh') {
            } else { $localhost->{_cmd_handle}->close }

         if ($login_Mast_error) {
            if ($login_Mast_error=~/[Ll]ogin|sion den|Passwo/) {
            } else {
               #print "ERROR MESSAGE-> $login_Mast_error\n";<STDIN>;

         if (!$userflag && !$cron || !$username) {
            my $uid=$username;
            if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron) {
               while (1) {
                  if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
                     print $blanklines;
                  } else {
                     print "$blanklines\n";
                  if ($login_Mast_error) {
                     print "ERROR MESSAGE-> $login_Mast_error\n";
                  if ($test && !$prod) {
                     print "\n  Running in TEST mode\n";
                  } else { print "\n  Running in PRODUCTION mode\n" }
                  my $usrname_timeout=350;
                  my $usrname='';
                  eval {
                     $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
                        "Username Input Prompt at Line: ".__LINE__,1);
                     my $ikey='';
                     print "\n";
                     ($usrname,$ikey)=rawInput("  $hostname Login <$uid> : ");
                  if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
                     print "\n\n";
                        "Time Allowed for Username Input has Expired.",
                  chomp $usrname;
                  next if $usrname=~/^\d/ || !$usrname && !$uid;
                  $username= ($usrname) ? $usrname : $uid;
            } else {
         my $kind='prod';
         $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test &&
         unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds') {
         my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
            -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds',
         ) or &handle_error(
            "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
            "BDB DB Access: ".__LINE__);
         my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
            -Filename =>
            -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
            -Env      => $dbenv
         unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
            $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
               -Filename =>
               -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
               -Env      => $dbenv
            unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
               die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                   " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
            "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
            unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
         my $href={};
         if ($save_main_pass || $password_from ne 'user_input' ||
               ($login_Mast_error &&
                -1<index $login_Mast_error,'Not a GLOB reference')) {
            my $status=$bdb->db_get('localhost',$href);
            $href=eval $href;
#delete ${$href}{"gatekeep_$username"};
            if (exists $href->{"gatekeep_$username"}) {
               my $zyxarray=$href->{"passetts_$username"};
               $passetts=eval $zyxarray;
               undef $zyxarray;
               my $ignore_expiration=$passetts->[1]||0;
               my $now=time;
#print "WHAT IS IGNORED EXP=$ignore_expiration and PASSWORD FROM=$password_from\n";
               if ($now<$ignore_expiration) {
                  $passetts->[9]=$dcipher = new Crypt::CBC(
                  my $rstr=new String::Random;
                  if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
                  } else {
                  my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
                  my $tpess=$dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0]);
                  my $skipflag=0;
                  if ($password_from ne 'user_input') {
                     if ($passwd[0] ne $tpess) {
                        undef $tpess;
                        undef $passwd[0];
                     } else {
                        print "\n  Saved Password matches outside input!\n"; 
                  unless ($skipflag) {
                     undef $tpess;
                     print "\n  Saved Password will Expire: ".
                        scalar localtime($ignore_expiration)."\n"
                        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     my $arr=[$tpess,$ignore_expiration];
                     undef $tpess;
                     my $put_href=
               } elsif ($password_from ne 'user_input') {
                  my $rstr=new String::Random;
                  if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
                  } else {
                  my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
                  undef $passwd[0];
               } else {
                  print "\n  NOTICE!: Saved Password --EXPIRED-- on ".
                        scalar localtime($ignore_expiration)."\n";
                  my $passwd_timeout=350;
                  my $pas='';
                  my $te_time=time;
                  eval {
                     $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
                        "Password Input Prompt at Line: ".__LINE__,1);
                     print "\n  PasswordX2: ";
                     ReadMode 2;
                  if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
                     undef $bdb;
                     undef $dbenv;
                     print "\n\n";
                        "Time Allowed for Password Input has Expired.",
                  my $te_time2=time;
                  if (10<$loop_count
                        || (($te_time==$te_time2 || $te_time==$te_time2-1) &&
                        !$pas)) {
                     undef $bdb;
                     undef $dbenv;
                     print "\n";
                        "\n       FATAL ERROR: Password Input Prompt appeared".
                        "\n              in what appears to be an unattended".
                        "\n              process/job - no password was entered".
                        "\n              and one is ALWAYS required with".
                        "\n              FullAuto. The Prompt does not appear".
                        "\n              to have paused at all - which is".
                        "\n              proper and expected when FullAuto".
                        "\n              is invoked from cron, but no password".
                        "\n              was previously saved".
                        "\n       Remedy: Run FullAuto manually with the".
                        "\n              --password option (with no actual".
                        "\n              password following the option) and".
                        "\n              choose an appropriate expiration time".
                        "\n              with the resulting menus.",
                  print "\n\n";
                  my $rstr=new String::Random;
                  if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
                  } else {
                  my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
                  undef $passwd[0];
            } elsif ($passwd[0]) {
               my $rstr=new String::Random;
               if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
               } else {
               my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
               undef $passwd[0];
#print "WHAT IS GATEKEEP=",$href->{"gatekeep_$username"},"\n";
            } else {
#print "LOGIN_MAST_ERROR2=$login_Mast_error and BDB=$bdb<==\n";
               my $passwd_timeout=350;
               my $pas='';
               my $te_time=time;
               eval {
                  $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
                     "Password Input Prompt at Line: ".__LINE__,1);
                  print "\n\n  Password: ";
                  ReadMode 2;
               my $te_time2=time;
               if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
                  undef $bdb;
                  undef $dbenv;
                  print "\n\n";
                     "Time Allowed for Password Input has Expired.",
               if (10<$loop_count ||
                     (($te_time==$te_time2 || $te_time==$te_time2-1) &&
                     !$pas)) {
                  undef $bdb;
                  undef $dbenv;
                  print "\n";
                     "\n       FATAL ERROR: Password Input Prompt appeared".
                     "\n              in what appears to be an unattended".
                     "\n              process/job - no password was entered".
                     "\n              and one is ALWAYS required with".
                     "\n              FullAuto. The Prompt does not appear".
                     "\n              to have paused at all - which is".
                     "\n              proper and expected when FullAuto".
                     "\n              is invoked from cron, but no password".
                     "\n              was previously saved".
                     "\n       Remedy: Run FullAuto manually with the".
                     "\n              --password option (with no actual".
                     "\n              password following the option) and".
                     "\n              choose an appropriate expiration time".
                     "\n              with the resulting menus.",
               print "\n\n";
               my $rstr=new String::Random;
               if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
               } else {
#print "WHAT IS GATEKEEP2=",$href->{"gatekeep_$username"},"\n";
               my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
               undef $passwd[0];
         } elsif ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher ||
               && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron) {
            my $passwd_timeout=350;
            my $pas='';
            my $te_time=time;
            eval {
               $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # \n required
                  "Password Input Prompt at Line: ".__LINE__,1);
               print "\n\n  Password: ";
               ReadMode 2;
            my $te_time2=time;
            if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
               undef $bdb;
               undef $dbenv;
               print "\n\n";
                  "Input Time Limit for Password Prompt:\n\n".
                  "         Password: Expired");
            if (10<$loop_count ||
                  (($te_time==$te_time2 || $te_time==$te_time2-1) &&
                  !$pas)) {
               undef $bdb;
               undef $dbenv;
               print "\n<---";
                  "\n       FATAL ERROR: Password Input Prompt appeared".
                  "\n              in what appears to be an unattended".
                  "\n              process/job - no password was entered".
                  "\n              and one is ALWAYS required with".
                  "\n              FullAuto. The Prompt does not appear".
                  "\n              to have paused at all - which is".
                  "\n              proper and expected when FullAuto".
                  "\n              is invoked from cron, but no password".
                  "\n              was previously saved".
                  "\n       Remedy: Run FullAuto manually with the".
                  "\n              --password option (with no actual".
                  "\n              password following the option) and".
                  "\n              choose an appropriate expiration time".
                  "\n              with the resulting menus.",
#print "LOGIN_MAST_ERROR=$login_Mast_error<== AND NO BDB\n";
            my $status=$bdb->db_get('localhost',$href);
            $href=eval $href;
            my $pselection='';
            my $ignore_expiration=0;
            if (exists $href->{"gatekeep_$username"}) {
               my $zyxarray=$href->{"passetts_$username"};
               $passetts=eval $zyxarray;
               undef $zyxarray;
               my $now=time;
               my $tdcipher='';
#print "WHAT IS IGNORED EXP=$ignore_expiration and PASSWORD FROM=$password_from\n";
               if ($now<$ignore_expiration) {
                  $tdcipher = new Crypt::CBC(
                  if ($passwd[0] eq $tdcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0])) {
                     my %askaboutpass=(

                        Label => 'askaboutpass',
                        Item_1 => {

                           Text => 'Keep the Saved Password',
                        Item_2 => {

                           Text => 'Discard the Saved Password',

                        Banner => "   FullAuto has detected a Saved Password\n".
                                  "      from previous invocations that has NOT\n".
                                  "      yet expired. Please select how FullAuto\n".
                                  "      should proceed . . .\n\n".
                                  "   To avoid this screen when using a Saved\n".
                                  "      Password (Saved Passwords are NEVER\n".
                                  "      recommended and are ALWAYS an increased\n".
                                  "      security risk - but are allowed for\n".
                                  "      unattended mode and for making interactive\n".
                                  "      use easier and more efficient - like\n".
                                  "      during custom code development.)\n".
                                  "      always be sure to start FullAuto with the\n".
                                  "      --password argument (with *NO* password\n".
                                  "      actually entered with the argument.\n".
                                  "      FullAuto *DOES NOT* support command line\n".
                                  "      argument passing of passwords. It is\n".
                                  "      a VERY insecure and highly discouraged\n".
                                  "      practice!)."
                     cleanup() if $pselection eq ']quit[';
            my $rstr=new String::Random;
            if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'} 
               && $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
            } else {
            my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
            undef $passwd[0];
            if ($pselection ne 'Keep the Saved Password') {
               delete $href->{"gatekeep_$username"};
            } else {
               print "\n  Saved Password will Expire: ".
                  scalar localtime($ignore_expiration)."\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               my $tpess=$ecipher->encrypt(
               my $arr=[$tpess,$ignore_expiration];
               undef $tpess;
            my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
            print "\n\n";
         } else {
            my $rstr=new String::Random;
            if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}
               && $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
            } else {
            my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
            undef $passwd[0];
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;


         my $lc_cnt=-1;
         $localhost={};my $local_host='';
         $localhost=bless $localhost, 'Rem_Command';
         bless $localhost, substr($custom_code_module_file,0,-3);

            "Local Host Login at Line: ".__LINE__,1);

         foreach my $connect_method (@RCM_Link) {
            if (lc($connect_method) eq 'telnet') {
               my $telnetpath='';
               if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'telnet'}) {
                  $telnetpath.='/' if $telnetpath!~/\/$/;
                  or (&release_semaphore(6543) &&
                      "couldn't launch telnet subprocess"));
#print "CMD_PID=$cmd_pid<======\n";
               $localhost->{_hostlabel}=[ "__Master_${$}__",'' ];
               $local_host=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $localhost,
                  Timeout => $fatimeout);
                  if exists $localhost->{_cmd_handle};
               delete $localhost->{_cmd_handle}
                  if exists $localhost->{_cmd_handle};
               while (my $line=$local_host->get) {
#print "OUTPUT FROM NEW::TELNET=$line<==\n";
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "OUTPUT FROM NEW::TELNET=$line<==\n";
#      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  if (7<length $line && unpack('a8',$line) eq 'Insecure') {
                     if (wantarray) {
                        return '',$line;
                     } else { &release_semaphore(6543);die $line }
                  last if $line=~
                     /(?<!Last )login[: ]*$|username[: ]*$/i;

               if ($local_host->errmsg) {
               ## Wait for password prompt.
               my $ignore='';
               if ($stderr) {
                  if ($lc_cnt==$#RCM_Link) {
                     die $stderr;
                  } else { next }
               } last 
            } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'ssh') {
               my $sshpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sshpath;
               if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ssh'}) {
                  $sshpath.='/' if $sshpath!~/\/$/;
               my $sshport='';
               if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'sshport'}) {
               my $try_count=0;
               while (1) {
                  if ($sshport) {
                         or (&release_semaphore(6543) &&
                             "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                  } else {
                         or (&release_semaphore(6543) &&
                             "couldn't launch ssh subprocess"));
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "SSH_Pid=$cmd_pid at Line ", __LINE__,"<==\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  $localhost->{_hostlabel}=[ "__Master_${$}__",'' ];
                  $local_host=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $local_host,
                     Timeout => $fatimeout);
                     if exists $localhost->{_cmd_handle};
                  ## Wait for password prompt.
                  my $ignore='';
                        { _cmd_handle=>$local_host,
                          _hostlabel=>[ "__Master_${$}__",'' ],
                          _connect=>$_connect },$timeout);
                  if ($stderr) {
                     if ($lc_cnt==$#RCM_Link) {
                        die $stderr;
                     } elsif (-1<index $stderr,'read timed-out:do_slave') {
                        my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
                           if &testpid($cmd_pid);
                     } elsif (3<$try_count++) {
                     } else { sleep 1;next }
                  } last
               } last

         ## Send password.
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "PRINTING PASSWORD NOW<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
               !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
            if ($^O ne 'cygwin') {
               print $blanklines;
            } else {
               print "\n\n" unless $login_Mast_error;
            # Logging (1)
            print "--> Logging into $host via $cmd_type",
                  "  . . .\n\n" unless $login_Mast_error;
         } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
            print "LOGIN MASTER HOST ERROR: ",
                  "$login_Mast_error\n" if $login_Mast_error;
            print "--> Logging (1) into $host via $cmd_type",
                  "  . . .\n\n";
         my $newpw='';$passline=__LINE__+1;
         while (my $line=$local_host->get) {
            print "WAITING FOR CMDPROMPT=$line<== at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "WAITING FOR CMDPROMPT=$line<== at Line: ",__LINE__,"\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            my $output='';
            if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
               my $pass_test=$dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0]);
               if ($line=~/^$pass_test\n/) {
                  undef $pass_test;
               } else {
                  undef $pass_test;
            if ($line=~/Permission denied|Password:/s) {
               my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                  -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds',
                  -Flags =>
               unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                     "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
                  "BDB DB Access: ".__LINE__);
               my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                  -Filename =>
                  -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                  -Env      => $dbenv
               unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                  $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                     -Filename =>
                     -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
                     -Env      => $dbenv
                  unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                     die "Cannot Open DB: ".${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}.
                         " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
               unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                     "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
               my $href={};
               my $status=$bdb->db_get('localhost',$href);
               $href=eval $href;
               if (exists $href->{"gatekeep_$username"}) {
                  my $tdcipher = new Crypt::CBC(
                  if ($dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0]) eq
                        $tdcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0])) {
                     delete $href->{"gatekeep_$username"};
                     my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
               undef $bdb;
               undef $dbenv;
               die $line;
               #die "Permission denied";
            if ($line=~/Connection reset by peer|node or service name/s) {
               die $line;
            if ($line=~/(?<!Last )login[: ]*$/m ||
                  (-1<index $line,' sync_with_child: ')) {
            if ($line=~/new password: ?$/is) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GOING LAST ONE<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
               if ($line=~/[:\$%>#-] ?$/m &&
                    unpack('a10',$line) ne 'Last Login') {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GOING LAST TWO<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            } elsif ($line=~/[:\$%>#-] ?/m) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "BOTTOM OF WHILE<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GOT OUT OF COMMANDPROMPT<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';


         &change_pw($localhost) if $newpw;

         ## Make sure prompt won't match anything in send data.
         $local_host->print("export PS1=_funkyPrompt_;unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
         $localhost->{_hostlabel}=[ "__Master_${$}__",'' ];
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
         &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
         my $wloop=0;
         foreach my $host (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
            if (exists $Hosts{$host}{'LoginID'} &&
                  ($Hosts{$host}{'LoginID'} ne $username)) {
         if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'SU_ID'}) {
            my $ignore='';my $su_err='';
            my $su_id=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'SU_ID'};
            &handle_error($su_err,'-1') if $su_err;
               "Local Host Login at Line: ".__LINE__,1);
         while (1) {
            my $_sh_pid='';
               $localhost,'echo $$');
# --CONTINUE-- print "LOCAL_sh_pid=$_sh_pid<==\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LOCAL_sh_pid=$_sh_pid<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ERROR LOCALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL_sh_pid=$localhost->{_sh_pid}<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if (!$localhost->{_sh_pid}) {
                  'printf \\\\041\\\\041;echo $$;'.
                  'printf \\\\045\\\\045');
               my $allins='';my $ct=0;
               while (1) {
                  eval {
                     while (my $line=$localhost->get(
                              Timeout=>5)) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "PID_line_sh_pid_1=$allins<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        if ($allins=~/!!(.*)%%/) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FORCING_sh_pid=$localhost->{_sh_pid}<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  if ($@) {
                  } elsif (!$localhost->{_sh_pid} && $ct++<50) {
                  } else { last }
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            } else { last }
            last if $localhost->{_sh_pid} && $localhost->{_sh_pid}=~/^\d+$/;
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
            if ($stderr || $wloop++==10) {

         &su_scrub($hostlabel) if $su_scrub;

         my $switch_user='';
         if (!$mainuser && (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'LoginID'}) &&
               ($Hosts{$hostlabel}{'LoginID'} ne $login_id)) {
            #   &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getpasswd($hostlabel,
            #   $switch_user,'',$stderr,'__su__');
            my $ecipher = new Crypt::CBC(
            #   if 7<length $passwd[0];
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;

         $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test &&
         unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds') {
         $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
            -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds',
            -Flags =>
         ) or &handle_error(
            "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
         $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
            -Filename =>
            -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
            -Env      => $dbenv
         unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
            $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
               -Filename =>
               -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
               -Env      => $dbenv
            unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
               die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                   " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
            "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
            unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         my $local_host_flag=0;
         my $host__label='';
         if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
            foreach my $hostlab (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
# --CONTINUE-- print "WHAT ARE HOSTLAB that are SAME AS MASTER=$hostlab<==\n";
               next if $hostlab eq "__Master_${$}__";
            if (!$local_host_flag) {
         } elsif (exists $same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel}) {
         } else { $host__label=$hostlabel }
         my $key='';
         if ($local_host_flag) {
         } else {
         my $lref={};
         my $status=$bdb->db_get($host__label,$lref);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LREF=$lref<==\n if ref $lref eq 'HASH"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         $lref=eval $lref;
         foreach my $ky (keys %{$lref}) {
            if ($ky eq $key) {
               while (delete $lref->{$key}) {}
            } elsif ($ky=~/_X_\d+_X_(\d+)$/ && $1+604800<$invoked[0]) {
               while (delete $lref->{$ky}) {}
         unless ($tosspass) {
            my $cipher='';my $mr="__Master_${$}__";
            if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
               if (8<length $dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0])) {
                  $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
               } else {
                  $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0]),
            } else {
               $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0]),
            my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt(
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\nFA_LOGIN__NEWKEY=$key<== and HOST__LABEL=$host__label\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            my $put_lref=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($lref)->Out();
            my $status=$bdb->db_put($host__label,$put_lref);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "BDB STATUS=$status<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         } else {
         if ($save_main_pass) {
            if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) { 
               print "\n  Saved Password will Expire: ".
                     scalar localtime($passetts->[1])."\n";
               sleep 2;
            my @tpass=@{$passetts}[0..1];
            my $put_href=
            my $status=$bdb->db_put('localhost',$put_href);
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         if ($switch_user) {
            my $ignore='';
            &handle_error($su_err,'-1') if $su_err;

         if (($^O ne 'cygwin') && $su_id) {
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               if $cfh_error;
            my $ignore='';
            &handle_error($su_err,'-1') if $su_err;

         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            my $wloop=0;
            while (1) {
                  "mount -p at Line: ".__LINE__,1);
                  "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::mountpath}mount -p");
               last if $localhost->{_cygdrive} && unpack('a1',
                  $localhost->{_cygdrive}) eq '/';
               my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            } $localhost->{_cygdrive_regex}=
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         } else {

         if ($su_id) {
         } else {

      if ($passerror) {
      } elsif ($@) {
         if (7<length $@) {
            if (unpack('a8',$@) eq 'Insecure') {
               print $@;cleanup();
            } elsif (unpack('a8',$@) eq 'INSECURE') {
         $username=getlogin() || (getpwuid($<))[0]
            || "Intruder!!" if !$username;
         $login_id=$username if !$login_id;
         my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
         if ((-1<index $@,'Not a GLOB reference') ||
               (-1<index $@,'Connection reset by peer')) {
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "\nERROR: main::fa_login() CONNECTION ERROR:\n       ",
               "$@\n       and SH_PID=$localhost->{_sh_pid}",
               " and CMD_PID=$localhost->{_cmd_pid}\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            unless ($localhost->{_sh_pid}) {
               my $ps_out=`${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pspath}ps -el`;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "\nHERE IS THE PS CMD OUTPUT:\n       ",
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               foreach my $line (reverse split "\n", $ps_out) {
                  if (substr($line,-4) eq 'bash') {
                     my $pid=$line;
                     ($pid=$line)=~s/^(\d+) .*$/$1/;
            } else {
                  if exists $localhost->{_sh_pid} &&
               if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid(
#print "AWESOME\n";<STDIN>;
            #$login_Mast_error=$@ if -1<index $@,
            #   'Write failed: Connection reset by peer';
         } elsif ((-1<index $@,'Address already in use' ||
               -1<index $@,'Connection refused')
               && $retrys<2) {
            my $warn="$@\n       Waiting ".int $fatimeout/3
                    ." seconds for re-attempt . . .\n       "
            warn $warn if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
            print $MRLOG $warn
               if $log && -1<index $MRLOG,'*';
            sleep int $fatimeout/3;$retrys++;next;
         } elsif (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
               (unpack('a3',$@) eq 'pid') ||
               (-1<index $login_Mast_error,$passline)) {
            if ($retrys<2 && -1<index $login_Mast_error,'timed-out') {
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WE ARE RETRYING LOGINMASTERERROR=$login_Mast_error\n";
               my $psoutput=`${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pspath}ps`;
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "PSOUTPUTTTTTTTTTTTT=$psoutput<==\n";
               if (-1<index $login_Mast_error,'read') {
               } else {
                  $login_Mast_error.="\n       $host - is visible on the "
                     ."network,\n       but the Telnet Server is NOT "
                     ."RESPONDING.\n       Check the availability of Telnet "
                     ."Service on\n       $host before continuing"
                     ." ...\n\n";
#LOGINMASTERERROR=Can't locate object method "cmd" via package "fa_code_demo"
# at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10/Net/FullAuto/ line 4759.

#print "LOGINMASTERERROR=$login_Mast_error\n";sleep 5;
            if ($login_Mast_error=~/invalid log|ogin incor|sion den|Passwo/) {
               if (($^O eq 'cygwin')
                     && 2<=$retrys) {
                  $login_Mast_error.="\n       WARNING! - You may be in"
                                   ." Danger of locking out MS Domain "
                                   ."ID - $login_id!\n\n";
                  if ($retrys==3) {
                  } else { $retrys++;next }
               } elsif (2<=$retrys) {
                  $login_Mast_error.="\n       WARNING! - You may be in"
                                   ." Danger of locking out $^O "
                                   ."localhost ID - $login_id!\n\n";
                  if ($retrys==3) {
                  } else { $retrys++;next }
               } else { $retrys++;next }
            } elsif ($login_Mast_error=~/Input Time Limit/) {
               #print $login_Mast_error if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
               #   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
               #   !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
               #print $MRLOG $login_Mast_error
               #   if $log && -1<index $MRLOG,'*';
            } elsif ($su_id &&
                  -1<index($login_Mast_error,'ation is d')) {
            } elsif (defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher &&
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher) {
         my $c_t=$cmd_type;$c_t=~s/^(.)/uc($1)/e;
         my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - The Host $host Returned"
            ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error Condition\,"
            ."\n              Rejecting the $c_t Login Attempt of the ID"
            ."\n              -> $login_id :\n\n       "
         #print $MRLOG $die if -1<index $MRLOG,'*';
         print $die if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
         print $MRLOG $die
            if $log && -1<index $MRLOG,'*';

      } last;
   if (defined $plan_ignore_error && !$plan_ignore_error) {
      cleanup() if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan eq ']quit[';
   } elsif (defined $plan && !$plan) {
      cleanup() if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::makeplan eq ']quit[';
   } elsif ($plan || $plan_ignore_error) {
      my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
         -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Plans',
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
      my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename => "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname}_plans.db",
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
         -Compare  => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
         -Env      => $dbenv
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
      my $pref='';
      my $status=$bdb->db_get($plan,$pref);
      $plan=eval $pref;
   return $cust_subnam_in_fa_code_module_file, \@menu_args, $fatimeout;

} ## END of &fa_login

sub choose_pass_expiration

   my $notice=$_[0]||'';
   my %show_mins=(

      Label => 'show_mins',
      Item_1=> {
         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => $showmins,
         Result => sub{ my $previous_selection='"]P[{select_cal_days}"';
                        return substr($previous_selection,1,-1)." ".']S[' }
      Banner=> "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                   POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
               "   Please Select a Password Expiration Time :",

   my %select_hour=(

      Label => 'select_hour',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "Show Minutes",
         Result => \%show_mins,

      Item_2=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => $hours,
         Result => sub{ my $previous_selection=']P[';
                        return $previous_selection." ".']S[' }

      Banner=> "   (The current time is ".&get_now_am_pm." ".
                   POSIX::strftime("%Z", localtime()).")\n\n".
               "   Please Select a Password Expiration Time :",

   my %select_cal_days=(

      Label => 'select_cal_days',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => $fulldays,
         Result => \%select_hour,

      Banner=> '   Please Select a Password Expiration Date :'
   my %select_cal_months=(

      Label => 'select_cal_months',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => $cal_months,
         Result => \%select_cal_days,
      Banner=> '   Please Select a Month :'
   my %calendar_years=(

      Label => 'calendar_years',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "]C[",
         Convey => [$curyear..$endyear],
         Result => \%select_cal_months,

      Banner=> '   Please Select a Year :'
   my %select_minutes=(

      Label => 'select_minutes',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "1  Minute",

      Item_2=> {

         Text => "]C[  Minutes",
         Convey => [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],

      Item_3=> {

         Text => "]C[ Minutes",
         Convey => [10..60],

      Banner => '   Choose Time :',

   my %select_hours=(

      Label => 'select_hours',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "1  Hour",

      Item_2=> {

         Text => "]C[  Hours",
         Convey => [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],

      Item_3=> {

         Text => "]C[ Hours",
         Convey => [10..24],

      Banner => '   Choose Time :',

   my %select_days=(

      Label => 'select_days',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "1  Day",

      Item_2=> {

         Text => "]C[  Days",
         Convey => [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],

      Item_3=> {

         Text => "]C[ Days",
         Convey => [10..365],

      Banner => '   Choose Time :',

   my %select_weeks=(

      Label => 'select_weeks',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "1  Week",

      Item_2=> {

         Text => "]C[  Weeks",
         Convey => [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],

      Item_3=> {

         Text => "]C[ Weeks",
         Convey => [10..53],

      Banner => '   Choose Time :',

   my %select_months=(

      Label => 'select_time',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "1  Month",

      Item_2=> {

         Text => "]C[  Months",
         Convey => [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],

      Item_3=> {

         Text => "]C[ Months",
         Convey => [10..12],

      Banner => "   Choose Time in Months (A Month is 30 Days)\n\n".
                "   [Hint: Use FULL CALENDAR for more precision]:",

   my %pass_ask_exp=(

      Label => 'pass_ask_exp',
      Item_1=> {

         Text => "FULL CALENDAR",
         Result => \%calendar_years,

      Item_2=> {

         Text => "Number of MINUTES",
         Result => \%select_minutes,

      Item_3=> {

         Text => "Number of HOURS",
         Result => \%select_hours,

      Item_4=> {

         Text => "Number of DAYS",
         Result => \%select_days,

      Item_5=> {

         Text => "Number of WEEKS",
         Result => \%select_weeks,

      Item_6=> {

         Text => "Number of MONTHS",
         Result => \%select_months,

      Banner => $notice.
                "   Choose the Expiration Time of the local saving\n".
                "   of ${username}\'s Password via one of the following\n".
                "   selection methods (Password is Saved with Encryption):",

   my $selection=&Menu(\%pass_ask_exp);
#print "SELECTION=$selection\n";
   &cleanup if $selection eq ']quit[';
   my ($num,$type)=('','');
   ($num,$type)=split /\s+/, $selection;
   if ($num!~/^\d/) {
      my @d=split /,* +/, $selection;
#print "MN=$mn and D=$d[0]\n";
      if (defined $d[3] && $d[3]) {
         my $ap=substr($d[3],-2);
         my ($h,$m)=('','');
         ($h,$m)=split ':',substr($d[3],0,-2);
         $h+=12 if $ap eq 'pm' && $h!=12;
         return &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timelocal(
      return &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timelocal(
   } elsif ($type=~/Min/) {
      return time + $num * 60;
   } elsif ($type=~/Hour/) {
      return time + $num * 3600;
   } elsif ($type=~/Day/)  {
      return time + $num * 86400;
   } elsif ($type=~/Week/) {
      return time + $num * 604800; 
   } elsif ($type=~/Month/) {
      return time + $num * 2592000;


sub passwd_db_update
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "main::passwd_db_update() CALLER="
      ,(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n";# if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "main::passwd_db_update() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];my $login_id=$_[1];my $passwd=$_[2];
   my $cmd_type=$_[3];
   my $kind='prod';
   my $local_host_flag=0;
   my $track='';
   $kind='test' if
      $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::prod;
   unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds') {
   my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
      -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds',
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
      "BDB DB Access: ".__LINE__);
   my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
      -Filename =>
      -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
      -Env      => $dbenv
   unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
      $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename =>
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
         -Env      => $dbenv
      unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
         die "Cannot Open DB: ".
             " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
      "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'__cleanup__',$track)
      unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
      # print the contents of the file
      my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
      my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
      while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
         next if $k eq "__Master_${$}__";
      undef $cursor ;
      if (!$local_host_flag) {
   } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel}) {
   } my $key='';
   if ($local_host_flag) {
   } elsif ($cmd_type) {
   } else {
   my $href='';
   my $status=$bdb->db_get($hostlabel,$href);
   $href=eval $href;
   foreach my $ky (keys %{$href}) {
      if ($ky eq $key) {
         while (delete $href->{"$key"}) {}
      } elsif ($ky=~/_X_\d+_X_(\d+)$/ && $1+604800<$invoked[0]) {
         while (delete $href->{"$ky"}) {}
   my $cipher='';my $mr="__Master_${$}__";
   if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher &&
            8<length $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher->decrypt(
            $passetts->[0])) {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
      } else {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
   } else {
      $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
   #my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passwd[1],
   #my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passetts->[1],
   #   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'});
   my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt($passwd);
   my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;


sub su_scrub
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];my $login_id='';my $cmd_type=$_[1];
   my $kind='prod';my $track='';
   $kind='test' if
      $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::prod;
   unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds') {
   my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
      -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds',
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
      "BDB DB Access: ".__LINE__);
   my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
      -Filename =>
      -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
      -Env      => $dbenv
   unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
      $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename =>
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
         -Env      => $dbenv
      unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
         die "Cannot Open DB: ".
             " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
      "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'__cleanup__',$track)
      unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FA_SUCURE9=",$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'},"\n";
   my $local_host_flag=0;
   if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
      foreach my $hostlab (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master) {
         next if $hostlab eq "__Master_${$}__";
      if (!$local_host_flag) {
   } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel}) {
   my $href='';
   my $status=$bdb->db_get($hostlabel,$href);
   $href=eval $href;
   my $key='';
   if ($local_host_flag) {
   } elsif ($cmd_type) {
   } else {
   foreach my $ky (keys %{$href}) {
      if ($ky eq $key) {
         while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
      } elsif ($ky=~/_X_\d+_X_(\d+)$/ && $1+604800<$invoked[0]) {
         while (delete $href->{$ky}) {}
   my $cipher='';my $mr="__Master_${$}__";
   if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
      if (8<length $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher->decrypt($passetts->[0])) {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
      } else {
         $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
   } else {
      $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
   #my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passwd[1],
   #my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passetts->[1],
   #   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'});
   #my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passwd[0]);
   my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt(
   #my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passetts->[0]);
   my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;


sub su
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "su() CALLER=", (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "su() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $fh=$_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $username=$_[2];
   my $su_id=$_[3];
   my $hostname=$_[4];
   my $ip=$_[5];
   my $use=$_[6];
   my $uname=$_[7];
   my $_connect=$_[8];
   my $cmd_type=$_[9];
   my @connect_method=@{$_[10]};
   my $errmsg=$_[11];
   my $pass_flag=0;
   my $id='';my $stderr='';my $track='';
   my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
   if ($su_id eq 'root') {
      my $gids='';
      #while (my $line=$fh->get) {
      #   chomp($line=~tr/\0-\37\177-\377//d);
      #   $gids.=$line;
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "su() GIDS=$gids<==\n"
#   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
#         last if $gids=~s/_funkyPrompt_//gs;
#      }
# --CONTINUE-- print "GOING FOR GIDS\n";
            my $ctt=2;
            while ($ctt--) {
                  { _cmd_handle=>$fh,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'groups');
               if (!$gids && !$stderr) {
                     if $cfh_error;
               } last if $gids;
            die 'no-gids' if !$gids || $stderr;

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "su() DONEGID=$gids<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      #$gids=unpack('x6 a*',$gids);
      if (lc($uname) eq 'aix' && (-1==index $gids,'suroot')) {
         my $hostlb=$hostlabel;
         if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
            foreach my $hostlab (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
               next if $hostlab eq "__Master_${$}__";
         my $die="\"$username\" does NOT have authorization to "
                ."run this\n       script on Host : $hostlb\n"
                ."       \"$username\" is not a member of the \"suroot\""
                ." UNIX group.\n       Contact your system administrator.\n";
         my $kind='prod';
         $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test &&
         unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds') {
         my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
            -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds',
            -Flags =>
         ) or &handle_error(
            "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
            "BDB DB Access: ".__LINE__);
         my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
            -Filename =>
            -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
            -Env      => $dbenv
         unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
            $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
               -Filename =>
               -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
               -Env      => $dbenv
            unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
               die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                   " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
            "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",
            unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FA_SUCURE10=",$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'},"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         my $href='';
         my $status=$bdb->db_get($hostlabel,$href);
         $href=eval $href;
         my $key="${username}_X_${su_id}_X_${hostlabel}";
         while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DYING HERE WITH LOCK PROB" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         return '',"$die       $!";
   #if ($su_id eq 'root') {
      $fh->print("su $su_id");
   #} else {
   #   $fh->print("login $su_id");

   return '', $fh->errmsg if $fh->errmsg;

   # Wait for password prompt.
   my $ignore='';
      { _cmd_handle=>$fh,
        _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
        _connect=>$_connect });
   if ($stderr) {
      return '',$stderr if $stderr;

   ## Send password.


   my $cnt=2;
   while (1) {
         { _cmd_handle=>$fh,
           _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
           'id -unr');
      if ($id eq $su_id || $id eq 'root') {
      } elsif ($cnt--==0) {
         die "Cannot discover user id at ".__LINE__;

   #&handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;

   return '',$fh->errmsg if $fh->errmsg;

   if ($id ne $su_id && $id ne 'root') {

      $fh->print("su $su_id");

      return '',$fh->errmsg if $fh->errmsg;

      ## Wait for password prompt.
      while (my $line=$fh->get) {
         if ($line=~/password[: ]*$/i) {
         } elsif (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               $line=~/\[YOU HAVE NEW MAIL\]/m) {
            my $hostlab=$hostlabel;
            $hostlab=(keys %same_host_as_Master)[1]
               if $hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__";
            print "\nAttn: $su_id on $hostlab --> [YOU HAVE NEW MAIL]\n\n";
            sleep 1;
         } last if $line=~/[$|%|>|#|-|:] ?$/m; 

      ## Send password.
      if ($pass_flag) {
      if (defined $stderr) {
         return '',$stderr;
      } elsif ($id ne $su_id) {
         return '', "Cannot Login as Alternate User -> $su_id";

   ## Make sure prompt won't match anything in send data.
   my $prompt = '_funkyPrompt_';
   $fh->print("export PS1=$prompt;unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
   while (my $line=$fh->get) {
      last if $line=~/$prompt$/s;


sub change_pw {

   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   print $blanklines;
   ## Send new passwd.
   ReadMode 2;
   my $npw=<STDIN>;
   ReadMode 0;
   PW: while (1) {
      my ($output,$line)='';
      while ($line=$_[0]->get) {
         if ($line=~/changed/) {
            print $blanklines;
            last PW;
         if ($line=~/: ?$/i) {
            print $output;
            ReadMode 2;
            ReadMode 0;
            print $blanklines;

sub unix_id {
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "unix_id() CALLER=", (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n";
      #if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG 
      "unix_id() CALLER=", (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $localhost=$_[0];
   my $su_id=$_[1];
   my $hostlabel=$_[2];
   my $die='';my $id='';
   my $prompt='';my $dieline='';
   eval {
      my $next=0;
      while (my $line=$localhost->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GETMAILLINE=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "GETMAILLINE=$line\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
         next if $line=~/^\s+$/s;
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $line=~/\[YOU/s) {
            my $hostlab=$hostlabel;
            $hostlab=(keys %same_host_as_Master)[1]
               if $hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__";
            print "\nAttn: $su_id on $hostlab --> [YOU HAVE NEW MAIL]\n\n";
            sleep 1;
         } elsif ($line=~/\d\d\d\d-\d\d\d /s) {
         } else { $localhost->print }
      } $localhost->print;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "OUTOFGETMAIL\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "OUTOFGETMAIL\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
      while (my $line=$localhost->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GETPROMPTLINE=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "GETPROMPTLINE=$line\n"; #if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
         next if $line=~/^\s*$/s;
print "WHAT IS PROMPT=$prompt<===\n";
         return if $prompt;
   my $cmd_prompt=quotemeta $prompt;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "PROMPT=$prompt<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "PROMPT=$prompt<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   if ($die) {
      $die=~s/^/       /m;
      $die="       $hostlabel Login ERROR! :\n$die";
      $die.="       ".($!)." at Line $dieline";
   if ($@) {
      if ($die) {
         return '',$die
      } else {
         return '',$@
   my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
   &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
   eval {
      $localhost->print('id -unr');
      select(undef,undef,undef,0.02); # sleep for 1/50th second;
      while (my $line=$localhost->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ID_PROMPTLINE=$line<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         $id=~s/id -unr\s*//s;
         next if $id!~s/\s*$cmd_prompt$//s;
   if ($@) {
      if ($die) {
         return '',$die
      } else {
         return '',$@
   } elsif ($die) {
      if (!$id) {
         return '',$die
      } else {
         return $id
#$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=0 if $logreset;
   return $id,''


sub ping
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "ping() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ping() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $cmd='';my $stdout='';my $stderr='';my $didping=10;
   if ($specialperms eq 'setuid') {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         $cmd=[ "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pingpath}ping",'-n','1',$_[0],"2>&1" ];
      } else {
         my $bashpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::bashpath;
         if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'bash'}) {
            $bashpath.='/' if $bashpath!~/\/$/;
         my $pth=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}."ping$$.sh";
         open(TP,">$pth") || die "CANNOT OPEN $pth $!";
         print TP "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pingpath}ping -c1 $_[0] 2>&1"; 
         $cmd=[ "${bashpath}bash",$pth,"2>&1" ];
   } else {
      if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         $cmd=[ "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pingpath}ping -n 1 $_[0]" ];
      } else {
         $cmd=[ "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pingpath}ping -c1 $_[0]" ];
   eval {
      unless ($specialperms eq 'setuid') {
      } else {
   my $ev_err=$@||'';
   if ($specialperms eq 'setuid' && $^O ne 'cygwin') {
      unlink $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Core'}."ping$$.sh";
   if ($ev_err) {
      if (wantarray) {
         return 0,
            "ping timed-out: $ev_err";
      } else {
            "ping timed-out: $ev_err","-$didping");
   if (-1<index $stderr,'is alive') {
   foreach my $line (split /^/, $stdout) {
      if (-1<index $line,' from ' || -1<index $line,'is alive') {
         if (wantarray) {
            return $stdout,'';
         } else {
            return $stdout;
      $stderr=$stdout if (-1<index $line,'NOT FOUND')
         || (-1<index $line,'Request Timed Out')
         || (-1<index $line,'Bad IP')
         || (-1<index $line,'100% packet loss');
   $stderr=~s/^(.*)$/       $1/mg if $stderr;
   if (wantarray) {
      return 0,$stderr;
   } elsif (defined $_[1] && $_[1] eq '__return__') {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
         "\nPING ERROR for CMD=",(join " ",@{$cmd})," AND STDERR=$stderr\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      return 0;
   } else {


sub work_dirs
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "work_dirs() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "work_dirs() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
      && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $transfer_dir=$_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $cmd_handle=$_[2];
   bless $cmd_handle;
   my $cmd_type=$_[3];
   my $cygdrive=$_[4];
   my $_connect=$_[5];
   my ($output,$stderr,$regex)=('','','');
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   if (-1<index $cmd_handle,'HASH') {
         if exists $cmd_handle->{_cygdrive};
   } elsif ($cygdrive) {
   my $work_dirs={};
   if ($transfer_dir) {
      if (unpack('x1 a1',$transfer_dir) eq ':') {
         my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$transfer_dir);
      } elsif ($cygdrive && $transfer_dir=~/$regex/) {
      } elsif ($cygdrive && unpack('a1',$transfer_dir) eq '/' ||
            unpack('a1',$transfer_dir) eq '\\') {
            { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,_cmd_type=>$cmd_type },$hostlabel);
      } elsif (unpack('a1',$transfer_dir) eq '/') {
      } else {
         my $die="Cannot Locate Transfer Directory - $transfer_dir";
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$die;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
      } ${$work_dirs}{_lcd}=${$work_dirs}{_tmp_lcd}
      return $work_dirs;
   if (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir($cmd_handle->{_cmd_handle},'/tmp')
         eq 'WRITE') {
      my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
      &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
      if ($cmd_handle->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
         my $pwd='';my $curdir='';my $cnt=5;
         while ($cnt--) {
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
            next if $stderr;
            if ($pwd=~/\n/s) {
               my @split_on_newline=split "\n", $pwd;
               $pwd=pop @split_on_newline;
            } next if $pwd!~/^[\/]/;
         &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
            "cd \"".${$work_dirs}{_tmp}."\"");
         #&handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
         #        'cmd /c chdir',$cmd_handle->{'hostlabel'}[0]);
         &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
            my $cdr='';
            if (exists $localhost->{_cygdrive} &&
                  -1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
               my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
               my $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
            } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
            } else {
                  $localhost,"cygpath -w $curdir");
               &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            'cd '."\"$pwd\"");
         &handle_error($stderr,'-2','__cleanup__') if $stderr;
      } ${$work_dirs}{_lcd}=${$work_dirs}{_tmp_lcd}
      return $work_dirs;
   if ($cmd_handle->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      if ($ms_share) {
         my $host=($use eq 'ip')?$ip:$hostname;
      return $work_dirs if ${$work_dirs}{_tmp};
   } ${$work_dirs}{_tmp}=${$work_dirs}{_tmp_mswin}='';
   return $work_dirs

sub close
   return &File_Transfer::close(@_);

sub cwd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: main::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
print "WHAT IS CALLER=",caller,"<==\n";
   if (!defined $_[1]) {
      return Cwd::getcwd();
   } else { 
      if (wantarray) {
         return $stdout,$stderr;
      } elsif ($stderr) {
      } return $stdout;

sub setuid_cmd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   #print "setuid_cmd() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n";
   #   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   # NOTE: the CALLER line is commmented because it breaks
   #       this routine when set. Anything printing to
   #       stdout from this routine will clash with
   #       output from the cmd and confuse IO::CaptureOutput
   #       which wraps this routine.
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "setuid_cmd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $cmd=[];
   $cmd = (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') ? $_[0] : [ $_[0] ];
   my $timeout=$_[1]||0;
   my $regex='';
   if ($timeout) {
      if (7<length $timeout &&
             unpack('a8',$timeout) eq '(?-xism:') {
      if ($timeout!~/^\d+$/) {
         undef $timeout;
   } else { alarm($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout) }
   my $flag=shift;
   my $cmd_err='';
   $cmd_err=join ' ',@{$cmd} if ref $cmd eq 'ARRAY';
   my $one=${$cmd}[0]||'';my $two='';
   $two=${$cmd}[1] if 0<$#{$cmd};
   my $three='';
   $three=${$cmd}[2] if 1<$#{$cmd};
   my $four='';
   $four=${$cmd}[3] if 2<$#{$cmd};
   my $five='';
   $five=${$cmd}[4] if 3<$#{$cmd};
   my $six='';
   $six=${$cmd}[5] if 4<$#{$cmd};
   my $seven='';
   $seven=${$cmd}[6] if 5<$#{$cmd};
   my $eight='';
   $eight=${$cmd}[7] if 6<$#{$cmd};
   if (!$one && ref $cmd ne 'ARRAY') {
   $regex||='';my $pid='';my $output='';
   my $stdout='';my $stderr='';
   &handle_error("Can't fork: $!")
      unless defined($pid=open(KID, "-|")); # Save Pound Sign
   if ($pid) { # parent
      while (my $line=<KID>) {
         $output.=$line; # Save Pound Sign
      CORE::close(KID); # Save Pound Sign
   } else { # child
      my @temp     = ($EUID, $EGID); # Save Pound Sign
      my $orig_uid = $UID; # Save Pound Sign
      my $orig_gid = $GID; # Save Pound Sign
      $EUID = $UID; # Save Pound Sign
      $EGID = $GID; # Save Pound Sign
      # Drop privileges
      $UID  = $orig_uid; # Save Pound Sign
      $GID  = $orig_gid; # Save Pound Sign
      # Make sure privs are really gone
      ($EUID, $EGID) = @temp; # Save Pound Sign
      if (!$flag || lc($flag) ne '__use_parent_env__') {
         $ENV{PATH} = ''; # Save Pound Sign
         $ENV{ENV}  = ''; # Save Pound Sign
      if ($eight) {
         exec $one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six, $seven, $eight ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
      } elsif ($seven) {
         exec $one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six, $seven ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
      } elsif ($six) {
         exec $one, $two, $three, $four, $five, $six ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
      } elsif ($five) {
         exec $one, $two, $three, $four, $five ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
      } elsif ($four) {
         exec $one, $two, $three, $four ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
      } elsif ($three) {
         exec $one, $two, $three ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
      } elsif ($two) {
         exec $one, $two ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
      } elsif ($one) {
         exec $one ||
            &handle_error("Couldn't exec: $cmd_err".($!),'-1'); # Save Pound Sign
      } else { alarm(0);return }
   if ($regex && $output!~/$regex/s) {
      if (wantarray) {
         alarm(0);return '',"Cmd $cmd_err returned tainted data";
      } else {
            "Cmd $cmd_err returned tainted data");
   } $output=~s/^\s*//s;
   if ($one!~/^[^ ]*clear$/) {
      my @outlines=();my @errlines=();
      foreach my $line (split /^/,$output) {
         if ($line=~s/^[\t ]*stdout: //) {
            push @outlines, $line;
         } else { push @errlines, $line }
      } $stdout=join '', @outlines;$stderr=join '',@errlines;
   } else { $stdout=$output }
   chomp $stdout;chomp $stderr;
   if (wantarray) {
      return $stdout,$stderr;
   } else { return $stdout }

sub cmd

   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   my $hlab='';
   if ((-1<index $self,'HASH') && (exists $self->{_hostlabel})) {  
      $hlab=$self->{_hostlabel}->[0] || "localhost - ".hostname;
   } else { $hlab="localhost - ".hostname }
   print "\nINFO: main::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))) ".
      "for HostLabel $hlab:\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nmain::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))) ".
      "for HostLabel $hlab:\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $escape=0;
   my $cmd='';my $cmtimeout=$timeout;my $delay=0;
   if (defined $_[1] && $_[1]) {
      if ($_[1]=~/^[0-9]+$/) {
         if (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
               if exists $Hosts{$self->{_hostlabel}->[0]}{'Timeout'};
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__escape__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__delay__') {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[2] && $_[2]) {
      if ($_[2]=~/^[0-9]+$/) {
            if exists $Hosts{$self->{_hostlabel}->[0]}{'Timeout'};
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__escape__') {
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__delay__') {
      } else {
         if ($_[2]!~/^__[a-z]+__$/) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return 0,'Third Argument for Timeout Value is not Whole Number';
            } else {
                  'Third Argument for Timeout Value is not Whole Number')
   if (defined $_[3] && $_[3]) {
      if ($_[3] eq '__escape__') {
      } elsif ($_[3] eq '__delay__') {
   my $stderr='';my $stdout='';my $pid_ts='';
   my $all='';my @outlines=();my @errlines=();
   if (!$escape) {
      if ((-1<index $self,'HASH')
            && exists $self->{_cmd_handle}
            && defined fileno $self->{_cmd_handle}) {
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "main::cmd() CMD to Rem_Command=",
   (join ' ',@_),"\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
         &handle_error($cfh_error,'__cleanup__') if $cfh_error;
         sleep 1 if $delay;
#print "READY FOR CMD=@_\n";
         eval {
         if ($@) {
            if ($stderr) {
               $stderr.="\n   $@";
            } else {
#print "WHAT IS STDERR FOR READY=$stderr<==\n";
         if (wantarray) {
            return $stdout,$stderr;
         } elsif ($stderr) {
            if (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
            } elsif (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
            } else {
         } return $stdout;
#$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=0 if $logreset;
      if (defined $localhost &&
            $localhost &&
            (-1<index $localhost,'HASH')
            && exists $localhost->{_cmd_handle}
            && defined fileno $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
         &handle_error($cfh_error,'-1') if $cfh_error;
         if (wantarray) {
            return $stdout,$stderr;
         } elsif ($stderr) {
            if (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
            } elsif (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
            } else {
         } return $stdout;
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
      if ($self!~/^cd[\t ]/) {
         $cmd="$self|perl -e \'\$o=join \"\",<STDIN>;\$o=~s/^/stdout: /mg;".
              "print \$o,\"__STOP--\"\' 2>&1";
      my $cmd_handle='';my $cmd_pid='';my $next=10;
      while (1) {
            or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
            "couldn't launch cmd subprocess");
         $cmd_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $cmd_handle,
            Timeout => $cmtimeout);
         my $first=0;
         eval {
            while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(Timeout=>10)) {
               next if $line=~/^\s*$/ && !$first;
               last if $all=~s/\n*_\s*_\s*S\s*T\s*O\s*P\s*-\s*-\s*$//s;
         if ($@) {
            my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
               if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($cmd_pid);
            if ($next--) {
            } else { &cleanup }
         } else { $cmd_handle->print("\004");last }
      } $cmd_handle->close;
   } else {
      if ($self!~/^cd[\t ]/) {
         my $sedpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sedpath;
         if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'sed'}) {
            $sedpath.='/' if $sedpath!~/\/$/;
         $cmd="$self | ${sedpath}sed -e \'s/^/stdout: /\' 2>&1";
      &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
   if ($all) {
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $all) {
         if ($line=~s/^[\t ]*stdout: //) {
            push @outlines, $line;
         } else { push @errlines, $line }
      } $stdout=join '', @outlines;$stderr=join '',@errlines;
   if (wantarray) {
      return $stdout,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
      if (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
      } elsif (-1<index $self,'HASH') {
      } else {
   } return $stdout;


sub print
my @topcaller=caller;
print "PARENTPRINTCALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "PARENTPRINTCALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\nand ARGS=@_\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   return Net::Telnet::print(@_);

sub scrub_passwd_file
   my @topcaller=caller;
   my $track='';
   print "scrub_passwd_file() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "scrub_passwd_file() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $passlabel=$_[0];my $login_id=$_[1];
   my $cmd_type=$_[2];
   my @passlabels=();
   my $local_host_flag=0;
   if ($passlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
      my $local_host_flag=0;
      foreach my $passlab (keys %same_host_as_Master) {
         next if $passlab eq "__Master_${$}__";
         push @passlabels, $passlab;
      if (!$local_host_flag) {
   } else {
   foreach my $passlabel (@passlabels) {
      my $key='';
      if ($local_host_flag) {
      } elsif ($cmd_type) {
      } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "SCRUBBINGTHISKEY=$key<==\n"
         if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      my $kind='prod';
      $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::prod;
      return unless exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'};
      unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds') {
      my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
         -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds',
      ) or &handle_error(
         "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'',$track);
         if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         "BDB DB Access: ".__LINE__);
      my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
         -Filename =>
         -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
         -Env      => $dbenv
      unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
         $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
            -Filename =>
            -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
            -Env      => $dbenv
         unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
            die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
         "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n",'__cleanup__',$track)
         unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
      my $href='';
      my $status=$bdb->db_get($passlabel,$href);
      $href=eval $href;
      my $flag=0;my $successflag=0;
      foreach my $ky (keys %{$href}) {
         if ($ky eq $key) {
            while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
         } elsif ($ky=~/_X_\d+_X_(\d+)$/ && $1+604800<$invoked[0]) {
            while (delete $href->{$ky}) {}
      my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
      return $successflag;


package File_Transfer;

use Time::Local;
use BerkeleyDB;

sub new {
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::new() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nFile_Transfer::new() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   our $timeout=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout;
   our $test=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test;
   my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $new_master=$_[2]||'';
   my $_connect=$_[3]||'';
   my $self = { };
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
   my $chk_id='';
   if ($su_id) { $chk_id=$su_id }
   elsif ($login_id) { $chk_id=$login_id }
   else { $chk_id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username }
   if (!$new_master &&
         exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{
         "${hostlabel}__%-$chk_id"}) {
      if ($ping) {
         if (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ping($host,'__return__')) {
            return $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{
         } else {
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{
      } else {
         return $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{
   my ($ftp_handle,$ftp_pid,$work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,$ftm_type,
   if ($stderr) {
      $stderr=~s/(at .*)$/\n\n       $1/s;
      my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - $stderr";
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      return $ftp_handle,$die;
   if ($smb) {
      $self->{_hostlabel}=[ $hostlabel,
         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy[0] ];
   } else {
      $self->{_hostlabel}=[ $hostlabel,'' ];
   if ($ftr_cmd) {
      if ($ftr_cmd->{_cygdrive}) {
   } else {
      if (-1==$#{$cmd_cnct}) {
      } else {
      if $self->{_fpx_handle};
   $self->{_ftp_pid}=$ftp_pid if $ftp_pid;
   $self->{_fpx_pid}=$fpx_pid if $fpx_pid;
   return $self,'';


sub handle_error
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::handle_error() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::handle_error() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   return &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(@_);

sub close

   my $self=$_[0];
   if (exists $self->{_ftp_handle} &&
         defined fileno $self->{_ftp_handle}) {
      my $ftp_handle=$self->{_ftp_handle};
      my $count=0;
      eval {
         SC: while (defined fileno $self->{_ftp_handle}) {
            while (my $line=$self->{_ftp_handle}->get) {
               last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$|
               if ($line=~/^\s*$/s) {
                  last SC if $count++==20;
               } else { $count=0 }
      eval { $self->{_ftp_handle}->close };
      my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
      my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
         if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($self->{_ftp_pid});
      foreach my $h_id (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections) {
         if ($self eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{$h_id}) {
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{$h_id};


sub get_vlabel
print "GET_VLABEL_CALLER=",caller,"\n";<STDIN>;
   my ($self,$deploy_type,$dest_hostlabel,
       $base_hostlabel,$archivedir) = @_;
   my ($archive_hostlabel,$version_label,$label1,$label2)='';
   my @output=();
   if ($deploy_type eq 'get') {
   } else {

   while ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::version_label eq '') {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
      print "\n\n       Please Type the Version Number of the\n";
      print "       Build being Deployed TO Host \"$dest_hostlabel\"\n";
      print "       FROM Host \"$base_hostlabel\" : ";
      next if $label1 eq '';
      if ($label1 ne uc($label1)) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
         print "\n\n       ERROR! - Use Only Upper Case Letters for Version Labels!";
      print "\n       Please Re-Enter the Version Number : ";

      if ($label1 eq "") {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
      if ($label1 eq $label2) {
         if (($deploy_type eq 'get' || ($deploy_type eq 'put' &&
                   ($dest_hostlabel ne "__Master_${$}__" &&
                    $base_hostlabel ne "__Master_${$}__")))
                    && $archivedir) {
            my $chmod='';my $own='';my $grp='';
            my %settings=();
            if (($archive_hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
                   && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::local_hostname eq substr(
                   '.')) || $deploy_type eq 'put') {
               if (defined $archivedir && $archivedir ne '') {
                  if (-1<index $archivedir,'__VLABEL__') {
                  if (-d "$archivedir") {
                     if (-f "$archivedir/mving.flg") {
                     } else {
                        my $target=$archive_hostlabel;
                        my $die="\n\nFATAL ERROR!!!\n\nThis Version "
                               ."- $label1 - already exists on $target"
                               ."!\n\nIf this is the right Version, "
                               ."move or delete the\ndirectory on $target "
                               ."before running this script\n\n";
                  } elsif ($^O ne 'cygwin' && $^O ne 'MSWin32' && $^O ne 'MSWin64'
                        && $ENV{OS} ne 'Windows_NT') {
#### DO ERROR TRAPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!
print "MKDIR1=$archivedir\n";
                                              "mkdir \'/$archivedir\'");
                     my $chmod=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Chmod'};
                     my $own=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Owner'};
                     my $grp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Group'};
                        "chmod \"$chmod\" \'/$archivedir\'")
                        if $chmod;
                        "chown \"$own\" \'/$archivedir\'")
                        if $own;
                        "chgrp \"$grp\" \'/$archivedir\'")
                        if $grp;
                        "touch \"/$archivedir/mving.flg\"");
                       "chmod \"$chmod\" \"/$archivedir/mving.flg\"")
                                                              if $chmod;
                       "chown \"$own\" \"/$archivedir/mving.flg\"")
                                                              if $own;
                       "chgrp \"$grp\" \"/$archivedir/mving.flg\"")
                                                              if $grp;
                  } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin' || $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'MSWin64'
                        || $ENV{OS} eq 'Windows_NT') {
                        "mkdir $label1");
            } else { $version_label=$label1;last }
         } else { $version_label=$label1;last }
      } else {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
         print "\n\n       Version Numbers Do NOT Match!";
   } print "\n\n";
   return $version_label;


sub select_dir
#print "SELECT_DIRCALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $dir='.';my $random=0;
   my $dots=0;my $dot=0;my $dotdot=0;
   if (defined $_[1] && $_[1]) {
      if ($_[1] eq '__random__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dots__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dot__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dotdot__') {
      } else {
   if (defined $_[2] && $_[2]) {
      if ($_[2] eq '__random__') {
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__dots__') {
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__dot__') {
      } elsif ($_[2] eq '__dotdot__') {
   if (defined $_[3] && $_[3]) {
      if ($_[3] eq '__random__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dots__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dot__') {
      } elsif ($_[1] eq '__dotdot__') {
   my $caller=(caller)[2];
   my $hostlabel=$self->{_hostlabel}->[0];
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $host= ($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
   $ms_share||='';my %output=();my $nt5=0;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';my $i=0;my @output=();
   if ($ms_share || $self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      my $test_chr1='';my $test_chr2='';
      if ($dir) {
         if (1<length $dir) {
         if ($test_chr2) {
            if (($test_chr1 eq '/' && $test_chr2 ne '//')
                  || ($test_chr1 eq '\\' &&
                  $test_chr2 ne '\\\\')) {
               if ($dir=~s/^$self->{_cygdrive_regex}//) {
               } elsif ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
                     && $^O eq 'cygwin') {
               } else {
                       . unpack('x1 a*',$dir);
            } elsif ($test_chr2 eq '//' ||
                  $test_chr2 eq '\\\\' || $test_chr2=~/^[a-zA-Z]:$/) {
            } elsif ($test_chr1!~/\W/) {
               if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
                     && $^O eq 'cygwin') {
                  #my $curdir=&attempt_cmd_xtimes($self,
                  #           'cmd /c chdir',$hostlabel);
                  my $curdir='';
                  &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                  my $cdr='';
                  if (-1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
                     my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
                     my $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
                  } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
                  } else {
                     $localhost,"cygpath -w $curdir");
                     &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               } else {
            } else {
                  "Target Directory - $dir CANNOT Be Located");
         } elsif ($test_chr1 eq '/' || $test_chr1 eq '\\') {
            if (($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
                  && $^O eq 'cygwin') ||
                  $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}=~/$self->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
            } else {
         } elsif ($test_chr1=~/^[a-zA-Z]$/) {
            $dir=$test_chr1 . ':/';
         } else {
               "Target Directory - $dir CANNOT Be Located");
         } $dir=~tr/\\/\//;$dir=~tr/\//\\/;$dir=~s/\\/\\\\/g;my $cnt=0;
      } else {
         if (($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
               && $^O eq 'cygwin') ||
               $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}=~/^$self->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
         } else {
      my $cnt=0;
      while (1) {
         ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cmd /c dir /-C \"$dir\"");
         if (!$stderr && $output!~/bytes free\s*$/s) {
prin $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "sub select_dir Rem_Command::cmd() BAD output=$output\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            unless ($cnt++) { $output='';next }
            my $die="Attempt to retrieve output from the command:\n"
                   ."\n       cmd /c dir /-C \"$dir\"\n"
                   ."\n       run on the host $self->{_hostlabel}->[0] FAILED"
                   ."\n\n       BAD OUTPUT==>$output\n";
         } else { last }
      if (!$stderr) {
         $output=~s/^.*Directory of (.*)$/$1/s;
         my $mn=0;my $dy=0;my $yr=0;
         my $hr=0;my $mt='';my $pm='';my $size='';
         my $file='';my $filetime=0;my $cnt=0;
         foreach my $line (split /^/, $output) {
            next if $cnt++<4;
            next if -1==index $line,'<DIR>';
            if (39<length $line) {
               if (unpack('x6 a4',$line)=~/^\d\d\d\d$/) {
                   unpack('a2 x1 a2 x3 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @24 a14 @39 a*'
               } else {
                   unpack('a2 x1 a2 x1 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @24 a14 @39 a*'
            } push @{$output{$filetime}},
                  {$file=>"$mn/$dy/$yr  $hr:$mt$pm"};
         foreach my $filetime (reverse sort keys %output) {
            foreach my $filehash (@{$output{$filetime}}) {
               foreach my $file (reverse sort keys %{$filehash}) {
                  push @output,${$filehash}{$file}."   $file";
   } else {
      ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("ls -lt $dir");
      if (!$stderr) {
         my $lchar_flag=0;
         foreach my $line (split /\n/, $output) {
            next if unpack('a5',$line) eq 'total';
            my $lchar=substr($line,-1);
            if ($lchar eq '*' || $lchar eq '/' || $lchar eq ':') {
               if ($lchar eq ':' && !$lchar_flag) {
               chop $line;
            my $endofline=substr($line,-2);
            if ($endofline eq '..' && !$dots && !$dotdot) { next }
            if ($endofline eq ' .' && !$dots && !$dot) { next }
            my $date=substr($line,41,13);
            my $file=unpack('x54 a*',$line);
            push @output,"$date   $file";
   } my $die='';
   if ($stderr) {
      my $caller=(caller(1))[3];
      substr($caller,0,(index $caller,'::')+2)='';
      my $sub='';
      if ($caller eq 'connect_ftp'
            || $caller eq 'connect_telnet') {
         ($caller,$sub)=split '::', (caller(2))[3];
      } else {
         my @called=caller(2);
         if ($caller eq 'mirror' || $caller eq 'login_retry') {
         } else {
         } $sub=~s/\s*\;\n*//
      my $mod='';($mod,$sub)=split '::', $sub;
      $stderr=~s/\sat\s${progname}\s/\n       at ${progname} /;
      $die="Cannot change to directory:\n\n"
          ."       \"$dir\"\n\n       in the \"&select_dir()\" "
          ."Subroutine (or Method)\n       Called from the "
          ."User Defined Subroutine\n       -> $sub\n       "
          ."in the \"subs\" Subroutine File ->  "."${mod}.pm\n\n"
          ."       The Remote System $host Returned\n       "
          ."the Following Error Message:\n\n       $stderr";
   } elsif ($random) {
      $output=$output[rand $#output]; 
      chomp $output;
      if ($ms_share) {
         if ($nt5) {
         } else {
      } else { substr($output,0,16)="" }
   } else {
      my $banner="\n   Please Pick a Directory :";
      chomp $output;
      if ($output ne ']quit[') {
         if ($ms_share) {
            if ($nt5) {
            } else {
         } else { substr($output,0,16)="" }
      } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cleanup() }
   if (wantarray) {
      return $output,$die;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
   } else { return $output }


sub testfile
#print "TESTFILE_CALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   my @output=();
   my $output="";
   eval {
      $output=$self->cmd("ls -l @args");
      print "OBJECT=$output\n";<STDIN>;


sub testdir
print "TESTDIR_CALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   my @output=();
   my $output="";
   #eval {


sub ftp
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::ftp() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n";# if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::ftp() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my ($host1,$host2,$ftpcmd) = @_;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   my $gpcmd='';
   $gpcmd=unpack('a3',$ftpcmd) if 2<length $ftpcmd;
   eval {
      if ($host2) {
         if ($gpcmd eq 'get') {
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         } elsif ($host2 && $gpcmd eq 'put') {
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      } else {
         $ftpcmd=~s/\\/\\\\/g if -1==index $ftpcmd,'\\\\';
         my $die='';
         if ($host1->{_hostlabel}->[1]) {
            $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - The System "
                ."\"$host1->{_hostlabel}->[1]\" "
                ."Acting as an\n              MSWin Proxy for "
                ."the System \"$host1->{_hostlabel}->[0]\" Returned "
                ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                ."Condition:\n\n       ";
         } else {
            $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - The System "
                ."\"$host1->{_hostlabel}->[0]\" Returned "
                ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                ."Condition:\n\n       ";
         if ($output eq 'Not connected') {
            $die.="$output\n              ";
            return '',$die;
         } elsif ((-1<index($stderr,'530 '))
               || (-1<index($stderr,'421 ')
               && -1==index($stderr,'onnect'))
               || (-1<index($stderr,'425 ')
               && -1==index($stderr,'not avail'))) {
            $die.="$stderr\n              ";
            return '',$die;
         } elsif (-1<index($output,'No such file or directory')) {
            $die.="$output\n\n       From ftp CMD: $ftpcmd\n\n              ";
         } $die.="$stderr\n              ";
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die,'-28') if $stderr;
   $stderr=$@ if $@;
   if (wantarray) {
      return $output,$stderr;
   } else { return $output }


sub cmd

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nFile_Transfer::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $self='';my $command='';my @arg=();
   ($self,@arg) = @_;
   my @output=();my $cmdlin=0;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   eval {
      if (ref $self eq 'File_Transfer' && (!exists $self->{_cmd_handle}
            || $self->{_cmd_handle} ne "__Master_${$}__")) {
         if ($self->{_cmd_type} eq 'telnet' ||
               $self->{_cmd_type} eq 'ssh' ||
               ($^O eq 'cygwin' &&
               exists $self->{_smb})) {
         } elsif ($self->{_ftm_type} eq 'ftp' ||
               $self->{_ftm_type} eq 'sftp') {
         } else {
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($self->{_cmd_type} .
               " protocol not supported for command interface: ");
      } else {
   if ($@) {
      print "$self->{_cmd_type} CMD ERROR! - $@\n";exit;
   if (wantarray) {
      return $output,$stderr;
   } elsif ($stderr) {
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,-$cmdlin) if $stderr;
   } else { return $output }


sub ls
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::ls() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::ls() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my ($self, $options, $path) = @_;
   $path='' unless defined $path;
   $options='' unless defined $options;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   if ($path && unpack('a1',$path) eq '"') {
      $path=unpack('a1 a*',$path);
   if ($path) {
      ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"ls \"$path\"");
   } else {
   my $newout='';
   if ($options eq '1' || $options eq '-1') {
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $output) {
         my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
         my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
         if ($line=~s/^.*\s+($rx1|$rx2)$/$1/) {
      } $output=$newout if $newout;
   return '',$stderr if $stderr;
   return $output,'';


sub lcd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::lcd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::lcd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      #"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my ($self, $path) = @_;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   if (unpack('a1',$path) eq '"') {
      $path=unpack('a1 a*',$path);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::lcd() PATH=$path<==\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"lcd \"$path\"");
   return '',$stderr if $stderr;
   return $output,'';


sub get
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::get() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::get() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   my $path='';my $file='';
   foreach my $file_arg (@args) {
      if ($self->{_ftp_handle} ne "__Master_${$}__") {
         if ($self->{_ftm_type} eq 'ftp') {
            if (-1<index $file_arg,'/') {
               $path=substr($file_arg,0,(rindex $file_arg,'/'));
               $file=substr($file_arg,(rindex $file_arg,'/')+1);
               #($output,$stderr)=ftp($self,'',"cd \"$path\"");
               ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"cd \"$path\"");
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else {
            } elsif (-1<index $file_arg,'\\') {
               $path=substr($file_arg,0,(rindex $file_arg,'\\'));
               $file=substr($file_arg,(rindex $file_arg,'\\')+1);
               ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"cd \"$path\"");
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else {
            } else { $file=$file_arg }
         } else { $file=$file_arg }
         unless (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::acquire_semaphore($file_arg,,1)) {
            return 'SEMAPHORE','' if wantarray;
            return 'SEMAPHORE';
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"get \"$file\"");
         if ($stderr) {
           if (wantarray) {
               return '',$stderr;
            } else {
      } elsif (wantarray) {
         return '',
            "YOU ARE TRYING TO FTP GET FILE TO THE SAME BOX :\n        ".($!);
      } else {
            "YOU ARE TRYING TO FTP GET FILE TO THE SAME BOX :\n        ".($!));
   } return $output,'' if wantarray;
   return $output;


sub put
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::put() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::put() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   my ($output,$stderr)='';
   foreach my $file (@args) {
      if ($self->{_ftp_handle} ne "__Master_${$}__") {
#print "FILEARGGGINT=",int $file,"\n";<STDIN>;
         #return 'SEMAPHORE' if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::acquire_semaphore('',$file,,1);
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"put $file");
         if ($stderr) {
            print "ERROR! - $stderr\n";
      } else {

sub size
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::size() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::size() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),
      "\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my ($self, @args) = @_;
   my ($output,$stderr)='';
   foreach my $file (@args) {
      if ($self->{_ftp_handle} ne "__Master_${$}__") {
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"get $file");
      } else {
         $output=(stat("$file"))[7] || ($stderr=
            "cannot stat and obtain file size for $file\n       $!");
      if ($stderr) {
         print "ERROR! - $stderr\n";

sub ftr_cmd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::ftr_cmd() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::ftr_cmd() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];
   my $ftp_handle=$_[1];
   my $new_master=$_[2]||'';
   my $_connect=$_[3]||'';
   our @rcm_map=();our $track='';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $host= ($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
   $ms_share='' unless defined $ms_share;
   $ms_domain='' unless defined $ms_domain;
   $login_id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username if !defined $su_id;
   my $work_dirs={};my $ftr_cmd='';my $ms_su_id='';my $ms_login_id='';
   my $ms_hostlabel='';my $ms_host='';my $ms_ms_share='';
   my $local_transfer_dir='';my $cmd_type='';my $ms_ms_domain='';
   my $output='';my $stderr='';my $ms_transfer_dir='';my $smb=0;
   my @output=();my $cw1='';my $cw2='';my $ftm_type='';
   foreach my $cnct (@{$cmd_cnct}) {
      if (!exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_maps{"localhost=->$hostlabel"}{'rcm'}
            && ($cmd_type eq 'telnet' || $cmd_type eq 'ssh')) {
            #${$ftr_cnct}[0] eq 'smb')) {
            #($cmd_type eq 'tn_proxy' || $cmd_type eq 'ssh' && exists
            #$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master{"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployRCM_Proxy[0]"})) {
         if ($stderr) {
            chomp $stderr;
            return '','','','',$stderr;
         if (defined $transfer_dir && $transfer_dir) {
            my $curdir='';
            &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            my $cdr='';
            if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
            } else {
                  $ftr_cmd,"cygpath -w $curdir");
               &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            ($output,$stderr)=$ftr_cmd->cmd('cd '.${$work_dirs}{_tmp});
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> ".${$work_dirs}{_tmp}
                      ."\n        $stderr";
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               if $cfh_error;
            $output=join '',
               $ftr_cmd->{_ftp_handle}->cmd('cd '.$work_dirs->{_tmp});
            if ($output=~/^(5.*)$/m) {
               my $line=$1;
               my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> ".$work_dirs->{_tmp}
                      ."\n        $line";
         } elsif (${$ftr_cnct}[0] eq 'smb' && defined
               {'TransferDir'} &&
               {'TransferDir'}) {
            my $transfer_dir=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
            ($output,$stderr)=$ftr_cmd->cmd('cd '.$work_dirs->{_tmp});
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> ".$work_dirs->{_tmp}
                      ."\n        $stderr";
            $output=join '',
               $ftr_cmd->{_ftp_handle}->cmd('cd '.$work_dirs->{_tmp});
            if ($output=~/^(5.*)$/m) {
               my $line=$1;
               my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> ".$work_dirs->{_tmp}
                      ."\n        $line";
            } $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[0]=$work_dirs->{_tmp};
         } else {
            my $curdir='';
            if ($ftr_cmd->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
               &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                  my $cdr='';
                  if (exists $localhost->{_cygdrive} &&
                        -1<index $curdir,$localhost->{_cygdrive}) {
                     my $l_cd=(length $localhost->{_cygdrive})+1;
                     my $cdr=unpack("x$l_cd a*",$curdir);
                  } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
                  } else {
                        $localhost,"cygpath -w $curdir");
                     &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            } else {
               my $cnt=3;
               while ($cnt--) {
                  if (!$curdir) {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                        if $cfh_error;
                  } else {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                        if $cfh_error;
               $curdir.='/' if $curdir ne '/';
         } return $work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,$cmd_type,$ftm_type,'' if $ftr_cmd;
      } elsif ($rcm_chain) {
         if ($rcm_map && ref $rcm_map ne 'ARRAY') {
         } else { $rcm_map=[] }
         sub recurse_chain {
print "RECURSECALLER=",caller," and ZERO=$_[0]\n";<STDIN>;
print "ZERO=",join ' ',@{$_[0]}," and ONE=$_[1] and TWO=$_[2] and TEE=$_[3]\n";<STDIN>;
            my @rcm_chain=@{$_[0]};
            my $ftr_cmd = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : '';;
            my $hostlabel=$_[2];
            my $new_master=$_[3];
            my $_connect=$_[4];
            my $host_label=$hostlabel;
            my $rcm_chain_link_num=-1;
            if (-1<$#rcm_chain) {
               $rcm_chain_link_num=shift @rcm_chain;
            } elsif (!$ftr_cmd) {
               if (defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployRCM_Proxy[0]
                    && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployRCM_Proxy[0]) {
               } else {
                  my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - No \"RCM_Proxy\" has "
                         ."been Properly\n              Defined in the "
                         ."\"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host\" File.\n"
                         ."              This "
                         ."Element must Appear in at least\n       "
                         ."       One Block with the Syntax:\n       "
                         ."       RCM_Proxy => \'<hostlabel>\'\, "
                         ."Option - ChainLink Number\n";
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
            my $host= ($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
#print "IP=$ip and HOSTNAME=$hostname and HOST=$host\n";
            if (!$login_id) {
               if ($host eq
                     "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{\"__Master_${$}__\"}{'HostName'}") {
print "FTR_RETURN2\n";
                  return Rem_Command::new('Rem_Command',$hostlabel,
               } elsif ($host eq
                     "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{\"__Master_${$}__\"}{'IP'}") {
print "FTR_RETURN3\n";
                  return Rem_Command::new('Rem_Command',$ip,
               } else {
            } my $ftr_cmd_error='';my $su_scrub='';my $retrys='';
            if ($ftr_cmd) {
#print "GOING TO TRY LOGIN=$login_id and IP=$ip and FTR_CMD=$ftr_cmd\n";
               $ftr_cmd->{_cmd_handle}->print("telnet $host");
#print "GOING TO LOG IN TO $hostname - USERNAME=$login_id\n";<STDIN>;
               my ($alloutput,$output,$cygwin)='';
               while (my $line=$ftr_cmd->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                  if (-1<index $line,'CYGWIN') {   
                     if ($su_id) {
                        if ($su_id ne $login_id) {
                        } else { $su_id='' }
                  } elsif (-1<index $line,'AIX') {
                  last if $line=~
                     /(?<!Last )login[: ]*$|username[: ]*$/i;
               while (1) {
                  eval {


                     ## Wait for password prompt.
                     while (my $line=$ftr_cmd->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                        last if $line=~/password[: ]*$/i;

                     ## Send password.
                     my $recurse_passwd=

                     my $alloutput='';my $output='';my $stderr='';
                     my $cygwin='';my $newpw='';
                     while (my $line=$ftr_cmd->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                           if $line=~/(?<!Last )login[: ]*$/m;
                        if ($line=~/new password: ?$/is) {
                        } last if $line=~/[$|%|>|#|-|:] ?$/s;

                     &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::change_pw($ftr_cmd) if $newpw;

                     if ($su_scrub) {
                        my $kind='prod';
                        my $mr="__Master_${$}__";
                        $kind='test' if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test
                                     && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::prod;
                        my $dbpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$mr}
print "DBPATHHHH=$dbpath<==\n";
                        unless (-d $Hosts{$mr}{'FA_Secure'}.'Passwds') {
                        my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
                              -Home  => 
                              -Flags =>
                        ) or &handle_error(
                           "cannot open environment for DB: ".
                           "BDB DB Access: ".__LINE__);
                        my $pn=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::progname;
                        my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                             -Filename => "${pn}_${kind}_passwds.db",
                             -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
                             -Env      => $dbenv
                        unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                           $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
                                -Filename =>
                                -Flags    => DB_CREATE|DB_RECOVER_FATAL,
                                -Env      => $dbenv
                           unless ($BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/) {
                              die "Cannot Open DB: ".
                                  " $BerkeleyDB::Error\n";
                           "cannot open Btree for DB: ".
                           unless $BerkeleyDB::Error=~/Successful/;
                        my $href='';
                        my $status=$bdb->db_get($host,$href);
                        $href=eval $href;
                        my $key="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username}_X_"
                        while (delete $href->{$key}) {}
                        my $cipher='';
#my $mr="__Master_${$}__";
                        if ($Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Cipher'}=~/DES/) {
                           if (8<length
                                 $passetts->[0])) {
                              $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(unpack('a8',
                           } else {
                               $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
                        } else {
                           $cipher = new Crypt::CBC(
                        my $new_encrypted=$cipher->encrypt(
                        my $put_href=Data::Dump::Streamer::Dump($href)->Out();
                        undef $bdb;
                        undef $dbenv;
                        "export PS1='_funkyPrompt_';unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                        if $cfh_error;
                     my ($ignore,$su_err)=
                        if !$cygwin;
                     &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($su_err) if $su_err;

                  if ($@) {
print "FTR_CMD_ERROR=$ftr_cmd_error\n";<STDIN>;

                     if ($ftr_cmd_error=~/invalid log|ogin incor/) {
                        if ($^O eq 'cygwin' && $retrys==2) {
                           $ftr_cmd_error.="\nWARNING! - You may be in Danger"
                                         ." of locking out MS Domain ID - "
                     } elsif ($su_id &&
                           -1<index($ftr_cmd_error,'ation is d')) {
print "GOOD - SCRUBBING\n";

                     my $c_t=$ftr_cmd->{_cmd_type};$c_t=~s/^(.)/uc($1)/e;
                     my $die="The System $host Returned\n       "
                            ."       the Following Unrecoverable"
                            ." Error Condition\,\n              "
                            ."Rejecting the $c_t Login Attempt"
                            ." of the ID\n              -> "
                            ."$login_id at ".(caller(0))[1]." line "
                            .(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       "
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';

                  } last;

                  "export PS1='_funkyPrompt_';unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
               if ($hostlabel eq $host_label) {
print "FTR_RETURN4\n";
                  return $ftr_cmd;
               } else {
print "FTR_RETURN4\n";
                  return &recurse_chain(\@rcm_map,$ftr_cmd,
            } elsif (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ping($host)) {
               $ftr_cmd = Rem_Command::new('Rem_Command',$host_label,
               if ($hostlabel eq $host_label) {
print "FTR_RETURN5\n";
                  return $ftr_cmd;
               } else {
print "FTR_RETURN6\n";
                  return &recurse_chain(\@rcm_map,$ftr_cmd,
         ## End of &recurse_chain()
#print "CMD_TYPEBEFORERECURSE=$cmd_type\n";
#print "CMD_TYPEAFTERRECURSE=$cmd_type\n";<STDIN>;
#print "RECURSED HOSTNAME=",$ftr_cmd->cmd('hostname'),"\n";
   if (!$ftr_cmd && ${$ftr_cnct}[0] eq 'smb' &&
         -1<$#FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy) {
      if ($stderr) {
         chomp $stderr;
print "FTR_RETURN7\n";
         return '','','','',$stderr;
      $ms_login_id=$su_id if $su_id;
      $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
      $login_id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username if !$login_id;
      $login_id=$su_id if $su_id;
      if (defined $transfer_dir && $transfer_dir) {
         my ($output,$stderr)=$ftr_cmd->cmd('cd '.${$work_dirs}{_tmp});
         if ($stderr) {
            my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> ".${$work_dirs}{_tmp}
                   ."\n        $stderr";
                'cd '.${$work_dirs}{_tmp});#,$hostlabel,$ftm_type);
         my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> $transfer_dir"
                ."\n        $stderr";
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die,'-2') if $stderr;
      } else {
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("No TransferDir Defined for $hostlabel");
   } return $work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,$cmd_type,$ftm_type,'';

sub ftm_login
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::ftm_login() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];
   my $new_master=$_[1]||'';
   my $_connect=$_[2]||'';
   my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my @connect_method=@{$ftr_cnct};
   my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (!$fttimeout) {
      $fttimeout=$timeout if !$fttimeout;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "NEWMASTER=$new_master<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (!$new_master && ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__"
          || exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master{$hostlabel})) {
      return "__Master_${$}__",'','','','','','','','';
   my $ftp_handle='';my $ftr_cmd='';my $su_login='';
   my $ftm_errmsg='';my $die='';my $s_err='';my $shell_pid=0;
   my $retrys=0;my $local_transfer_dir='';my $cmd_type='';
   my $ms_host='';my $ms_hostlabel='';my $fpx_handle='';
   my $work_dirs={};my $die_login_id='';my $ftm_only=0;
   my $ms_su_id='';my $ms_login_id='';my $smb_type='';
   my $ms_ms_domain='';my $ms_ms_share='';my $ftm_type='';
   my $desthostlabel='';my $p_uname='',my $fpx_passwd='';
   #my $ftm_passwd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passwd[2]||$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passwd[0];
   my $ftm_passwd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::dcipher->decrypt($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passetts->[0]);
   #my $ftm_passwd=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passetts->[2]||$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::passetts->[0];
   my $ftp_pid='';my $fpx_pid='';my $smb=0;
   my @errorstack=();
   my ($output,$stdout,$stderr)=('','','');
   $login_id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username if !$login_id;
   while (1) {
      eval {
         if (lc(${$ftr_cnct}[0]) eq 'smb') {
            if (!exists $same_host_as_Master{
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy[0]}) {
               if (!defined $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy[0]) {
                  my $die="The Action You Selected Requires the Use of"
                         ."\n       an MSWin Proxy Host - and None are"
                         ."\n       Currently Available.";
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
               } elsif (!$fttimeout) {
                  $fttimeout=$timeout if !$fttimeout;
               $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "HOSTTEST1111=$host\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               $login_id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username if !$login_id;
               if ($su_id) {
                  if ($ftm_passwd ne 'DoNotSU!') {
                  } else { $su_id='' }
               if (!$su_id) {
               $ftm_errmsg='' unless defined $ftm_errmsg; 
            } else {
               if (!$stderr) {
print "HOW ABOUT AN SMB UNAME???===$uname<===\n";<STDIN>;
                  my %cmd=(
                     _cmd_handle =>
                     _cmd_type   => $cmd_type,
                     _work_dirs  => $work_dirs,
                     _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel,'' ],
                     _hostname   => $hostname,
                     _ip         => $ip,
                     _uname      => $uname,
                     _luname     => $^O,
                     _cmd_pid    => $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_cmd_pid},
                     _smb        => 1
                  $ftr_cmd=bless \%cmd, 'Rem_Command';
                  return '','',$work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,$ftm_type,
               } else {
         } elsif (${$ftr_cnct}[0] eq 'ftp_proxy' && 
               !exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master{
               $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployFTM_Proxy[0]}) {
            if (!$ftp_handle) {
               if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
               } elsif (!$fttimeout) {
                  $fttimeout=$timeout if !$fttimeout;
               $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "HOSTTEST2222=$host\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               if ($su_id) {
                  if ($fpx_passwd ne 'DoNotSU!') {
                  } else { $su_id='' }
               if (!$su_id) {
               my $sftploginid=($su_id)?$su_id:$login_id;
               my $previous_method='';$stderr='';
               my $fm_cnt=-1;
               foreach my $connect_method (@connect_method) {
                  if ($stderr) {
                     # ftp_proxy
                     print "Warning, Preferred Connection ",
                        "$previous_method Failed\n"
                        if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
                  } else { $previous_method=$connect_method;$stderr='' }
                  if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
                     if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ftp'}) {
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath!~/\/$/;
                     my $ftp__cmd="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host";
                        or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                        "couldn't launch ftp subprocess");
                     $fpx_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $fpx_handle,
                        Timeout => $fttimeout);
                     if ($su_id) {
                           [ $fpx_handle,$fpx_pid,'','' ];
                     } else {
                           [ $fpx_handle,$fpx_pid,'','' ];
                     while (my $line=$fpx_handle->get) {
print "FTPLOGINLINE=$line and MS_SHARE=$ms_share\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FTPLOGINLINE=$line and MS_SHARE=$ms_share\n";
                        if ((20<length $line && unpack('a21',$line)
                               eq 'A remote host refused')
                               || (31<length $line && unpack('a32',$line) eq
                               'ftp: connect: Connection refused')) {
                           while (my $ln=$fpx_handle->get) {
                              print "CHECLELINE=$ln\n";
                              last if $ln=~/_funkyPrompt_/s;
                               ."Destination Host - $host, HostLabel "
                               ."- $hostlabel\n       refused an "
                               ."attempted connect operation.\n       "
                               ."Check for a running FTP daemon on "
                        } last if $line=~/Name.*[: ]*$/i;
                     } $ftm_type='ftp';
                  } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
                     if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'sftp'}) {
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath!~/\/$/;
print "WHAT IS SLAVE=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::slave<==\n";
                     my $sshport='';
                     if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                           $hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                        my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                           $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
                        or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                        "couldn't launch sftp subprocess");
                     $fpx_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $fpx_handle,
                        Timeout => $fttimeout);
                     if ($su_id) {
                           [ $fpx_handle,$fpx_pid,'','' ];
                     } else {
                           [ $fpx_handle,$fpx_pid,'','' ];
               if ($su_id) {
                  if ($fpx_passwd ne 'DoNotSU!') {
                  } else { $su_id='' }
               if (!$su_id) {
               ## Wait for password prompt.
               my $allines='';
               while (my $line=$fpx_handle->get) {
print "SFTPLINE=$line<==\n";
                  if ($allines=~/password[: ]+$/si) {
                  } elsif ((-1<index($line,'530 '))
                        || (-1<index($line,'421 '))) {
               my %ftp=(
                  _ftp_handle => $fpx_handle,
                  _ftm_type   => $ftm_type,
                  _hostname   => $hostname,
                  _ip         => $ip,
                  _uname      => $uname,
                  _luname     => $^O,
                  _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel,
                                   $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_hostlabel}->[0] ],
                  _ftp_pid    => $fpx_pid
print "FPX_PID=$fpx_pid and TEL=$fpx_handle\n";
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               $fpx_handle->prompt("/s*ftp> ?\$/");
                  if $ftm_type ne 'sftp';
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               if (defined $transfer_dir && $transfer_dir) {
print "FTRFOUR\n";
                     { _cmd_handle=>$fpx_handle,
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ]
                     },'cd '.${$work_dirs}{_tmp});
                  if ($stderr) {
                     my $die="The FTP Service Cannot cd to "
                            ."TransferDir -> ".${$work_dirs}{_tmp}
                            ."\n\n       $stderr";
            } $ftp_handle=1;
            my $ip='';my $hostname='';my $use='';my $ms_share='';
            my $ms_domain='';my $cmd_cnct='';my $ftr_cnct='';
            my $login_id='';my $su_id='';my $chmod='';
            my $owner='';my $group='';my $transfer_dir='';
            my $rcm_chain='';my $rcm_map='';my $p_uname='';
            my $cmd_type='';
            ($ftp_handle,$stderr)=new Rem_Command($hostlabel,
            my $cygdrive=$ftp_handle->{_cygdrive};
            my $sftploginid=($su_id)?$su_id:$login_id;
            if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
            } elsif (!$fttimeout) {
               $fttimeout=$timeout if !$fttimeout;
            $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "HOSTTEST3333=$host\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            my $gotname=0;
            my $previous_method='';$stderr='';
            my $fm_cnt=-1;
            CM1: foreach my $connect_method (@connect_method) {
               # final dest via proxy
               if ($stderr && $previous_method ne $connect_method) {
                  print "Warning, Preferred Connection ",
                     "$previous_method Failed\n"
                     if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
               } else { $previous_method=$connect_method;$stderr='' }
               if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
                  my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                     if $cfh_error;
                  eval {
                     my $ftp__cmd=
                        "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host";
                     my $allines='';
                     my $fc='';
                     my $al='';
                     my $cmdseen=0;
                     ## Send Login ID.
                     ID: while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get) {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "\nFFFFFFF (1) ftm_login() FFFFFFF ",
                           "FTM RAW OUTPUT: ==>$line<== at Line ",
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        print "\nFFFFFFF (1) ftm_login() FFFFFFF ",
                          "FTM RAW OUTPUT: ==>$line<== at Line ",
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        if (-1<index $allines,'_funkyPrompt_') {
                           my $fp='_funkyPrompt_';
                           my $stub=$line;
                           my $fs=$1;
                           if (!$fs) {
                              my $bs=$1;
                           } else {
                           } $line=~s/^.*_funkyPrompt_//s;
                        if (!$cmdseen) {
                           next if $allines=~s/^\s$//s;
                           if (-1<index $ftp__cmd,$allines) {
                           } elsif ((-1<index $allines,$ftp__cmd) ||
                                 ($ftp__cmd eq $allines)) {
                              print $ftp__cmd,"\n"
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                                 "\n       ==>$ftp__cmd<==\n",
                                 "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        if ($line=~/^$fc\s*/s) {
                           if ($line=~/^$fc\s*$/s) {
                           } else {
                        if ($line=~/^[^f].+\n/s && $line=~/ft?p?>? ?$/s) {
                           if ($line!~/ftp> $/s) {
                        } elsif ($line!~/^.*ftp> $/) {
                           if ($line=~/[.]\s*$/s) {
                              my $lline=$allines;
                           } elsif ($allines=~/Name.*[: ]+$/si) {
                              if ($line=~/(.+)\n.+$/s) {
                                 my $stub=$1;
                                 my $tall=$allines;
                                 $tall=~s/Name.*[: ]+$//si;
                                 my $ll=$tall;
                                 if (-1<index $ll, $stub) {
                           } elsif (-1<index $line,'A remote host refused') {
                              $line=~s/\s*ftp> $//s;
                              die "$line";
                           } else {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() LOOKING FOR FTP ",
                           "ERROR AFTER PASSWD OUTPUT IN CM1:->ID: SUBLOOP:",
                           "\n       ==>$line<==\n",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        print "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() LOOKING FOR FTP ",
                           "ERROR AFTER PASSWD OUTPUT IN CM1:->ID: SUBLOOP:",
                           "\n       ==>$line<==\n",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        my $tline=$line;
                        if (-1<index $allines,'Unknown host') {
                           die "ftp: connect: Unknown host";
                        if (-1<index $allines,'ftp: connect:') {
                           my $m=$1;$m||='';
                           if ((-1==index $allines,'Address already in use')
                                 && (-1==index $allines,'Connection timed out')
                                 && (-1<index $allines,'Connection refused')) {
                              die "ftp: connect: $m";
                           } else {
                              $ftp_handle->close if defined fileno $ftp_handle;
                              sleep int $ftp_handle->timeout/3;
                                 $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                              my $ftp_pid=$ftp_handle->{_cmd_pid};
                                 "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host");
                              FH1: foreach my $hlabel (
                                    keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                                 foreach my $sid (
                                       $hlabel}}) {
                                    foreach my $type (
                                          $hlabel}{$sid}}) {
                                       if ($ftp_handle eq
                                             {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}->[0]) {
                                          my $value=
                                          last FH1;
                        } elsif (-1<index $allines,'421 Service' ||
                              -1<index $allines,
                              'No address associated with name'
                              || (-1<index $allines,'Connection' &&
                              (-1<index $allines,'Connection closed' ||
                              -1<index $allines,
                              'ftp: connect: Connection timed out'))) {
                          $allines=~s/s*ftp> ?$//s;
                          die "$allines\n      $!";
                        $tline=~s/ftp> $//s;
                        print $tline if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "\n       ==>$tline<==\n",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        if (-1<index $allines,
                              'ftp: connect: Connection timed out') {
                           $allines=~s/s*ftp> ?\s*$//s;
                           die "$allines\n     $!";
                        } elsif ((-1<index $allines,'A remote host refused')
                               || (-1<index $allines,
                               'ftp: connect: Connection refused')) {
                           my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
                           if ($die) {
                              $die.="Destination Host - $host, HostLabel "
                                  ."- $hostlabel\n       refused an attempted "
                                  ."connect operation.\n       Check for a "
                                  ."running FTP daemon on $hostlabel";
                        if ($allines=~/Name.*[: ]+$/si) {
print "WHAT IS THE FTP_EVAL_ERROR1111=$@\n";
                  if (!$gotname && ((-1==index $@,'Unknown host') &&
                                    (-1==index $@,'Connection refused') &&
                                    (-1==index $@,'A remote host refused'))) {
                     if (1<=$#connect_method) {
                        next CM1;
                  if ($@) {
                     if ($@=~/read timed-out/) {
                        FLP: foreach my $hlabel (
                              keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                           foreach my $sid (
                                 keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                                 $hlabel}}) {
                              foreach my $type (
                                    keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                                    $hlabel}{$sid}}) {
                                 if ($ftp_handle eq
                                       {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                                       {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[2],$kill_arg) if
                                       {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[1],$kill_arg) if
                                    last FLP;
                        my $die="&ftm_login() timed-out while\n       "
                               ."waiting for a login prompt from\n       "
                               ."Remote Host - $host,\n       HostLabel "
                               ."- $hostlabel\n\n       The Current Timeout"
                               ." Setting is $fttimeout Seconds.";
                     } else { die $@ }
                  if ($su_id) {
                  } else {
                  ## Wait for password prompt.
                  my $ignore='';
                     { _cmd_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                       _cmd_type=>$cmd_type },$timeout);
                  if ($stderr) {
                     if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                        die $stderr;
                     } else {
                        my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
                  my $sshport='';
                  if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                        $hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                     my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                        $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
                  $ftp_handle->print("${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ".
            if ($su_id) {
               my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}{$su_id}
               delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}{$su_id}
            } else {
               my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}{$su_id}
               delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}{$su_id}
            if ($su_id) {
               if ($ftm_passwd ne 'DoNotSU!') {
               } else { $su_id='' }
            if (!$su_id) {
            my %ftp=(
               _ftp_handle => $ftp_handle,
               _cmd_type   => $cmd_type,
               _ftm_type   => $ftm_type,
               _hostname   => $hostname,
               _ip         => $ip,
               _uname      => $uname,
               _luname     => $^O,
               _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel,
                                $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_hostlabel}->[0] ],
               _ftp_pid    => $ftp_pid
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            $ftp_handle->prompt("/s*ftp> ?\$/");
            if ($su_id) {
            } else {
               if $ftm_type ne 'sftp';
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            if (defined $transfer_dir && $transfer_dir) {
print "FTRFIVE\n";
                  { _cmd_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ]
                  },'cd '.${$work_dirs}{_tmp});
               if ($stderr) {
                  my $die="The FTP Service Cannot cd to "
                         ."TransferDir -> ".${$work_dirs}{_tmp}
                         ."\n\n       $stderr";
               } $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$ftp_handle}{cd}=${$work_dirs}{_tmp};
            my $ftmtype='';
               if ($_connect ne 'connect_sftp' &&
               $_connect ne 'connect_ftp');
            $ftm_type=$ftmtype if $ftmtype;
print "RETURNTWO and FTR_CMD=$ftr_cmd\n";<STDIN>;
            return $ftp_handle,$ftp_pid,$work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,
         } else {
            foreach my $connect_method (@connect_method) {
               if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
               } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
            if ($su_id) {
               if ($ftm_passwd ne 'DoNotSU!') {
               } else { $su_id='' }
            if (!$su_id) {
         } my $peer=0;
         while ($peer++<2) {
            if ($stderr) {
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "\nhhhhhhh Error getting \$ftp_handle via Rem_Command::cmd() hhhhhhh: ".
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               print "\nhhhhhhh Error getting \$ftp_handle via Rem_Command::cmd() hhhhhhh: ".
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            } else { last }
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         my $previous_method='';$stderr='';
         my $fm_cnt=-1;
         CM2: foreach my $connect_method (@connect_method) {
            if ($stderr && $connect_method ne $previous_method) {
               print "Warning, Preferred Connection $previous_method Failed\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet);
               print "\n".$stderr."\n"
                  if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet);
            } else { $previous_method=$connect_method;$stderr='' }
            if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
               my $ftp__cmd="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host";
               $ftp_handle->print("${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host");
               FH: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                  foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                     foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           {$sid}}) {
                        if ($ftp_handle eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                           my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                           last FH;

               ## Send Login ID.
               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                  # Logging (2)
                  print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostlabel) via $connect_method  . . .\n\n";
               } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  print "\n       Logging (2) into $host ($hostlabel) via $connect_method  ".
                        ". . .\n\n";
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "\n       Logging (2) into $host ($hostlabel) via $connect_method  . . .\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                  && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               $s_err=' ';
               my $gotname=0;
               while (1) {
                  eval {
                     my $allines='';
                     my $fc='';
                     my $al='';
                     my $cmdseen=0;
                     ## Send Login ID.
                     ID: while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get) {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "\nFFFFFFF (2) ftm_login() FFFFFFF ",
                           "FTP RAW OUTPUT: ==>$line<== at Line ",
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        print "\nFFFFFFF (2) ftm_login() FFFFFFF ",
                          "FTP RAW OUTPUT: ==>$line<== at Line ",
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        if (-1<index $allines,'_funkyPrompt_') {
                           my $fp='_funkyPrompt_';
                           my $stub=$line;
                           my $fs=$1;
                           if (!$fs) {
                              my $bs=$1;
                           } else {
                           } $line=~s/^.*_funkyPrompt_//s;
                        if (!$cmdseen) {
                           next if $allines=~s/^\s$//s;
                           if (-1<index $ftp__cmd,$allines) {
                           } elsif ((-1<index $allines,$ftp__cmd) ||
                                 ($ftp__cmd eq $allines)) {
                              print $ftp__cmd,"\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                                 "\n       ==>$ftp__cmd<==\n",
                                 "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        if ($line=~/^$fc\s*/s) {
                           if ($line=~/^$fc\s*$/s) {
                           } else {
                        if ($line=~/^[^f].+\n/s && $line=~/ft?p?>? ?$/s) {
                           if ($line!~/ftp> $/s) {
                        } elsif ($line!~/^.*ftp> $/) {
                           if ($line=~/[.]\s*$/s) {
                              my $lline=$allines;
                           } elsif ($allines=~/Name.*[: ]+$/si) {
                              if ($line=~/(.+)\n.+$/s) {
                                 my $stub=$1;
                                 my $tall=$allines;
                                 $tall=~s/Name.*[: ]+$//si;
                                 my $ll=$tall;
                                 if (-1<index $ll, $stub) {
                           } elsif (-1<index $line,'A remote host refused') {
                              $line=~s/\s*ftp> $//s;
                              die $line;
                           } else {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() LOOKING FOR FTP ",
                           "ERROR AFTER PASSWD OUTPUT IN CM2:->ID: SUBLOOP:",
                           "\n       ==>$line<==\n",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        print "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() LOOKING FOR FTP ",
                           "ERROR AFTER PASSWD OUTPUT IN CM2:->ID: SUBLOOP:",
                           "\n       ==>$line<==\n",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        my $tline=$line;
                        if (-1<index $allines,'Unknown host') {
                           die "ftp: connect: Unknown host";
                        if (-1<index $allines,'ftp: connect:') {
                           my $m=$1;$m||='';
                           if ((-1==index $allines,'Address already in use')
                                 && (-1==index $allines,'Connection timed out')
                                 && (-1<index $allines,'Connection refused')) {
                              die "ftp: connect: $m";
                           } elsif ($retrys++<2) {
                                 if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid)
                                 && $shell_pid ne $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_sh_pid};
print "FTP_PID=$ftp_pid<== and ==>$localhost->{_cmd_pid}<==\n";
                                 if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($ftp_pid)
                                 && $ftp_pid ne $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_cmd_pid};
                              $ftp_handle->close if defined fileno $ftp_handle;
                              sleep int $ftp_handle->timeout/3;
                                 $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                              my $sftploginid=($su_id)?$su_id:$login_id;
                              my $previous_method='';$stderr='';
                              my $fm_cnt=-1;
                              my $ftp__cmd=
                                 "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host";
                              foreach $connect_method (@connect_method) {
                                 if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
                                       "ftp $host");
                                 } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
                                    my $sshport='';
                                    if (exists 
                                          $hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                                       my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                                          $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
                                       "sftp ${sshport}$sftploginid\@$host");
                              FH1: foreach my $hlabel (
                                    keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                                 foreach my $sid (
                                       keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                                    foreach my $type (
                                          keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                                          {$sid}}) {
                                       if ($ftp_handle eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                                             {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                                          my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                                          last FH1;
                           } else {
                                 if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid)
                                 && $shell_pid ne $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_sh_pid};
print "FTP_PID=$ftp_pid\n";
                                 if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($ftp_pid)
                                 && $ftp_pid ne $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost{_cmd_pid};
                              &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("ftp: connect: $m\n       "
                                 ."$retrys Attempts Tried",'-8','__cleanup__');
                        } elsif (-1<index $allines,'421 Service' ||
                              -1<index $allines,
                              'No address associated with name'
                              || (-1<index $allines,'Connection' &&
                              (-1<index $allines,'Connection closed' ||
                              -1<index $allines,
                              'ftp: connect: Connection timed out'))) {
                          $allines=~s/s*ftp> ?$//s;
                          die "$allines\n      $!";
                        $tline=~s/ftp> $//s;
                        print $tline if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "\n       DISPLAYED TO USER ==>$tline<==\n",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        if (-1<index $allines,
                              'ftp: connect: Connection timed out') {
                           $allines=~s/s*ftp> ?\s*$//s;
                           die "$allines\n     $!";
                        } elsif ((-1<index $allines,'A remote host refused')
                               || (-1<index $allines,
                               'ftp: connect: Connection refused')) {
                           my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "HOSTTEST4444=$host\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           if ($ms_share && !$ftm_only) {
                              if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                                 my $mswin_cwd='';
                                 if (!$stderr) {
                                    my %cmd=(
                                       _cmd_handle => 
                                       _cmd_type   => '',
                                       _work_dirs  => $work_dirs,
                                       _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel,'' ],
                                       _hostname   => $hostname,
                                       _ip         => $ip,
                                       _uname      => $uname,
                                       _luname     => $^O,
                                       _cmd_pid    =>
                                       _smb        => 1
                                    $ftr_cmd=bless \%cmd, 'Rem_Command';
print "RETURNTHREE and FTR_CMD=$ftr_cmd\n";<STDIN>;
                                    return '','',$work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,
                                 } elsif (unpack('a10',$stderr) eq 'System err'
                                       && $stderr=~/unknown user name/s) {
                                 } else { $die=$stderr }
                              } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                                         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy[0]}) {
                                 if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
                                 } elsif (!$fttimeout) {
                                    $fttimeout=$timeout if !$fttimeout;
                                 $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "HOSTTEST5555=$host\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                 $login_id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username if !$login_id;
                                 $login_id=$su_id if $su_id;
                                 if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{
                                       "__%-$login_id"}) {
                                    my $mswin_cwd='';
                                    if (defined $transfer_dir
                                          && $transfer_dir) {
                                       if (unpack('@1 a1',$transfer_dir)
                                             eq ':') {
                                          my ($drive,$path)=
                                             unpack('a1 x1 a*',$transfer_dir);
                                       } elsif ($transfer_dir=~/^[\/|\\]/
                                             && $transfer_dir!~/
                                             $ftr_cmd->{_cygdrive_regex}/ &&
                                             $hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
                                    if ($stderr) {
                                       $die="Could Not Map the Directory "
                                           ."Share\n       -> \"\\\\$host"
                                           ."\\$ms_share\"\n\n       $stderr";
                                       my $er=$!;
                                       if ($er=~s/is not /is not\n        /) {
                                          $er=" $er";
                                       } $die="$die\n       $er";
print "RETURNFOUR and FTR_CMD=$ftr_cmd\n";<STDIN>;
                                    return '','',$work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,
                                 } else {
                                    my $sftploginid=($su_id)?$su_id:$login_id;
                                    my $ftp__cmd=
                                       "ftp $host";
                                    my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                                    foreach $connect_method (@{$ftr_cnct}) {
                                       if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
                                             "ftp $host");
                                       } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
                                          my $sshport='';
                                          if (exists 
                                                $hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                                                $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
                                             "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ".
                                 } $smb=1;
                                 ## Send Login ID.
                                 while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get) {
                                    if ((20<length $line && unpack('a21',$line)
                                          eq 'A remote host refused')
                                          || (31<length $line && unpack(
                                          'a32',$line) eq
                                          'ftp: connect: Connection refused')) {
                                    if ($line=~/Name.*[: ]*$/i) {
                                       $gotname=1;last ID;
                              } else {
                           } else {
#print "NOWWWLINE=$line AND DIE=$die<==\n";
                           if ($die) {
                              $die.="Destination Host - $host, HostLabel "
                                  ."- $hostlabel\n       refused an attempted "
                                  ."connect operation.\n\n       Check for a "
                                  ."running FTP daemon on $hostlabel";
                              die $die;
                        if ($allines=~/Name.*[: ]+$/si) {
#print "WHAT IS THE FTP_EVAL_ERROR2222=$@ and GOTNAME\n";
                  if (!$gotname && ((-1==index $@,'Unknown host') &&
                                    (-1==index $@,'Connection refused') &&
                                    (-1==index $@,'A remote host refused'))) {
                     if (1<=$#connect_method) {
                        next CM2;
                  if ($@) {
                     if ($@=~/read timed-out/) {
                        my $die="&ftm_login() timed-out while\n       "
                               ."waiting for a login prompt from\n       "
                               ."Remote Host - $host,\n       HostLabel "
                               ."- $hostlabel\n\n       The Current Timeout"
                               ." Setting is $fttimeout Seconds.";
                     } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ftplogin() EVALERROR=$@<==\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        die $@;
                  } last

               if ($su_id) {
               } else {
               ## Wait for password prompt.
               my $ignore='';
                  { _cmd_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                    _cmd_type=>$cmd_type },$timeout);
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                     die $stderr;
                  } else {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
               my $sftploginid=($su_id)?$su_id:$login_id;
               my $sshport='';
               if (exists
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                  my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                     $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
               $ftp_handle->print("${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ".
               FH: foreach my $hlabel (
                     keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                  foreach my $sid (
                        keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                     foreach my $type (
                           keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           {$sid}}) {
                        if ($ftp_handle eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                           my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                           last FH;

               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                  # Logging (3)
                  print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostlabel) via ",
                        "$connect_method  . . .\n\n";
               } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  print "\n       Logging (3) into $host ($hostlabel) via ",
                        "$connect_method  . . .\n\n";
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "\n       Logging (3) into $host via $connect_method ",
                  " . . .\n\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                  && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               ## Wait for password prompt.
               my $ignore='';
                  { _cmd_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                    _cmd_type=>$cmd_type },$timeout);
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                     die $stderr;
                  } else {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

         ## Send password.

         my $lin='';my $asked=0;my $authyes=0;my @choices=();
         while (1) {
            while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get(Timeout=>$fttimeout)) {
               if ($line=~/command not found/) {
                  die 'Perm';
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() ",
                  "LOOKING FOR $ftm_type PROMPT AFTER PASSWD OUTPUT:",
                  "\n       ==>$line<==\n       ",
                  "SEPARATOR=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               print "\nFile_Transfer::ftm_login() ",
                  "LOOKING FOR $ftm_type PROMPT AFTER PASSWD OUTPUT:",
                  "\n       ==>$line<==\n       ",
                  "SEPARATOR=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               if ((-1<index $lin,'Perm') || $lin=~/^\s*[Pp]assword[:\s]+$/s) {
                  if ($lin=~/[Pp]assword[:\s]+$/s) {
                     if ($su_id && $su_id ne $login_id) {
                        if (!$asked++) {
                           my $error='';
                           if ($error=~/^\s*[Pp]assword[:\s]+$/s) {
                              $error='Password *NOT* accepted';
                           $error||='Password *NOT* accepted';
                           my $asktimeout=300;my $a='';my $choice='';
                           eval {
                              $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB:
                                                                  # \n required
                              alarm $asktimeout;
                              my $banner="\n       *** THIS SCREEN WILL "
                                  ."TIMEOUT IN 5 MINUTES ***\n"
                                  ."\n    The Host \"$hostlabel\" is "
                                  ."configured to attempt a su\n    with "
                                  ."the ID \'$su_id\'\; however, the first "
                                  ."attempt\n    resulted in the following "
                                  ."Error :\n\n           $error\n\n    It "
                                  ."may be that sftp is configured to "
                                  ."disallow logins\n    with \'$su_id\'\."
                                  ."\n\n    Please Pick an Operation :\n"
                                  ."\n    NOTE:    Choice will affect all "
                                  ."future logins!\n";
                                  "Re-enter password and re-attempt with "
                                  "Attempt login with base id \'$login_id\'";
                              chomp $choice;
                           if ($choice ne ']quit[') {
                              if ($choice=~/$su_id/s) {
                                 my $show='';
                                 while (1) {
                                    print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                                    print "\n$show ";
                                    my $newpass=<STDIN>;
                                    chomp $newpass;
                                    print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $show
                                       if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                              } else {
                                 while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LLINE44=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                    last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
                                    last if $line=~/Killed by signal 2\.$/s;
                                 } $lin='';
                                 my $sshport='';
                                 if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                                       $hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                                    my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                                       $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
                                    "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ".

                                 ## Wait for password prompt.
                                 my $ignore='';
                                       { _cmd_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                                         _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                                         _cmd_type=>$cmd_type },$timeout);
                                 if ($stderr) {
                                    if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                                       die $stderr;
                                    } else {
                                       my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

                                 ## Send password.
print "111 LIN=$lin<== and FTM_ERRMSG=$ftm_errmsg<==\n";
                                 my $ftm_passwd=
                                 if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                       !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                                       !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                                    # Logging (4)
                                    print "\n       Logging into $host (",
                                          "$hostlabel) ",
                                          "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n";
                                 } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                                       "\n       Logging (4) into $host (",
                                       "$hostlabel) ",
                                       "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n";
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                                    "\n       Logging (4) into $host (",
                                    "$hostlabel) ",
                                    "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                                    && -1<index
                           } else { 
                        } elsif ($asked<4) {
                     } else {

                        ## Send password.
                        my $showerr='';
                        if ($login_id eq 'root') {
                           $showerr="$showerr\n\n  HINT: sftp may not be "
                                   ."configured to allow \'root\' access."
                                   ."\n    If ssh connectivity & su root is "
                                   ."available, try setting\n    SU_ID =>"
                                   ." \'root\' in "
                        my $ftm_passwd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getpasswd(
                        if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                              !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                              !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet) {
                           # Logging (5)
                           print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostlabel) ",
                                 "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n";
                        } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                              "\n       Logging (5) into $host ($hostlabel) ",
                              "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n";
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "\n       Logging (5) into $host ($hostlabel) ",
                           "via $ftm_type  . . .\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                           && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  } elsif ($line=~/_funkyPrompt_$|Connection closed/s) {
                     my $sshport='';
                     if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                           $hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                        my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                           $hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
                        "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ".

                     ## Wait for password prompt.
                     my $ignore='';
                           { _cmd_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                             _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                             _cmd_type=>$cmd_type },$timeout);
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                           die $stderr;
                        } else {
                           my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

                     ## Send password.
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "333 LIN=$lin<== and FTM_ERRMSG=$ftm_errmsg<==\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                           && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     my $ftm_passwd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getpasswd(

                     my $showsftp="\n       LoggingF into "
                                 ."$host via sftp  . . .\n\n";
                     print $showsftp if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                        || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                                        && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $showsftp
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               } elsif (!$authyes && (-1<index $lin,'The authen') &&
                     $lin=~/\?\s*$/s) {
print "AUTHENHERE!1111\n";<STDIN>;
                  my $question=$lin;
                  $question=~s/^.*(The authen.*)$/$1/s;
                  $question=~s/\' can\'t/\'\ncan\'t/s;
                  while (1) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                     print "\n$question ";
                     my $answer=<STDIN>;
                     chomp $answer;
                     if (lc($answer) eq 'yes') {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     } elsif (lc($answer) eq 'no') {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               } elsif ($lin=~/channel is being closed/s) {
                  my $warning=$lin;
                  $warning=~s/^/       /gm;
                  $warning="WARNING! - sftp on Host $host is not configured\n"
                          ."              for user $login_id :\n\n$warning";
                  die $lin;
               } elsif ($line=~/^530 /m) {
                  $line=~s/\n/\n       /s;
                  die "$line\n";
               if ($line=~/[\$\%\>\#\-\:]+ ?$/m) {
               } elsif ($line=~/[\$\%\>\#\-\:]+ ?$/s) {
               } elsif ($lin=~/Perm/s && $lin=~/password[: ]+$/si) { last }
            if ($lin=~/Perm/s) {
               die "$lin\n";
            } else { last }
         my %ftp=(
            _ftp_handle => $ftp_handle,
            _ftm_type   => $ftm_type,
            _hostname   => $hostname,
            _ip         => $ip,
            _uname      => $uname,
            _luname     => $^O,
            _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel,
                             '_hostlabel'}->[0] ],
            _ftp_pid    => $ftp_pid

         # Make sure prompt won't match anything in send data.
         $ftp_handle->prompt("/s*ftp> ?\$/");

            if $ftm_type ne 'sftp';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;

         if ($_connect ne 'connect_sftp' && $_connect ne 'connect_ftp') {
            my $ftmtype='';
            if ($ms_hostlabel) {
                  if $stderr;
               $ftm_type=$ftmtype if $ftmtype;
               if ($su_id) {
               } else {
            } else {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               $ftm_type=$ftmtype if $ftmtype;
#$ftp_handle->print("quote stat");
#while ($line=$ftp_handle->get) {
#   print "FTPLINE2=$line\n";
#   last if $line=~/ftp>\s*/s;
         if (!$ftm_only && exists ${$work_dirs}{_tmp}) {
                { _ftp_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                  _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                  _ftm_type=>$ftm_type },
                "cd \"${$work_dirs}{_tmp}\"");
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die="The FTP Service Cannot Change to "
                      ."the Transfer Directory"
                      ."\n\n       -> $stderr\n";
            } $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$ftp_handle}{cd}=
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
                { _ftp_handle=>$ftp_handle,
                  _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                  _ftm_type=>$ftm_type },
                "lcd \"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die="The FTP Service Cannot Change to "
                      ."the Local Transfer Directory"
                      ."\n\n       -> $stderr\n";
      if ($@) {
#print "FTM_LOGIN_ERRMSG=$ftm_errmsg and FTM_PID=$ftp_pid and SHELLPID=$shell_pid<===\n";
         print "sub ftm_login FTM_LOGIN_ERROR=$ftm_errmsg<==\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "sub ftm_login FTM_LOGIN_ERROR=$ftm_errmsg<==\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         if (unpack('a4',$ftm_errmsg) eq 'read' ||
               (-1<index $ftm_errmsg,'421 Service') ||
               (-1<index $ftm_errmsg,'Connection refused') ||
               (-1<index $ftm_errmsg,'Connection closed') ||
               (-1<index $ftm_errmsg,'Unknown host') ||
               (-1<index $ftm_errmsg,'A remote host refused')) {
            my $host= $hostname ? $hostname : $ip;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "HOSTTEST6666=$host\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            $ftm_errmsg="$@\n       While Attempting "
                ."Login to $host\n       -> HostLabel "
            if (unpack('a4',$ftm_errmsg) eq 'read') {
                 $ftm_errmsg.="       Current Timeout "
                            ."Setting is ->  " . $ftp_handle->timeout
                            ." seconds.\n\n";
            if ($retrys<2 && unpack('a4',$ftm_errmsg) eq 'read') {
               warn "$ftm_errmsg      $!";
               if (defined fileno $ftp_handle) {
                  $ftp_handle->print; # if defined fileno $ftp_handle;
                  while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::ftm_login() LOOKING FOR PROMPT=$line\n and ERROR=$@\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "File_Transfer::ftm_login() LOOKING FOR PROMPT=$line\n and ERROR=$@\n";
                     if ($line=~/[\$\%\>\#\-\:]+ ?$/s) {
                        return $ftp_handle,$ftp_pid,$work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,
                     } elsif ($line=~
                           /logout|Connection.*closed|A remote host refused/s) {
               FTH: foreach my $hlabel (
                     keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                  foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                        $hlabel}}) {
                     foreach my $type (
                           keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           {$sid}}) {
                        if ($ftp_handle eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                           last FTH;
               if ($hostlabel eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy[0]
                     && 1<$#FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy) {
                  shift @FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy;
               } elsif ($ftm_errmsg=~/421 Service/s ||
                     $ftm_errmsg=~/Connection closed/s) {
            } else {
               print "\nEXITING from ftm_login()  ERROR: $@\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "\nEXITING FROM ftm_login()  ERROR: $@\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         if ($retrys<2 &&
               (-1==index $ftm_errmsg,'No more authentication methods')) {
            if ($ftm_errmsg=~/530 |Perm|(channel is being closed)/) {
               my $shipht=$1;
               shift @connect_method if $shipht;
               if ($su_login) {
               } else {
               $retrys=0 if $shipht;
               print "\nRETRYING from ftm_login()  ERROR: $ftm_errmsg\n",
                  "       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "\nRETRYING FROM ftm_login()  ERROR: $ftm_errmsg\n",
                  "       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               while (my $line=$ftp_handle->get) {
                  last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_|221 Goodbye/s;
                  if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid)
                  && $shell_pid ne
                  if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($ftp_pid)
                  && $ftp_pid ne $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost{_cmd_pid};
               if (-1<$#connect_method && ($shipht ||
                     !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron)) {
            } elsif (unpack('a10',$ftm_errmsg) eq 'System err' &&
                 $ftm_errmsg=~/unknown user name/s) {
               if ($su_login) {
               } else {
               } $retrys++;next if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron;
         } else { shift @connect_method;next if $#connect_method }
         if (unpack('a10',$ftm_errmsg) eq 'The System') {
         } else {
            my $f_t=$ftm_type;$f_t=~s/^(.)/uc($1)/e;
            $ftm_errmsg=~s/^(.*)\n *(.*)$/$1\n   $2/s;
            $die="The Host $host Returned\n              the "
                ."Following Unrecoverable Error Condition\,\n"
                ."              Rejecting the $f_t Login Attempt"
                ." of the ID\n              -> $die_login_id:"
                ."\n\n       $ftm_errmsg\n$s_err"
                ."       at ".(caller(0))[1]." "
                ."line ".(caller(2))[2].".\n\n      ";
         } last;
      } else { last }
      last if $die;
   } return $ftp_handle,$ftp_pid,$work_dirs,$ftr_cmd,

} ## END of &ftm_login

sub wait_for_passwd_prompt

   ## Wait for password prompt.
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::wait_for_passwd_prompt() ",
      "(((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nINFO: File_Transfer::wait_for_passwd_prompt() ",
      "(((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $filehandle=$_[0];
   my $timeout=$_[1]||$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout;
   my $notnew=$_[2]||'';
   my $lin='';my $authyes=0;my $gotpass=0;my $warning='';
   my $eval_stdout='';my $eval_stderr='';$@='';
   my $connect_err=0;my $count=0;
   my $starttime=time;my $firstflag=0;
   eval {
      while (1) {
         PW: while (my $line=$filehandle->{_cmd_handle}->get(
               Timeout=>$timeout)) {
            $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "read timed-out:do_slave\n" }; # \n required
            alarm $timeout+1;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "\nPPPPPPP wait_for_passwd_prompt() PPPPPPP ",
               "CMD RAW OUTPUT: ==>$line<== at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            print "\nPPPPPPP wait_for_passwd_prompt() PPPPPPP ",
               "CMD RAW OUTPUT: ==>$line<== at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            if (!$notnew && !$firstflag && 5<=time()-$starttime) {
               unless (-e $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::home_dir.'/.ssh' &&
                     qr/^localhost/)) {
                  print "\n\n   ############### NOTICE ###############".
                        "\n   It appears that this is the first time".
                        "\n   FullAuto is starting on this host. If".
                        "\n   so, it may take a few *MINUTES* for the".
                        "\n   intial configurtion of Secure Shell".
                        "\n   to complete. All future FullAuto".
                        "\n   startups will go MUCH faster. Please".
                        "\n   be patient.";
            if (-1<index $line,'Permission denied') {
               alarm 0;
               die 'Permission denied';
            } elsif ($warning || (-1<index $line,'@@@@@@@@@@')) {
               $count++ if $line=~/^\s*$/s;
               if ($warning=~/Connection closed/s || $count==10) {
                  $warning=~s/^/       /gm;
                  die "\n".$warning;
               } $filehandle->{_cmd_handle}->print;
            } elsif (-1<index $lin,'Address already in use') {
               alarm 0;
               die 'Connection closed';
            #} elsif (-1<index $lin,'No route to host') {
            #   alarm 0;
            #   die $lin;
            } elsif (-1<index $lin,'Connection reset by peer') {
               alarm 0;
               if ($lin=~s/^.*(ssh:.*)$/$1/s) {
                  $lin=~s/Could/       Could/s;
                  die $lin;
               } else {
                  $lin='Connection closed';
               die $lin;
            } elsif (7<length $line && unpack('a8',$line) eq 'Insecure') {
               alarm 0;
               die $line;
            } elsif (!$authyes && (-1<index $lin,'The authen') &&
                  $lin=~/\?\s*$/s) {
               my $question=$lin;
               $question=~s/^.*(The authen.*)$/$1/s;
               $question=~s/\' can\'t/\'\ncan\'t/s;
               while (1) {
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                  print "\n$question ";
                  alarm 0;
                  my $authtimeout=120;my $a='';
                  my $answer='';
                  eval {
                     $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required
                     alarm $authtimeout;
                     alarm 0;
                  if (!$authorize_connect && ($@ || !$answer)) {
                        "\n\n","This request for autenticity timed",
                        " out and FullAuto terminated.",
                        "\nTo provide permission for this request",
                        " run FullAuto with the\n --authorize_connect",
                        " argument.\n\n";
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                        "\n\n","This request for autenticity timed",
                        " out and FullAuto terminated.",
                        "\nTo provide permission for this request",
                        " run FullAuto with the\n --authorize_connect",
                        " argument.\n\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  } elsif ($a=~/^[Nn]$/s) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $lin
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  chomp $answer;
                  if (lc($answer) eq 'yes' or $authorize_connect) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $lin
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "read timed-out:do_slave\n" };
                  } elsif (lc($answer) eq 'no') {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $lin
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     alarm 0;
            } elsif ($lin=~/password[: ]+$/si) {
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "wait_for_passwd_prompt() PASSWORD PROMPT=$lin<==\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               $gotpass=1;alarm 0;last PW;
            } elsif ((-1<index $lin,'530 ')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'421 ')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'Connection refused')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'Connection closed')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'ssh: Could not')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'name not known')
                  || (-1<index $lin,'Could not create')) {
               $lin=~/(^530[ ].*$)|(^421[ ].*$)
                      |(^Connection[ ]refused.*$)
                      |(^Connection[ ]closed.*$)
                      |(^ssh:[ ]Could[ ]not.*)/xm;
               $lin=$1 if $1;$lin=$2 if $2;
               $lin=$3 if $3;$lin=$4 if $4;
               $lin=$5 if $5;
               if (-1<index $lin,'Connection refused') {
                  alarm 0;
                  die 'Connection refused';
               } elsif (-1<index $lin,'name not known') {
                  alarm 0;
                  die $lin;
               } elsif (-1<index $lin,'Connection closed') {
                  alarm 0;
                  die 'Connection closed';
               } elsif (-1<index $lin,'Could not create') {
                  alarm 0;
                  if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                     my $die="$lin\n       ".
                             "Hint: Make sure there are no quote characters\n".
                             "             used in the /etc/passwd file.\n"; 
                     die $eval_stderr;
                  die $eval_stderr;
               } else {
                  alarm 0;
                  die $eval_stderr;
            if ($lin=~/Warning/s) {
               print "\n$lin";sleep 1;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $lin
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         } alarm 0;
         last if $gotpass;
   if ($@) {
      if (wantarray) {
         my $error=$@;
         if ($@=~/Permission denied/) {
#print "do_slave ONE and ERROR=$error\n";
            return ('','read timed-out:do_slave')
         } elsif ($@!~/Connection closed/ &&
               (-1==index $@, 'name not known')) {
            my $err=$@;
            eval {
               my $cnt=0;
               while (my $line=$filehandle->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                  last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_/s;
                  last if $cnt++==10;
               if ($cnt==11 and (-1<index $err,'read timed-out')
                     && !$slave) {
#print "do_slave TWO and ERROR=$error\n";
                  $error='read timed-out:do_slave';
            if ($error eq 'read timed-out:do_slave') {
#print "do_slave THREE and ERROR=$error\n";
               return ('','read timed-out:do_slave')
         } return '', $error;
      } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($@) }
   } elsif (wantarray) {
      return $eval_stdout,$eval_stderr;
   } elsif ($eval_stderr) {
   } else {
      return $eval_stdout;
} ## END of &wait_for_passwd_prompt

sub connect_share
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "File_Transfer::connect_share() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "File_Transfer::connect_share() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my (@outlines,@errlines)=();
   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $_connect=$_[2]||'';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my ($output,$stdout,$stderr)=('','','');
   my $cnct_passwd='';
   my $host=($use eq 'ip')?$ip:$hostname;    
   my $smb_type='';
#print "THISSS=net view \\\\\\\\$host | perl -pe 's/^/stdout: /' 2>&1";
   my @output=$cmd_handle->cmd(
      "net view \\\\\\\\$host | perl -pe 's/^/stdout: /' 2>&1");
#print "OUTPUT=@output and CMDHANDLE=$cmd_handle\n";
   for (@output) {
      push @{ s/stdout: // ? \@outlines : \@errlines }, $_;
   } $stdout=join '', @outlines;
   $stderr=join '',@errlines;@output=();
   if ($stdout) {
      if ($stdout=~/^Samba/m) {
      } else {
      my $ms_cnct='net use \\\\'.$host.'\\'.$ms_share;
      $login_id=$su_id if $su_id;
      my $dom='';
      if ($ms_domain) {
      } else {
         if (($host=~tr/.//)==2) {
            $dom=substr($host,0,(index $host,'.')) . '\\';
         } else {
      if ($su_id) {
      } else {
      while (1) {
         my $ms_cmd="$ms_cnct $cnct_passwd /USER:$dom"
            { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
              _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },$ms_cmd);
         if (!$stderr ||
               (-1<index $stderr,'credentials supplied conflict')) {
            return "\\\\$host\\$ms_share\\",$smb_type,'';
         } elsif (-1<index $stderr,'Logon failure') {
            if ($su_id) {
            } else {
         } else {
            $stderr="From Command :\n\n       $ms_cmd\n\n       "
                   ."$stderr\n       $!";
            return '','',$stderr;
   } else {
      $stderr=~s/^/       /mg;
      $stderr="From Command :\n\n       "
             ."net view \\\\\\\\$host | perl -pe 's/^/stdout: /' 2>&1"
             ."\n\n$stderr\n       $!";
      return '','',$stderr;


sub cwd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: File_Transfer::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nFile_Transfer::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $target_dir=$_[1];
      if $target_dir ne '/' && $target_dir ne '\\';
   my $len_tdir=length $target_dir;
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   if (unpack('a1',$target_dir) eq '.') {
      if ($target_dir eq '.') {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '\'.\' is Current Directory','';
         } else { return '\'.\' is Current Directory' }
      } elsif (1<$len_tdir &&
              (unpack('a2',$target_dir) eq './')
              || unpack('a2',$target_dir) eq '.\\') {
#print "TARGET_DIR=$target_dir\n";
   my $hostlabel=$self->{_hostlabel}->[0]||$self->{_hostlabel}->[1];
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $host=($use eq 'ip')?$ip:$hostname;
   if (!$target_dir) {
      my @caller=caller;
      my $die="The First Argument to cwd is being "
             ."read by\n       $0 as a null or ''.  "
             ."Hint: (Perhaps a\n       variable being "
             ."used to pass the destination-\n       "
             ."directory-name is misspelled) in file\n"
             ."       -> $caller[1]  line $caller[2]\n\n";
      if (wantarray) {
        return '',$die;
      } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
   if ((exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
         $target_dir eq $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}) ||
         ($self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
         $target_dir eq $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin})) {
      if (wantarray) {
         return 'CWD command successful.','';
      } else { return 'CWD command successful.' }
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GOING TO EVAL and $self->{_uname}\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   eval {
      if (((exists $self->{_smb}) ||
             $self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') &&
             && (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
             1<length $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
             eq '\\\\') && !(exists $self->{_cygdrive} &&
             $target_dir=~/^$self->{_cygdrive}/))) {
         my $td=$1;my $tar_dir='';
         if ($td) {
            if ($td=~/^[\/\\][^:]/) {
               if ($ms_share) {
                  if (($tar_dir=$target_dir)=~s/\//\\/g) {
               } else {
                  my $die='Cannot Determine Root -or- Drive -or- Share'
                         ."\n       for Directory $target_dir";
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$die;
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
            } elsif (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
                  1<length $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin} &&
                  eq '\\\\') {
               if (($tar_dir=$target_dir)=~s/\//\\/g) {
            } else {
               my $die='Cannot Determine Root -or- Drive -or- Share'
                      ."\n       for Directory $target_dir";
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$die;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
         } else {
         my @output=();my $cnt=0;
         while (1) {
                  cmd("cmd /c dir /-C \"$tar_dir\"");
            if (!$stderr && substr($output,-12,-2) ne 'bytes free') {
               $output='';next unless $cnt++;
               my $die="Attempt to retrieve output from the command:\n"
                      ."\n       cmd /c dir /-C \"$tar_dir\"\n"
                      ."\n       run on the host $hostlabel FAILED";
            } else { last }
         my $outdir='';
         ($outdir=$output)=~s/^.*Directory of ([^\n]*).*$/$1/s;
         if ($outdir eq $tar_dir) {
            $output="CWD command successful";
         } else {
            $output=~s/^.*Directory of [^\n]*(.*)$/$1/s;
            my $leaf=substr($tar_dir,(rindex $tar_dir,"\\")+1);
            foreach my $line (split /\n/, $output) {
               if ($line=~/$leaf$/ and $line!~/\<DIR\>/) {
                  my $die="Cannot cwd to the FILE:"
                      ."\n\n       --> $tar_dir\n\n"
                      ."       Because First cwd() Argument"
                      ."\n       Must be a Directory.\n";
                  if (wantarray) { return '',$die }
                  else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
            my $die="Cannot cwd to the Directory:"
                . "\n\n       --> $tar_dir\n\n"
                . "       The Directory DOES NOT EXIST!\n";
            if (wantarray) { return '',$die }
            else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
      } elsif ($target_dir=~/^([^~.\/\\][^:])/) {
               cmd("cd $target_dir");
         my $phost=$hostlabel;
         #if ($self->{_cmd_type} eq 'ms_proxy') {
         #   $phost=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployMS_Proxy[0];
         #} elsif ($self->{_cmd_type} eq 'tn_proxy') {
         #   $phost=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployTN_Proxy[0];
         if ($stderr) {
            #my $die="The Transfer Directory on Proxy Host "
            my $die="The Transfer Directory on Host "
                   ."- $phost :"
                   ."\n\n              --> $target_dir\n\n"
                   ."       DOES NOT EXIST!: $!";
            if (wantarray) { return '',$die }
            else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die,'-12') }
         if ($self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
                { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                  _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                "cd \"$target_dir\"",$hostlabel);
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
               else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') }
      } elsif ($self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' &&
            $target_dir=~/^[A-Za-z]:/) {
         my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$target_dir);
         my $tar_dir=$self->{_cygdrive}.'/'.lc($drive).$path;
         ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cd \"$tar_dir\"");
         if ($stderr) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return $output,$stderr;
            } else {
         if ($self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
                { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                  _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                "cd \"$tar_dir\"",$hostlabel);
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
               else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') }
      } else {
         if (1<$len_tdir && unpack('a2',$target_dir) eq '..') {
            if ($self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
                   { _ftp_handle=>$self->{_ftp_handle},
                     _ftm_type  =>$self->{_ftm_type} },
                   'cd \'..\'',$hostlabel);
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
                  else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') }
            ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd('cd \'..\'');
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
               else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') }
         } elsif (unpack('a1',$target_dir) ne '/' &&
               unpack('a1',$target_dir) ne '\\' &&
               unpack('x1 a1',$target_dir) ne ':') {
print "WHAT IS REF=",ref $self->{_cmd_handle},"\n"
      if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "WHAT IS EXISTS=",exists $self->{_cmd_handle}->{_work_dirs},"\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WHAT IS EXISTS=",exists $self->{_cmd_handle}->{_work_dirs},"\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "WHAT IS REFNOW=",ref $self->{_cmd_handle}->{_work_dirs},"\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WHAT IS REFNOW=",ref $self->{_cmd_handle}->{_work_dirs},"\n" if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}) {
            } else {
         if (exists $self->{_smb} && $ms_share &&
               $target_dir=~/^[\/\\][^\/\\]/ &&
               $target_dir!~/$self->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
            my $tdir=$target_dir;
            my $t_dir=$tdir;
            if (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir($self->{_cmd_handle},$t_dir)) {
               if (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_pre_mswin}) {
               $output='CWD command successful';
               return $output,'';
            } else {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',"Cannot locate $target_dir";
               } else {
                     "Cannot locate $target_dir");
         } elsif ((exists $self->{_ftm_type}) &&
               $self->{_ftm_type}=~/s*ftp/) {
               &Rem_Command::ftpcmd($self,"cd \"$target_dir\"");
            if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
         if (($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_host') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_secure') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_insecure') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_ssh_telnet') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_ssh') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_telnet') ||
               ($self->{_connect} eq 'connect_telnet_ssh')) {
            ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cd \'$target_dir\'");
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
            } else {
               if (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_pre_mswin}) {
                  my $tdir='';
                  if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$target_dir}) {
                  } else {
                     ($tdir,$stderr)=$self->cmd("cygpath -w $target_dir");
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if (wantarray) {
                           return '',$stderr;
                        } else {
               $output='CWD command successful'
   if ($@) {
      if (-1<index $@,"Transfer Directory") {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '', $@;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($@) }
      } else {
         my $die=$@;
         $die=~s/( line.*)[.]$/\n      $1/s;
         if ($hostlabel=~/Master/) {
         $die.=" on Host $hostlabel\n";
         my $cnt='';my $hnames='';
         foreach my $host (@{$self->{_hostlabel}}) {
            next if !$cnt++;
            next if !$host;
            $hnames.="\'$host\', ";
         } substr($hnames,-2)='';
         $die.="       (Host also has Labels - $hnames)\n"
            if $hnames;
         if (wantarray) {
            return '', "$die";
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
   } elsif (wantarray) {
      return $output,'';
   } else {
      return $output;


sub pwd
   my ($self) = @_;
   if ($self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}) {
      return $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd};
   } else {
      my $pwd=join '',$self->{"_$self->{_ftm_type}_handle"}->cmd('pwd');
      chomp $pwd;return $pwd;


sub tmp
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $path=$_[1];
   my $token=$_[2];
   my ($output,$stderr)=('','');
   if ($token=~/[Ww_1]/ && $token!~/[UuXx]/) { $token=1 } else { $token=0 }
   if ($path) {
      if ($path=~/^[\/|\\]|[a-zA-Z]:/) {
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("Path: $path\n       Must NOT be Fully "
            ."Qualified\n       "
            ."(Hint: Must not begin with Drive Letter, or UNC, or '/')"
            ."\n       Example:  path/to/tmp  -Not-  b:\\path\\to\\tmp"
            ."\n                              or  \\\\computer\\share\\path"
            ."\n                              or  /path/to/tmp");

   my $tdir='tmp'.$self->{_cmd_pid}.'_'
   my $return_path='';
   if ($token) {
         $self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp},$tdir ];
      ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd('mkdir -p '.
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
   } else {
         $self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp},$tdir ];
      ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd('mkdir -p '.
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
   } return $return_path;

sub diff
   push @_, '_diff';
   return &mirror(@_);

sub mirror

   my $_diff=0;
   if ($_[$#_] eq '_diff') {
      pop @_;
   my ($baseFH, %args) = @_;
   unless (exists $baseFH->{_ftp_handle} ||
         !$same_host_as_Master{$baseFH->{_hostlabel}}) {
      my $die="The \"BaseHost =>\" Argument to &mirror()"
             ."\n              ->  \"$baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0]\" "
             ." Does not have an embedded SFTP connection\n        "
             ."      ->  Be sure to use &connect_host() when"
             ." creating a base\n                  host connection to"
             ." be used with &mirror() when base"
             ."\n                  host is not the localhost.";
      if (wantarray) {
         return '',$die;
      } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
   my $dest_output='';my $base_output='';my $lsgnu=0;
   my $num_of_levels='';my $mirrormap='';my $trantar='';
   my $trandir='';my $chk_id='';my $local_transfer_dir='';
   my $destFH={};my $bprxFH='';my $dprxFH='';
   my $sub=(caller(1))[3];$sub=~s/\s*FA_Core::/&/;
   my $caller='';my $cline='';my $mirror_output='';
   my $debug_info='';$deploy_info='';my $dir='';
   my $mirror_debug='';my $excluded='';
   my $base_unzip_path='';my $dest_unzip_path='';
   my $base_zip_path='';
   my ($output,$stdout,$stderr)=('','','');
   if (ref $args{DestHost} eq 'ARRAY') {
   } elsif (4<length $args{DestHost} && unpack('a5',$args{DestHost})
         eq 'ARRAY') {
         "quotes improperly surround destination hostlabel(s) arg");
   } else { @dhostlabels=();push @dhostlabels, $args{DestHost} }
   foreach my $dest_hlabel (@dhostlabels) {
      unless (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$dest_hlabel}) {
         my $die="The \"DestHost =>\" Argument to &mirror()"
                ."\n              ->  \"$dest_hlabel\" Called"
                ." from the User Defined Subroutine\n        "
                ."      ->  $sub   is NOT\n              a Valid"
                ." Host Label in the \"subs\" Subroutine File"
                ."\n              ->  $caller line $cline.\n";
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$die;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
      } else {
   my $bhostlabel=$baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0];
   my $dhostlabel=$dhostlabels[0];
   my $base_fdr=$args{BaseFileOrDir} || $args{BaseDir} || $args{BaseFile};
   my $verbose=(exists $args{Verbose} && $args{Verbose}) ? 1 : 0;
   if (unpack('a1',$base_fdr) eq '~') {
      ($stdout,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd('echo ~');
   my $dest_fdr=$args{DestDir};
   my ($bip,$bhostname,$buse,$bms_share,$bms_domain,
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (!$btimeout) {
      $btimeout=$timeout if !$btimeout;
   my $bhost=($buse eq 'ip')?$bip:$bhostname;
   my ($dip,$dhostname,$duse,$dms_share,$dms_domain,
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (!$dtimeout) {
      $dtimeout=$timeout if !$dtimeout;
   } my $do_dest_tmp_cwd=1;
   if ($baseFH->{_uname} ne 'cygwin' &&
         $baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] ne "__Master_${$}__") {
      ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($baseFH,'lcd .');
      if ($stderr) {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$stderr;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
      $local_transfer_dir=unpack('x20 a*',$output);
      ($output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cwd($base_fdr) if $base_fdr;
      if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$stderr;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
      } else { $stderr='' }
   if ((exists $baseFH->{_smb})
         || $baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      my $test_chr1='';my $test_chr2='';
      if ($base_fdr) {
         if (1<length $base_fdr) {
         if ($test_chr2) {
            if (($test_chr1 eq '/' && $test_chr2 ne '//')
                  || ($test_chr1 eq '\\' &&
                  $test_chr2 ne '\\\\')) {
               if ($base_fdr=~/$baseFH->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
                  if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
                     if (wantarray) {
                        return '',$stderr;
                     } else {
                  } else { $stderr='' }
               } elsif ($bms_share) {
               } else {
                  if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$dir}) {
                  } else {
                     ($dir,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("cygpath -w $dir");
                     &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                  if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
                     if (wantarray) {
                        return '',$stderr;
                     } else {
                  } else { $stderr='' }
                  if (exists $baseFH->{_ftp_handle} ||
                        !$same_host_as_Master{$baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0]}) {
            } elsif ($test_chr2 eq '//' ||
                  $test_chr2 eq '\\\\') {
            } elsif ($test_chr2=~/^[a-zA-Z]:$/) {
               if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else {
               } else { $stderr='' }
            } elsif ($test_chr1!~/\W/) {
               if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-4') }
               } else { $stderr='' }
            } elsif ($test_chr1 ne '~') {
                  "Base Directory - $base_fdr CANNOT Be Located");
         } elsif ($test_chr1 eq '/' || $test_chr1 eq '\\') {
            if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}=~
                  /$baseFH->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
            } else {
         } elsif ($test_chr1=~/^[a-zA-Z]$/) {
         } elsif ($test_chr1 eq '.') {
         } elsif ($test_chr1 ne '~') {
               "Base Directory - $base_fdr CANNOT Be Located");
         } my $cnt=0;
      } else {
#print "WHAT IS THE DIRRRRRR=$dir<== and THIS=$baseFH->{_cwd}\n";<STDIN>;
      } my $cnt=0;
      if (!exists $base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ||
            $base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ne $dir ||
            !(exists $args{ReUseAnalysis} && $args{ReUseAnalysis})) {
         while (1) {
               "cmd /c dir /s /-C /A- \"$dir\"",'__delay__');
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die=$stderr;
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$die;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
            if (exists $baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash} &&
                  $baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}) {
               foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}) {
                  my $elems=$#{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}}+1;
                  while (-1<--$elems) {
                     if (ref ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[$elems]
                           ne 'HASH') {
                        undef ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[$elems];
                     } else {
                        foreach my $key (
                              keys %{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                              {$key}[$elems]}) {
                           if (${${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                                 {$key}[$elems]}{$key}) {
                              undef @{${${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                           } delete ${${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                        } undef %{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                        undef ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                  } undef ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key};
                  delete ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key};
               } undef %{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}};
            if (!$stderr && $base_output!~/bytes free\s*/s) {
               delete $base_shortcut_info{$baseFH};
               $base_output='';next unless $cnt++;
               my $die="Attempt to retrieve output from the command:\n"
                      ."\n       cmd /c dir /-C \"$dir\"\n\n       run"
                      ." on the host $baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] FAILED\n";
            } else { last }
      } else {
         $baseFH->{_bhash}={}; # cygwin
         foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}) {
            if (ref ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
               foreach my $elem (@{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}}) {
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}, $elem;
                  } else {
                     my %newelem=();
                     foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}, \%newelem;
            } else {
               ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}= # cygwin
      } &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
   } elsif ($base_fdr) {
      my $dir='';
      if (unpack('a1',$base_fdr) ne '/' && $base_fdr!~/^\W/) {
      } elsif (unpack('a1',$base_fdr) eq '/') {
      } else {
print "BASE3\n";
            "Base Directory - $base_fdr CANNOT Be Located");
      if (!exists $base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ||
               $base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ne $dir) {
         if (exists $args{BaseZip} && -f $dir.'/'.$args{BaseZip}) {
            if (-e '/usr/bin/unzip') {
            } elsif (-e '/bin/unzip') {
            } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/unzip') {
            if (-e '/usr/bin/zip') {
            } elsif (-e '/bin/zip') {
            } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/zip') {
               "${base_unzip_path}unzip -l $dir/$args{BaseZip}");
            $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__."\n"
               if $stderr;
            if ($args{ZipBDir}) {
               my $bo='';
               foreach my $ln (split "\n", $base_output) {
                  next if -1<index $ln,'Archive:';
                  next unless -1<index $ln,$args{ZipBDir};
               } chop $bo;
         } else {
            my $ls_path='';
            if ($baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__" &&
                  exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ls'}) {
               $ls_path.='/' if $ls_path!~/\/$/;
            ($base_output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls --version");
            if (-1<index $base_output,'GNU') {
                  "${ls_path}ls -lRFs --block-size=1 \'$dir\'");
               $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__."\n"
                  if $stderr;
            } else {
                  $baseFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls -lRFs \'$dir\'");
               $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__."\n"
                  if $stderr;
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die=$stderr;
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$die;
               } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
            } elsif (unpack('x2a1',$base_output) eq 'l' ||
                        unpack('x4a1',$base_output) eq 'l') {
               $dir=substr($base_output,(index $base_output,'-> .')+4);
               if ($lsgnu) {
                     "${ls_path}ls -lRFs --block-size=1 \'$dir\'");
                  $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__
                         ."\n" if $stderr;
               } else {
                     "${ls_path}ls -lRFs \'$dir\'");
                  $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__
                         ."\n" if $stderr;
               if ($stderr) {
                  my $die=$stderr;
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$die;
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }
         if ($baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}) {
            foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}) {
               my $elems=$#{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}}+1;
               while (-1<--$elems) {
                  if (ref ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[$elems]
                        ne 'HASH') {
                     undef ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[$elems];
                  } else {
                     foreach my $key (
                           keys %{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                           {$key}[$elems]}) {
                        if (${${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                              {$key}[$elems]}{$key}) {
                           undef @{${${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                        } delete ${${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                     } undef %{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[$elems]};
                     undef ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[$elems];
               } undef ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}; 
               delete ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key};
            } undef %{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}};
   } elsif (!exists $base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ||
         $base_shortcut_info{$baseFH} ne $dir) {
      my $dir=$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd};
      my $ls_path='';
      if ($baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__" &&
            exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ls'}) {
         $ls_path.='/' if $ls_path!~/\/$/;
      ($base_output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls --version");
      if (-1<index $base_output,'GNU') {
            "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$dir\'");
         $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__."\n"
            if $stderr;
      } else {
         ($base_output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$dir\'");
         $stderr.="\n\n       at ".(caller(0))[1]." line ".__LINE__."\n"
            if $stderr;
      if ($baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}) { # line 7144
         foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}) {
            my $elems=$#{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}}+1;
            while (-1<--$elems) {
               if (ref ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[$elems]
                     ne 'HASH') {
                  undef ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[$elems];
               } else {
                  foreach my $key (
                        keys %{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                        {$key}[$elems]}) {
                     if (${${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                           {$key}[$elems]}{$key}) {
                        undef @{${${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                     } delete ${${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}
                  } undef %{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[$elems]};
                  undef ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[$elems];
            } undef ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key};
            delete ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key};
         } undef %{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}};
   } else {
      foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}) {
         if (ref ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
            foreach my $elem (@{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}}) {
               if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                  push @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}, $elem;
               } else {
                  my %newelem=();
                  foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                  push @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}, \%newelem;
         } else {
   if ($stderr) {
      if (unpack('a10',$stderr) eq 'The System') {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$stderr;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) }
      } else {
         my $die="The System $bhostlabel Returned\n       "
                ."       the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]
                ." line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       $stderr";
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
            && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$die;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($die) }

   my $mdh=0;
   my $timehash={};

   if (!$baseFH->{_bhash}) { 
      my $hostlabel='';
      eval {
         my $ignore='';
         if ($stderr) {
            if ($stderr eq 'redo ls') {
               while (1) {
                  my $err='';

                  my $ls_path='';
                  if ($_[7]->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__" &&
                        exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ls'}) {
                     $ls_path.='/' if $ls_path!~/\/$/;
                  if ($lsgnu) {
                        "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$_[0]\'");
                  } else {
                        "${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$_[0]\'");
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($err,'-3') if $err;
                  next if $stderr eq 'redo ls';
            } else {
      if ($@) {
         if (unpack('a10',$@) eq 'The System') {
            return '','','',"$@";
         } else {
            my $die="The System $hostlabel Returned\n       "
                   ."       the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                   ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]
                   ." line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       $@";
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
               && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            return '','','',$die;


      foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
         if (ref ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
            foreach my $elem (@{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}) {
               if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                  push @{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}}, $elem;
               } else {
                  my %newelem=();
                  foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                  push @{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}}, \%newelem;
         } else {


   foreach my $dhostlabel (@dhostlabels) {

      my $activity=0;
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
      } elsif (!$dtimeout) {
         $dtimeout=$timeout if !$dtimeout;


      if ((($dip eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
            "__Master_${$}__"}{'IP'}) ||
            ($dhostname eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
            "__Master_${$}__"}{'HostName'})) && !exists
            'sshport'}) {
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      } else {
         if ($dsu_id) { $chk_id=$dsu_id }
         elsif ($dlogin_id) { $chk_id=$dlogin_id }
         else { $chk_id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username }
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{
               "${dhostlabel}__%-$chk_id"}) {
            if ($destFH->{_uname} ne $baseFH->{_uname} ||
                  $do_dest_tmp_cwd) {
               if (defined $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
                     if $stderr;
         } else {
            if (exists $args{DestTimeout}) {
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
               else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') }
            if ($destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}
                  && (exists $destFH->{_smb}) && ($destFH->{_uname}
                  ne $baseFH->{_uname})) {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;

      my $dest_dir='';
      my $dhost=($duse eq 'ip')?$dip:$dhostname;
      my $die="The System $dhost Returned"
             ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error "
             ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]." "
             ."line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       ";

      my $err='';

         if $dest_fdr && (!exists $destFH->{_smb});
      if ($stderr) {
         if (wantarray) {
            return '',$stderr;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-7'); }
      if (ref $dest_first_hash eq 'HASH') {
         foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
            my $elems=$#{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}+1;
            while (-1<--$elems) {
               if (ref ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems] ne 'HASH') {
                  undef ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems];
               } else {
                  foreach my $key (
                        keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}) {
                     if (${${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}) {
                        undef @{${${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}};
                     } delete ${${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key};
                  } undef %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]};
                  undef ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems];
            } undef ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key};
            delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key};
         } undef %{$destFH->{_dhash}};
         foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
            my $elems=$#{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}+1;
            while (-1<--$elems) {
               if (ref ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems] ne 'HASH') {
                  undef ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems];
               } else {
                  foreach my $key (
                        keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}) {
                     if (${${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}) {
                        undef @{${${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}};
                     } delete ${${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key};
                  } undef %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]};
                  undef ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems];
            } undef ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key};
print "WHY ARE WE DELETING THE KEY=$key<==\n";sleep 1;
            delete ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key};
         } undef %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};$baseFH->{_bhash}={};
         foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}) {
            if (ref ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
               foreach my $elem (@{${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}}) {
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}, $elem;
                  } else {
                     my %newelem=();
                     foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}, \%newelem;
            } else {
      my $hostlabel='';
      eval {
         my $ignore='';
         if ($stderr) {
            if ($stderr eq 'redo ls' ||
                  $stderr=~/does not exist/s) {
               while (1) {
                  my $dest_output='';my $err='';
                  my $ls_path='';
                  if ($destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__" &&
                        exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ls'}) {
                     $ls_path.='/' if $ls_path!~/\/$/;
                  if ($lsgnu) {
                        "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$dest_fdr\'");
                  } else {
                        "${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$dest_fdr\'");
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($err,'-3') if $err;
                  next if $stderr eq 'redo ls';
            } else {
      if ($@) {
         if (unpack('a10',$@) eq 'The System') {
            return '','','',"$@";
         } else {
            my $die="The System $hostlabel Returned\n       "
                   ."       the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                   ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]
                   ." line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       $@";
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            return '','','',$die;
      my $newborn_dest_first_hash_flag=0;
      if (ref $dest_first_hash ne 'HASH') {
               ## BUILDING FIRST DEST HASH

         foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
            if (ref ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
               foreach my $elem (@{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}) {
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     push @{${$dest_first_hash}{$key}}, $elem;
                  } else {
                     my %newelem=();
                     foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                        if (${${$elem}{$key}}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE') {
                     push @{${$dest_first_hash}{$key}}, \%newelem;
            } else {

      my $shortcut=1;

      if (!$newborn_dest_first_hash_flag) {
         my $fdh=0;
         TK: foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
#print "SEARCHINGKEY=$key and VALUE=${$dest_first_hash}{$key}<==\n";
            if (exists ${$dest_first_hash}{$key}) {
               my %firstscalelems=();
               my %firsthashelems=();
#print "MAKING NEW FIRSTHASHELEMS and ALL=",@{${$dest_first_hash}{$key}},"\n";
               foreach my $felem (@{${$dest_first_hash}{$key}}) {
#print "ARE ALL FELEMS HASHES=$felem<==\n";
                  if ($felem eq 'EXCLUDE') {
                     delete ${$dest_first_hash}{$key};
                     next TK;
                  if (ref $felem ne 'HASH') {
                     #delete ${$dest_first_hash}{$key};
#print "KEYSSSSBABYYYY=",keys %{${${$dest_first_hash}{$key}}[1]},"<==\n";
                  foreach my $key (keys %{$felem}) {
#print "POPULATINGFIRST KEY=$key and VALUE=@{${$felem}{$key}}\n";
               } my $elemnum=-1;
               foreach my $elem (@{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}) {
                  if ($elem eq 'EXCLUDE') {
                     delete ${$dest_first_hash}{$key};
                     next TK;
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     if (!exists $firstscalelems{$elem}) {
                  } else {
#print "PARENTKEY=$key\n";
#print "ELEMSKEYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS=",keys %{$elem},"<==\n";
#print "FIRSTHASHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS=",keys %firsthashelems,"<==\n";
                     if (keys %{$elem}) {
                        if (keys %firsthashelems) {
                           foreach my $elm (keys %{$elem}) {
                              if (!exists $firsthashelems{$elm}) {
                                 my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::f_sub;
                                 if ($return &&
                                    (-1<index $returned_modif,'e')) {
                                    next TK;
                              } else {
                                 my $arr1=join '',@{${$elem}{$elm}};
                                 my $arr2=join '',@{$firsthashelems{$elm}};
                                 if ($arr1 ne $arr2) {
                                    my ($mn1,$dy1,$hr1,$mt1,$yr1,$sz1)=
                                       split ' ',$arr1;
                                    my ($mn2,$dy2,$hr2,$mt2,$yr2,$sz2)=
                                       split ' ',$arr2;
                                    if ($sz1==$sz2) {
                                       my $testnum='';
                                       if ($hr1<$hr2) {
                                       } else { $testnum=$hr1-$hr2 }
                                       if ($testnum==1 || ($hr1==23
                                             && ($testnum==12 ||
                                             $testnum==11)) ||
                                             ("$mn1$dy1" eq "$mn2$dy2" 
                                             && (($hr1 eq '12' &&
                                             $mt1 eq '00') ||
                                             ($hr2 eq '12' &&
                                             $mt2 eq '00')))) {
                                          delete ${$dest_first_hash}{$key};
                                          next TK;
print "0_ELEM VALUE=",$arr1,"<== DOES NOT EXIST IN FIRST\n";
print "OKAY WHAT THE HECK IS THE ELEM VALUE=",$arr1,"<==\n";
print "OKAY WHAT THE HECK IS THE FVALUE=",$arr2,"<==\n";#<STDIN>;
print "SETTING SHORTCUT TO ZERO 3\n";sleep 3;
                           } last if !$shortcut;
                        } else {
print "0_ELEM BUT NOT FIRST\n";
                     } elsif (keys %firsthashelems) {
print "0_FIRSTHASHELEMS=",keys %firsthashelems,"\n";
               } last if !$shortcut;
            } else {
               my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::d_sub;
               if ($return &&
                     -1<index $returned_modif,'e') {
                  next TK;
               } else { $shortcut=0;
print "SETTING SHORTCUT TO ZERO 6\n";sleep 6;
            } last if !$shortcut;
         } $dest_first_hash={} if !$fdh;

      } else {


         foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
#print "DO WE HAVE A KEY=$key<==\n";<STDIN>;
            if (ref ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
               foreach my $elem (@{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}) {
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_first_hash}}{$key}}, $elem;
                  } else {
                     my %newelem=();
                     foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_first_hash}}{$key}}, \%newelem;
            } else {

      if ($shortcut) {
         foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
            my $elems=$#{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}+1;
            while (-1<--$elems) {
               if (ref ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems] ne 'HASH') {
                  undef ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems];
               } else {
                  foreach my $key (
                        keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}) {
                     if (${${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}) {
                        undef @{${${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}};
                     } delete ${${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key};
                  } undef %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems]};
                  undef ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[$elems];
            } undef ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key};
            delete ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key};
         } undef %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};$baseFH->{_bhash}={};
         foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_first_hash}}) {
            if (ref ${$baseFH->{_first_hash}}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
               foreach my $elem (@{${$baseFH->{_first_hash}}{$key}}) {
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}, $elem;
                  } else {
                     my %newelem=();
                     foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                     push @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}}, \%newelem;
            } else {
         foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
            my $elems=$#{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}+1;
            while (-1<--$elems) {
               if (ref ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems] ne 'HASH') {
                  undef ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems];
               } else {
                  foreach my $key (
                     keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}) {
                     if (${${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}) {
                        undef @{${${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key}};
                     } delete ${${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]}{$key};
                  } undef %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems]};
                  undef ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[$elems];
            } undef ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key};
            delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key};
         } undef %{$destFH->{_dhash}};$destFH->{_dhash}={};
         foreach my $key (keys %{$dest_first_hash}) {
            if (ref ${$dest_first_hash}{$key} eq 'ARRAY') {
               foreach my $elem (@{${$dest_first_hash}{$key}}) {
                  if (ref $elem ne 'HASH') {
                     push @{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}, $elem;
                  } else {
                     my %newelem=();
                     foreach my $key (keys %{$elem}) {
                     push @{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}}, \%newelem;
            } else {


      $mirror_output.="\n### mirror() output for Base Host:"
                    ." $bhostlabel\n             and Destination Host:"
                    ." $dhostlabel\n\n    $deploy_info";

      $mirror_debug.="\n### mirror() debug for Base Host:\n"
                   ." $bhostlabel\n             and Destination Host:"
                   ." $dhostlabel\n\n    $debug_info";

#print "WHAT IS THIS=",keys %{$baseFH},"\n";
#print "KEYSBASEHASH=",keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}},"\n";
#print "KEYSDESTHASH=",keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}},"\n";
#print "KEYSTIMEHASH=",keys %{$timehash},"\n";

      if (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
         if ($baseFH->{_uname} ne 'cygwin' ||
               $base_fdr!~/^[\/|\\][\/|\\]/ ||
               !$bms_share || !$#{$baseFH->{_hostlabel}}) {
            #my $base__dir=$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd};
            my $base__dir=$base_fdr;
            my $bcurdir=$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp};
            my $aix_tar_input_variable_flag=0;
            my $aix_tar_input_variable1='';
            my $aix_tar_input_variable2='';
            my $gnu_tar_input_file_flag=0;
            my $gnu_tar_input_file1='';
            my $gnu_tar_input_file2='';
            my $gnu_tar_input_list1='';
            my $gnu_tar_input_list2='';
            my $solaris_tar_input_variable_flag=0;
            my $solaris_tar_input_variable1='';
            my $solaris_tar_input_variable2='';
            my @dirt=();my $tmp_dir='';
            if ($baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' && 
                  $destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' &&
                  $dest_fdr=~/^[\/|\\][\/|\\]*/ &&
                  $dms_share && $#{$destFH->{_hostlabel}}) {
               my $de_f=$dest_fdr;
               $de_f=~tr/\//\\/;my $ps='/';
               if (exists $destFH->{_smb}) {
               } else {
               my @basekeys=sort keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};
               while (my $key=shift @basekeys) {
                  my @files=();
                  foreach my $file
                        (keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                     if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]
                           {$file}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE'
                           && unpack('a4',
                           {$file}[0]) ne 'SAME') {
                        push @files, $file;
                  } my $tar_cmd='';my $save_dir='';
                  my $filearg='';my $farg='';
                  my $tdir='';my $filecount=0;my $fil_='';
                  foreach my $file (@files) {
                     if ($key eq '/') {
                        $farg.="\'$base__dir$file\' ";
                     } else {
                        $farg.="\'$base__dir$key/$file\' ";
                        my $tkey=$key;
                        $tkey=~tr/\//\\/ if ($ps ne '/');
                     if (1500 < length "cp -fpv $farg\'$tdir\'") {
print "HERE IS THE COMMANDXXX==>","cp -fpv $filearg\'$tdir\'","<==\n";
                           "cp -fpv $filearg\'$tdir\'",
print "CMDXXXOUTPUT=$output<== and STDERR=$stderr<==\n";
                        if ($stderr) {
                           if (-1<index $stderr,': Permission denied') {
                                 "chmod -v 777 \"$tdir$ps$file\"");
                           } elsif (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
                     } $filearg=$farg;
                  if ($filearg) {
                     if ($filecount==1) {
                        my $testd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir(
                        if ($testd) {
                           if ($testd eq 'READ') {
                                 "chmod -v 777 \"$tdir\"");
                              if ($stderr) {
                                 my $die="Destination Directory $tdir\n"
                                        .'       is NOT Writable!';
                                 if (wantarray) {
                                    return '',$die;
                                 } else {
                              } else {
                           } else {
                                 "cp -fpv $filearg\'$tdir\'",
                              if ($stderr) {
                                 if (-1<index $stderr,': Permission denied') {
                                       "chmod -v 777 \"$tdir$ps$fil_\"");
                                 } elsif (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
                        } else {
                              "cmd /c mkdir \"$tdir\"",'__live__');
                              if $stderr;
                              "cp -fpv $filearg\'$tdir\'",
                              if $stderr;
                     } else {
                           "cp -fpv $filearg\'$tdir\'",
                        if ($stderr) {
                           if (-1<index $stderr,': Permission denied') {
                                 "chmod -v 777 \"$tdir/$fil_\"");
                           } elsif (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
            } else {
               if (!$shortcut) {
                  if (0<$#dhostlabels && !$newborn_dest_first_hash_flag
                        && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tranback && $activity) {
                        "cp $bcurdir/transfer".
                        "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ".
                        if $stderr;
                  } $activity=0;
                  my @basekeys=sort keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};
#print "WHAT ARE THE BASEKEYS=@basekeys<==\n";
                  my $f_cnt=0;
                     "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tarpath}tar --help");
                  if ($stderr) {
                     if (-1<index $stderr,'-LInputList') {
                     } elsif (-1<index $stderr,'BDeEFhilmnopPqTvw') {
                     } else {
                  } elsif ($output) {
                     if (-1<index $output,'-T, --files-from=NAME') {
                  my $cppath='';my $diffpath='';
                  while (my $key=shift @basekeys) {
                     my @files=();
                     foreach my $file
                           (keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                        if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]
                               {$file}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE'
                               && unpack('a4',
                               {$file}[0]) ne 'SAME') {
                           push @files, $file;
                     } my $tar_cmd='';my $save_dir='';my $zdir_flag=0;
                     foreach my $file (sort @files) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ACTIVITY2" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        my $base___dir='';
                        my $dir= ($key eq '/') ? '' : "$key/";
#print "WHAT IS DIR=$dir<== and KEY=$key\n";
                        if ($dir && $baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
                           if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathu{$dir}) {
                           } else {
                              ($dir,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("cygpath -u $dir");
                              if ($stderr) {
                           my $bcd='';
                           if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathu{
                                 $base_fdr}) {
                           } else {
                                 "cygpath -u $base_fdr");
                              if ($stderr) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ACTIVITY2 and DIR=$dir and BCD=$bcd" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ACTIVITY2AFTER and DIR=$dir\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        my $dirt='';
                        if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::file_rename{
                              "$dir$file"}) {
                           my $cmd="cp -Rpv \"$base__dir$dir$file\" "
                           $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
                              $stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
                           $dirt=substr($dir,0,(index $dir,'/'));
                           if ($gnu_tar_input_file_flag) {
                                 if !$gnu_tar_input_file2;
                              push @dirt, $file;
                           } elsif ($aix_tar_input_variable_flag) {
                              push @dirt, $file;
                           } elsif ($solaris_tar_input_variable_flag) {
                              push @dirt, $file;
                           } next
                        } else { $base___dir=$base__dir }
                        if ($_diff) {
                           if ($args{BaseZip}) {
                              if ($args{DestZip}) {
                              } else {
#print "ZIP=$args{BaseDir}/$args{BaseZip} and FILEEEE=$args{ZipBDir}/$dir$file<== and THIS=$baseFH->{_cwd}\n";
#my $env=$baseFH->cmd('env');
#print "WHAT IS ID=$env<== and $ENV{HOME}\n";<STDIN>;
                                    "$base_unzip_path/unzip -o -d ".
                                    "$baseFH->{_cwd}FA_Diff_Report_Zip ".
                                    "$args{BaseDir}/$args{BaseZip} ".
                                 if ($stderr) {
                                 if ($same_host_as_Master{$destFH->{_ip}}) {
                                    unless ($cppath) {
                                       if (-e '/usr/bin/cp') {
                                       } elsif (-e '/bin/cp') {
                                       } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/cp') {
                                    unless ($diffpath) {
                                       if (-e '/usr/bin/diff') {
                                       } elsif (-e '/bin/diff') {
                                       } elsif (-e '/usr/local/bin/diff') {
                                       $baseFH->cmd("${cppath}cp -fp ".
                                       "$args{DestDir}/$dir$file ".
                                    if ($stderr) {
                                       $baseFH->cmd("${diffpath}diff ".
                                       "/$dir/$file ".$baseFH->{_cwd}.
                                       "/$dir/$file.dest > ".$baseFH->{_cwd}.
                                    if ($stderr) {
                                       $baseFH->cmd("rm -rf ".
                                    if ($stderr) {
                                       $baseFH->cmd("rm -rf ".
                                    if ($stderr) {
                           } elsif ($args{DESTZIP}) {

                           } else {

                        } elsif ($gnu_tar_input_file_flag) {
                              if !$gnu_tar_input_file1;
                        } elsif ($aix_tar_input_variable1) {
                        } elsif ($solaris_tar_input_variable1) {
                        } else {
                           my $tar_cmd='';
                           if (!$f_cnt) {
                                 "tar cvf ${bcurdir}transfer".
                                 "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ";
                           } else {
                                 "tar rvf ${bcurdir}transfer".
                                 "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ";
                           $tar_cmd.="-C \"$base___dir\" \"$dir$file\"";
                           print "mirror() TAR CMD =>$tar_cmd<==",
                                    " and BASE DIR=$base_fdr AND ATTRIBUTES=",
                                    " AND KEY=$key AND FILE=$file\n"
                                    if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                                    $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $verbose;
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                                    "mirror() TAR CMD =>$tar_cmd<==",
                                    " and BASE DIR=$base_fdr AND ATTRIBUTES=",
                                    " AND KEY=$key AND FILE=$file\n"
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              $stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                           if ($dirt) {
                              my $cmd="rm -rf \"$base___dir/$dirt\"";
                                 if $stderr;
                                 $stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
                     } @files=();
               } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tranback==2 && $activity) {
                     "cp $bcurdir/transfer".
                     "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]_1.tar ".
                     if $stderr;
               } else { $activity=0 }
            if ($_diff) {
               my $curdir=$baseFH->{_cwd};
               if ($stderr) {
                  "$base_zip_path/zip -r ".
                  "fa_diff_report *");
               if ($stderr) {
                   "mv ..");
               if ($stderr) {
               #if ($stderr) {
               #   &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
               #      $stderr,'-1');
                   "rm -rf $curdir/FA_Diff_Report_Zip");
               if ($stderr) {
                   "chown $username $curdir/");
               if ($stderr) {
            } else {
               if ($activity) {
                  if ($gnu_tar_input_list1) {
                     chomp $gnu_tar_input_list1;
                     my @files=split /^/, $gnu_tar_input_list1;
                     my $filearg='';my $farg='';
                     foreach my $fil (@files) {
                        if (1601 < length
                              "echo \"$farg\" >> \$gnu_tar_input_file1") {
                           chomp $filearg;
                              "echo \"$filearg\" >> $gnu_tar_input_file1");
                              if $stderr;
                        } $filearg=$farg;
                     if ($filearg) {
                        chomp $filearg;
                           "echo \"$filearg\" >> $gnu_tar_input_file1");
                           if $stderr;
                     my $tar_cmd=
                        "tar cvf $bcurdir/transfer".
                        "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ";
                     $tar_cmd.="-C \"$base__dir\" -T \"$gnu_tar_input_file1\"";
                        if $stderr;
                  if ($gnu_tar_input_list2) {
                     chomp $gnu_tar_input_list2;
                     my @files=split /^/, $gnu_tar_input_list2;
                     my $filearg='';my $farg='';
                     foreach my $fil (@files) {
                        if (1601 < length
                               "echo \"$farg\" >> \$gnu_tar_input_file2") {
                           chomp $filearg;
                              "echo \"$filearg\" >> $gnu_tar_input_file2");
                              if $stderr;
                        } $filearg=$farg;
                     if ($filearg) {
                        chomp $filearg;
                           "echo \"$filearg\" >> $gnu_tar_input_file2");
                           if $stderr;
                     my $tar_cmd=
                        "tar rvf $bcurdir/transfer".
                        "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar ";
                     $tar_cmd.="-C \"$tmp_dir\" -T \"$gnu_tar_input_file2\"";
                        if $stderr;
                     foreach my $dirt (@dirt) {
                        my $cmd="rm -rf \"$tmp_dir/$dirt\"";
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
                           if $stderr;
                  } elsif ($aix_tar_input_variable1) {
                  } elsif ($solaris_tar_input_variable1) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ACTIVITY3" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  if (!$shortcut) {
                        "chmod 777 $bcurdir/transfer".
                        if $stderr;
#print "BASEFH=$baseFH\n";
#print "DESTFH=$destFH\n";
#print "BMS_SHARE=$bms_share\n";
#print "DMS_SHARE=$dms_share\n";
#print "LOCALTRANSFERDIR=$local_transfer_dir\n";
#print "TRANTAR=$trantar\n";
#print "BHOSTLABEL=$bhostlabel\n";
#print "DHOSTLABEL=$dhostlabel\n";
                  if ($destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' && 
                        $dest_fdr=~/^[\/|\\][\/|\\]/ &&
                        $dms_share && $#{$destFH->{_hostlabel}}) {
                  my $ignore='';
                  my @basekeys=sort keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};
                  while (my $key=shift @basekeys) {
                     my @files=();
                     foreach my $file
                           (keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                        if (-1<index ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}[0],
                              'DIFF_TIME') {
                           my $ts=${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}[1];
                           $ts=unpack('x12 a4',$ts).unpack('a2',$ts).
                               unpack('x3 a2',$ts).unpack('x6 a2',$ts).
                               unpack('x9 a2',$ts);
                           my $key_dir=($key ne '/') ? "/$key/" : '/';
                              "touch -t $ts \"$dest_fdr$key_dir$file\""); 
                              if $stderr;
               foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
                  if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::d_sub) {
                     my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                     next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                  } $excluded=0;
                  if (exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}) {
                     foreach my $file (keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                        my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::f_sub;
                        next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                        if ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest} &&
                              $args{DeleteOnDest}) && (!exists
                              {$key}[1]{$file})) {
print "SHORTCUT=$shortcut and THISSS=",
   ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key}[1]{$file},"<== and KEY=$key and FILE=$file\n";#<STDIN>;
                           if ($key eq '/') {
                              $mirror_output.="DELETEDa File ==> $file\n";
                              $mirror_debug.="DELETED File ==> $file\n";
                              print "DELETINGa File ==> $file\n"
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                 || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                              if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                                    $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                                 my $fil=$file;
                                 my ($output,$stderr)=
                                    $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$fil\"");
                                    $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                              } else {
                                 my ($output,$stderr)=
                                    $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$file\"");
                                    $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                           } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DELETEFILE1b=$file\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              $mirror_output.="DELETEDb File ==> $key/$file\n";
                              $mirror_debug.="DELETED File ==> $key/$file\n";
                              print "DELETINGb File ==> $key/$file\n";
                              if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                                    $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                                 my $fil="$key/$file";
                                 my ($output,$stderr)=
                                    $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$fil\"");
                                    $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                              } else {
                                 my ($output,$stderr)=
                                    $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$key/$file\"");
                                    $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                  } elsif ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest} &&
                        $args{DeleteOnDest}) &&
                        (!$shortcut || !exists
                        ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key})) {
                     $key="$dest_fdr/." if $key eq '/';
                     $mirror_output.="DELETEDc Directory ==> $key\n";
                     $mirror_debug.="DELETED Directory ==> $key\n";
                     print "DELETINGc Directory ==> $key\n"
                        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                        || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                     if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                           $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                        my $dir=$key;
                        my ($output,$stderr)=
                           $destFH->cmd("rm -rf \"$dir\"");
                           if $stderr;
                     } else {
                        my ($output,$stderr)=
                           $destFH->cmd("rm -rf \"$key\"");
                           if $stderr;
               foreach my $key (keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
                  if (defined ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[3]
                        && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[3] eq 'NOT_ON_DEST') {
                     if (exists $destFH->{_smb}) {
                        my $tdir=$key;
                        ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("cmd /c mkdir $tdir",
                           if $stderr;
                     } else {
                        ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("mkdir -p $key");
                           if $stderr;
            my $nodif="\n       THERE ARE NO DIFFERENCES "
                     ."BETWEEN THE BASE AND TARGET\n\n";
            print $nodif if (((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $verbose)
               || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) && !$activity);
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $nodif
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*'
               && !$activity;
            $mirror_output.=$nodif if !$activity;
            $mirror_debug.=$nodif if !$activity;
            push @main::test_tar_output, $mirror_output;
         } else {
            if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{'/'}[0] eq 'ALL') {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ACTIVITY7" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            #if (exists $baseFH->{_smb}) {

            } else {
#print "HERE WE ARE FFFFTOP and $#{[keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}]}\n";
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WE ARE HERE FFFFTOP and ",
#"$#{[keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}]}\n"
#   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               my @basekeys=sort keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}};my @files=();
               while (my $key=shift @basekeys) {
#print "BASEKEYYYYYY=$key and ==>",${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0],"<==\n";
                  if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] eq 'ALL' ||
                        ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] eq 'NOT_ON_DEST'
                        || ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] eq
                        'ALL_DIR_ON_DEST') {
#print "BASEFH=$baseFH\n";
#print "KEY=$key\n";
#print "DEST_FDR=$dest_fdr\n";
#print "DESTFH=$destFH\n";
#print "BMS_SHARE=$bms_share\n";
#print "DMS_SHARE=$dms_share\n";
#print "LOCAL=$local_transfer_dir\n";
#print "TRANTAR=$trantar\n";
#print "BHOSTLABEL=$bhostlabel\n";
#print "KEYYYYY=$key and DIREC=",${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0],"\n";<STDIN>;
                     my $parentkey='';
                     if ($key ne '/') {
                        if (-1<index $key,'/') {
                           substr($parentkey,(rindex $parentkey,'/'))='';
                           next if exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$parentkey}[0]
                              && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$parentkey}[0] eq 'ALL';
                     if ($basekeys[0] && (-1<index $basekeys[0],'/')) {
                        my $lkey=0;my $lbky=0;
                        $lkey=length $key;
                        $lbky=length $basekeys[0];
                        while ($lkey<=$lbky &&
                                  eq $key &&
                                  (-1<index $basekeys[0],'/')) {
                           shift @basekeys;
                     } $activity=1;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ACTIVITY8" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  } elsif (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE'
                        && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[2] ne
                        'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
                     foreach my $file
                        (keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                        if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]
                               {$file}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE'
                               && unpack('a4',
                               {$file}[0]) ne 'SAME') {
                           push @files, $file;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ACTIVITY9" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  } elsif (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'EXCLUDE') {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ACTIVITY10" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if ($activity && $trantar) { #&& (exists $baseFH->{_smb})
                     #&& !$dms_share) {
print "WE HAVE ACIVITY AND TRANTAR=$trantar<==\n";
               if (!$shortcut) {
                  foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::file_rename) {
                     my $cmd=
                        "mv \"transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]/$file\""
                        ." \"transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]/"
                     my ($output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd($cmd);
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
                        if $stderr;
                  my $cmd="cmd /c tar -C "
                         ."\'transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]\' -cvf "
                         ."\'transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar\' .";
   &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TARRRPWDDDDD=$output\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  my ($output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd($cmd);
                     if $stderr;
                     "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer".
                     if $stderr;
                  if (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir(
                        "transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]")) {
                        "chmod -R 777 transfer".
                        if $stderr;
                        "cmd /c rmdir /s /q transfer".
                        if $stderr;
               if (keys %{$timehash}) {
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }

                  ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("touch --version");
                     if $stderr &&
                     (-1==index $stderr,'Not a recog') &&
                     (-1==index $stderr,'illegal opt');
print "TOUCHOUT=$output and STDERR=$stderr\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TOUCHOUT=$output and STDERR=$stderr and EVAL=$@\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  my $touch='';
                  $touch='GNU' if -1<index $output,'GNU';
                  foreach my $file (keys %{$timehash}) {
                     my $time='';
                     $time=~tr/ //d;
                     if ($touch eq 'GNU') {
                     } else {
print "GOING TO TOUCH TIME=$time and FILE=$file\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GOING TO TOUCH TIME=$time and FILE=$file\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     my ($output,$stderr)=
                        $destFH->cmd('touch -t'." $time \"$file\"");
                        if $stderr;
#$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=0 if $logreset;
                  foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::d_sub) {
                        my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                        next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                     } $excluded=0;
                     if (!$shortcut && exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}) {
                        foreach my $file (
                              keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                           my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                              if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::f_sub;
                           next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                           if ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest}
                                 && $args{DeleteOnDest}) &&
                                 (!$shortcut || !exists
                                 {$key}[1]{$file})) {
                              if ($key eq '/') {
                                 $mirror_output.="DELETEDd File ==> $file\n";
                                 $mirror_debug.="DELETED File ==> $file\n";
                                 print "DELETINGd File ==> $file\n"
                                    if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                    || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                                 if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                                       $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                                    my $fil=$file;
                                    my ($output,$stderr)=
                                       $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$fil\"");
                                       $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                                 } else {
                                    my ($output,$stderr)=
                                       $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$file\"");
                                       $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                              } else {
                                    "DELETEDe File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                    "DELETED File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                 print "DELETINGe File ==> $key/$file\n"
                                    if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                    || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                                 if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                                       $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                                    my $fil="$key/$file";
                                    my ($output,$stderr)=
                                       $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$fil\"");
                                       $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                                 } else {
                                    my ($output,$stderr)=
                                       $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$key/$file\"");
                                       $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                     } elsif ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest} &&
                           $args{DeleteOnDest}) &&
                           (!$shortcut || !exists
                           ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key})) {
                        $key="$dest_fdr/." if $key eq '/';
                        $mirror_output.="DELETEDf Directory ==> $key\n";
                        $mirror_debug.="DELETED Directory ==> $key\n";
                        print "DELETINGf Directory ==> $key\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                           || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                        if (!$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd} &&
                              $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}) {
                           my $dir=$key;
                           my ($output,$stderr)=
                              $destFH->cmd("rm -rf \"$dir\"");
                              if $stderr;
                        } else {
                           my ($output,$stderr)=
                              $destFH->cmd("rm -rf \"$key\"");
                              if $stderr;
            } elsif (!$activity) {
               my $nodif='';my $excluded=0;
               foreach my $key (keys %{$destFH->{_dhash}}) {
                  if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::d_sub) {
                     my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                     next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                  } $excluded=0;
                  if (exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}) {
                     foreach my $file (keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]}) {
                        my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::f_sub;
                        next if $return && -1<index $returned_modif,'e';
                        if ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest} &&
                              $args{DeleteOnDest}) &&
                              (!$shortcut || !exists
                              {$key}[1]{$file})) {
                           if ($key eq '/') {
                              $mirror_output.="DELETEDg File ==> $file\n";
                              $mirror_debug.="DELETED File ==> $file\n";
                              print "DELETINGg File ==> $file\n"
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                 || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                              my ($output,$stderr)=
                                 $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$file\"");
                                 $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                           } else {
                                 "DELETEDh File ==> $key/$file\n";
                                 "DELETED File ==> $key/$file\n";
                              print "DELETINGh File ==> $key/$file\n"
                                 if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                 || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                              my ($output,$stderr)=
                                 $destFH->cmd("rm -f \"$key/$file\"");
                                 $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
                  } elsif ((exists $args{DeleteOnDest} &&
                        $args{DeleteOnDest}) &&
                        (!$shortcut || !exists
                        ${$baseFH->{_unaltered_basehash}}{$key})) {
                     $key="$dest_fdr/." if $key eq '/';
                     $mirror_output.="DELETEDi Directory ==> $key\n";
                     $mirror_debug.="DELETED Directory ==> $key\n";
                     print "DELETINGi DIRECTORY ==> $key\n"
                        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                        || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                     my ($output,$stderr)=
                        $destFH->cmd("rm -rf $key");
                        $stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               $nodif="\n       THERE ARE NO DIFFERENCES "
                     ."BETWEEN THE BASE AND TARGET\n\n";
               print $nodif if (((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $verbose)
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) && !$activity);
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $nodif
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*'
                  && !$activity;
               $mirror_output.=$nodif if !$activity;
               $mirror_debug.=$nodif if !$activity;
               push @main::test_tar_output, $mirror_output;
   if (exists $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_pre} && $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_pre}
         && $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_pre} ne $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}
         && $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_pre} ne $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
   if (wantarray) {
      return $mirror_output,$mirror_debug;
   } else { return $mirror_output }


sub get_drive
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "get_drive() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n";
   #   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "get_drive() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my ($folder,$base_or_dest,$cmd_handle,$hostlabel)=('','','','');
   my ($output,$stderr)=('','');
   my @drvs=();my $dir='';
   if (unpack('a1',$folder) eq '/' ||
         unpack('a1',$folder) eq '\\') {
   } else { $dir=$folder }
   my $ms_dir=$dir;
   $ms_dir=~s/\\/\\\\/g;my $drvs='';
   if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::drives{$hostlabel}) {
   } else {
      my $sav_curdir='';
      if ($cmd_handle) {
         bless $cmd_handle, 'File_Transfer';
         &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$sav_curdir}) {
         } else {
            ($sav_curdir,$stderr)=$cmd_handle->cmd("cygpath -w $sav_curdir");
            &handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      } elsif ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
         chdir $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_cygdrive};
      if ($cmd_handle) {
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      } else { chdir $sav_curdir }
   foreach my $drv (split /\n/, $drvs) {
      last unless $drv;
      if ($cmd_handle) {
         my $result=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_dir(
         if ($result ne 'NODIR') {
            if ($ms_dir && $ms_dir ne '\\\\') {
               push @drvs, "$drv:\\$ms_dir\\";
            } else { push @drvs, "$drv:\\" }
      } elsif (-d "$drv:\\$ms_dir") {
         if ($ms_dir && $ms_dir ne '\\\\') {
            push @drvs, "$drv:\\$ms_dir\\";
         } else { push @drvs, "$drv:\\" }
   if (-1<$#drvs) {
      if ($#drvs==0) {
      } else {
         my $banner="\n   Please Pick a $base_or_dest Directory\n"
                   ."   on the Local Host "
                   ."$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Local_HostName :";
      my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$dir);
      if ($cmd_handle) {
      } else {
   } else {
      my $die="Cannot Locate Directory $folder\n"
             ."       Anywhere on Local $base_or_dest Host "
   if (wantarray) {
      return $folder,$dir
   } else { return $folder }


sub get_dest_ls_output {

   my $destFH=$_[0];
   my $dest_fdr=$_[1]||'';
   my $dms_share=$_[2]||'';
   my $dhost=$_[3]||'';
   my $die=$_[4]||'';
   my $dest_dir='';
   my $dest_output='';
   my $stderr='';my $lsgnu=0;
   if ($destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      my ($test_chr1,$test_chr2)='';
      if ($dest_fdr) {
         if (1<length $dest_fdr) {
         if ($test_chr2) {
            if (($test_chr1 eq '/' && $test_chr2 ne '//')
                  || ($test_chr1 eq '\\' &&
                  $test_chr2 ne '\\\\')) {
               if ($dest_dir=~s/$destFH->{_cygdrive_regex}//) {
               } else {
                  my $de_f=$dest_fdr;
                  if (exists $destFH->{_smb}) {
                  } else {
print "JDKKDK\n";<STDIN>;
            } elsif ($test_chr2 eq '//' ||
                 $test_chr2 eq '\\\\') {
print "NAKED\n";<STDIN>;
            } elsif ($test_chr2=~/^[a-zA-Z]:$/) {
print "NAKED\n";<STDIN>;
            } elsif ($test_chr1!~/\W/) {
               my $de_f=$dest_fdr;
            } else {
               my $die="Destination Directory - $dest_fdr"
                      ." CANNOT Be Located";
         } elsif ($test_chr1 eq '/' || $test_chr1 eq '\\') {
            if ($dest_dir=~s/$destFH->{_cygdrive_regex}//) {
print "OLSKDKF\n";
            } else {
               my $de_f=$dest_fdr;
print "WOOEEE\n";
         } elsif ($test_chr1=~/^[a-zA-Z]$/) {
print "BLECKKK\n";
            $dest_dir=$test_chr1 . ':\\';
         } else {
            my $die="Destination Directory - $dest_fdr"
                   ." CANNOT Be Located";
      } else {
      } my $cnt=0;
      while (1) {
            "cmd /c dir /s /-C /A- \"$dest_dir\"");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         if ($dest_output!~/bytes free\s*/s) {
            $dest_output='';next unless $cnt++;
            my $die="Attempt to retrieve output from the command:\n"
                   ."\n       cmd /c dir /-C \"$dest_dir\"\n"
                   ."\n       run on the host "
                   ."$destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] FAILED";
         } else { last }
   } elsif ($dest_fdr) {
      my $test_char=unpack('a1',$dest_fdr);
      if ($test_char ne '/' && $test_char ne '.') {
      } else {
      my $ls_path='';
      if ($destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__" &&
            exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ls'}) {
         $ls_path.='/' if $ls_path!~/\/$/;
      ($dest_output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls --version");
      if (-1<index $dest_output,'GNU') {
            "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$dest_dir\'");
      } else {
            "${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$dest_dir\'");
      if ($stderr) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "$die$stderr"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         return '', '', "$die$stderr";
   } else {
      my $dest_dir=$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd};
      my $ls_path='';
      if ($destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__" &&
            exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ls'}) {
         $ls_path.='/' if $ls_path!~/\/$/;
      ($dest_output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("${ls_path}ls --version");
      if (-1<index $dest_output,'GNU') {
            "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$dest_dir\'");
      } else {
            "${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$dest_dir\'");
      if ($stderr) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "$die$stderr"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         return '', '', "$die$stderr";
   return $dest_output,$dest_dir,'';


sub move_tarfile
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "move_tarfile() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n";
      #if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "move_tarfile() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my ($baseFH,$btransfer_dir,$destFH,$shortcut)=('','','','');
   my ($output,$stdout,$stderr)=('','','');
   my $dest_fdr=$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd};
   my $bprxFH='';my $dprxFH='';my $d_fdr='';
   my $trandir_parent='';
   my $phost= $baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[1]?
   unless ($destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__" &&
         $baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__") {
      if ($destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__") {
         if ($destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {  # DEST-Master has trandir
               "lcd \"$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         } else {
            ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($baseFH,"lcd \"$dest_fdr\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                  (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) { # If BASE has remote trandir
                                              # cd ftp handle to it
               "cd $baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         } else {
               "cd $baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
            "get transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
      } elsif ($baseFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__" ||
            ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy[0] eq "__Master_${$}__"
            && (exists $baseFH->{_smb}))) {
         if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp} &&
               exists $baseFH->{_ftp_handle}) {
                  "lcd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                  (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         if ($destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {            # If DEST has trandir
               "cd \"$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
               # cd ftp handle to trandir
            if (exists $destFH->{_smb}) { # If DEST needs SMB
                  "mkdir \"transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]\""); # Add
                                                          # tmp 'transfer' dir
                  if $stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
                  &Rem_Command::ftpcmd($destFH, # cd ftp handle to 'transfer'
                  "cd \"transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]\"");
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                  (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         } else {                                   # No trandir on DEST,
            ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd( # use $dest_fdr for transfer
               $destFH,"cd \"$dest_fdr\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd( # Transfer the tar file
            $destFH,"!id");                      # 'put' because DEST is remote
         print "move_tarfile() TRYING TO DO PUT TWO\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
            "move_tarfile() TRYING TO DO PUT TWO\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd( # Transfer the tar file
            $destFH,                             # 'put' because DEST is remote
            "put transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar");
         if (-1<index "$output","permissions do not") {
            die "$output       $!"
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
               $destFH,                          # lcd ftp handle back to parent
               "lcd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
      } elsif (&ftm_connect($destFH,$phost)) {
         my %ftp=(
            _ftp_handle => $destFH->{_cmd_handle},
            _ftm_type   => $destFH->{_ftm_type},
            _hostname   => $destFH->{_hostname},
            _ip         => $destFH->{_ip},
            _uname      => $destFH->{_uname},
            _luname     => $baseFH->{_uname},
            _hostlabel  => [ $destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0],$phost ],
            _ftp_pid    => $destFH->{_ftp_pid}
         if ($destFH->{_uname} ne 'cygwin' ||
               $dest_fdr!~/^[\/|\\][\/|\\]/ ||
               !$destFH->{_ms_share} || !$#{$destFH->{_hostlabel}}) {
            ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd(\%ftp,"lcd \"$dest_fdr\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
print "SAVING LCD PATH OF DEST2=transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]\n";
         } else {

      #if (exists $destFH->{_smb}) {
#print "XXXXXAAAAA\n";
            if ($destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
                  "lcd \"$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                  (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
               "!mkdir transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               "lcd transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]");
         } #else {
#print "XXXXXBBBBB\n";
#        ($output,$stderr)=&ftp(\%ftp,'',"lcd \"$dest_fdr\"");
#         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
#               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
#print "SAVING LCD PATH OF DEST2=transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]\n";
#         #$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$destFH->{_cmd_handle}->{_cmd_handle}}{lcd}
#         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$destFH->{_cmd_handle}}{lcd}
#                                      =$d_fdr=$dest_fdr;
#      }
         if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
               "cd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
            my ($output,$stderr)=$baseFH->cwd(
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         } else {
               "cd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
               "get transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         my $prompt = '_funkyPrompt_';
         while (my $line=$destFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
            last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_/s;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         DH: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
            foreach my $sid (
                  keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
               foreach my $type (
                     keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                       {$sid}}) {
                  if ($destFH->{_cmd_handle}
                        eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                     my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                     last DH;
      } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployFTM_Proxy[0]
            eq "__Master_${$}__" ||
            exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master{
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployFTM_Proxy[0]}) {
         if ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
               "cd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
               "cd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            $baseFH,"get transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         if (exists $destFH->{_smb}) {
            if ($destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
                  "cd \"$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                  (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
               "mkdir transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         } else {
         #($output,$stderr)=&ftp(\%dftp,'',"cd $d_fdr");
         ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd($destFH,"cd $d_fdr");
         if ($stderr && -1==index $stderr,'command success') {
            my $die="The System $destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0]"
                   ." Returned\n              the Following "
                   ."Unrecoverable Error "
                   ."Condition :\n\n       $stderr";
         } $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$destFH->{_ftp_handle}}{cd}=$d_fdr;
         my $putoutput='';
            "put transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar");
            #     "put transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar");
            if (-1<index $putoutput,"Couldn't get handle: Permission denied") {
            my $die="The System $destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0]"
                   ." Returned\n              the Following "
                   ."Unrecoverable Error "
                   ."Condition :\n\n       "
                   ."Couldn't get handle: Permission denied";
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$die\n\n       $stderr",'-1')
               if $stderr;
               "put transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); 
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$die\n\n       $stderr",'-1')
               if $stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
               "mv transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar $d_fdr");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$die\n\n       $stderr",'-1')
               if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$die\n\n       $stderr",'-1')
               if $stderr;
         } elsif ($stderr && -1==index $stderr,'command success') {
            my $die="The System $destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0]"
                   ." Returned\n              the Following "
                   ."Unrecoverable Error "
                   ."Condition :\n\n       $stderr";
      } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployFTM_Proxy[0]) {
print "IM HERE THIS\n";
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
         my $bprx={
            _cmd_handle => $bprxFH,
         my %bftp=(
            _ftp_handle => $bprx->{_cmd_handle},
            _ftm_type   => $bprx->{_ftm_type},
            _hostname   => $bprx->{_hostname},
            _ip         => $bprx->{_ip},
            _uname      => $bprx->{_uname},
            _luname     => $baseFH->{_uname},
            _hostlabel  => [ $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployFTM_Proxy[0],'' ],
            _ftp_pid    => $bprx->{_cmd_pid}
         );my $btrandir='';
         if ($btransfer_dir) {
            if (unpack('@1 a1',"$btransfer_dir") eq ':') {
               my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$btransfer_dir);
            } elsif (substr($btransfer_dir,-1) ne '/') {
               \%bftp,"cd \"$btrandir\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         } elsif ($baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
               \%bftp,"cd $baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
                  (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         } else {
               "cd \"$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}\"");
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
            "get transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         my $prompt = '_funkyPrompt_';
         BPH: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
            foreach my $sid (
                  keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
               foreach my $type (
                     keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                        {$sid}}) {
                  if ($bprx->{_cmd_handle}
                        eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                     my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                     last BPH;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         my $dprx={
           _cmd_handle => $dprxFH,
         my %dftp=(
            _ftp_handle => $dprx->{_cmd_handle},
            _ftm_type   => $dprx->{_ftm_type},
            _hostname   => $dprx->{_hostname},
            _ip         => $dprx->{_ip},
            _uname      => $dprx->{_uname},
            _luname     => $destFH->{_uname},
            _hostlabel  => [ $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployFTM_Proxy[0],'' ],
            _ftp_pid    => $dprx->{_cmd_pid}
            \%dftp,"cd \"$dest_fdr\"");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
            (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         print "move_tarfile() TRYING TO DO PUT ONE\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
            "move_tarfile() TRYING TO DO PUT ONE\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            \%dftp,"put transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr &&
               (-1==index $stderr,'command success');
         DPH: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
            foreach my $sid (
                  keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
               foreach my $type (
                     keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                     {$sid}}) {
                  if ($dprx->{_cmd_handle}
                        eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                     my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                     last DPH;
      } else {
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("NO FTP PROXY DEFINED");
   } else {
        || do{ die "copy failed: $!" };

my $shownow="NOW HERE SO THERE and FTPProxy=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployFTM_Proxy[0] and "
      .(exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::same_host_as_Master{"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeployFTM_Proxy[0]"})."\n";
#print "SHOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW=$shownow\n";
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $shownow
#      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
#      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
#print "HOSTNAME FOR DEST=",$destFH->cmd('hostname'),"\n";
#print "THISHOSTNAME FOR DEST=",$destFH->cmd('hostname'),"\n";
#print "D_FDR=$d_fdr<== and DEST_FDR=$dest_fdr<==\n";<STDIN>;
   if ($d_fdr eq $dest_fdr) {
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cwd(  # cd cmd handle to folder
          $d_fdr);                     # that now has tar file
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      my $tdr='';
      my $testf=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_file($destFH,
      if ($testf ne 'WRITE' && $testf ne 'READ') {
            if $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp};
         "chmod 755 ${tdr}transfer".
         "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # chmod it
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         "tar xovf ${tdr}transfer".
         "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # un-tar it
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
#print "WHAT IS THE SHORTCUT HERE=$shortcut\n";sleep 6;
      if (!$shortcut) {
         foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::rename_file) {
            my $cmd="mv \"$file\" ".
            my ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd($cmd);
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      } else {
         foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::renamefile) {
            my $cmd="mv \"$file\" ".
            my ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd($cmd);
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("rm -f ${tdr}transfer".
         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].".tar"); # delete tar file
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
   } elsif (exists $destFH->{_smb}) {
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cwd(  # cd cmd handle to folder
          $d_fdr);                     # that is the un-tar target
      $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[2]=1 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[4];
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') if $stderr;
      my $tdr='';
      my $testf=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_file($destFH,
      if ($testf ne 'WRITE' && $testf ne 'READ') {
            if $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp};
      my $dtr=($destFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] ne "__Master_${$}__") ? $d_fdr
          : $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp};
         "chmod 755 ${tdr}transfer".
         "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # chmod it
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
             "tar xovf $dtr/transfer".
             "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # un-tar it
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') if $stderr;
      if (!$shortcut) {
         foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::rename_file) {
            my $cmd="mv \"$file\" ".
            my ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd($cmd);
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      } else {
         foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::renamefile) {
            my $cmd="mv \"$file\" ".
            my ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd($cmd);
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[4]) {
            "cd \"$destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\"");
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
         $destFH->cmd("rm -f $dtr/transfer".
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].".tar"); # delete tar file
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
   } else {
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cwd(  # cd cmd handle to dest folder
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      my $tdr='';
      my $testf=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_file($destFH,
      if ($testf ne 'WRITE' && $testf ne 'READ') {
            if $destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp};
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("chmod 777 ${tdr}transfer".
         "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # chmod it
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("tar xovf $d_fdr/transfer".
         "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # un-tar it
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      if (!$shortcut) {
         foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::rename_file) {
            my $cmd="mv \"$file\" ".
            my ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd($cmd);
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      } else {
         foreach my $file (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::renamefile) {
            my $cmd="mv \"$file\" ".
            my ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd($cmd);
            $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::savetran=1 if $stderr;
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-2') if $stderr;
      ($output,$stderr)=$destFH->cmd("rm -f $d_fdr/transfer".
          "$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3].tar"); # delete tar file
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;


sub ftm_connect
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "ftm_connect() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ftm_connect() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller)," and HOSTLABEL=$_[1]\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $ftpFH=$_[0];my $hostlabel=$_[1];my $_connect=$_[2]||'';
   my $ftm_type='';my $ftm_passwd='';
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my @connect_method=@{$ftr_cnct};
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (!$fctimeout) {
      $fctimeout=$timeout if !$fctimeout;
   my @hosts=();
   if ($use eq 'ip') {
   } else {
   } my $host='';
   if ($ping) {
      while (1) {
         my $error=0;
         eval {
            while ($host=pop @hosts) {
                  "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pingpath}ping $host");
               while (my $line=
                     Timeout=>5)) {
                  if ($line=~/ from /s) {
print "TEN003\n";
                     while (my $ln=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                        last if $ln=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
                     } return;
                  } elsif (-1<index $line,'NOT FOUND'
                        || -1<index $line,'Bad IP') {
                     if ($line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s) {
         if ($@) {
            next if $error;
            if (-1<index $@,'read timed-out') {
print "ELEVEN003\n";
               while (my $ln=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                  last if $ln=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
               } return 0;
            } elsif ((-1<index $@,'read error') ||
                     (-1<index $@,'filehandle isn')) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ftm_connect::cmd() HAD TO DO LOGIN_RETRY".
   " for $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle} and HOSTLABEL=$ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] and $ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[1]\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               if ($stderr) {
                  $stderr="$@\n       $stderr";
                  return 0;
               } elsif (!$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}) {
                  return 0;
                  "cd $ftpFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}");
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($@) }
         } elsif ($error) {
         } last;
   } elsif ($use eq 'ip') {
   } else { $host=$hostname }
   if ($su_id) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ftm_connect::cmd() BACK FROM PASSWD at Line: ",
   __LINE__,"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      #if ($ftm_passwd ne 'DoNotSU!') {
      #   $su_login=1;
      #} else { $su_id='' }
   if (!$su_id) {
   my $fm_cnt=-1;
   WE: while (1) {
      foreach my $connect_method (@connect_method) {
         if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            if ($cfh_error) {
               if ($cfh_error ne 'Invalid filehandle') {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ftm_connect::cmd() HAD TO DO FTP LOGIN_RETRY".
   " for $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle} and HOSTLABEL=$ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] and $ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[1]\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
                  next WE;
               } else {
            my $showftp=
               "\n       LoggingG into $host via ftp  . . .\n\n";
            print $showftp if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
               || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
               && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $showftp
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
               && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            my $ftp__cmd="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host";
               "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host");
            FP: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
               foreach my $sid (
                     keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                  foreach my $type (
                        keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                        {$sid}}) {
                     if ($ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}
                           eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           {$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                        my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                        last FP;
            my $lin='';$stderr='';
            eval {
               while (my $line=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                  my $tline=$line;
                  print $tline if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $tline
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  if ($lin=~/Name.*[: ]+$/si) {
                  if ($lin=~/s*ftp> ?$/s) {
                     $stderr=~s/s*ftp> ?$//s;
            if ($@) {
               my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                  if $cfh_error;
               return 0;

            if ($su_id) {
            } else {

            ## Wait for password prompt.
            my $ignore='';
            if ($stderr) {
               if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

         } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            if ($cfh_error && $cfh_error ne 'Invalid filehandle') {
print "YEP GOT TO LOGIN_RETRY<==\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ftm_connect::cmd() HAD TO DO SFTP LOGIN_RETRY".
   " for $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle} and HOSTLABEL=$ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] and $ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[1]\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
               next WE;
            my $showsftp=
               "\n       LoggingH into $host via sftp  . . .\n\n";
            print $showsftp if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
               || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
               && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $showsftp
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
               && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
#print "SU_IDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD=$su_id and FTHH=$ftpFH and CH=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}<==\n";
            my $sshport='';
            if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
               my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
               $sshport=$sp.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
            if ($su_id) {
                  "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ${sshport}$su_id\@$host");
            } else {
                  "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ${sshport}$login_id\@$host");

            ## Wait for password prompt.
            my $ignore='';
            if ($stderr) {
               if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

            SP: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
               foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                  foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                          {$sid}}) {
                     if ($ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}
                           eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                        my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}{$sid}{$type};
                        last SP;


      } last;
   my $die='';my $die_login_id='';my $ftm_errmsg='';
   my $su_login='';my $retrys=0;
   my %ftp=();my @choices=();
   while (1) {
      eval {
            _ftp_handle => $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle},
            _ftm_type   => $ftm_type,
            _hostname   => $hostname,
            _ip         => $ip,
            _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel, $ftpFH->{_hostlabel}->[0] ],
            _uname      => $uname,
            _luname     => $ftpFH->{_uname},
            _ftp_pid    => $ftpFH->{_ftp_pid}
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
eval {
         $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->prompt("/s*ftp> ?\$/");

         my $lin='';my $asked=0;my $authyes=0;
         while (1) {
            while (my $line=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
print "LOOKING FOR FTPPROMPTLINE12=$line<==\n";
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LOOKING FOR FTPPROMPTLINE12=$line<==\n"
      #if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               if ($lin=~/Perm/s && $lin=~/password[: ]+$/si) {
                  if ($su_id) {
                     if (!$asked++) {
                        my $error='';
                        my $banner="\n    The Host \"$hostlabel\" is "
                                  ."configured to attempt a su\n    with "
                                  ."the ID \'$su_id\'\; however, the first "
                                  ."attempt\n    resulted in the following "
                                  ."Error :\n\n           $error\n\n    It "
                                  ."may be that sftp is configured to "
                                  ."disallow logins\n    with \'$su_id\'\."
                                  ."\n\n    Please Pick an Operation :\n"
                                  ."\n    NOTE:    Choice will affect all "
                                  ."future logins!\n";
                        $choices[0]="Re-enter password and re-attempt with "
                        $choices[1]="Attempt login with base id \'$login_id\'";
                        my $choice=&Menus::pick(\@choices,$banner);
                        chomp $choice;
                        if ($choice ne ']quit[') {
                           if ($choice=~/$su_id/s) {
                              my $show='';
                              while (1) {
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                                 print "\n$show ";
                                 my $newpass=<STDIN>;
                                 chomp $newpass;
                                 print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $show
                                    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                    -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           } else {
print "TWELVE003\n";
                              while (my $line=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LLINE44=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                 last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
                                 last if $line=~/Killed by signal 2\.$/s;
                              my $sshport='';
                              if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                                 my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                                    $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
                              if ($sshport) {
                                    "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ".
                              } else {
                                    "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ".

                              ## Wait for password prompt.
                              my $ignore='';
                              if ($stderr) {
                                 if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                                    return '',$stderr;
                                 } else {
                                    my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';

                              ## Send password.
print "444 LIN=$lin<== and FTM_ERRMSG=$ftm_errmsg<==\n";
                              my $ftm_passwd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getpasswd(
                              my $showsftp=
                                 "\n       LoggingI into $host via sftp  . . .\n\n";
                              print $showsftp if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                 || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                                 && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $showsftp
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                                 && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        } else { 
                     } elsif ($asked<4) {
                  } else {

                     ## Send password.
print "555 LIN=$lin<== and FTM_ERRMSG=$ftm_errmsg<==\n";<STDIN>;
                     my $showerr='';
                     my $ftm_passwd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getpasswd(
                     my $showsftp=
                        "\n       LoggingJ into $host via sftp  . . .\n\n";
                     print $showsftp if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                        || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                        && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $showsftp
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                        && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               } elsif (!$authyes && (-1<index $lin,'The authen') &&
                     $lin=~/\?\s*$/s) {
                  my $question=$lin;
                  $question=~s/^.*(The authen.*)$/$1/s;
                  $question=~s/\' can\'t/\'\ncan\'t/s;
                  while (1) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                     print "\n$question ";
                     my $answer=<STDIN>;
                     chomp $answer;
                     if (lc($answer) eq 'yes') {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     } elsif (lc($answer) eq 'no') {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $lin
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               if ($line=~/[\$\%\>\#\-\:]+ ?$/m) {
               } elsif ($line=~/[\$\%\>\#\-\:]+ ?$/s) {
               } elsif ($lin=~/Perm/s) { last }
            if ($lin=~/Perm/s) {
               #while (1) {
               #   last if $previous_method eq $connect_method[0];
                  shift @connect_method;
               die $lin;
            } else { last }
            if $ftm_type ne 'sftp';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      if ($@=~/ogin incor/ && $retrys<2) {
	 if ($su_login) {
	 } else {
         while (my $line=$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->get) { 
	    last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
         my $sshport='';
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
            my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
            $sshport=$sp.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
         my $ftp__cmd="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host";
         if ($ftm_type eq 'ftp') {
            $ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}->print("${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host");
         } elsif ($ftm_type eq 'sftp') {
            if ($su_id) {
                  "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ${sshport}$su_id\@$host");
            } else {
                  "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ${sshport}$login_id\@$host");
	       waitfor(-match => '/Name.*[: ]+$/i');
      } elsif ($@) {
         my $f_t=$ftm_type;$f_t=~s/^(.)/uc($1)/e;
         $die="The System $host Returned\n              the "
             ."Following Unrecoverable Error Condition\,\n"
             ."              XRejecting the $f_t Login Attempt"
             ." of the ID\n              -> $die_login_id "
             ."at ".(caller(0))[1]." "
             ."line ".(caller(2))[2]." :\n\n       $@";
      } else { last }
   if (defined $transfer_dir && $transfer_dir) {
      if (unpack('@1 a1',$transfer_dir) eq ':') {
         my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 @2 a*',$transfer_dir);
      my ($output,$stderr)=&Rem_Command::ftpcmd(\%ftp,"cd \"$transfer_dir\"");
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $output) {
         print $line if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $line
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         next if $line!~/^\d/;
         if (unpack('a3',$line)!=250) {
            my $warn="The FTP Service Cannot Change to "
                    ."the Transfer Directory"
                    ."\n\n       -> $line\n";
            warn "$warn       $!";return 0;
      } $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$ftpFH->{_cmd_handle}}{cd}=$transfer_dir;
   } return 1;


sub dup_Processes
   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
      foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
         foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                 {$sid}}) {
            if ($cmd_handle
                  eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}) {
               return 1;
   } return 0;

sub map_mirror
   my $mirrormap=$_[0];
   my $map='mirrormap';
   my @keys=split '/',"$_[1]";
   my $file="$_[3]";
   my $reason="$_[4]";
   my $num_of_levels=$#keys;
#print "REASON=$reason\n";
#print "KEYS=@keys\n";
#print "NUM_OF_LEVELS=$num_of_levels\n";
   if ($_[1] eq '/') {
      eval "\@{\${\$$map}[0]}[0,1,2]=(\'all\',\'/\',\'\')";
   } elsif ($file ne '') {
      if ("$_[2]" eq 'EXCLUDE') {
         eval "push \@{\${\${\$$map}[0]}[4]}, [ \"\$file\",\"\$reason\" ]";
      } else {
         eval "push \@{\${\${\$$map}[0]}[3]}, [ \"\$file\",\"\$reason\" ]";
   } else {
      my $num_decrement=$num_of_levels;
      my ($exclude,$num,$num_of_elem)='';
      while (-1<$num_decrement--) {
         $num_of_elem=eval "\$\#{$map}";
         $num_of_elem=0 if $num_of_elem==-1;
print "NUM=$num and KEYS=$#keys\n";
         if ("$_[2]" eq 'EXCLUDE') {
print "MAPP1=$map and $keys[$num]\n";
            eval "\@{\${\$$map}[0]}[0]=\'some\'";
print "MIRRORMAP=$mirrormap and THIS=${${${$mirrormap}[0]}[0]}[0]\n";<STDIN>;
            print "GOT THE GOODS=",eval "\@{\${\$$map}[0]}[2]","\n";
            if (eval "\${\${\$$map}[0]}[2]" eq 'EXCLUDE') {
         } elsif ($#keys==$num) {
            eval "\@{\${\$$map}[0]}[0,1,2]=(\'all\',\'$keys[$num]\',\'\')";
print "MIRRORMAP=$mirrormap and THIS=${${${$mirrormap}[0]}[0]}[0]\n";<STDIN>;
   return $mirrormap;
#print "BFH=$baseFH and KEY=$key and FILE=\@files and DESTDR=$dest_fdr and LCD=$local_transfer_dir and TRANTAR=$trantar and BHOIS=$bhostlabel and DHOST=$dhostlabel\n";<STDIN>;
#               $trantar=move_files($baseFH,"$key",
#                  \@files,$dest_fdr,
#                  $destFH,$bms_share,$dms_share,
#                  '',$local_transfer_dir,$trantar,
#                  $bhostlabel,$dhostlabel,'',
#                  $shortcut,\%desthash);
sub move_files
print "MOVE_FILESCALLER=",caller,"\n";<STDIN>;
   my ($baseFH,$key,$file,$dest_fdr,
       $dhostlabel,$parentkey,$shortcut) = @_;
print "BASEFH=$baseFH\n";
print "KEY=$key\n";
print "FILE=$file\n";
print "DEST_FDR=$dest_fdr\n";
print "DESTFH=$destFH\n";
print "BMS_SHARE=$bms_share\n";
print "DMS_SHARE=$dms_share\n";
print "NOSUBS=$nosubs\n";
print "LOCALTRANSFERDIR=$local_transfer_dir\n";
print "TRANTAR=$trantar\n";
print "BHOSTLABEL=$bhostlabel\n";
print "DHOSTLABEL=$dhostlabel\n";<STDIN>;
   my $basefile='';my $basedir='';my $destdir='';my $msprxFH='';
   my $w32copy='';my $output='';my $stderr='';my $destd='';my $baseprx='';
   if ($bms_share || $baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      if ($key eq '/') {
      } else {
      } $basedir.='/' if $file;
      if ($dms_share || $destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
         if ((exists $destFH->{_smb})
               && (exists $baseFH->{_smb})) {
print "HEREEEEEEEEE1\n";
         } elsif (exists $baseFH->{_smb}) {
         } elsif ($dhostlabel ne "__Master_${$}__") {
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error('NO Microsoft OS Proxy Host Defined');
         if ($dhostlabel ne "__Master_${$}__") {
            if ($key eq '/') {
            } else {
            } $destdir.='/' if $file;
         } elsif (unpack('a1',$dest_fdr) eq '/') {
            my $testd=&test_dir($destFH->{_cmd_handle},$dest_fdr);
            if ($destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
               my $testd=&test_dir($destFH->{_cmd_handle},$dest_fdr);
               if ($testd ne 'WRITE') {
                  if ($testd eq 'NODIR') {
                     my $destdir_mswin='';
                     my $die="Destination Directory $dest_fdr\n"
                            .'       Does NOT Exist!:\n\n        '
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if (wantarray) {
                           return '',$die;
                        } else {
                  } else {
                     my $die="Destination Directory $dest_fdr\n"
                            .'       is NOT Writable!';
                     if (wantarray) {
                        return '',$die;
                     } else {
                         'cmd /c chdir',$dhostlabel);
            } elsif ($testd ne 'WRITE') {
               if ($testd eq 'NODIR') {
                  my $die="Destination Directory $dest_fdr\n"
                          .'       Does NOT Exist!';
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$die;
                  } else {
               } else {
                  my $die="Destination Directory $dest_fdr\n"
                         .'       is NOT Writable!';
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$die;
                  } else {
            if ($key eq '/') {
            } else {
            } $destdir.='/' if $file;
         } elsif (unpack('x1 a1',$dest_fdr) eq ':') {
            my ($drive,$path)=unpack('a1 x1 a*',$dest_fdr);
            if ($key eq '/') {
            } else {
            } $destdir.='/' if $file;
         } else {
            if ($key eq '/') {
            } else {
            } $destdir.='/' if $file;
      } else {
         if ((exists $baseFH->{_smb}) ||
               $baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
         } elsif ($bhostlabel ne "__Master_${$}__") {
               'NO Microsoft OS Proxy Host Defined');
         if ($destFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
            if ($key eq '/') {
            } else {
            } $destdir.='/' if $file;
         } elsif ($key ne '/') {
   } elsif ($dms_share) {
      if ($key eq '/') {
      } else {
      } $basedir.='/' if $file;
      $destdir.='/' if $file;
      if (exists $destFH->{_smb}) {
      } elsif ($dhostlabel ne "__Master_${$}__") {
            'NO Microsoft OS Proxy Host Defined');
   } else {
      if ($key eq '/') {
      } else {
      } $basedir.='/' if $file;

   my $b_OS='';my $m_OS='';my $d_OS='';my $FH='';
   if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
      if ($bms_share || ($baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' &&
            $bhostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__")) {
         if ($dms_share || $destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
         } else {
         } $msprxFH=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost;
      } elsif ($dms_share) {
print "HEREEEEEEEEE7\n";
         if ($msprxFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
            my ($output,$stderr)=$msprxFH->cwd(
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> "
                      ."$msprxFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}\n        $stderr";
            } $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[0]=$msprxFH->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp};
         } else {
      } else {
   } else {
      if ($bms_share || $baseFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
         if ($dms_share || $destFH->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
print "HEREEEEEEEEE8\n";
         } else {
      } elsif ($dms_share) {
print "HEREEEEEEEEE9\n";
      } else {
   #if ($msprxFH) {
   #   ($output,$stderr)=$msprxFH->cmd('cp','__notrap__');
   #   if (unpack('a11',$stderr) ne 'cp: missing') {
   #      $w32copy=1;
   #   }
      if !$shortcut || !$msprxFH || $b_OS ne 'cygwin';

   return $trantar;


sub move_file_list
my @topcaller=caller;
print "MOVEFILELISTCALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
   if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   my ($file,$basedir,$destdir,$msprxFH,$baseFH,
print "BASEDIR=$basedir<===\n";#<STDIN>;
   my $farg='';my $filearg='';my $proxydir='';
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   if ($msprxFH) {                      ### if MS Proxy Needed
      if ($b_OS eq 'cygwin') {           ### if Base Needs Proxy
         if ($d_OS eq 'cygwin') {        ### Dest Does Not Need Proxy
            foreach my $fil (@{$file}) {
               $farg.="\'$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}$basedir$fil\' ";
               if (1500<length "$farg$destdir") {
                  $destdir.=$key if $key;
                  chop $filearg;
                  my $td="--target-directory=$destdir";
                      "cmd /c cp -fpv $filearg $td",'__notrap_');
                  if ($stderr) {
                     if (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
                  $farg="\'$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}$basedir$fil\' ";
               } $filearg=$farg;
            if ($filearg) {
               chop $filearg;
               my $td="--target-directory=$destdir";
                  "cmd /c cp -fpv $filearg $td",'__notrap__');
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
            } #else {
              # &move_MSWin_stderr('','',$destdir,$msprxFH,'')
         } else {                       ### Dest Needs Proxy
            if ($key && $key ne '/' && ($file
                  || $parentkey eq ')DIRONLY')) {
            } else {
            my $td="--target-directory=$proxydir";
            if ($file) {
               foreach my $fil (@{$file}) {
                  $farg.="\'$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}$basedir$fil\' ";
                  if (1500<length "$farg$proxydir") {
                     chop $filearg;
                         "cmd /c cp -fpv $filearg $td",'__notrap__');
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
                     $farg="\'$baseFH->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}$basedir$fil\' ";
                  } $filearg=$farg;
               if ($filearg) {
                  chop $filearg;
                     "cmd /c cp -fpv $filearg $td",'__notrap__');
                  if ($stderr) {
                     if (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
               } #else {
                 # &move_MSWin_stderr('','',$proxydir,$msprxFH,'')
            } elsif ($parentkey ne ')DIRONLY') {
               my $fdot='';
               $fdot='/.' if $key eq '/';
                  "cmd /c cp -Rfpv $filearg $td",'__notrap__');
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (-1==index $stderr,'already exists') {
            } else {
      } else {                          ### Dest Needs Proxy
         my $td.=$destdir;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
             "cmd /c cp -Rfpv ./transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]/* \"$td\"");
         if ($stderr) {
            my $die="Could not Execute the Command :"
                   ."\n\n       cmd /c cp -Rfpv ./transfer"
                   ."$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]/* \"$td\"\n\n       "
                   . $stderr;

sub clean_process_files
   my @topcaller=caller;
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $pid_ts=pop @FA_Core::pid_ts;
   $pid_ts||='';return '','' if !$pid_ts;
   my $str="echo \"del rm${pid_ts}.bat\"";
   my $output='';my $stderr='';
   $str.=" >> rm${pid_ts}.bat";
   if ($stderr) {
      push @FA_Core::pid_ts, $pid_ts;
      my $die= "$stderr\n\n       From Command -> " . "\"$str\"";
   if ($self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin') {
      $output=join '',$self->{_cmd_handle}->cmd(
         "cmd /c rm${pid_ts}.bat");
   } else {
      $output=join '',$self->{_cmd_handle}->{_cmd_handle}->cmd(
         "cmd /c rm${pid_ts}.bat");
   if ($stderr) {
      push @FA_Core::pid_ts, $pid_ts;
      my $die="$stderr\n\n       From Command -> "
          ."\"cmd /c rm${pid_ts}.bat\"";
   #                   "rm -f ${trandir}out${pid_ts}.txt");
   if (0 && $^O ne 'cygwin') {
print "WHAT THE HECK IS LOCALDIR=",$localhost->cmd("pwd"),"\n";
         "rm -f out${pid_ts}.txt"); 
      if ($stderr) {
         push @FA_Core::pid_ts, $pid_ts;
         my $die="$stderr\n\n       From Command -> "
             ."\"rm -f out${pid_ts}.txt\"";
   #                   "rm -f ${trandir}err${pid_ts}.txt");
         "rm -f err${pid_ts}.txt");
      if ($stderr) {
         push @FA_Core::pid_ts, $pid_ts;
         my $die="$stderr\n\n       From Command -> "
             ."\"rm -f err${pid_ts}.txt\"";


sub move_MSWin_stderr
#print "MSWin_stderrCALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my ($stderr,$filearg,$destdir,$FH,$option)=@_;
   my $output='';
   if (!$stderr || (-1<index $stderr,"No such file")
         || (-1<index $stderr,"not a directory")) {
      my $destd='';
      if (unpack('a10',$destdir) eq '/cygdrive/') {
         $destd=unpack('x10 a*',$destdir);
      } else { $destd=$destdir }
         "cmd /c mkdir \"$destd\"");
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr
         && (-1==index $stderr,'already exists');
      if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[4] &&
            17<length $destd &&
            -1<index $destd,"transfer$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[3]") {
         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::tran[1]= ($FH->{_hostlabel}->[1]) ?
            $FH->{_hostlabel}->[1] : $FH->{_hostlabel}->[0];
      } return if !$filearg;
      my $td="--target-directory=$destdir";
      my $e_cnt=0;
         "cmd /c cp -${option}fpv $filearg $td");
      if ($stderr) {
         my $subwarn="WARNING! COPY ERROR";
         my %mail=(
            'Body'    => "$stderr",
            'Subject' => "$subwarn AND \$filearg=$filearg"
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $stderr
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-12') if $stderr
            && (-1==index $stderr,'already exists');
   } else {
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $stderr 
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';


sub build_mirror_hashes
   my $hostlabel='';
   my $timehash={};my $num_of_files=0;my $num_of_basefiles=0;
   my $timekey='';my $deploy_needed=0;my $output='';
   my $baseFH=$_[0];
   my $destFH=$_[1];
   my $bhostlabel=$_[2];
   my $dhostlabel=$_[3];
   my $verbose=$_[4];
   my $base_uname='';
   my $dest_uname='';
   my $base_windows_daylight_savings=0;
   my $dest_windows_daylight_savings=0;
   my $stdout='';
   my $stderr='';
   my $deploy_empty_dir=0;
   my $dest_dir_status='';
   my $deploy_info='';
   my $debug_info='';
   eval {
         if exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFFILES"};
      delete ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFFILES"};
         if exists ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFBASEFILES"};
      delete ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFBASEFILES"};
      delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFFILES"};
      delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFBASEFILES"};
      if ($num_of_files) {
         print "mirror() NUM_OF_FILES=$num_of_files\n",
            "mirror() NUM_OF_BASEFILES=$num_of_basefiles\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
            "mirror() NUM_OF_FILES=$num_of_files\n",
            "mirror() NUM_OF_BASEFILES=$num_of_basefiles\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      foreach my $key (sort keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}}) {
         next if ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] eq 'EXCLUDE';
         my @keys=();
         if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[2] eq 'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
            if (-1<index $key,'/') {
               my $chkkey=$key;
               while ($chkkey=substr($chkkey,0,
                              (rindex $chkkey,'/'))) {
                  unshift @keys, $chkkey;
                  last if -1==index $chkkey,'/';
            } unshift @keys, '/';
            foreach my $key (@keys) {
            } next
         my $dest_dir_status='';
         if ($key ne '/') {
            if (-1==$#keys) {
               if (-1<index $key,'/') {
                  my $chkkey=$key;
                  while ($chkkey=substr($chkkey,0,
                                 (rindex $chkkey,'/'))) {
                     unshift @keys, $chkkey;
                     last if -1==index $chkkey,'/';
               } unshift @keys, '/';
            if (!exists ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}) {
               print "mirror() ERROR: WHAT IS THE BAD KEY==>$key<==\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "mirror() ERROR: WHAT IS THE BAD KEY==>$key<==\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               $deploy_info.="DEPLOY EMPTY DIR $key - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
               $debug_info.="DEPLOY EMPTY DIR $key - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
            } else {
         my $skip=0;my $deploy=0;
         foreach my $file (sort keys %{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]}) {

#if ($key=~/yglasa/) {
   #print "DEST_DIR_STATUS=$dest_dir_status and KEY=$key\n";
   #print "FILE=$file and BASEHASH=",
   #      @{${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}},"<==\n";
   #print "DESTHASH=",${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file},"\n" if exists
   #   ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file};<STDIN>;

            if (${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}[0] eq 'EXCLUDE') {
               print "mirror() SKIP1=> KEY=$key and FILE=$file\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "mirror() SKIP1=> KEY=$key and FILE=$file\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               if ($key eq '/') {
                  $debug_info.="SKIP FILE $file - EXCLUDED_BY_FILTER\n";
               } else {
                  $debug_info.="SKIP FILE $key/$file - EXCLUDED_BY_FILTER\n";
            } my $dchmod='';my $dtime='';my $dyear='';my $dsize='';
            my $dtime1='';my $dtime2='';my $dtime3='';
            if (exists ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}) {
               print "mirror() STRING_DEST=",
                        " and FILE=$file AND KEY=$key\n"
                        if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $verbose;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                        "mirror() STRING_DEST=",
                        " and FILE=$file AND KEY=$key\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               my $y=qr(\d\d\d\d);
               $dtime2="0$dtime2" if length $dtime2==1;
            unless ($base_uname) {
               if ($base_uname eq 'cygwin') {
                  my $key_dir=($key ne '/')?"$key/":'/';
                  ($stdout,$stderr)=$baseFH->cmd("stat \".$key$file\"");
                  my $isto=(index $stdout,'Modify: ')+19;
                  $stdout=unpack("x$isto a2",$stdout);
                  my $st=unpack('x6 a2',
                  $base_windows_daylight_savings=1 if $st!=$stdout;
            print "mirror() STRING_BASE=",
                     " and FILE=$file AND KEY=$key\n"
                     if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) || $verbose;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "mirror() STRING_BASE=",
                     " and FILE=$file AND KEY=$key\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            my $btime1=$1;my $btime2=$2;my $btime3=$3;
            my $byear=$4;my $bsize=$5;my $bchmod=$6;
            $btime2="0$btime2" if length $btime2==1;
            my $btime=$btime1.$btime2.$btime3;
            if ($dest_dir_status eq 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST') {
               if ($key eq '/') {
                  $deploy_info.="DEPLOY FILE $file - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  $debug_info.="DEPLOY FILE $file - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                     my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
               } else {
                  $deploy_info.="DEPLOY FILE $key/$file - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  $debug_info.="DEPLOY FILE $key/$file - DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                     my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                  ="NOT_ON_DEST $bsize $dsize";
               print "mirror() DEPLOY NEEDED for KEY=$key and ",
                  "FILE=$file because DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n"
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "mirror() DEPLOY NEEDED for KEY=$key and ",
                  "FILE=$file because DIR_NOT_ON_DEST\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               $btime=~tr/ //;
               if ($key ne '/') {
               } else { $timekey=$file }
                  print "UPDATEING TIMEHASH1=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ",
                     "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n"
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "UPDATEING TIMEHASH1=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ",
                     "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if (exists ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}) {
               if ($bsize ne $dsize) {
                      ="DIFF_SIZE $bsize $dsize";
                  if ($key eq '/') {
                     $deploy_info.="DEPLOY(a) $file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                     $debug_info.="DEPLOY $file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                     if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                        my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                  } else {
                     $deploy_info.="DEPLOY(b) $key/$file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                     $debug_info.="DEPLOY $key/$file - DIFF_SIZE\n";
                     if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                        my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                  print "DEPLOY NEEDED for KEY=$key and FILE=$file ",
                     "because DIFF SIZE BSIZE=$bsize and DSIZE=$dsize\n"
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "DEPLOY NEEDED for KEY=$key and FILE=$file ",
                     "because DIFF SIZE BSIZE=$bsize and DSIZE=$dsize\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}
                     if $dest_dir_status ne 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST';
                  $btime=~tr/ //;
                  if ($key ne '/') {
                  } else { $timekey=$file }
                  print "UPDATEING TIMEHASH1=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ",
                     "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n"
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "UPDATEING TIMEHASH1=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ",
                     "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               my ($bmndy,$bhr,$bmt)
                  =unpack('a5 x1 a2 x1 a2',$btime);
               my ($dmndy,$dhr,$dmt)
                  =unpack('a5 x1 a2 x1 a2',$dtime);
               if ($btime ne $dtime) {
                  unless ($dest_uname) {
                     if ($dest_uname eq 'cygwin') {
                        my $key_dir=($key ne '/')?"$key/":'/';
                           "stat \".$key_dir$file\"");
                        my $isto=(index $stdout,'Modify: ')+19;
                        $stdout=unpack("x$isto a2",$stdout);
                        my $st=unpack('x6 a2',
                        $dest_windows_daylight_savings=1 if $st!=$stdout;
                  my $btim=unpack('x6 a2',$btime);
                  my $dtim=unpack('x6 a2',$dtime);
                  my $btme=$btime;
                  my $dtme=$dtime;
                  my $testnum='';
                  if ($dtim<$btim) {
                  } else { $testnum=$dtim-$btim }
                  my $testdhr=$dtime;
                  my $testbhr=$btime;
                  if ($dhr eq '23') {
                  } else {
                     my $ddhr=$dhr+1;
                     $ddhr='0'.$ddhr if length $ddhr==1;
                  if ($bhr eq '23') {
                  } else {
                     my $bbhr=$bhr+1;
                     $bbhr='0'.$bbhr if length $bbhr==1;
                  if ((!($base_windows_daylight_savings &&
                        $dest_windows_daylight_savings)) &&
                        (($base_windows_daylight_savings &&
                        ($testbhr eq $dtime)) ||
                        ($dest_windows_daylight_savings &&
                        ($testdhr eq $btime)))) {
                     delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}
                        if $dest_dir_status ne 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST';
                     if ($key eq '/') {
                           "SKIP FILE $file - SAME_SIZE_TIME_STAMP1\n";
                     } else {
                           "SKIP FILE $key/$file - SAME_SIZE_TIME_STAMP1\n";
                         ="SAME $btime $bsize";
                  } elsif ($dtim<$btim &&
                         exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{
                         && lc($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$dhostlabel}
                         {'TimeStamp'}) eq 'newer') {
                         ="NEWR_TIME $btime $dtime";
                     if ($key eq '/') {
                        $deploy_info.="DEPLOY(c) $file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                        $debug_info.="DEPLOY $file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                        if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                           my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                     } else {
                        $deploy_info.="DEPLOY(d) $key/$file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                        $debug_info.="DEPLOY $key/$file - NEWR_TIME\n";
                        if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                           my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                     delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}
                        if $dest_dir_status ne 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST';
                  } else {
                        ="DIFF_TIME $btime $dtime";
                     if ($key eq '/') {
                        $deploy_info.="DEPLOY(e) $file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                        $debug_info.="DEPLOY $file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                        if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                           my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                     } else {
                        $deploy_info.="DEPLOY(f) $key/$file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                        $debug_info.="DEPLOY $key/$file - DIFF_TIME\n";
                        if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                           my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
                     delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}
                        if $dest_dir_status ne 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST';
               } else {
                  delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]{$file}
                     if $dest_dir_status ne 'DIR_NOT_ON_DEST';
                     ="SAME $btime $bsize";
                  if ($key eq '/') {
                        "SKIP FILE $file - SAME_SIZE_TIME_STAMP2\n";
                  } else {
                        "SKIP FILE $key/$file - SAME_SIZE_TIME_STAMP2\n";
            } else {
               if ($key eq '/') {
                  $deploy_info.="DEPLOY(g) $file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  $debug_info.="DEPLOY $file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                     my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
               } else {
                  $deploy_info.="DEPLOY(h) $key/$file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  $debug_info.="DEPLOY $key/$file - NOT_ON_DEST\n";
                  if (99<length "$key/$file") {
                     my $tmp_file_name="X_".time."_"
            $btime=~tr/ //;
            if ($key ne '/') {
            } else { $timekey=$file }
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "UPDATEING TIMEHASH3=> TIMEKEY(FILE)=$timekey ",
                     "and BYEAR=$byear and BTIME=$btime\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         if ($skip) {
            if ($deploy) {
               foreach my $key (@keys) {
            } else {
               delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}
                  if !keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]};
                  if ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'SOME'
                  && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'NOT_ON_DEST';
         } elsif ($deploy) {
         } else {
            delete ${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}
               if !keys %{${$destFH->{_dhash}}{$key}[1]};
               if ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'SOME'
               && ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{$key}[0] ne 'NOT_ON_DEST' 
               && !$deploy_empty_dir;
         } $deploy_empty_dir=0;
      } ${$baseFH->{_bhash}}{'/'}[0]='EXCLUDE' if !$deploy_needed;
   if ($@) {
      if (unpack('a10',$@) eq 'The System') {
         return '','','','',$@;
      } else {
         my $die="The System $hostlabel Returned"
                ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]." "
                ."line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       $@";
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die 
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         return '','','','',$die;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "KEYSBASEHASHTEST=",keys %{$baseFH->{_bhash}},"\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   return $baseFH, $destFH, $timehash, $deploy_info, $debug_info;


sub build_base_dest_hashes
#print "BBDH CALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my $modifiers='';my $mod_dirs_flag='';
   my $mod_files_flag='';my $s=0;
   my $num_of_included=0;my $num_of_excluded=0;
   my @modifiers=();
   my $base_or_dest_folder=$_[0];
   my $ms_share=$_[4];$ms_share||='';
   my $ms_domain=$_[5];$ms_domain||='';
   my $cygwin = (-1<index lc($_[6]),'cygwin') ? 1 : 0;
   my $cmd_handle=$_[7];$cmd_handle||='';
   my $base_dest=$_[8];
   my $lsgnu=$_[9];
   my $zipdir=$_[10]||'';
   my $bd='';
   $bd=($base_dest eq 'BASE')?'b':'d';
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   my %navhash=();
   eval {
      if ($_[2]) { # If we have Directives
         my @directives=@{$_[2]};my @delim=();
         foreach my $directive (@directives) {
            $s=0;$s=1 if $directive=~/^s/;
            if ($s==1 || substr($directive,0,1) eq 'm') {
            } else { $delim[0]=substr($directive,0,1); }
            if ($delim[0] eq '(') { $delim[1]=')' }
            elsif ($delim[0] eq '[') { $delim[1]=']' }
            elsif ($delim[0] eq '{') { $delim[1]='}' }
            else { $delim[1]=$delim[0] }
            my $rindex=rindex $directive,$delim[1];
            my $modifiers=lc(substr($directive,$rindex+1));
            my $regex=substr($directive,(index $directive,$delim[0])+1,
            my $perl_mods='';
            my $mods='';
            if ($directive=~/^s/) {
               $perl_mods.='g' if -1<index $modifiers,'g';
               $perl_mods.='e' if -1<index $modifiers,'e';
            } elsif (-1<index $modifiers,'e') { $mods.='e' }
            $perl_mods.='i' if -1<index $modifiers,'i';
            if (-1<index $modifiers,'d') {
               if ($s) {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,"s$mods",'d' ];
               } elsif (-1<index $modifiers,'e') {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,$mods,'d' ];
               } else {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,"${mods}i",'d' ];
               } $mod_dirs_flag=1;
            } else {
               if ($s) {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,"s$mods",'f' ];
               } elsif (-1<index $modifiers,'e') {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,$mods,'f' ];
               } else {
                  push @modifiers, [ qr/$regex/,$perl_mods,"${mods}i",'f' ];
               } $mod_files_flag=1;

         sub regx_prog
            my @topcaller=caller;
            print "regx_prog() CALLER=",
               (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "regx_prog() CALLER=",
               (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            my $ex=$_[0];my $type=$_[1];
            my $sub = sub {
               my $result=0;my $string='';$_[1]||='';
               if ($type eq 'f' && $_[1] ne ''
                     && -1<index ${$ex}[0],'/') {
                  if ($_[1] eq '/') {
                  } else {
               } else { $string=$_[0] }
               if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'s') {
                  if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'g') {
                     if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'i') {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#sgi;
                     } else {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#sg;
                  } else {
                     if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'i') {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#si;
                     } else {
                       $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#s;
               } elsif (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'m') {
                  if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'g') {
                     if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'i') {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#mgi;
                     } else {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#mg;
                  } else {
                     if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'i') {
                        $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#mi;
                     } else {
                       $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#m;
               } elsif (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'g') {
                  if (-1<index ${$ex}[1],'i') {
                     $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#gi;
                  } else {
                     $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#g;
               } else {
                  $result=1 if $string=~m#${$ex}[0]#;
               } return $result,${$ex}[2]||'';
            $sub; # Save Pound Sign
      my $len_dir='';my $archive_flag=0;
      if ($zipdir) {
         my $ln=substr(${$_[1]},0,(index ${$_[1]},"\n"));
         $len_dir=length " xx-xx-xx 00:00    $zipdir";
      } elsif (!$ms_share && !$ms_domain && !$cygwin) {
         $len_dir=(length $base_or_dest_folder)+2;
      } elsif ($base_or_dest_folder=~/$cmd_handle->{_cygdrive_regex}/) {
         my $tmp_basedest=$base_or_dest_folder;
         my $d=${$_[1]};
         my $i=index $d,'Directory of';
         $d=unpack("x$i a5",$d);
         $len_dir=length ".Directory.of${d}$tmp_basedest/";
      } elsif ($ms_share) {
         my $d=${$_[1]};
         my $i=index $d,'Directory of';
         $d=unpack("x$i a5",$d);
            if substr($base_or_dest_folder,-2) eq '/.';
      } elsif ($base_or_dest_folder=~/^\w:/) {
         my $d=${$_[1]};
         my $i=index $d,'Directory of';
         $d=unpack("x$i a5",$d);
         $len_dir=length ".Directory.of${d}$base_or_dest_folder/";
      } elsif ($cygwin) {
         my $tmp_bd=unpack('x1 a*',$base_or_dest_folder);
         $tmp_bd=substr($tmp_bd,(index $tmp_bd,'/'));
         my $d=${$_[1]};
         my $i=index $d,'Directory of';
         $d=unpack("x$i a5",$d);
         $len_dir=length ".Directory.of${d}$tmp_bd/";
      } else {
         my $d=${$_[1]};
         my $i=index $d,'Directory of';
         $d=unpack("x$i a5",$d);
         $len_dir=length ".Directory.of${d}$base_or_dest_folder/";
      my $time='';my $files_flag='';my $mn=0;my $dy=0;
      my $yr=0;my $hr=0;my $mt=0;my $pm='';my $size='';
      my $file='';my $fchar='';my $u='';my $tm='';
      my $g='';my $o='';my $topkey='';my $lchar_flag='';
      my $excluded_parent_dir=0;my $included_parent_dir=0;
      my $fileyr=0;my $bit=0;my $chmod='';
      my $cur_dir_excluded=0;my $file_count=0;my $dofiles=0;
      my @keys=();my $addbytes=0;my $nt5=0;
      my $prevkey='';my $savekey='';my $savetotal=0;
      ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{'/'}=[ 'ALL', {},
                      'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
      my $key='/';my $bytesize=0;my $total=0;
#if (!$cygwin) {
#print BK ${$_[1]};
#CORE::close BK;
      my @sublines=();my $lenflag=0;my $bs=0;my $bl=0;
      FL: foreach my $line (split /^/, ${$_[1]}) {
         my $parse=1;my $trak=0;
         if ($savekey) {
print "SAVEKEY=$savekey and LINE=$line<==\n";<STDIN>;
         next if $line=~/^\s*$/;
         WH: while ($parse || ($line=pop @sublines)) {
            if ($ms_share || $ms_domain
                          || $cygwin) { # If Base is MSWin
               unless ($lenflag) {
                  if (unpack('a1',$line) ne ' ') {
                     if (unpack('x24 a1',$line) eq '<') {
                     } else {
                  } else { next }
               if ($bl<length $line) {
                  if ($bs==23) {
                     if (unpack('x6 a4',$line)=~/^\d\d\d\d$/) {
                         unpack('a2 x1 a2 x3 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @23 a14 @38 a*'
                     } else {
                         unpack('a2 x1 a2 x1 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @23 a14 @38 a*'
                  } else {
                     if (unpack('x6 a4',$line)=~/^\d\d\d\d$/) {
                         unpack('a2 x1 a2 x3 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @24 a14 @39 a*'
                     } else {
                         unpack('a2 x1 a2 x1 a2 x2 a2 x1 a2 a1 @24 a14 @39 a*'
               } else { $mn=unpack('a2',$line) }
#if ($key=~/careers/) {
#print "MSWin_LINE=$line and KEY=$key and MN=$mn and file=$file and MT=$mt and SIZE=$size\n";
               next if $mn eq '' || $mn eq '  '
                              || unpack('a1',$size) eq '<';
               foreach my $pid_ts (@FA_Core::pid_ts) {
                  next FL if $file eq "rm${pid_ts}.bat"
                              || $file eq "cmd${pid_ts}.bat"
                              || $file eq "end${pid_ts}.flg"
                              || $file eq "err${pid_ts}.txt"
                              || $file eq "out${pid_ts}.txt";
               if ($file eq '' && $mn ne ' D') { next }
            } else { # Else Base is UNIX
#if ($line=~/entry_flash.swf/s && !$cygwin) {
#print "UNIX_LINE=$line<-- and KEY=$key and ZIPDIR=$zipdir\n";<STDIN>;
               next if $line eq '';
               my $lchar=substr($line,-1);
               if ($lchar eq '*' || $lchar eq '/' || $lchar eq ':') {
                  if ($lchar eq ':' && !$lchar_flag) {
                  } chop $line;
               my $endofline=substr($line,-2);
               if ($line=~s/^\s*([0-9]+)\s//) {
                  print "LS OUTPUT LINE=$line<==\n"
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "LS OUTPUT LINE=$line<==\n",
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  unless ($zipdir) {
                     ($fchar,$u,$g,$o)=unpack('a1 a3 a3 a3',$line);
                  } elsif ($bytesize==0) {
                  print "ADDING BYTES TO TOTAL ==>$bytesize<==\n",
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "ADDING BYTES TO TOTAL ==>$bytesize<==\n",
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  print "TOTAL BYTESIZE==>$addbytes<==\n",
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "TOTAL BYTESIZE==>$addbytes<==\n",
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  if ($endofline eq '..' || $endofline eq ' .') { next }
               } else {
                  ($fchar,$u,$g,$o)=unpack('a1 a3 a3 a3',$line);
                  if ($fchar eq 't') {
print "TOTAL=$total and ADDBYTES=$addbytes and PREVKEY=$prevkey\n";
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TOTAL=$total and ADDBYTES=$addbytes and "
#                     "PREVKEY=$prevkey\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     if ($dofiles && $total!=$addbytes) {
print "WE HAVE A PROBLEM HOUSTON and KEY=$prevkey<--\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WE HAVE A PROBLEM HOUSTON and KEY=$prevkey<--\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        $savetotal=unpack('x6 a*',$line);
                        die 'redo ls' if $key eq '/';
                        my $ls_path='';
                        if ($cmd_handle->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq
                              "__Master_${$}__" &&
                              exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ls'}) {
                           $ls_path.='/' if $ls_path!~/\/$/;
                        while (1) {
                              "${ls_path}ls --version") unless $lsgnu;
                           if ($lsgnu || (-1<index $stdout,'GNU')) {
                                 "${ls_path}ls -lRs --block-size=1 \'$key\'");
                           } else {
                                 "${ls_path}ls -lRs \'$key\'");
                              if $stderr;
                           my $add_bytes=0;
print "LS LOOPING STDOUT=$stdout\n";
                           foreach my $line (split /^/, $stdout) {
                              next if $line eq '';
                              if ($line=~/^total /) {
                                 $total+=unpack('x6 a*',$line);
                              my $lchar=substr($line,-1);
                              if ($lchar eq '*' || $lchar eq '/'
                                     || $lchar eq ':') {
                                 if ($lchar eq ':' && !$lchar_flag) {
                                 } chop $line;
                              my $endofline=substr($line,-2);
                              if ($line=~s/^\s*([0-9]+)\s//) {
                                 my $bytesize=$1;
                                 next if $bytesize!~/\d+/;
                                 ($fchar,$u,$g,$o)=unpack('a1 a3 a3 a3',$line);
                                 if ($endofline eq '..'
                                       || $endofline eq ' .') { next }
                                 push @sublines, $line;
                           } last if $add_bytes==$total;
                        } next WH;
                     } else {
print "ARE WE HERE AND LINE=$line<==\n";
                        $total=unpack('x6 a*',$line);
print "TOTAL BYTES FINAL TALLY==>$total<==\n";
                        print "TOTAL BYTES FINAL TALLY==>$total<==\n",
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "TOTAL BYTES FINAL TALLY ==>$total<==\n",
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        if (-1<index $total,'stdout:') {
                           push @sublines, $2;
               my $per=lc("$u$g$0");
               if ($fchar=~/[-dl]/ && (-1<index $per,'s'
                     || -1<index $per,'t')) {
                  if (-1<index lc($u),'s') {
                     if (-1<index lc($g),'s') {
                        if (-1<index lc($o),'t') {
                        } else {
                     } else {
                        if (-1<index lc($o),'t') {
                        } else {
                  if ($bit<6 && -1<index lc($g),'s') {
                     if (-1<index lc($o),'t') {
                     } else {
                  } elsif ($bit<2 && -1<index lc($o),'t') {
                  } else {
#if ($key=~/careers/) {
#if ($excluded_parent_dir) {
#   print "KEY=$key and MODS=@modifiers and EXCLUDE_PARENT_DIR=$excluded_parent_dir\n";
#} elsif ($included_parent_dir) {
#   print "KEY=$key and MODS=@modifiers and INCLUDE_PARENT_DIR=$included_parent_dir\n";
#print "CYGWINNNNN=$cygwin and FCHAR=$fchar and MN=$mn and SIZE=$size and KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
            if ((!$cygwin && $fchar eq '/') || ($mn eq ' D')) {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
#   print "VERYGOOGGDDDDD - WE ARE HERE and MOD=$mod_dirs_flag and LINE=$line\n";<STDIN>;
               if ($mod_dirs_flag) {
                  foreach my $modif (@modifiers) {
                     next if ${$modif}[3] eq 'f';
                     if (${$modif}[3] eq 'd') {
                        if ($len_dir<length $line) {
                           # Get New Directory Key
                           $key=unpack("x$len_dir a*",$line);
                           if ($ms_share || $ms_domain || $cygwin) {
                        if ($key ne '/') {
                           if (-1<index $key,'/') {
                              my $chkkey=$key;
                              while ($chkkey=substr($chkkey,0,
                                    (rindex $chkkey,'/'))) {
                                 unshift @keys, $chkkey;
                                 last if -1==index $chkkey,'/';
                           } else { unshift @keys, $key }
                        } unshift @keys, '/';
                        my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "KEY=$key and KEYSNOW33=@keys\n";
#if ($key eq '/') { # && $file=~/index/) {
#print "KEY=$key RETURN=$return and RETURNED_MODIF=$returned_modif\n";<STDIN>;
                        if ($return) {
                           if (-1<index $returned_modif,'e') {
                                 =[ 'EXCLUDE', {},
                                 'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
print "BASE_DEST=$base_dest and EXCLUDEDKEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
                              if ($base_dest eq 'BASE') {
                           } else {
                              ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'ALL', {},
                                 'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
                              foreach my $key (@keys) {
                                 if (${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[0]
                                       eq 'EXCLUDE') {
print "HERE I AMMM777 AND KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
                        } elsif ($excluded_parent_dir &&
                                length $excluded_parent_dir<length
                                $key && unpack("a".length $excluded_parent_dir,
                                $key) eq $excluded_parent_dir) {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
                           ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'EXCLUDE', {},
                                'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
                        } elsif ($included_parent_dir &&
                                length $included_parent_dir<length
                                $key && unpack("a".length $included_parent_dir,
                                $key) eq $included_parent_dir) {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
                           ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'ALL', {},
                                'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
                        } elsif ((-1<index ${$modif}[2],'i') &&
                              (-1==index ${$modif}[2],'e')) {
                           ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'EXCLUDE', {},
                                'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
                        } else {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
#print "OUTHASH_ELSE_KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
                           ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'ALL', {},
                              'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
                     } else {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
#print "YEERRRRR=$key\n";<STDIN>;
                        if ($len_dir<length $line) {
                           # Get New Directory Key
                           $key=unpack("x$len_dir a*",$line);
#print "KEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY=$key and LINE=$line and LENDIR=$len_dir\n";sleep 2;
#print "KEYHERERERERER2222222 and LINE=$line\n" if $key eq 'member/my_health/calculators/bmicalculator/images';
#<STDIN> if $key eq 'member/my_health/calculators/bmicalculator/images';
                           if ($ms_share || $ms_domain) {
                        ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'ALL', {},
                           'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
               } else {
                  if ($mod_files_flag &&
                        eq 'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
#if ($key=~/bmicalculator/) {
#print "HERE I AMMM888 AND KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
print "WHAT IS THE LEN_DIR=$len_dir and LINE=$line<==\n";
                  if ($len_dir<length $line) {
                     # Get New Directory Key
                     $key=unpack("x$len_dir a*",$line);
#print "KEYHERERERERER33333 and LINE=$line and len_dir=$len_dir and KEY=$key<==\n";sleep 5;# if $key eq 'member/my_health/calculators/bmicalculator/images';
#<STDIN> if $key eq 'member/my_health/calculators/bmicalculator/images';
                     if ($ms_share || $ms_domain) {
                  ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}=[ 'ALL', {},
                     'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR' ];
            } elsif ((!$cygwin && $fchar eq '-' || $zipdir) ||
                  ($cygwin && $mn ne ' D' && unpack('a5',$size) ne '<DIR>')) {
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "UNIXXXYYLINE=$line and CYGWINNNN=$cygwin and MN=$mn and SIZE=$size and FILE=$file and KEY=$key and ZIPDIR=$zipdir\n";<STDIN>;
               if (!$cygwin && ($fchar eq '-' || $fchar eq 'l')) {
                  my $up=unpack('x10 a*',$line);
                  $up=~s/^[.+ ]\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\d+\s+.*)$/$1/;
                  ($size,$mn,$dy,$tm,$file)=split / +/, $up, 5;
                  my $yr='';
                  if ($mn=~/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/) {
                  } elsif (-1==index 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec',
                        $mn) {
                     ($stdout,$stderr)=$cmd_handle->cmd("ls -l $file");
                     &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
                     my $lchar=substr($stdout,-1);
                     if ($lchar eq '*' || $lchar eq '/'
                            || $lchar eq ':') {
                        if ($lchar eq ':' && !$lchar_flag) {
                        } chop $line;
                     push @sublines, $stdout;
                     next WH;
                  $mn=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::month{$mn} if length $mn==3;
                  if (length $tm==4) {
                  } elsif ($yr) {
                     ($hr,$mt)=unpack('a2 @3 a2',$tm);
                  } else {
                     ($hr,$mt)=unpack('a2 @3 a2',$tm);
                     $yr=unpack('x1 a2',"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thisyear");
                     if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth<$mn-1) {
                        $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                     } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth==$mn-1) {
                        my $filetime=timelocal(
                        if (time()<$filetime) {
                           $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                  $file=s/ -> .*$// if -1<index $file,' -> ';
               } elsif ($zipdir) {
                  my $fullfile='';
                  ($dy,$tm,$fullfile)=split / +/, $line;
                  ($mn,$dy,$yr)=split '-', $dy;
                  ($hr,$mt)=split ':', $tm;
                  $file=substr($fullfile,(rindex $fullfile,'/')+1);
                  if ($fullfile ne $zipdir.'/'.$key.'/'.$file) {
                     my @kdirs=($key);
                     if (-1<index $key,'/') {
                        @kdirs=split '/',$key;
                     if ($#kdirs==0) {
                     } else {
                        while (pop @kdirs) {
                           my $di=join '/', @kdirs;
                           if ($fullfile eq $zipdir.'/'.$di.'/'.$file) {
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "CYGWINNNNN\n" if $cygwin;
#print "WITH CAREER AND FILE DIR=$key and FILE=$file and MODFILEFLAG=$mod_files_flag\n";#<STDIN>;
               if ($mod_dirs_flag && ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[0]
                      eq 'EXCLUDE') {
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "HERE WE ARE EXCLUDING and MODDIR=$mod_dirs_flag and OUTHASHENTRY=",${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{"$key"}[0],"\n";
                     =[ 'EXCLUDE','' ];
               } elsif ($mod_files_flag) {
                  foreach my $modif (@modifiers) {
                     if (${$modif}[3] eq 'f') {
                        my $return=0;my $returned_modif='';
                        my $fileyr=0;
#if ($key eq '/') {
#   print "FILE=$file and RETURN=$return and MODIF=$returned_modif\n";
#   <STDIN>;
                        if ($return || (-1<index $returned_modif,'e')) {
                           if ($return && (-1<index $returned_modif,'e')) {
                                 =[ 'EXCLUDE','' ];
                              if (${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[2] eq
                                   'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
                           } else {
                              if (!$ms_share && !$ms_domain && !$cygwin) {
                                 my $up=unpack('x10 a*',$line);
                                 my $rx=qr/\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\d+\s+.*)/;
                                 $up=~s/^[.+ ]$rx$/$1/;
                                 ($size,$mn,$dy,$tm,$file)=split / +/, $up, 5;
                                    if length $mn==3;
                                 $fileyr=0;my $hr=0;my $mt='';
                                 if (length $tm==4) {
                                 } else {
                                    ($hr,$mt)=unpack('a2 @3 a2',$tm);
                                    my $yr=unpack('x1 a2',
                                    if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth <
                                          $mn-1) {
                                       $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                                    } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth
                                          ==$mn-1) {
                                       my $filetime=timelocal(
                                       if (time()<$filetime) {
                                          $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                                 next if !$file;
                              } else {
                                 my $testyr=100+$yr;
                                 if ($testyr <
                                       $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thisyear) {
                                 } #elsif ($hr<13) {
                              } $chmod=" $chmod" if $chmod;
                              my $dt=(3==length $mn)?$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::month{$mn}:$mn;
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "GOOOOOOODDDDDFILE===$file and KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
                                 [ '',"$dt $dy $hr $mt $fileyr $size$chmod" ];
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "WE JUST DID OUTHASH and KEY=$key and $#{[keys %{$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}]}\n";
                              if (${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[2] eq
                                   'DEPLOY_NOFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
                        } else {
                              =[ 'EXCLUDE','' ];
                           if (${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[2] eq
                                 'DEPLOY_SOMEFILES_OF_CURDIR') {
                              if ($file_count==++$cur_dir_excluded) {
#if ($key eq '/') {
print "HERE WE ARE and KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
               } else {
                  my $fileyr=0;
                  if (!$cygwin) {
                     if ($zipdir) {
                        ($dy,$tm,$file)=split / +/, $line;
                        ($mn,$dy,$yr)=split '-', $dy;
                        ($hr,$mt)=split ':', $tm;
                        $file=substr($file,(rindex $file,'/')+1);
print "DY=$dy and MON=$mn and YR=$yr and HR=$hr and MT=$mt and FILE=$file<==\n";;
                     } else {
                        my $up=unpack('x10 a*',"$line");
                        $up=~s/^[.+ ]\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\d+\s+.*)$/$1/;
                        ($size,$mn,$dy,$tm,$file)=split / +/, $up, 5;
                        my $yr='';$fileyr='';
                        if ($mn=~/(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)/) {
                        if length $mn==3;
                     my ($hr,$mt)='';
                     if (length $tm==4) {
                     } elsif (!$fileyr) {
                        ($hr,$mt)=unpack('a2 @3 a2',$tm);
                        $yr=unpack('x1 a2',$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thisyear);
                        if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth<$mn-1) {
                           $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                        } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thismonth==$mn-1) {
                           my $filetime=timelocal(
                           if (time()<$filetime) {
                              $yr="0$yr" if 1==length $yr;
                     $file=s/ -> .*$// if -1<index $file,' -> ';
                  } else {
                     my $testyr="1$yr";
                     if ($testyr<$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::thisyear) {
                     } #elsif ($hr<13) {
                  } $chmod=" $chmod" if $chmod;
                  my $dt=(3==length $mn)?$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::month{$mn}:$mn;
#if ($key eq '/') {
#print "GOOOOOOODDDDDFILE222===$file and KEY=$key\n";<STDIN>;
                     [ '',"$mn $dy $hr $mt $fileyr $size$chmod" ];
#if ($key=~/pdf|common|stylesheet|header/ && $file=~/index/ && !$cygwin) {
#print "JUST UPDATED OUTHASH=",@{${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{$key}[1]{$file}},"\n";<STDIN>;
   if ($@) {
      return '','redo ls' if unpack('a7',$@) eq 'redo ls';
      if (unpack('a10',$@) eq 'The System') {
         return '',$@;
      } else {
         my $hostlabel='localhost' if ${$cmd_handle->{_hostlabel}}[0]
               eq "__Master_${$}__";
         my $die="FATAL ERROR! - The System $hostlabel Returned"
                ."\n              the Following Unrecoverable Error "
                ."Condition\n              at ".(caller(0))[1]." "
                ."line ".(caller(0))[2]." :\n\n       ".$@;
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         return '', $die;
   } ${$cmd_handle->{"_${bd}hash"}}{"___%EXCluD%E--NUMOFFILES"}=$num_of_included;
   return '','';


package Rem_Command;

# Handle INT SIGNAL interruption
# local $SIG{ INT } = sub{ print "I AM HERE" };

sub new {
   print "Rem_Command::new CALLER=",caller,"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "Rem_Command::new CALLER=",(caller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   our $timeout=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout;
   our $test=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test;
   my $self = { };
   my $class=ref $_[0]||$_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $new_master=$_[2]||'';
   my $_connect=$_[3]||'';
   my $override_login_id=$_[4]||'';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $chk_id='';
   if ($su_id) { $chk_id=$su_id }
   elsif ($login_id) { $chk_id=$login_id }
   else { $chk_id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username }
   my $cmd_handle='';my $work_dirs='';my $cmd_type='';
   my $ftm_type='';my $stderr='';my $cmd_pid='';my $shell='';
   my $shell_pid=0;my $cygdrive='';my $smb='';
   if ($stderr) {
      $stderr=~s/(at .*)$/\n\n       $1/s;
      my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR! - $stderr";
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      return $cmd_handle,$die if wantarray;
   if ($smb) {
      $self->{_hostlabel}=[ $hostlabel,
         $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy[0] ];
   } else {
      $self->{_hostlabel}=[ $hostlabel,'' ];
   if ($cygdrive) {
   return $self,''


sub handle_error
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::handle_error() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "Rem_Command::handle_error() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   return &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(@_);

sub close
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::close() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "Rem_Command::close() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
   if (defined fileno $self->{_cmd_handle}) {
      my $gone=1;my $was_a_local=0;
      eval {  # eval is for error trapping. Any errors are
              # handled by the "if ($@)" block at the bottom
              # of this routine.
         CM: while (defined fileno $self->{_cmd_handle}) {
                           "printf $funkyprompt");
            while (my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "cleanup() LINE_3=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               last if $line=~/logout|221\sGoodbye/sx;
               if ($line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s) {
                  my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               } elsif (($line=~/Killed|_funkyPrompt_/s) ||
                     ($line=~/[:\$%>#-] ?$/s) ||
                     ($line=~/sion denied.*[)][.]\s*$/s)) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "cleanup() SHOULD BE LAST CM=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  $gone=0;last CM;
               } elsif (-1<index $line,
                     'Connection to localhost closed') {
                  last CM;
               } elsif ($line=~/Connection.*closed/s) {
                  last CM;
               if ($line=~/^\s*$|^\s*exit\s*$/s) {
                  last CM if $count++==20;
               } else { $count=0 }
               if (-1<index $line,'assword:'
                  || -1<index $line,'Permission denied') {
      if ($@) {
         if ((-1<index $@,'read error: Connection aborted')
               || (-1<index $@,'read timed-out')
               || (-1<index $@,'filehandle isn')
               || (-1<index $@,'input or output error')) {
         } else { $self->{_cmd_handle}->close();die "$@       $!" }
   } $self->{_cmd_handle}->close();
   delete $self->{_cmd_handle};
   return 0;


sub get
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::get() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "Rem_Command::get() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $stderr="ERROR MESSAGE! :"
             ."\n\n                The $self->{_connect} method does"
             ."\n                not enable file transfer get()"
             ."\n                functionality. To do file transfer"
             ."\n                transfer use a method such as"
             ."\n                \'connect_secure\' or \'connect_host\'"
             ."\n                etc.\n\n";
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',"\n\n        ".(caller(1))[3]." $stderr       at ".
                $topcaller[1]." - Line $topcaller[2].\n";
   } else {

sub put
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "Rem_Command::put() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "Rem_Command::put() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $stderr="ERROR MESSAGE! :"
             ."\n\n                The $self->{_connect} method does"
             ."\n                not enable file transfer put()"
             ."\n                functionality. To do file transfer"
             ."\n                transfer use a method such as"
             ."\n                \'connect_secure\' or \'connect_host\'"
             ."\n                etc.\n\n";
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',"\n\n       ".(caller(1))[3]." $stderr       at ".
                $topcaller[1]." - Line $topcaller[2].\n";
   } else {

sub cmd_login
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }

   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd_login() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $hostlabel=$_[0];
   my $new_master=$_[1]||0;
   my $_connect=$_[2]||'';
   my $override_login_id=$_[3]||'';
   my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
   my $timeout=$_[4]||$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::timeout;
print "WE GOT HOSTLABEL=$hostlabel<==\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WE GOT HOSTLABEL=$hostlabel<==\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   if ($override_login_id) {
print "WE ARE BACK FROM LOOKUP and HOSTNAME=$hostname<==\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WE ARE BACK FROM LOOKUP<==\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
   } elsif (!$cdtimeout) {
      $cdtimeout=$timeout if !$cdtimeout;
   $login_id=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::username if !$login_id;
   my $cmd_handle='';my $work_dirs='';my $cmd_type='';my $smb=0;
   my $ftm_type='';my $use_su_login='';my $id='';my $cygwin='';
   my $su_login='';my $die='';my $login_passwd='';my $ms_su_id='';
   my $ms_ms_domain='';my $ms_ms_share='';my $ms_login_id='';
   my $ms_hostlabel='';my $ms_host='';my $smb_type='';
   my $cmd_errmsg='';my $host='';my $output='';my $shell_pid=0;
   my $retrys=0;my $login_tries=0;my $cmd_pid='';my $shell='';
   my $su_scrub='';my @connect_method=();
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('',''); 
   if (lc(${$ftr_cnct}[0]) eq 'smb') {
      if ($use eq 'hostname') {
      } else {
      my $smbtimeout=$cdtimeout;
      $host=($use eq 'ip')?$ip:$hostname;
      if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
      } elsif (!$cdtimeout) {
         $cdtimeout=$timeout if !$cdtimeout;
      $cdtimeout=$smbtimeout if $cdtimeout<$smbtimeout;
      if (!$login_id && !$su_id) {
      my $loginid = ($su_id) ? $su_id : $login_id;
      $use_su_login=1 if $su_id;
   } else {
   $host=($use eq 'ip')?$ip:$hostname;
   $host='localhost' if exists $same_host_as_Master{$host};
   if ($host eq 'localhost' &&
         exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Local'}) {
      my $loc=$Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'Local'};
      unless ($loc eq 'connect_ssh'
             || $loc eq 'connect_telnet'
             || $loc eq 'connect_ssh_telnet'
             || $loc eq 'connect_telnet_ssh') {
          my $die="\n       FATAL ERROR - \"Local\" has "
                 ."*NOT* been Properly\n              Defined in the "
                 ."\"$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::fa_host\" File.\n"
                 ."              This "
                 ."Element must have one of the following\n"
                 ."              Values:\n\n       "
                 ."          'connect_ssh'or 'connect_telnet'\n       "
                 ."          'connect_ssh_telnet' or\n       "
                 ."          'connect_telnet_ssh'\n\n"
                 ."       \'$loc\' is INCORRECT.\n\n";
          print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $die
             if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
             -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_ssh') {
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_telnet') {
      } elsif ($loc eq 'connect_ssh_telnet') {
      } else {
   } else { @connect_method=@{$cmd_cnct} }
   my $previous_method='';my $sshloginid='';
   my $ignore='';my $preferred=0;my $outpt='';my $cygdrive='';my $prompt='';
   while (1) {
      undef $@;
      eval {
         if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__" && !$new_master) {
         } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
   "GOINGKKK FOR NEW CMD_HANDLE and CONNECT_METH=@connect_method<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
my $w2loop=0;
            WH: while (1) {
               my $rm_cnt=-1;
               CM3: foreach my $connect_method (@connect_method) {
                  if ($previous_method && !$preferred) {
                     print "Warning, Preferred Connection ",
                        "$previous_method Failed\n"
                        if ((!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                        $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) &&
                  } else { $previous_method=$connect_method }
                  if (lc($connect_method) eq 'telnet') {
                     eval { 
                        my $telnetpath='';
                        if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'telnet'}) {
                           $telnetpath.='/' if $telnetpath!~/\/$/;
                           or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                           "couldn't launch telnet subprocess");
#print "CMD_PIDTELNETNNNNNNN=$cmd_pid<====\n";
                        $cmd_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $cmd_handle,
                           Timeout => $cdtimeout);
                        if ($su_id) {
                              [ $cmd_handle,$cmd_pid,'','' ];
                        } else {
                              [ $cmd_handle,$cmd_pid,'','' ];
                     if ($@) {
                        #if ($rm_cnt==$#connect_method) {
                        if (1<=$#connect_method) {
                           undef $@;next;
                        } else {
                           my $die=$@;undef $@;
                           die $die;
                     while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get) {
#print "TELNET_CMD_HANDLE_LINE=$line\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TELNET_CMD_HANDLE_LINE=$line\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        my $showline=$line;
                        print $showline if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                                        || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $showline
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                              -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        if (-1<index $line,'Connection refused') {
                              if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid);
                              if &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($cmd_pid);
                           if ($su_id) {
                              delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                           } else {
                              delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                           if (1<=$#connect_method) {
                           #if ($rm_cnt==$#connect_method) {
                              next CM3;
                           } else {
                        if (-1<index $line,'CYGWIN') {
                           if ($su_id) {
                              if ($su_id ne $login_id) {
                              } else { $su_id='' }
                              my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                              delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                        } elsif (-1<index $line,'AIX') {
                        last if $line=~
                           /(?<!Last )login[: ]+$|username[: ]+$/i;
                     if ($cmd_errmsg &&
                           (-1==index $cmd_errmsg,'Cannot su to')) {
                     } else {
                     if ($cmd_handle->errmsg) {
                     } $cmd_type='telnet';
                           { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                             _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                             _connect=>$_connect });
                     if ($stderr && $rm_cnt!=$#connect_method) {
                        next CM3;
                     } last
                  } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'ssh') {
                     my $sshpath=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sshpath;
                     eval {
                        if (exists $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'ssh'}) {
                           $sshpath.='/' if $sshpath!~/\/$/;
                        my $sshport='';
                        if (exists $Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                        if ($sshport) {
                              or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                              "couldn't launch ssh subprocess");
                        } else {
                              or &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error(
                              "couldn't launch ssh subprocess");
                        $cmd_handle=Net::Telnet->new(Fhopen => $cmd_handle,
                           Timeout => $cdtimeout);
                        if ($su_id) {
                              [ $cmd_handle,$cmd_pid,'','' ];
                        } else {
                              [ $cmd_handle,$cmd_pid,'','' ];
                     if ($@) {
                        if ($rm_cnt==$#connect_method) {
                           undef $@;next;
                        } else {
                           my $die=$@;undef $@;
                           die $die;
                     if ($cmd_errmsg &&
                           (-1==index $cmd_errmsg,'Cannot su to')) {
                     } else {
                     } $cmd_type='ssh';
                     ## Wait for password prompt.
                           { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                             _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                             _connect=>$_connect },0,'_notnew_');
                     if ($stderr) {
                        if ($rm_cnt!=$#connect_method) {
                           next CM3;
                        } else {
                           die $stderr;
                  } last
               if ($stderr) {
                  if ((20<length $stderr && unpack('a21',$stderr)
                        eq 'A remote host refused') ||
                        (31<length $stderr && (unpack('a32',$stderr)
                        eq 'ftp: connect: Connection refused' ||
                        unpack('a32',$stderr) eq
                        'ftp: connect: Attempt to connect')) && (exists
                           $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy[0]})) {
                     unless ($cmd_errmsg) {
                        if ($use eq 'hostname') {
                        } else {
                        if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
                        } elsif (!$cdtimeout) {
                           $cdtimeout=$timeout if !$cdtimeout;
                        if (!$login_id && !$su_id) {
                     } my $loginid = ($su_id) ? $su_id : $login_id;
                     $use_su_login=1 if $su_id;
                     if ($_connect eq 'connect_ssh'
                           || $_connect eq 'connect_secure') {
                     } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_telnet'
                           || $_connect eq 'connect_insecure') {
                     } elsif ($_connect eq 'connect_host') {
                     } else { @{$cmd_cnct}=('telnet','ssh') }
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($@) }
               } last
            if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug &&
                  !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet &&
                  $hostlabel!~/^__Master/) {
               # Logging (5)
               print "\n       Logging into $host ($hostlabel) via $cmd_type  . . .\n\n";
            } elsif ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
               print "\n       Logging (5) into $host ($hostlabel) via $cmd_type  . . .\n\n";
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "\n       Logging (5) into $host ($hostlabel) via $cmd_type  . . .\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
               && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            ## Send password.
if (0) {
            $cmd_handle->print('cmd /Q /C "set /A '.
                         ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
                         '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath.
                         'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2].
                         '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
            my $output='';my $ct=0;my $tymeout=2;
            while (1) {
               if (($ct==1) && (5<$timeout)) {
               } elsif (($ct==2) && (10<$timeout)) {
               } elsif (2<$ct) {
               eval {

                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd_login() ",
                     "STARTING \$cmd_handle->get() LOOP inside eval COUNT=$ct",
                     "\n       LOOKING FOR CMD PROMPT AFTER PASSWORD OUTPUT ",
                     "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd_login() ",
                     "STARTING \$cmd_handle->get() LOOP inside eval COUNT=$ct",
                     "\n       LOOKING FOR CMD PROMPT AFTER PASSWORD OUTPUT",
                     "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&

                  while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(Timeout=>$tymeout)) {

                     $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "read timed-out\n" }; # \n required
                     alarm $timeout+1;

                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                        "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() $ct ",
                        " (Timeout=$tymeout):\n       ==>$line<==\n       ",
                        "SEPARATOR=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                        "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() $ct ",
                        " (Timeout=$tymeout):\n       ==>$line<==\n       ",
                        "SEPARATOR=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                        "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&

                     if ($line=~/(?<!Last )login[: ]*$/m ||
                          unpack('a10',$line) eq 'Login inco'
                           || (-1<index $line,'Perm')) {
                        while (1) {
                           last if $previous_method eq $connect_method[0];
                           shift @connect_method;
                        alarm 0;
                        if ($output=~/^.*(Perm.*)$/s) {
                           my $one=$1;
                           if ($output=~/^.*(No more auth.*)$/s) {
                              die "$1\n";
                           } die "$one\n";
                        die "$output\n";
                     } elsif ($line=~/Connection (?:closed|reset)/s) {
                        alarm 0;
                        die "$output\n";
                     if ($outpt=~
                           /${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_-(.*)$/s) {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() ",
                           "PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVIED:\n       ",
                           "==>$prompt<==\n       SEPARATOR=".
                           "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() ",
                           "PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVED:\n       ",
                           "==>$line<==\n       SEPARATOR=",
                           "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        alarm 0;
                     } elsif ($outpt=~/^((?:bash)*[\$%#>])\s?cmd \//m) {
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                           "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() ",
                           "PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVIED:\n       ",
                           "==>$prompt<==\n       SEPARATOR=cmd \/",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() ",
                           "PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVED:\n       ",
                           "==>$line<==\n       SEPARATOR=cmd \/",
                           "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        alarm 0;
                     alarm 0;
               if ($@) {
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() (eval) ERROR \"set\" ",
                     "cmd:\n       ==>$@<==\n       SEPARATOR=",
                     "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                     "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() (eval) ERROR \"set\" ",
                     "cmd:\n       ==>$@<==\n       SEPARATOR=",
                     "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                     "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                     && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                  my $ev_err=$@;
                  if ($ev_err=~/read timed-out/s && $ct++<3) {
                     $cmd_handle->print('cmd /Q /C "set /A '.
                         ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
                         '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath.
                         'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2].
                         '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
                  } elsif ($sshloginid &&
                        $ev_err=~/Permission denied/s) {
                     if ($ev_err=~/No more auth/s) {
                        die $ev_err;
                     } else {
                        $cmd_handle->print('cmd /Q /C "set /A '
                           .${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
                           '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath.
                           'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2]
                           '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
                  } else { die $ev_err }
               } else { last }
               "export PS1=_funkyPrompt_;unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               if $cfh_error;
            # Find out what the shell is.
            #$cmd_handle->print('set | ${greppath}grep SHELL=');
               { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                 _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
               'set | ${greppath}grep SHELL=');
# --CONTINUE-- print "WHAT IS THE SHELL=$shell<==\n";
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               if $cfh_error;
            my $ctt=2;
            while ($ctt--) {
                  { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'uname');
               if (!$uname && !$stderr) {
                     if $cfh_error;
               } last if $uname;
            die 'no-uname' if !$uname || $stderr;

            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() UNAME: ==>$uname<==",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() UNAME: ==>$uname<==",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
               && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;

            if (lc($uname)=~/cygwin/) {
            } elsif ($uname eq 'AIX') {


               { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                 _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'echo $$');
            if (!$shell_pid) {
               $cmd_handle->print;my $ct=0;
                  'printf \\\\041\\\\041;echo $$;'.
                  'printf \\\\045\\\\045');
               my $allins='';$ct=0;
               while (1) {
                  eval {
                     while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(
                              Timeout=>5)) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "SHELLPIDLINEEEERRRRRRRR=$allins<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        if ($allins=~/!!(.*)%%/) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "SHELLPIDRRRRR**AAAAA=$shell_pid<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  if ($@) {
                  } elsif (!$shell_pid && $ct++<50) {
                  } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "SHELL_PIDRRRRR**BBBB=$shell_pid<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
#print "WHAT IS SHELLPID_CMD_LOGIN=$shell_pid<=**=**=**=**=**=**=**=**=\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            #&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
            if ($su_id) {
            } else {
            if (!$cygwin) {
               if ($su_id) {
                  my ($ignore,$su_err)=
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($su_err) if $su_err;

if (0) {
                  # Make sure prompt won't match anything in send data.
                  $cmd_handle->print("export PS1=\'$prompt\';".
                                     "unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
                  my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                     if $cfh_error;
            } else {
                  "mount -p at Line: ".__LINE__,1);
                  { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },
                  "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::mountpath}mount -p");
         if (!$uname) {
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               if $cfh_error;
               { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                 _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'uname');
            if (!$uname) {
                  'printf \\\\041\\\\041;uname;'.
                  'printf \\\\045\\\\045');
               my $allins='';my $ct=0;
               while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get) {
                  if ($allins=~/!!(.*)%%/) {
                  } else {
                  } last if $ct++==10;
               if $cfh_error;
            if (lc($uname)=~/cygwin/) {
            } elsif ($uname eq 'AIX') {
         if ($smb && $ms_ms_share) {
            my $msloginid = ($ms_su_id) ? $ms_su_id : $ms_login_id;
            my $mspasswd=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::getpasswd(
            my $host=$ms_host;
            my $mswin_cwd='';
            &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') if $stderr;
            if (!$FA_Core::tran[0] && defined $transfer_dir) {
                  { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,
                                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy[0] ]
                  },'cd '.${$work_dirs}{_tmp});
               if ($stderr) {
                  my $die="Cannot cd to TransferDir -> "
                         ."\n       $stderr";
            } else {
                  "No TransferDir Defined for $hostlabel");
         } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
   "FTM_TYPE=$ftm_type and CMD_TYPE=$cmd_type ".
   "and CMD_HANDLE=$cmd_handle<====\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                       $hostlabel,{ _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                       _uname=>$uname },$cmd_type,$cygdrive,
            my $curdir='';
            if ($uname eq 'cygwin') {
                  { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ]
               &handle_error("$stderr at Line ".__LINE__,'-1') if $stderr;
               my $cdr='';
               if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cygpathw{$curdir}) {
               } else {
                     { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ]
                     },"cygpath -w \"$curdir\"");
                  &handle_error("$stderr at Line ".__LINE__,'-1') if $stderr;
            } else {
                  { _cmd_handle=>$cmd_handle,
                    _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ] },'pwd');
               &handle_error("$stderr at Line ".__LINE__,'-1') if $stderr;
               $curdir.='/' if $curdir ne '/';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "CURDIRDETERMINED!!!!!!=$curdir<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      if ($@) {
print "WHAT IS THE CMD_ERR=$@\n";<STDIN>;
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
            "\ncmd_login() Login ERROR!".
            " - The Username or Password is INCORRECT\n",
            "       $cmd_errmsg -> Login Name Used: $use_su_login\n",
            "       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         print "\ncmd_login() Login ERROR!".
            " - The Username or Password is INCORRECT\n",
            "       $cmd_errmsg -> Login Name Used: $use_su_login\n",
            "       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         if ((-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'timed-out') ||
               (-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'filehandle isn') ||
               (-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'no-uname')) {
print "WHAT IS THE ERROR=$cmd_errmsg<===\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WHAT IS THE ERROR=$cmd_errmsg<=== and RETRYS=$retrys\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
#&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$@ and LINE=$outpt",'__cleanup__') if $outpt;
            if ($retrys<2) {
               if (($su_login || $use_su_login) &&
                     exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}
                     {$su_id}{"cmd_su_$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pcnt"}) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}{$su_id}
               } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                     {"cmd_id_$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pcnt"}) {
                  delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
                  $shell_pid,$kill_arg) if
                  $shell_pid && &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid);
                  $cmd_pid,$kill_arg) if
            } else {
               my $host= $hostname ? $hostname : $ip;
               $cmd_errmsg="$@\n\n        While Attempting "
                   . "Login to $host\n       -> HostLabel "
                   . "\'$hostlabel\'\n\n";
               if (-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'timed-out') {
                  $cmd_errmsg.=" \'$hostlabel\'\n\n       Current Timeout "
                             ."Setting is ->  $cdtimeout seconds.";
               } &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($cmd_errmsg);
         } my $die_login_id='';
         if (($su_login || $use_su_login) &&
               exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}
               {$su_id}{"cmd_su_$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pcnt"}) {
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}{$su_id}
               $shell_pid,$kill_arg) if $shell_pid
               && &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid);
               $cmd_pid,$kill_arg) if 
         } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{
               {"cmd_id_$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::pcnt"}) {
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hostlabel}{$login_id}
               $shell_pid,$kill_arg) if $shell_pid
               && &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::testpid($shell_pid);
               $cmd_pid,$kill_arg) if   
         if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron) {
            if ($su_login || $use_su_login) {
            } else {
         my $unam='';
         if (-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'Cannot su to') {
            if (2<=$retrys) {
               if ($retrys==3) {
               } else { $retrys++;next }
            } else { $retrys++;next }
         } elsif ($cmd_errmsg=~/invalid log|ogin incor|sion den/s
                    && $cmd_errmsg!~/No more auth/s) {
            if ($ms_domain && 2<=$retrys) {
               $cmd_errmsg.="\n       WARNING! - You may be in"
                         ." Danger of locking out MS Domain\n"
                         ."                  ID - $login_id!\n\n";
               if ($retrys==3) {
               } else { $retrys++;next }
            } elsif (2<=$retrys) {
               $unam='MS Windows' if $unam eq 'cygwin';
               $cmd_errmsg.="\n       WARNING! - You may be in"
                          ." Danger of locking out $unam\n"
                          ."                  $hostlabel ID - "
               if ($retrys==3) {
               } else { $retrys++;next }
            } else { $retrys++;next }
         my $c_t=$cmd_type;$c_t=~s/^(.)/uc($1)/e;
         if (-1<index $cmd_errmsg,'Could not resolve hostname') {
            ($die=$cmd_errmsg)=~s/: hostname/:\n\n       hostname/s;
         } else {
            $die="The System $hostname Returned\n              the "
                ."Following Unrecoverable Error Condition\,\n"
                ."              Rejecting the $c_t Login Attempt "
                ."of the ID\n              -> $die_login_id "
                ."at ".(caller(2))[1]." line ".(caller(2))[2]
                ." :\n\n       $cmd_errmsg";
         $die.="\n       While Attempting "
             . "Login to $host\n       -> HostLabel "
             . "\'$hostlabel\'\n\n";
         if ($ms_domain
                && $cmd_errmsg=~/invalid log|ogin incor|ogon fail/) {
            $die.="\nHint: Your MS Domain -> $ms_domain Login ID may be "
                ."locked out.\n      Contact Your System "
                ."Administrator for Assistance.\n\n";
      } else { last }
      last if $die;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
   "GETTTING OUT OF HERE!!!!!==>cmd_login()\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
#$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=0 if $logreset;
   return $cmd_handle,$work_dirs,$uname,$cmd_type,$ftm_type,$smb,

} ## END of &cmd_login()

sub wait_for_prompt {

   my $cmd_handle=$_[0];
   my $timeout=$_[1];
   my @connect_method=@{$_[2]};
   my $hostlabel=$_[3];
   my $from_su=$_[4]||'';
   unless ($from_su) {
      $cmd_handle->print('cmd /Q /C "set /A '.
             ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
             '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath.
             'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2].
             '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
   my $previous_method='';my $sshloginid='';my $ignore='';
   my $preferred=0;my $outpt='';my $cygdrive='';my $prompt='';
   my $output='';my $ct=0;my $tymeout=1;
   while (1) {
      if (($ct==1) && (5<$timeout)) {
      } elsif (($ct==2) && (10<$timeout)) {
      } elsif (2<$ct) {
      eval {

         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
            "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd_login() ",
            "STARTING \$cmd_handle->get() LOOP inside eval COUNT=$ct",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd_login() ",
            "STARTING \$cmd_handle->get() LOOP inside eval COUNT=$ct",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&

         while (my $line=$cmd_handle->get(Timeout=>$tymeout)) {

            $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "read timed-out\n" }; # \n required
            alarm $timeout+1;

            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() $ct ",
               "(Timeout=$tymeout):\n       ==>$line<==\n       ",
               "SEPARATOR=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() $ct ",
               "(Timeout=$tymeout):\n       ==>$line<==\n       ",
               "SEPARATOR=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&

            if ($line=~/(?<!Last )login[: ]*$/m ||
                  unpack('a10',$line) eq 'Login inco'
                  || (-1<index $line,'Perm')) {
               while (1) {
                  if (-1<$#connect_method) {
                     last if $previous_method eq $connect_method[0];
                     shift @connect_method;
               alarm 0;
               if ($output=~/^.*(Perm.*)$/s) {
                  my $one=$1;
                  if ($output=~/^.*(No more auth.*)$/s) {
                     die "$1\n";
                  } die "$one\n";
               die "$output\n";
            } elsif ($line=~/Connection (?:closed|reset)/s) {
               alarm 0;
               die "$output\n";
            if ($outpt=~
                  /${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_-(.*)$/s) {
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVIED:",
                  "\n       ==>$prompt<==\n       SEPARATOR=".
                  "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVED:",
                  "\n       ==>$line<==\n       SEPARATOR=",
                  "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               alarm 0;
            } elsif ($outpt=~/^((?:bash)*[\$%#>])\s?cmd \//m) {
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVIED:",
                  "\n       ==>$prompt<==\n       SEPARATOR=cmd \/",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() PROMPT DYNAMICALLY DERIVED:",
                  "\n       ==>$line<==\n       SEPARATOR=cmd \/",
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               alarm 0;
            alarm 0;
      if ($@) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
            "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() (eval) ERROR \"set\" cmd:\n       ",
            "==>$@<==\n       SEPARATOR=",
            "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         print "\nRem_Command::cmd_login() (eval) ERROR \"set\" cmd:\n       ",
            "==>$@<==\n       SEPARATOR=",
            "${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[0]_- ",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
            && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
         my $ev_err=$@;
         if ($ev_err=~/read timed-out/s && $ct++<3) {
            $cmd_handle->print('cmd /Q /C "set /A '.
                ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
                '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath.
                'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2].
                '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
         } elsif ($sshloginid &&
               $ev_err=~/Permission denied/s) {
            if ($ev_err=~/No more auth/s) {
               die $ev_err;
            } else {
               $cmd_handle->print('cmd /Q /C "set /A '
                  .${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[1].'&echo _-"'.
                  '|| '.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::printfpath.
                  'printf \\\\'.${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::uhray}[2]
                  '\\\\137\\\\055 2>/dev/null');
         } else { die $ev_err }
      } else { last }
      "export PS1=_funkyPrompt_;unset PROMPT_COMMAND");
   my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
      if $cfh_error;
   return $cmd_handle;

} ## END OF &wait_for_prompt

sub ftpcmd
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::ftpcmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nRem_Command::ftpcmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $handle=$_[0];
   my $cmd=$_[1];my $ftperr='';my $return_all=0;
   if (1<$#_) {
      if ($_[2] eq '__return_all_output__') {
   my $hostlabel=$handle->{_hostlabel}->[1]
      || $handle->{_hostlabel}->[0];
   my $ftm_type=$handle->{_ftm_type};
   my $output='';my $nfound='';my $allbytes='';
   my $ready='';my $more='';my $retrys=0;
   my $stdout='';my $stderr='';my $hashcount=0;
   my $keepcount=0;my $gpfile='';my $seen=0;
   $gpfile=unpack('a3',$cmd) if 2<length $cmd;
   my $prcnt=0;my $firstvisit=0;my $gf='';
   if ($gpfile eq 'get' || $gpfile eq 'put') {
      my $ex=($gpfile eq 'put')?'!':'';
      chomp $gpfile;my $lsline='';
      if ($gf eq $gpfile && (-1<index $gpfile,' ')) {
         $gf=substr($gf,0,(index $gf,' '));
      my $gfp='';
      if ($ftm_type eq 'sftp') {
         $gfp=' '.substr($gf,0,(rindex $gf,'/'));
         $gfp='' if (-1==index $gfp,'/');
      print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::ftpcmd() (S)FTP OUTPUT FROM (!)ls cmd:\n       ",
         "OUTPUT=$output<== and STDERR=$stderr<==\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
         "\nRem_Command::ftpcmd() (S)FTP OUTPUT FROM (!)ls cmd:\n       ",
         "OUTPUT=$output<== and STDERR=$stderr<==\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      if ($stderr) {
         if (wantarray) {
            return $output,$stderr;
         } else {
      } my $gpf=substr($gf,(rindex $gf,'/')+1);
      foreach my $line (split /^/, $output) {
         if (-1<index $line,'total 0') {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '',"$cmd: No Files Found";
            } else {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$cmd: No Files Found");
         next if unpack('a1',$line) ne '-';
         if ($line=~s/$gpf$//) {
#print "LSLINE=$line and GPF=$gpf\n";
      if (!$lsline) {
#print "WHAT IS THE CMD=${ex}ls -l$gfp\n";
         ($output,$stderr)=&ftpcmd($handle,"${ex}ls -l$gfp");
#print "OUTPUT=$output and STDERR=$stderr\n";
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         foreach my $line (split /^/, $output) {
#print "SFTPOUTPUTLINE=$line<==\n";
            if (-1<index $line,'total 0') {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',"$cmd: No Files Found";
               } else {
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error("$cmd: No Files Found");
            next if unpack('a1',$line) ne '-';
            if ($handle->{_luname} eq 'cygwin') {
               if ($line=~/$gf$/i) {
            } else {
               if ($line=~/$gf$/) {
      my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
      my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
#print "LSLINE1=$lsline<==\n";
#print "LSLINE2=$lsline<==\n";
      if ($ftm_type ne 'sftp') {
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
#print "ALLBYTES=$allbytes<==\n";
   } else { $gpfile='' }
   eval {
   if ($@) {
         "$@\n       and COMMAND=$cmd and GPFILE=$gpfile".
         "and FTP_HANDLE=$handle->{_ftp_handle}\n",'-4');
      if $handle->{_ftp_handle}->errmsg;
   my $cmdflag=0;my $tcmd='';my $loop=0;
   while (1) {
      my $starttime=time();
      eval {
         while (1) {
            if (!$more) {
               $nfound = select
                  '', '', $handle->{_ftp_handle}->timeout;
            } $output='';
            if ($nfound > 0 || $more) {
               sysread $handle->{_ftp_handle},
               $more='' if $more;
            } elsif (!$stdout) {
            if ($gpfile && (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                  $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)) {
               if ($allbytes && (1<$hashcount) && ($ftm_type ne 'sftp')) {
                  if (!$firstvisit) {
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     print "\n";
                  $keepcount=$allbytes if $allbytes<$keepcount;
                  my $plin="$keepcount bytes, ";
                  if (unpack('a1',$prcnt) eq '1') {
                  } else { $prcnt=substr($prcnt,2,2) }
                  substr($prcnt,0,1)='' if unpack('a1',$prcnt) eq '0';
                  $plin.="${prcnt}% of $gpfile transferred  . . . ";
                  printf("\r% 0s",$plin);
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FTP STDOUT: ==>$plin<==\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && 
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  sleep 1;
                  print "\n" if $keepcount==$allbytes;
               } elsif (!$keepcount) {
                  foreach my $line (split /\n+/, $output) {
                     $line=~s/s*ftp> ?$//s if !($line=~s/^\s*$//m);
                     my $upcnt=$line=~/Upload/gs;
                     if ($upcnt) {
                        if ($seen) { next }
                     $line=~s/Upload.*$//s if 1<$upcnt;
                     my $ftcnt=$line=~/Fetch/gs;
                     if ($ftcnt) {
                        if ($seen) { next }
                     $line=~s/Fetch.*$//s if 1<$ftcnt;
                     if ((-1==index $line,'421 Service not')
                           || (-1==index $line,'421 Timeout')
                           || (-1==index $line,'Not connected')
                           || (-1==index $line,'file access p')
                           || (-1==index $line,'421 User limit')
                           || (-1==index $line,'421 You are not')
                           || (-1==index $line,'421 Max con')
                           || (-1==index $line,'426 Connection')) {
                        my $tl=$line;
                        if ($line=~s/^\n*Uploading/\n\nUploading/gs) {
                           print $line."\n\n";
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                              uc($ftm_type)." STDOUT: ==>$line<==\n\n"
                              if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&   
                              -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        } elsif ($line=~s/^\n*Fetch/\n\nFetch/gs) {
                           print $line,"\n\n";
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                              uc($ftm_type)." STDOUT: ==>$line<==\n\n"
                              if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                              -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        } elsif ($line=~/(stalled -|\d\d:\d\d *E*T*A*)$/) {
                           printf("\r% 0s",$line);
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                              uc($ftm_type)." STDOUT: ==>$line<==\n"
                              if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                              -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        } elsif (!$cmdflag && $stdout=~/^((?:get|put) ["][^"]+["]).*/s) {
                           print $1;
                        } elsif ($cmd!~/$tl/) {
                        } else {
                           $cmdflag=1 if $cmd eq $tcmd;
                     if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                        if (5<length $line) { 
                           if (unpack('a6',$line) eq '150 Op') {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              print "\n";last;
                           } elsif (unpack('a6',$line) eq '125 St') {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\n\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              print "\n\n";
                           } elsif (unpack('a4',$line) eq '"get') {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              print "\n";
                           } elsif (unpack('a4',$line) eq '"put') {
                              print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\n"
                                 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                                 -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              print "\n";
                     if ($allbytes && $line=~/(\d+) bytes/) {
                        my $bytestransferred=$1;
                        my $warn="WARNING! - The transfer of file $gf\n             "
                                ."size $allbytes bytes\, aborted at $bytestransferred "
                                ."\n             bytes transferred.";
                           if $allbytes ne $bytestransferred;
            if ($output || $stdout=~/s*ftp> ?$/s) {
               if ((-1<index $stdout,'bash: ') || (-1<index $stdout,'age too lo')) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TOO MANY LOOPS - GOING TO RETRY11<=======\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  die "421 Timeout - $ftm_type read timed out";
               $output=~tr/ //d;
               if ($output=~/s*ftp> ?$/s || $stdout=~/s*ftp> ?$/s || $more) {
                     '', '', 0;
                  if ($nfound) {
                  } else {
                     $stdout=~s/s*ftp> ?$//s;
               } $starttime=time();
            } elsif ((!$gpfile && $loop++==10) || (-1<index $stdout,'bash: ')) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TOO MANY LOOPS - GOING TO RETRY<22=======\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               $stdout="421 Timeout - $ftm_type read timed out";die
            } elsif ($handle->{_ftp_handle}->timeout<time()-$starttime) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "$ftm_type read timed out<=======\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "$ftm_type read timed out1 and OUTPUT=$output<=======\n";
               if ($retrys<2) {
                  $stdout="421 Timeout - $ftm_type read timed out at Line ".
               } else {
                  my $tmot="421 Timeout - $ftm_type read timed out\n"
                          ."       Timeout=".$handle->{_ftp_handle}->timeout."\n"
                          ."       at Line: ".__LINE__;
         } print "\n" if $output && $gpfile
              && $keepcount && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FTP-STDOUT-COMPLETED=$stdout<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
#print "FTP-STDOUT-COMPLETED=$stdout and FTM_TYPE=$ftm_type<==\n";
#sleep 15 if !defined $ftm_type;
      if ($stdout=~/^5\d+\s+$/m && $stdout!~/^5\d+\s+bytes.*$/m) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FTP-STDERR-500-DETECTED=$stderr<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      } elsif ((-1<index $stdout,":5") && $stdout=~/^(.*:5\d\d\s.*)$/m) {
         my $line=$1;
         $stderr="$line\n       $!" if $line!~/^\d+\s+bytes/;
      } elsif ((-1<index $stdout,'421 Service not')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'421 Timeout')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'Not connected')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'file access p')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'421 User limit')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'421 You are not')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'421 Max con')
               || (-1<index $stdout,'426 Connection')) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
            "$ftm_type 400 SERIES ERROR: ==>$stdout<==\n\n".
            "       and HOSTLABEL=$hostlabel\n\n"
            if -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         print "\n\n$ftm_type 400 SERIES ERROR:\n\n".
               "       ==>$stdout<==\n\n".
               "Attempting to reconnect and retry . . .\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cltimeout ne 'X') {
         } elsif (!$fctimeout) {
            $fctimeout=$timeout if !$fctimeout;
         my $ftm_errmsg='';
         my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
         my $sav_ftp_handle='';my $ftp_handle='';
         while (my $line=$handle->{_ftp_handle}->get) {
            last if $line=~/_funkyPrompt_$/s;
            if ($line=~/logout/s) {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
               foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                  foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                     foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                              {$sid}}) {
                        if ($sav_ftp_handle eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}) {
                           delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                        } elsif ($handle->{_ftp_handle} eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}) {
         if ( -1<index $stdout,'file access p') {
            if ($stderr) {
               $stderr="$stdout\n       $stderr";
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
            } elsif (!$handle->{_ftp_handle}) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stdout;
               } else {
         } my $ftm_passwd='';
         if ($su_id) {
            #if ($ftm_passwd ne 'DoNotSU!') {
            #   $su_login=1;
            #} else { $su_id='' }
         if (!$su_id) {
         my $fm_cnt=-1;
         foreach my $connect_method (@{$ftr_cnct}) {
            $fm_cnt++;my $gotname=0;
            if (lc($connect_method) eq 'ftp') {
               my $go_next=0;
               eval {
                  my $ftp__cmd="${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host";
                     "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host");
                  ## Look for Name Prompt.
                  while (my $line=$handle->{_ftp_handle}->get) {
                     my $tline=$line;
                     if (-1<index $tline,'ftp: connect:') {
                        if ((-1==index $tline,'Address already in use')
                              && (-1==index $tline,'Connection timed out'
                              )) {
                           if ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
                           } else {
                                 "ftp: connect: $1");
                        } else {
                              if defined fileno $handle->{_ftp_handle};
                           sleep int $handle->{_ftp_handle}->timeout/3;
                              if $stderr;
                              "${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftppath}ftp $host");
                           FH1: foreach my $hlabel (
                                 keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                              foreach my $sid (
                                    keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                                 foreach my $type (
                                       keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                                       {$sid}}) {
                                    if ($handle->{_ftp_handle}
                                          eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                                          {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}) {
                                       last FH1;
                     } elsif (-1<index $tline,'421 Service' ||
                           -1<index $tline,'No address associated with name'
                           || (-1<index $tline,'Connection' &&
                           (-1<index $tline,'Connection closed' ||
                           -1<index $tline,
                           'ftp: connect: Connection timed out'))) {
                        $tline=~s/s*ftp> ?$//s;
                        if ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
                        } else {
                     print "TLIN=$tline"
                        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TLIN=$tline"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     if (-1<index $tline,
                           'ftp: connect: Connection timed out') {
                        $tline=~s/s*ftp> ?\s*$//s;
                        if ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
                        } else {
                     } elsif ((-1<index $line,'A remote host refused')
                            || (-1<index $line,
                            'ftp: connect: Connection refused')) {
                        my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
                        my $die=$line;
                        if ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
                        } else {
                           $die.="Destination Host - $host, HostLabel "
                               ."- $hostlabel\n       refused an "
                               ."attempted connect operation.\n       "
                               ."Check for a running FTP daemon on "
                     if ($line=~/Name.*[: ]+$/si) {
               if ($@) {
                  if ($@=~/read timed-out/) {
                     my $die="&ftm_login() timed-out while\n       "
                            ."waiting for a login prompt from\n       "
                            ."Remote Host - $host,\n       HostLabel "
                            ."- $hostlabel\n\n       The Current Timeout"
                            ." Setting is ".$handle->{_ftp_handle}->timeout
                            ." Seconds.";
                  } elsif ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct}) {
                  } else {
               } next if $go_next || !$gotname;
               if ($su_id) {
               } else {
               ## Wait for password prompt.
               my $ignore='';
                     { _cmd_handle=>$handle->{_ftp_handle},
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                       _connect=>$handle->{_connect} });
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               } last
            } elsif (lc($connect_method) eq 'sftp') {
               my $sftploginid=($su_id)?$su_id:$login_id;
               my $sshport='';
               if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}) {
                  my $sp=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftpport;
                  $sshport=$sp.$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Hosts{$hostlabel}{'sshport'}.' ';
               $handle->{_ftp_handle}->print("${Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::sftppath}sftp ".
               FH: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
                  foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                     foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                           {$sid}}) {
                        if ($handle->{_ftp_handle} eq $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                              {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}) {
                           last FH;
               my $showsftp=
                  "\n       LoggingL into $host via sftp  . . .\n\n";
               print $showsftp if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug)
                  && !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::quiet;
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $showsftp
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log
                  && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               ## Wait for password prompt.
               my $ignore='';
                     { _cmd_handle=>$handle->{_ftp_handle},
                       _hostlabel=>[ $hostlabel,'' ],
                       _connect=>$handle->{_connect} });
               if ($stderr) {
                  if (!$fm_cnt || ($fm_cnt==$#{$ftr_cnct})) {
                     return '',$stderr;
                  } else {
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               } last
         my %ftp=(
            _ftp_handle => $handle->{_ftp_handle},
            _ftm_type   => $ftm_type,
            _hostname   => $hostname,
            _ip         => $ip,
            _uname      => $uname,
            _luname     => $handle->{_uname},
            _hostlabel  => [ $hostlabel,$handle->{_hostlabel}->[0] ]
         $handle->{_ftp_handle}->prompt("/s*ftp> ?\$/");
         if ($stderr) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '',$stderr;
            } else {
               return $stderr;
            if $ftm_type ne 'sftp';
         if ($stderr) {
            if (wantarray) {
               return '',$stderr;
            } else {
               return $stderr;
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{cd}) {
               "cd $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{cd}");
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{cd};
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  return $stderr;
         } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$handle->{_ftp_handle}}{cd}) {
               "cd $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$handle->{_ftp_handle}}{cd}");
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  return $stderr;
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "FTPCMD--PWD=$output\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "DO WE HAVE LCD????=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$handle->{_ftp_handle}}{lcd}<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         if (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{lcd}) {
               "lcd $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{lcd}");
            delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$sav_ftp_handle}{lcd};
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  return $stderr;
         } elsif (exists $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$handle->{_ftp_handle}}{lcd}) {
               "lcd $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::ftpcwd{$handle->{_ftp_handle}}{lcd}");
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  return $stderr;
         if ($gpfile && $ftm_type ne 'sftp') {
            if ($stderr) {
               if (wantarray) {
                  return '',$stderr;
               } else {
                  return $stderr;
      } elsif ($ftm_type eq 'sftp') {
         if (exists $handle->{_cmd_handle}) {
            if ($stdout=~/Couldn\'t canonicalise:/s) {
               if ($cmd=~/^ls$|^ls /) {
                  if ($stderr) {
                  } else { $stdout=$output }
               } elsif ($cmd=~/^cd /) {
                  if ($stderr) {
                  } else {
                     $output=~s/^.*direcotory: (.*)$/$1/;
                     my $out='';
                     if ($stderr) {
                     } else {
                        chomp $output;
                        ($out,$stderr)=$handle->cmd("cd $output");
                        if ($stderr) { $stderr=$stdout }
               } else { $stderr=$stdout }
            } elsif ((-1<index $stdout,'Permission denied') ||
                  (-1<index $stdout,'t stat remote file')) {
               if ($cmd=~/^ls$|^ls /) {
                  if (!exists $GLOBAL{'nested_ls'}) {
                  } else {
                     delete $GLOBAL{'nested_ls'};
                  if ($stderr) {
                  } elsif (-1<index $stdout,'t stat remote file') {
                  } else { $stdout=$output }
               } elsif (unpack('a4',$cmd) eq 'get ') {
                  if ((-1<index $stdout,'t stat remote file') ||
                       (-1<index $stdout,'t get handle')) { 
                     my $stder='';
                     if ($cmd=~/^get\s+\"((?:\/|[A-Za-z]:).*)\"$/) {
                        my $path=$1;
                        my $dir=$1;my $file=$2;my $getfile='';
                        my $testf=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_file($handle,
                        if ($testf eq 'WRITE' || $testf eq 'READ') {
                           if (exists $handle->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) { 
                              ($output,$stder)=$handle->cmd("cp -p $path ".
                              &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stder) if $stder;
print "COPIED and GETFILE=$getfile<==\n";#<STDIN>;
                           } elsif (exists
                                 $handle->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp_mswin}) {
print "COPIED and GETFILE222=$getfile<==\n";#<STDIN>;
                              ($output,$stder)=$handle->cmd("cp -p $path ".
                              &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stder) if $stder;
                              &Rem_Command::ftpcmd($handle,"get $getfile");
                           if (!$stderr) {
                                 "rm -f $getfile");
                              &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
                           } $stdout=$output;
               } elsif (unpack('a4',$cmd) eq 'put ') {
                  if (-1<index $stdout,'Uploading') {
                     if (-1<index $stdout,'t get handle') {
                     } #elsif (-1<index $stdout,'t open local file') {
      } elsif ($stdout=~/^4\d+\s+/m && $stdout!~/^4\d+\s+bytes.*$/m) {
         my $line='';
         foreach my $lin (split /^/, $stdout) {
            $line.="              $lin" if unpack('a1',$lin) eq '4';
      } elsif ($stdout=~/ftp: \w+: /) {
         my $line='';
         foreach my $lin (split /^/, $stdout) {
            $line.="              $lin";
      } else {
         my $c='';
         my $tmpso=$stdout;$stdout='';
      if (!$stderr && $gpfile) {
            if $ftm_type ne 'sftp';
         print "\n";
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
      print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::ftpcmd() <<<<<<<RETURNING>>>>>>>:\n       ",
         "STDOUT=$stdout<== and STDERR=$stderr<==\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
         "\nRem_Command::ftpcmd() <<<<<<<RETURNING>>>>>>>:\n       ",
         "STDOUT=$stdout<== and STDERR=$stderr<==\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
#$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=0 if $logreset;
      if (wantarray) {
         return $stdout,$stderr;
      } elsif (!$stdout && $stderr) {
         return $stderr;
      } else { return $stdout }


sub cmd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG 
      "\nRem_Command::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
   my @args=@_;shift @args;shift @args;
   my $command=$_[1];$command||='';my $delay=0;
   my $ftp=0;my $live=0;my $display=0;my $log=0;
   my $wantarray= wantarray ? wantarray : '';
   my $cmtimeout='X';my $svtimeout='X';my $sem='';
   my $notrap=0;my $ignore='';my $login_retry=0;
   my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   if (defined $_[2] && $_[2]) {
      if ($_[2]=~/^[0-9]+/) {
      } else {
         my $arg=lc($_[2]);
         if ($arg eq '__ftp__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__live__' || $arg eq '__LIVE__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__display__' || $arg eq '__DISPLAY__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__log__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__notrap__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__delay__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__retry_on_error__') {
         } elsif ($wantarray) {
            return 0,'Third Argument for Timeout Value is not Whole Number';
         } else {
               'Third Argument for Timeout Value is not Whole Number')
   } my $login_id='';
   if (defined $_[3] && $_[3]) {
      my $arg=lc($_[3]);
      if ($arg eq '__ftp__') {
      } elsif ($arg eq '__live__' || $arg eq '__LIVE__') {
      } elsif ($arg eq '__display__' || $arg eq '__DISPLAY__') {
      } elsif ($arg eq '__log__') {
      } elsif ($arg eq '__notrap__') {
      } elsif ($arg eq '__delay__') {
      } elsif ($arg eq '__retry_on_error__') {
      } else {
   while (1) {
      my $cmd_prompt='';my $cmdprompt='';my $ms_cmd_prompt='';
      if (defined $_[4] && $_[4]) {
         my $arg=lc($_[4]);
         if ($arg eq '__ftp__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__live__' || $arg eq '__LIVE__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__display__' || $arg eq '__DISPLAY__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__log__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__notrap__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__delay__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__retry_on_error__') {
         } elsif (0) {
            my $tmp_cmd_prompt=$cmd_prompt=$_[4];
            if (unpack('a2',$cmd_prompt) ne '(?' &&
                  ($cmd_prompt=~/\|\|/s || $cmd_prompt=~/\|[Mm]\|/s)) {
               while ($cmd_prompt=~/(\|\||\|[Mm]\|)(.*)/g) {
                  if ($1 eq '||') {
                  } else {
               qr/$tmp_cmd_prompt/ if unpack('a2',$cmd_prompt) ne '(?'; 
      } elsif (!$ftp) {
      if (defined $_[5] && $_[5]) {
         my $arg=lc($_[5]);
         if ($arg eq '__ftp__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__live__' || $arg eq '__LIVE__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__display__' || $arg eq '__DISPLAY__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__log__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__notrap__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__delay__') {
         } elsif ($arg eq '__retry_on_error__') {
         } else {
            if (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_semaphore($_[5])) {
               if ($wantarray) {
                  return 0,"Semaphore Blocking Command";
               } else { return 'Semaphore Blocking Command' }
            } else {
      if (!$ftp && (grep{lc($_) eq '__ftp__'}@_)) {
      } elsif (!$live && (grep{lc($_) eq '__live__'}@_)) {
      } elsif (!$display && (grep{lc($_) eq '__display__'}@_)) {
      } elsif (!$log && (grep{lc($_) eq '__log__'}@_)) {
      } elsif (!$notrap && (grep{lc($_) eq '__notrap__'}@_)) {
      } elsif (!$delay && (grep{lc($_) eq '__delay__'}@_)) {
      } elsif ($login_retry==0 && (grep{lc($_) eq '__retry_on_error__'}@_)) {

      if ($cmtimeout eq 'X') {
         if ($ftp) {
         } else {
      } elsif ($ftp) {
      } else {
      my $caller=(caller(1))[3];
      $caller='' unless defined $caller;
      my $fullerror='';my $allines='';
      my $hostlabel=$self->{_hostlabel}->[0];
      if ($login_id) {
         my $new_cmd='';
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-1') if $stderr;
         ($stdout,$stderr)=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::kill($new_cmd->{_cmd_pid},$kill_arg) if   
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::release_semaphore($sem) if $sem;
         return $stdout,$stderr if $wantarray;
         return $stdout if !$stderr;
         return $stderr;
      my $output='';my $stdout='';my $stderr='';my $pid_ts='';
      my $end=0;my $newtel='';my $restart='';my $syntax=0;
      my $doeval='';my $dots='';my $dcnt=0;
      print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
         "\nccccccc UNMODIFIED COMMAND as RECEIVED by Rem_Command::cmd() ccccccc: ".
         "==>$command<== and LIVE=$live and THIS=$_[$#_-1]\n\n"
         if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
         -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      print "\nccccccc UNMODIFIED COMMAND as RECEIVED by Rem_Command::cmd() ccccccc: ".
         "==>$command<== and LIVE=$live and THIS=$_[$#_-1]\n\n"
         if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
      eval {
         my $line='';my $testline='';
         my $testcmd='';my $ms_cmd='';
         ($ms_cmd=$command)=~tr/ //s;
         $ms_cmd=(-1<index lc($command),'cmd /c') ? 1 : 0;
         if (0 && !$live && $ms_cmd) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WEVE GOT WINDOWSCOMMAND=$command\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if ($self->{_uname} ne 'cygwin') {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
               $stderr="remote OS is $output - NOT a cygwin system!\n";
            push @FA_Core::pid_ts, $pid_ts;
            my $t=$self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp_mswin}.'\\';
            my $str="echo \"del ${t}end${pid_ts}.flg ${t}cmd${pid_ts}.bat"
                   ." ${t}out${pid_ts}.txt ${t}err${pid_ts}.txt\""
                   ." > ${t}rm${pid_ts}.bat";
            my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
               if $cfh_error;
            my $cmmd='';
            if (-1<index $command,"\n") {
               my @command=split /\n/,$command;my $ccnt=0;
               foreach my $cmd (@command) {
                  if (!$ccnt++) {
                     if (unpack('a4',$cmmd) eq 'set ') {
                        $str="echo \"$cmmd\""
                            ." > ${t}cmd${pid_ts}.bat";
                     } else {
                        $str="echo \"$cmmd 2>${t}err${pid_ts}.txt "
                            .".txt\" > ${t}cmd${pid_ts}.bat";
                     my $lastDB7=0;
                     DB7: while (1) {
                        eval {
                           while (my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->get(
                                             Timeout=>$cmtimeout)) {
                              if ($line=~/^$cmd_prompt$/) {
                              } last if $line=~/$cmd_prompt$/s;
                        }; last if $lastDB7;
                        if ($@) {
                           if (-1<index $@,'read timed-out') {
                           } else { die "$@       $!" }
                     $output=join '',$self->{_cmd_handle}->cmd(
                               String => $str,
                               Timeout => $cmtimeout
                  } else {
                     if (unpack('a4',$cmmd) eq 'set ') {
                        $str="echo \"$cmmd\""
                            ." >> ${t}cmd${pid_ts}.bat";
                     } else {
                        $str="echo \"$cmmd 2>>${t}err${pid_ts}.txt "
                            .".txt\" >> ${t}cmd${pid_ts}.bat";
                     my $lastDB8=0;
                     DB8: while (1) {
                        eval {
                           while (my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->get(
                                             Timeout=>$cmtimeout)) {
                              if ($line=~/^$cmd_prompt$/) {
                              } last if $line=~/$cmd_prompt$/s;
                        }; last if $lastDB8;
                        if ($@) {
                           if (-1<index $@,'read timed-out') {
                           } else { die "$@       $!" }
            } else {
               $str="echo \"$cmmd 2>${t}err${pid_ts}.txt 1>${t}out${pid_ts}"
                   .".txt\" > ${t}cmd${pid_ts}.bat";
               my $lastDB9=0;
               DB9: while (1) {
                  eval {
                     while (my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->get(
                                      Timeout=>$cmtimeout)) {
                        if ($line=~/^$cmd_prompt$/) {
                        } last if $line=~/$cmd_prompt$/s;
                  }; last if $lastDB9;
                  if ($@) {
                     if (-1<index $@,'read timed-out') {
                     } else { die "$@       $!" }
            $str="echo \"echo \"DONE\" > ${t}end${pid_ts}.flg\" >>"
                ." ${t}cmd${pid_ts}.bat";
            my $lastDB10=0;
            DB10: while (1) {
               eval {
                  while (my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->get(
                                      Timeout=>$cmtimeout)) {
                     if ($line=~/^$cmd_prompt$/) {
                     } last if $line=~/$cmd_prompt$/s;
               }; last if $lastDB10;
               if ($@) {
                  if (-1<index $@,'read timed-out') {
                  } else { die "$@       $!" }
               print("echo \"exit\" >> ${t}cmd${pid_ts}.bat");
            my $lastDB11=0;
            DB11: while (1) {
               eval {
                  while (my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->get(
                                      Timeout=>$cmtimeout)) {
                     if ($line=~/^$cmd_prompt$/) {
                     } last if $line=~/$cmd_prompt$/s;
               if ($lastDB11) {
                  $self->{_cmd_handle}->print("echo ECHO");
                  eval {
                     my $echo=0;
                     while (my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->get(
                                       Timeout=>$cmtimeout)) {
                        if ($line=~/ECHO/s) {
                           last if $line=~/$cmd_prompt$/s;
                        } elsif ($echo==1) {
                           last if $line=~/$cmd_prompt$/s;
               } last if $lastDB11;
               if ($@) {
                  if (-1<index $@,'read timed-out') {
                  } else { die "$@       $!" }
#print "RUNNING COMMANDBAT $cmmd\n";
            $self->{_cmd_handle}->print("cmd /c start ${t}cmd${pid_ts}.bat");
               if $cfh_error;
            KC: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
               foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                  foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                          {$sid}}) {
                     if ($self->{_cmd_handle} eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                           {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                           "cmd /c start cmd${pid_ts}.bat"; 
                        last KC;
            my $err_cownt=0;my $nowerr_cownt=0;
            my $err_size=0;my $err_size_save=0;
print "BIGGOOOPUTPUT=$output<== and PRE=$self->{_work_dirs}->{_pre} and TMP=$self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp} and CWD=$self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}\n";
            my $c=$self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}||
            my $loop_time=0;
            LK: while (1) {
               #$loop_time=time() if !$loop_time;
               #if ($cmtimeout<time()-$loop_time) {
               #   ($output,$stderr)=$self->cmd("ls -l err${pid_ts}.txt");
               #   &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
               #   my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
               #   my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
               #   $output=~s/^.*\s+($rx1|$rx2)$/$1/;
               #   $output=~/^(\d+)\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\S+\s+.*$/;
               #   my $size=$1;
#print "CMDOUTPUTSIZE=$size<==\n";
               #   last if $size;
               #   $loop_time=0;
               my $shell_cmd="if\n[[ -f ${c}end${pid_ts}.flg ]]\nthen" .
                  "\necho END\nelse\necho LOOKING\nfi\n";
               if ($self->{_cmd_handle}->errmsg) {
                  my $err=$self->{_cmd_handle}->errmsg;
               } my $looptime=0;$allines='';
               while (1) {
                  my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->
                  last if $allines=~/^(END|LOOKING)/m;
                  $looptime=time() if !$looptime;
                  if ($cmtimeout<time()-$looptime) {
                     my $lv_errmsg="read timed-out for command :"
                                  ."\n\n       -> $cmmd"
                                  ."\n\n       invoked on \'$hostlabel\'"
                                  ."\n\n       Current Timeout "
                                  ."Setting is ->  $cmtimeout seconds.\n\n";
                     if ($wantarray) {
                        die $lv_errmsg;
                     } else {
               if ($allines=~/^END/m) {
                  my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                     if $cfh_error;
                  my $err_outt='';
                  ($err_outt,$stderr)=$self->cmd("ls -l ${c}err${pid_ts}.txt");
                  &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
                  if ($err_size!~/^\d+$/) {
                  if ($err_size=~/^\d+$/) {
                     if ($err_size==$err_size_save &&
                           $nowerr_cownt+3<$err_cownt++) {
                        #my $cat_err='';
                        #  "cat ${c}err${pid_ts}.txt");
#print "CATERRRRRR=$cat_err<==\n";
                        &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if $stderr;
                        last LK;
                     } else { $err_size_save=$err_size }
                  last LK;
               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron ||
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::blanklines;
                  print "\n       Gathering MSWin Output  $dots";
                  if ($dcnt++<5) {
                     $dots.="  .";
                  } else { $dots='';$dcnt=0 }
                  print "\n\n       From Command =>  $cmmd\n\n";
               } sleep 1;
print "GETTING THIS=${c}out${pid_ts}.txt\n";
            my $trandir='';
            if (($self->{_hostlabel}->[1] ne
                  || $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::DeploySMB_Proxy[0]
                  ne "__Master_${$}__")
                  && !($self->{_uname} eq 'cygwin' &&
                  eq "__Master_${$}__"
                  || $self->{_hostlabel}->[0] eq "__Master_${$}__"))) {
               if ($self->{_work_dirs}->{_lcd} ne
                     $self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp_lcd}) {
                     "lcd \"$self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp_lcd}\"");
                     if $stderr;
                     "get \"${c}out${pid_ts}.txt\"");
                     if $stderr;
                     "lcd \"$self->{_work_dirs}->{_lcd}\"");
                     if $stderr;
               } else {
                     "get \"${c}out${pid_ts}.txt\"");
               if ($err_size) {
                  if ($self->{_work_dirs}->{_lcd} ne
                        $self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp_lcd}) {
                        "lcd \"$self->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp_lcd}\"");
                        if $stderr;
                        "get \"${c}err${pid_ts}.txt\"");
                        if $stderr;
                        "lcd \"$self->{_work_dirs}->{_lcd}\"");
                        if $stderr;
                  } else {
                       "get \"${c}err${pid_ts}.txt\"");
                        if $stderr;
            if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::localhost->{_work_dirs}->{_tmp}) {
               if (substr($trandir,-1) ne '/') {
               "cat ${trandir}out${pid_ts}.txt");
            if ($stderr) {
               my $die="$stderr\n\n       From Command -> "
                      ."\"cat ${trandir}out${pid_ts}.txt\"";
            my $cmd_error='';my $error='';
            if ($err_size) {
                  "cat ${trandir}err${pid_ts}.txt");
               if ($stderr) {
                  my $die="$stderr\n\n       From Command -> "
                         ."\"cat ${trandir}err${pid_ts}.txt\"";
            my $out='';
            if ($^O eq 'cygwin') {
                  "cmd /c del /S /Q "
               if ($error) {
                  my $die="$error\n\n       From Command -> "
                         ."\"cmd /c del /S /Q "
                  "cmd /c del /S /Q "
               if ($error) {
                  my $die="$error\n\n       From Command -> "
                         ."\"cmd /c del /S /Q "
                  "$cmd_error\n\n       From Command -> $cmmd",'-8')
                  if $cmd_error && !$wantarray;
            } else {
                  "rm -rf ${trandir}out${pid_ts}.txt");
               if ($error) {
                  my $die="$error\n\n       From Command -> "
                         ."\"rm -rf ${trandir}out${pid_ts}.txt\"";
                  "rm -rf ${trandir}err${pid_ts}.txt");
               if ($error) {
                  my $die="$error\n\n       From Command -> "
                         ."\"rm -rf ${trandir}err${pid_ts}.txt\"";
            $str="echo \"del ${t}rm${pid_ts}.bat\""
                ." >> ${t}rm${pid_ts}.bat";
            while (my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->
                                    get(Timeout=>$cmtimeout)) {
               last if $allines=~/$cmd_prompt$/s;
            $self->{_cmd_handle}->print("cmd /c ${t}rm${pid_ts}.bat");
               if $cfh_error;
            if ($cmd_error) {
               my $error="$cmd_error\n\n       From Command -> $cmmd";
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error) if !$wantarray;
               die "$error\n\n       at $topcaller[0] "
                   ."$topcaller[1] line ".__LINE__.".\n";
         } elsif ($ftp) {
            if ($stderr) {
               my $host=($self->{_hostlabel}->[1])
                       ? $self->{_hostlabel}->[1]
                       : $self->{_hostlabel}->[0];
               my $die="$stderr\n\n       From Command -> "
                      ."\"$command\"\n       for \'$host\'\.";
         } else {
            my $bckgrd=0;
            $bckgrd=1 if $command=~s/[\t ][&](?>\s*)$//s;
            my $live_command='';
            if ($command=~/^cd[\t ]/) {
               $live_command="$command 2>&1";
               if (-1<$#{$self->{_hostlabel}} &&
                     eq "__Master_${$}__") {
                  my $lcd=$command;$lcd=~s/^cd[\t ]*//;
                  chdir $lcd;
            } else {
               $live_command='('.$command.')'." | sed -e 's/^/stdout: /' 2>&1";
            $live_command.=' &' if $bckgrd;
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "\n+++++++ RUNNING FULLAUTO MODIFIED COMMAND +++++++: ".
               "==>$live_command<==\n       and ",
               "SELECT_TIMEOUT=$cmtimeout and KEYSSELF=",
               (join ' ',@{[keys %{$self}]}),"\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            print "\n+++++++ RUNNING FULLAUTO MODIFIED COMMAND +++++++: ".
               "==>$live_command<==\n       ",
               "and ", "SELECT_TIMEOUT=$cmtimeout and KEYSSELF=",
               (join ' ',@{[keys %{$self}]}),"\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            my $growoutput='';my $ready='';my $firstout=0;
            my $fulloutput='';my $lastline='';my $errflag='';
            my $test_out='';my $first=-1;#my $starttime=0;
            my $starttime=time();my $restart_attempt=1;my $nl='';
            my $select_timeout=2;my $appendout='';my $retry=0;
            my $command_stripped_from_output=0;
            my $test_stripped_output='';
            $self->{_cmd_handle}->autoflush(1);my $save='';
            my $loop_count=0;my $loop_max=5;my $fetchflag=0;
            FETCH: while (1) {
               my $output='';$nl='';$loop_count++;
               my $tim=time()-$starttime;
               if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
                  print "INFO: ======= AT THE TOP OF MAIN OUTPUT LOOP =======;".
                     " at Line ".__LINE__."\n" if $first || $starttime;
                  print "INFO: STARTTIME=$starttime and TIMENOW=",time(),
                     " and TIMEOUT=$cmtimeout and Diff=$tim\n";
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "INFO: ======= AT THE TOP OF MAIN OUTPUT LOOP =======;".
                     " at Line ".__LINE__."\n",
                     "INFO: STARTTIME=$starttime and TIMENOW=",time(),
                     " and TIMEOUT=$cmtimeout and Diff=$tim and ",
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
               if ($select_timeout!=2 && $select_timeout==$tim) {
                  my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                     if $cfh_error;
                  my $errhost='';
                  if ($hostlabel eq "__Master_${$}__") {
                  } else { $errhost=$hostlabel }
                  my $lv_errmsg=$growoutput
                               ."\n\n       read timed-out for command :"
                               ."\n\n       -> $live_command"
                               ."\n\n       invoked on \'$errhost\'"
                               ."\n\n       Current Timeout "
                               ."Setting is ->  $cmtimeout seconds.\n\n";
                  if ($wantarray) {
                     die $lv_errmsg;
                  } else {
               } elsif (select
                     '', '', $select_timeout) {
                  sysread $self->{_cmd_handle},$output,
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "INFO: Got past the Timeout Alarm; at Line ".__LINE__."\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  $output=~s/[ ]*\015//g;
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "\nCMD RAW OUTPUT: ==>$output<== at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  print "\nCMD RAW OUTPUT: ==>$output<== at Line ",
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  $first=1 if $first==0;
                  if (!$firstout) {
                     if ($output=~/^\s*$cmd_prompt$/) {
                        print "INFO: Got PROMPT - $cmd_prompt; ".
                           "Setting \$firstout=1 and next FETCH\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     } else {
                        print "INFO: Setting \$firstout=1 and CONTINUING\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  if ($first<0) {
                     print "\nOUTPUT BEFORE NEW LINE ENCOUNTERED: ",
                        "==>$output<== :\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                        if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                     print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                        "\nOUTPUT BEFORE NEW LINE ENCOUNTERED: ==>$output<== :",
                        "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
                        if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                        -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     if ($appendout) {
                     my $stripped_live_command=$live_command;
                     my $lslc=length $stripped_live_command;
                     my $ltso=length $test_stripped_output;
                     if (($test_stripped_output eq $stripped_live_command) ||
                           (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                           (substr($test_stripped_output,-$lslc) eq
                           $stripped_live_command))) {
                        print "\nSTRIPPED OUTPUT equals STRIPPED LIVE COMMAND",
                           " at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG 
                           "\nSTRIPPED OUTPUT equals STRIPPED LIVE COMMAND",
                           " at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                           -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     } elsif ($output=~/\n/s) {
                        print "\nNNNNNNN OUTPUT HAS NEW LINE CHAR NNNNNNN ".
                           "RAW OUTPUT: ==>$output<== ".
                           "\n\n TEST_STRIPPED_OUTPUT=$test_stripped_output".
                           "\n\n STRIPPED_LIVE_COMMAND=$stripped_live_command".
                           "\n\n at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
                           if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG 
                           "\nNNNNNNN OUTPUT HAS NEW LINE CHAR NNNNNNN RAW ".
                           "OUTPUT: ==>$output<== ".
                           "\n\n TEST_STRIPPED_OUTPUT=$test_stripped_output".
                           "\n\n STRIPPED_LIVE_COMMAND=$stripped_live_command".
                           "\n\n at Line ",__LINE__,"\n"
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && 
                           (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') &&
                        die 'logout' if $output=~/imed out/s
                           || $output=~/logout$|closed\.$/mg;
                        my $last_line='';
                        my $ptest=substr($output,(rindex $output,'|'),-1);
                        if ($last_line && ($last_line=~/$cmd_prompt$/s
                              || $bckgrd)) {
print "LAST_LINE=$last_line and OUTPUT=$output<=\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LAST_LINE=$last_line and OUTPUT=$output<=\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LSLC=$lslc and LTSO=$ltso and UNPACK=",unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output)," and STIPPEDLIVECMD=$stripped_live_command\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           if (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                                 (unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output) eq
                                 $stripped_live_command)) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LSLC_in=$lslc and LTSO_in=$ltso and UNPACK=",unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output),"_in and STIPPEDLIVECMD_in=$stripped_live_command\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              my $llc=length $live_command;
                              my $oup=unpack("a$llc",$output);
                              if ($oup ne $live_command) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "OUPPPPPPPPPPPP=$oup\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                 my $o=$output;my $c=0;
                                 while (1) {
                                    last if $c++==5;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ONNNNNNNNNN=$o\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                    my $op=unpack("a$llc",$o);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "OPPPPPPPPPPP=$op<== and LC=$live_command<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                    if ($op eq $live_command) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "OOOOOOOOOOOO=$o\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                       $op=unpack("x$llc a*",$o);
                              } else {
                                 $output=unpack("x$llc a*",$output);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GRO_OUT_AFTER_MEGA_STRIP=$growoutput\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*');
                              if ($output=~/$cmd_prompt$/s &&
                                    $growoutput!~/$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                           } elsif (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                                 (-1<index $test_stripped_output,
                                 $stripped_live_command)) {
                              if ($output=~/$cmd_prompt$/s &&
                                    $growoutput!~/$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                                 #   =~s/^.*$live_command(.*)$cmd_prompt$/$1/s;
                           } elsif ((-1<index $output,'stdout:') &&
                                 \n$cmd_prompt)$/$1/sx) {
                                 if $display;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_EIGHT_AND_A_HALF\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           } else {
                              my $tsst=unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_NINE and 1=$lslc and 2=$ltso and ",
                              "ONE=$tsst<== and TWO=$stripped_live_command<==",
                              "(ONE SHOULD EQ TWO but didn't)\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                 if $display;
                        } elsif ($ptest eq
                              "|sed-e's/^/stdout:/'2>&1") {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_TEN\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        } elsif (unpack('a7',$output) eq 'stdout:') {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_ELEVEN\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';

                        } else {

print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "HERE WE ARE AT A PLACE3 and GO=$growoutput\n"
    if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;


if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
   print "WE DID NOTHING TO STDOUT - $output\n";#sleep 2;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WE DID NOTHING TO STDOUT - $output\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';

#print BK "$output";
#CORE::close BK;
#print "OPUT=$output<== and ",`od -a brianout.txt`,"\n";
#unlink "brianout.txt";
#print BK "$lv_cmd";
#CORE::close BK;
#print "LV_CMD=$lv_cmd<== and ",`od -a brianout.txt`,"\n";
#unlink "brianout.txt";
#print "EXAMINERR=>OPUT=$output<= and LV_CMD=$lv_cmd<=\n";

                     } else { $appendout=$output;next }
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "PAST THE ALARM3\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';

print "OUTPUT ***After First-Line Loop***=$output<== and COMSTROUT=$command_stripped_from_output and GROWOUTPUT=$growoutput<==\n"
   if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug && $loop_count<$loop_max;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "OUTPUTNOWWWWWWWWWWW=$output<== and STRIPPED=$command_stripped_from_output\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                  if ($command_stripped_from_output) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GOT STRIPPED_COMMAND_FLAG AND GROWOUTPUT=$growoutput<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                     my $lcp=length $cmd_prompt;
                     unless ($growoutput) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "NO GROWOUTPUTTTTTTTTTTTTT\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*');
                        if ($output && unpack('a1',$output) eq '[') {
                           if ($output=~/^\[A(\[C)+\[K1\s*/s) {
                              next FETCH;
                        if ($output=~/^\s?$cmd_prompt/) {
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                              "\nGOT $cmd_prompt AND EMPTY \$growoutput ",
                              "and OUTPUT ==>$output<==\n",
                              "       at Line ",__LINE__,
                              " -> DETERMINE FETCH\n\n"
                              if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                              -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           my $tou=$output;
                           my $ltu=length $tou;
                           my $stripped_live_command=$live_command;
                           my $lslc=length $stripped_live_command;
                           my $ltso=length $test_stripped_output;
                           if (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                                 (unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output) eq
                                 $stripped_live_command)) {
                              my $llc=length $live_command;
                              $growoutput=unpack("x$llc a*",$tou);
 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              if ($growoutput=~/$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                              } else {
                                 next FETCH;
                           } elsif ($output ne $cmd_prompt &&
                                 $output!~/^\s*($cmd_prompt\s*)+$/s) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPTOU=$tou and FETCHFLAG=$fetchflag\n"
 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              next FETCH;
                           } last FETCH;
                        } elsif (-1<index $output,'Connection reset by peer') {
                           last FETCH;
                        } elsif ($output=~/^\s?$/) {
                           next FETCH;
                        } elsif ($output=~/^(stdout: .*)$cmd_prompt$/) {
                        } elsif ($fetchflag) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FETCHFLAGGGGGGGGGG=$fetchflag\n"
 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           next FETCH
                     } elsif (($output=~/^stdout: (?!\/')/) &&
                           ($growoutput=~/ 2\>&1\s?$/)) {
                        next FETCH if $output!~/$cmd_prompt$/s;
                     } elsif ($growoutput && $output eq $cmd_prompt) {
                        chomp $growoutput;
                     } elsif ($output=~/$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                     } elsif (unpack("a$lcp",$output) eq
                           $cmd_prompt.'cmd /Q /C "set /A ') {
                  } elsif ($output eq 'Connection closed') {
                     if ($wantarray) {
                        return 0,$output;
                     } else {
                  } elsif ($output eq '>') {
                     if (substr($growoutput,-1) eq '2') {
                        next FETCH;
                     my $die="The Command:\n\n       $command"
                            ."\n\nHas a Syntax Error. The Command "
                            ."Shell\n       Entered Interacive Mode '>'";
                     if ($wantarray) {
                        return 0,$die;
                     } else {
                  $output=~s/^[ |\t]+(stdout:.*)$/$1/m if !$fullerror;
                     if $display;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
#print BK "$growoutput";
#CORE::close BK;
#print "OD_GROWOUTPUT=$growoutput<== and ",`od -a brianout.txt`,"\n";
#unlink "brianout.txt";

if (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug) {
print "THISEVALLL=",($test_out=~/$cmd_prompt$/s),
       " and OUT=$output and CMD_PROMPT=$cmd_prompt\n";
                  if (15<length $growoutput &&
                        unpack('a16',$growoutput) eq '?Invalid command') {
                        "?Invalid Command ftp> -> $live_command");
                  } elsif (-1<index lc($growoutput),'killed by signal 15') {
                     die 'Connection closed';
                  } elsif ((-1==index $growoutput,'stdout:') &&
                        (-1<index $growoutput,' sync_with_child: ')) {
                  } elsif (1<($growoutput=~tr/\n//) ||
                             $growoutput=~/($cmd_prompt)$/s) {
                     my $oneline=$1;$oneline||=0;
print "NOWLASTLINE=$lastline<==\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "NOWLASTLINE=$lastline<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     if ($lastline eq $growoutput &&
                           && (length $growoutput<7 ||
                           unpack('a7',$growoutput) ne 'stdout:')) { 
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_THIRTEEN\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     } else {
                        if ($growoutput=~/$cmd_prompt/s) {
print "GROWOUTPUT2=$growoutput\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GROWOUTPUT2=$growoutput\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                           if ($growoutput=~/stdout: PS1=/m) {
                           } elsif ($growoutput=~s/^\n*$cmd_prompt\n*//s) {
                              my $test_stripped_output=$growoutput;
                              my $stripped_live_command=$live_command;
                              my $testgrow=$test_stripped_output;
                              my $thisout=$2;
                              if ($testgrow eq $stripped_live_command) {
                              last FETCH if !$growoutput &&
                                 $live_command=~/^cd /;
                              next FETCH if !$growoutput;
                              if (-1<index $growoutput,'stdout: /') {
                                 my $stub=substr($growoutput,0,
                                       (index $growoutput,'stdout: /'));
                                 if (substr($live_command,0,(length $stub))
                                       eq $stub) {
                                    my $go=$growoutput;
                                    $growoutput=substr($go,(length $stub));
                              } elsif ((-1<index $live_command, $growoutput) &&
                                    (length $growoutput)) eq $growoutput)) {
                                 $growoutput='';next FETCH;
                              if ($growoutput) {
                                 if ($growoutput=~/^\s*$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                                    last FETCH; 
                                 } elsif ($growoutput!~/$cmd_prompt$/) {
                                    next FETCH;
print "CLEANEDGROWOUT=$growoutput\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug && $loop_count<$loop_max;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "CLEANEDGROWOUT=$growoutput\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                        } elsif (!$lastline) {
                           my $tmp_grow=$growoutput;
                           chomp $tmp_grow;
                        my $l=length $live_command;
                        if ($first<0) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_FOURTEEN and GROW=$growoutput<===\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                           if ($growoutput=~/2\s*>\s*&1\s*$/s) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_FOURTEENa\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           } elsif ($oneline) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_FOURTEENb\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              if ($growoutput=~s/^$live_command//) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_FOURTEENc\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_FOURTEENd\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                              my $f_line=$1;
                              if ($f_line=~/[2]\s*[>]\s*[&][1]\s*$/s) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_FOURTEENe\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        } elsif ($command_stripped_from_output==0) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_TEENeeee and GO=$growoutput\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           my $test_stripped_output=$growoutput;
                           my $stripped_live_command=$live_command;
                           my $lslc=length $stripped_live_command;
                           my $ltso=length $test_stripped_output;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TEEN1=",substr($test_stripped_output,-$lslc),"<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TEEN2=$stripped_live_command<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';

                           if (($lslc<$ltso) &&
                                 (unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output) eq
                                 $stripped_live_command)) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LSLC_TEEN=$lslc and LTSO_TEEN=$ltso and UNPACK=",unpack("a$lslc",$test_stripped_output),"_TEEN and STIPPEDLIVECMD_TEEN=$stripped_live_command\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*
                              my $llc=length $live_command;
                              my $oup=unpack("a$llc",$output);
                              if ($oup ne $live_command) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "OUPPPPPPPPPPPPTTTTTTT=$oup\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                 my $o=$output;my $c=0;
                                 while (1) {
                                    last if $c++==5;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ONNNNNTTTT=$o\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                    my $op=unpack("a$llc",$o);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "OPPPPPPTTTTP=$op<== and LC=$live_command<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                    if ($op eq $live_command) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "OOOOOOOOTTTT=$o\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                       $op=unpack("x$llc a*",$o);
                              } else {
                                 $output=unpack("x$llc a*",$output);
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GRO_OUT_AFTER_MEGA_STRIPTTTTTTTTTT=$growoutput\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*');
                              if ($output=~/$cmd_prompt$/s &&
                                    $growoutput!~/$cmd_prompt$/s) {
                              } else {
                                 next FETCH;                                 

                           #if (substr($test_stripped_output,-$lslc) eq
                           #      $stripped_live_command) {
                           #   my @slc=split '',$stripped_live_command;
                           #   my @gop=split '',$growoutput;
                           #   GS: foreach my $s (shift @slc) {
                           #      my $g=shift @gop;
                           #      my $c=0;
                           #      while (1) {
                           #         if ($g eq $s) {
                           #            next GS;
                           #         } elsif (-1<$#gop) {
                           #            $g=shift @gop;
                           #         } last if $c++==100;
                           #      }
                           #   }
                           #   $growoutput=join '', @gop;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FIRST_FifTEENe and GO=$growoutput\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           #   $command_stripped_from_output=1;
                           #   next FETCH;
#print "DONE TRIMMING GROWOUTPUT=$growoutput\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DONE TRIMMING GROWOUTPUT=$growoutput<==\n".
#      "and FULLOUT=$fulloutput<==\n"
#      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     if ($growoutput) {
                        if ($wantarray) {
                           my @strings=split /^/, $growoutput;
                           my $str_cnt=$#strings;
                           foreach my $line (@strings) {
print "LETS LOOK AT LINE=$line<== and LASTLINE=$lastline<==\n"
   if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug && $loop_count<$loop_max;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LETS LOOK AT LINE=$line<== and LASTLINE=$lastline<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                              if ($line ne $lastline || 0<$str_cnt) {
                                 if ($line=~s/^stdout: ?//) {
                                 } elsif (($line!~/^\[[AK]$|^\n$/s &&
                                       $line ne $live_command &&
                                       \:\s*\/\'\s2\>\&1\s*$/sx) ||
                                       ($fullerror && $line=~/^\n$/s)) {
#print "DOIN FULLERROR1==>$line<== and STRCNT=$str_cnt\n";# if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DOIN FULLERROR1==>$line<==\n"
#                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
if (!$line) {
                        my $lastDB43=0;my $testline='';
                        DB43: while (1) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WE ARE INSIDE DB43\n";
                           $self->{_cmd_handle}->print("echo FAECHO");
                           eval {
                              while (my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
print "DB43output=$testline<==\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DB43output=$testline<==\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                 if ($testline=~/^$cmd_prompt$/) {
                                 if ($testline=~s/$cmd_prompt$//s) {
                                 } else { $output.=$line }
#print "DONEWITHDB43WILE and OUTPUTNOW=$output\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DONEWITHDB43WHILE and OUTPUTNOW=$output\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                           }; $self->{_cmd_handle}->autoflush(0);
                           last if $lastDB43;
                           if ($@) {
                              if (-1<index $@,'read timed-out') {
                              } else { die "$@       $!" }
                        my $tst_out=$output;
print "TST_OUTTTTT=$tst_out<==\n";
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TST_OUTTTT=$tst_out<==\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';

                                    if ($fullerror && !$errflag) {
                                    } $errflag=1;
                                       if $display;
                                 } elsif ($fulloutput || $line!~/^\s*$/s) {
                                       if $display;
                        } elsif ($fulloutput || $line!~/^\s*$/s) {
print "HOW OFTEN IS FULL GETTINNG IT?=$loop_count\n";
print "GROW_ADDED_TO_FULL=$growoutput<==\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug && $loop_count<$loop_max;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GROW_ADDED_TO_FULL=$growoutput\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                     if ($growoutput) {
                        if ($log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') {
                           print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $growoutput if $loop_count<$loop_max;
                        #&display($output,$cmd_prompt,$save) if $display;
if ($loop_count<$loop_max) {
   my $lcntt=0;my $newline='';
   foreach my $line (reverse split /^/, $fulloutput) {
      last if $lcntt++==5;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DOIN FULLOUTPUTMAYBE==>$newline<==",
      " and LASTLINE=$lastline<== and CMD_PROMPT=$cmd_prompt<== and FO=$fulloutput<==\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                     if (!$lastline) {
                        if ($retry++<3) {
                           my $forcedoutput='';
                           DB18: while (1) {
                              if ($retry<2) {
                              } else {
print "THIRTEEN003\n";
                              my $oline='';
                              while (my $line=$self->{_cmd_handle}->get) {
                                 last DB18 if $line=~/^$cmd_prompt$/;
                                 last if $line=~/$cmd_prompt$/s;
                           } $forcedoutput||='';
                           foreach my $line (split /^/, $forcedoutput) {
                              if ($line=~s/^stdout: ?// &&
                                    ($fulloutput || $line!~/^\s*$/s)) {
                                    if $display;
                              } elsif ($line!~/^\s*$/ &&
                                    $line ne "$live_command\n" &&
                                    $line ne " -e 's/^/stdout:/' 2>&1\n"
                                    || $fullerror && $line=~/^\n$/s) {
print "DOIN FULLERROR2222==>$line<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DOIN FULLERROR2222==>$line<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                                 if ($fullerror && !$errflag) {
                                 } $errflag=1;
                                 if ($fullerror) {
                                    if ($log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') {
                                       print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $fullerror;
                                       if $display;
                           if ($ms_cmd) {
                           } else {
                           chomp $stdout if $stdout;
                           chomp $stderr if $stderr;
                           last FETCH;
                        my $warng="\n       WARNING! The Command\n\n"
                                 ."       ==>$live_command\n\n       "
                                 ."Appears to be Hanging\,in an "
                                 ."Infinite Loop\,\n       or Stopped.\n"
                                 ."       Press <CTRL>-C to Quit.\n\n";
                        print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG $warng 
                           if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
                        if (exists $email_defaults{Usage} &&
                               lc($email_defaults{Usage}) eq
                               'notify_on_error') {
                           my $subwarn="WARNING! Command Appears "
                                      ."to be Hanging or Stopped";
                           my %mail=(
                              'Body'    => "$warng",
                              'Subject' => "$subwarn"
                        if ($ms_cmd) {
                        } else {
                        chomp $stdout if $stdout;
                        chomp $stderr if $stderr;
                     } elsif (-1<index $lastline, $cmd_prompt) {
print "WE HAVE LASTLINE CMDPROMPT AND ARE GOING TO EXIT and FO=$fulloutput and MS_CMD=$ms_cmd<==\n"
   if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
		        chomp $stdout if $stdout;
                        chomp $stderr if $stderr;
                     } elsif ($lastline=~/^\s*$/) {
                     } elsif (!$command_stripped_from_output) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GRO_GONNA_LOOP==>$growoutput<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
                  } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "PAST THE ALARM4\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GRO_OUT AT THE BOTTOM==>$growoutput<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   (-1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*') && $loop_count<$loop_max;
               } elsif ($starttime && (($cmtimeout<time()-$starttime)
                     || ($select_timeout<time()-$starttime))) {
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ELSFI AT THE BOTTOM==>$growoutput<==\n";
                  if (!$restart_attempt) {
print "FOURTEEN003\n";
                     my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
                        if $cfh_error;
                     my $lv_errmsg="read timed-out for command :"
                                  ."\n\n       -> $live_command"
                                  ."\n\n       invoked on \'$hostlabel\'"
                                  ."\n\n       Current Timeout "
                                  ."Setting is ->  $cmtimeout seconds.\n\n";
                     if ($wantarray) {
                        die $lv_errmsg;
                     } else {
                  } else {
               } elsif (!$starttime) {
            $stderr=$lastline if $lastline=~/Connection to.*closed/s;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "cmd() STDERRBOTTOM=$stderr<== and LASTLINE=$lastline<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            if ($stderr!~s/^\s*$//s && $stderr ne '_funkyPrompt_') {
               &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr) if !$wantarray;
            $stderr='' if $stderr eq '_funkyPrompt_';
         if defined fileno $self->{_cmd_handle};
      my $eval_error='';
      if ($@) {
         print "\nEEEEEEE *just thrown* EEEEEEE RAW ERROR: $@".
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
            "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
            "\n       Contents of \$stderr if any (raw error could be different):".
            "\n       $stderr\n".
            (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
            "\nEEEEEEE *just thrown* EEEEEEE RAW ERROR: $@".
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
            "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
            "\n       Contents of \$stderr if any (raw error could be different):".
            "\n       $stderr\n".
            (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         $eval_error=$@;undef $@;
      if ($ftp) {
      } else {
      $eval_error=$stderr if $stderr && !$eval_error; 
      if ($eval_error) {
         print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
            "\n",(caller(2))[3]," CLEANED (eval) ERROR:\n       ",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
            -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         print "\n",(caller(2))[3]," CLEANED (eval) ERROR:\n       ",
            "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n\n"
            if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::release_semaphore($sem) if $sem;
         if ((-1<index $command,"kill ") &&
               (-1<index $eval_error,"eof")) {
            my $prc=substr($command,-3);
            if ($wantarray) {
               return "process \#$prc killed","";
            } else { return "process \#$prc killed" }
         } $login_retry++;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LOGINRETRY=$login_retry and ",
   "ERROR=$eval_error<== and FTP=$ftp and NOTRAP=$notrap\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         if ((-1<index $eval_error,'logout') ||
               (-1<index $eval_error,'Connection closed')
               && !$login_retry && !$cleanup) {
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            my $sav_self=$self->{_cmd_handle};
            my $curdir=$self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd}
               || $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin};
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "CURDIR=$curdir\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            ($stdout,$stderr)=&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::kill($self->{_cmd_pid},$kill_arg) if
            if (!exists $same_host_as_Master{$self->{_hostlabel}->[0]}) {
            } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GOT NEW SELF=$self and CURDIR=$curdir\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            CH: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
               foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
                  foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                        {$sid}}) {
                     if ($sav_self
                           eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                           {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                        my $value=$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        delete $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                        last CH;
            } next if $self;
         } elsif (!$ftp && !$login_retry && !$notrap && !$cleanup
               && (-1==index $eval_error,'space in the')) {
            print "\nrrrrrrr RECOVERING rrrrrrr from ERROR: $eval_error".
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
               "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
               "\n       Attempting to retrieve new handle with &login_retry()\n".
               (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
               if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "\nrrrrrrr RECOVERING rrrrrrr from ERROR: $eval_error".
               "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
               "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
               "\n       Attempting to retrieve new handle with &login_retry()\n".
               (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            my $save_cwd='';
            if (exists $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}
                  && $self->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd_mswin}=~/^\\\\/) {
            } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "WHAT HANDLE IS GOING INTO LOGIN_RETRY???=$self->{_cmd_handle}\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
               "$self->{_cmd_handle} AND LOGIN_RETRY=$login_retry\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';

            if ($self->{_cmd_handle}) {
               print "\nrrrrrrr RECOVERING rrrrrrr from ERROR: $eval_error".
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                  "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
                  "\n       Attempting to use new handle to change to saved cwd:".
                  "\n       $save_cwd".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
               print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                  "\nrrrrrrr RECOVERING rrrrrrr from ERROR: $eval_error".
                  "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                  "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
                  "\n       Attempting to use new handle to change to saved cwd:". 
                  "\n       $save_cwd".
                  (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                  if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                  -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WHAT IS CWD SAVE_CWD STDERR OUTPUT=$stderr<==\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';

               if ($stderr && (-1==index $stderr,'command success')) {
                  if (wantarray) {
                     return '',$eval_error;
                  } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($eval_error) }
               } else {
                  print "\nRRRRRRR recovered RRRRRRR from ERROR: $eval_error".
                     "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                     "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
                     (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                     if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
                  print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
                     "\nRRRRRRR recovered RRRRRRR from ERROR: $eval_error".
                     "\n       at Line ",__LINE__,"\n       ".
                     "\n       Running cmd: $command\n".
                     (join ' ',@topcaller)."\n\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LOGINRETRY2=$login_retry and ",
   "ERROR=$eval_error<== and FTP=$ftp and NOTRAP=$notrap\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         if ($wantarray) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WE ARE RETURNING ERROR=$eval_error\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            return $stdout,$eval_error;
         } else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($eval_error) }
      pop @FA_Core::pid_ts if $pid_ts;
      &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::release_semaphore($sem) if $sem;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DO WE EVER REALLY GET HERE? ".
   "and STDOUT=$stdout<== and STDERR=$stderr<==\n"
   if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
   -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      if ($wantarray) {
         return $stdout,$stderr;
      } else { return $stdout }


sub display
   #print "DISPLAY_CALLER=",caller,"\n";
   my $line=$_[0];
   my $cmd_prompt=$_[1];
   my $save=$_[2];
######## CHANGED LINE BELOW AND ADDED THE ? AFTER stdout: ?  080107
   $line=~s/^stdout: ?//mg;
   if (length $line<length $cmd_prompt) {
      if (-1<index $cmd_prompt,substr($line,(rindex $line,'_'))) {
         return $save;
      } else {
         print $line;
         return $save;
   } elsif ($line=~s/\n*$cmd_prompt//gs) {
      print  $line;
      return $save;
   } elsif (-1<index $cmd_prompt,substr($line,(rindex $line,'_'))) {
      return $save; 
   } else {
      print $line;
      return $save;

sub login_retry
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::login_retry() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nRem_Command::login_retry() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];my $_connect=$_[1];
   my $cmd_type=$_[2];my $error=$_[3];
   my $sid='';my $hostlabel='';
   if ($self eq $localhost->{_cmd_handle}) {
      my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   } else {
      LR: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
         foreach my $slid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
            foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                     {$slid}}) {
               if ($self eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}{$slid}{$type}}[0]) {
                  last LR;
#print "ONEEE=",$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{"${hostlabel}__%-$sid"},"\n";
#print "TWOOO=",$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{"${hostlabel}__%-$sid"}->{_work_dirs},"\n";
#print "LOGINRETRYHOSTLABEL=$hostlabel<== and SID=$sid<== and CWD=",$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{"${hostlabel}__%-$sid"}->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd},"\n";
#print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LOGINRETRYHOSTLABEL=$hostlabel<== and SID=$sid<== and CWD=",$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Connections{"${hostlabel}__%-$sid"}->{_work_dirs}->{_cwd},"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $new_handle='';my ($stdout,$stderr)=('','');
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WHAT IS THE ERROR=$error\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if ((-1<index $error,'filehandle isn') ||
         (-1<index $error,'read error') ||
         (-1<index $error,'Connection closed') ||
         !defined fileno $self) {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "WE ARE GETTING NEW HANDLE\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      my $handleid="$self";
      my $kill_arg=($^O eq 'cygwin')?'f':9;
      KFH: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
         foreach my $sid (
               keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
            foreach my $type (
                 keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                      {$sid}}) {
               if ($handleid eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                     {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
print "THISKILL2=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[2]\n";
                     {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[2],$kill_arg) if
                     {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[1],$kill_arg) if
print "THISKILL1=${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[1]\n";
                  last KFH;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "NEW HANDLE=$new_handle and STDERR=$stderr\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      if ($stderr) {
         if (wantarray) { return '',$stderr }
         else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($stderr,'-3') }
      } $self->close;
      RL: foreach my $hlabel (keys %Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes) {
         foreach my $sid (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}}) {
            foreach my $type (keys %{$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes{$hlabel}
                  {$sid}}) {
               if ($self eq ${$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::Processes
                     {$hlabel}{$sid}{$type}}[0]) {
                  last RL;
      #if (-1<index $new_handle->{_cmd_handle},'HASH') {
      #   return $new_handle->{_cmd_handle}->{_cmd_handle},'';
      #} else { return $new_handle->{_cmd_handle},'' }
      return $new_handle->{_cmd_handle},'';
   } elsif ($^O ne 'cygwin' && $su_id) {
      my $id='';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "GOT NEW UNIX ID=$id and STDERR=$stderr and SU_ID=$su_id\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
print "GOT NEW UNIX ID=$id and STDERR=$stderr and SU_ID=$su_id\n";
      return '',$error if $stderr;
      if ($id eq $su_id) {
         if (wantarray) { return '',$error }
         else { &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($error,'-3') }
      } else {
         my $cfh_ignore='';my $cfh_error='';
            if $cfh_error;
         my ($ignore,$su_err)=
print "SU_ERR=$su_err\n" if $su_err;
         &Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::handle_error($su_err) if $su_err;
         return $self,'';
   } else { return $self,$error }

sub cwd
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Rem_Command::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "\nRem_Command::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   return &File_Transfer::cwd(@_);

package Bad_Handle;

sub new {
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::new() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nBad_Handle::new() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $class = ref($_[0]) || $_[0];
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $stderr=$_[2];
   my $self = { };
   my $_connect='';
   my ($ip,$hostname,$use,$ms_share,$ms_domain,
   my $host=($use eq 'ip') ? $ip : $hostname;
   $self->{_hostlabel}=[ $hostlabel,'' ];
   if (wantarray) {
      return $self,'';
   } else {
      return $self;

sub cmd
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nBad_Handle::cmd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub cwd
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nBad_Handle::cwd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub select_dir
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::select_dir() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nBad_Handle::select_dir() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub get_vlabel
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::get_vlabel() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nBad_Handle::get_vlabel() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub ftp
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::ftp() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nBad_Handle::ftp() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub get
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::get() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nBad_Handle::get() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub put

   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::put() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nBad_Handle::put() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub lcd
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::lcd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nBad_Handle::lcd() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

sub ls
   my $self=$_[0];
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "\nINFO: Bad_Handle::ls() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron &&
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG
      "\nBad_Handle::ls() (((((((CALLER))))))):\n       ",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
      -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   if (wantarray) {
      return '',$self->{_stderr};
   } else {

package Net::FullAuto::MemoryHandle;

use strict;
   my $class = shift;
   bless [], $class;

sub PRINT {
   my $self = shift;
   push @$self, join '', @_;

sub PRINTF {
   my $self = shift;
   my $fmt = shift;
   push @$self, sprintf $fmt, @_;

   my $self = shift;
   shift @$self;

package Net::FullAuto::FA_DB;

use strict;
use BerkeleyDB;

sub new
   my $class=shift;
   my $self={};

sub add
print "ADDCALLER=",caller,"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ADDCALLER=".(caller)."\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $tie_err="can't open tie to $self->{_dbfile}.db";
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $line=$_[2];
   if (!$line) {
      if (wantarray) {
         return '','ERROR - no entry specified';
      } else {
            "FullAutoDB: ERROR - no entry specified\n");
   my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
   my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+\w\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
   my $size=$1;my $timestamp=$2;
   my $mt='';my $hr=0;my $dy=0;my $mn=0;my $fileyr=0;
   eval {
      ($mn,$dy,$mt)=split /\s+/, $timestamp;
      if (-1<index $mt,':') {
         ($hr,$mt)=split ':', $mt;
      } else {
   if ($@) {
         "$@ - LSLINE=$line<- AND TIMESTAMP=$timestamp<- AND MN=$mn<-");
   my $ipc_key="$timestamp$size";
   #my $ipc_key=substr($timestamp,-4);
   unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Custom') {
   my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
      -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Custom',
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
   my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
      -Filename => "$self->{_dbfile}.db",
      -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
      -Compare    => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
      -Env      => $dbenv
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
print "ADDING LINE=$line<==\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "ADDING LINE=$line<==\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $status=$bdb->db_put($line,time);
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return 1,'';

sub query
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "FA_DB::query() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FA_DB::query() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $self=$_[0];
   my $tie_err="can't open tie to $self->{_dbfile}.db";
   my $hostlabel=$_[1];
   my $line=$_[2];
   if (!$line) {
      if (wantarray) {
         return '','ERROR - no query specified';
      } else {
            "FullAutoDB: ERROR - no query specified\n");
#my $logreset=1;
#if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) { $logreset=0 }
#else { $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=1 }
print "LINE TO STRIP TIMEINFO=$line\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "LINE TO STRIP TIMEINFO=$line\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $rx1=qr/\d+\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d:\d\d\s+.*/;
   my $rx2=qr/\d+\s+[JFMASOND]\w\w\s+\d+\s+\d\d\d\d\s+.*/;
   my $size=$1;my $timestamp=$2;my $filename=$3;
   my $mt='';my $hr=0;my $dy=0;my $mn=0;my $fileyr=0;
   ($mn,$dy,$mt)=split /\s+/, $timestamp;
   if (-1<index $mt,':') {
      ($hr,$mt)=split ':', $mt;
   } else {
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "TIMEINFO=> MT=$mt HR=$hr DYX=$dy MN=$mn FY=$fileyr\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
#$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log=0 if $logreset;
   my $ipc_key="$timestamp$size";
print "STARTING TIE\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "STARTING TIE\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Custom') {
   my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
      -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Custom',
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
   my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
      -Filename => "$self->{_dbfile}.db",
      -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
      -Compare    => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
      -Env      => $dbenv
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
print "DONE WITH TIE\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "DONE WITH TIE\n"
                     if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $result=0;
   my $dbcopy='';my $status='';
   # print the contents of the file
   my ($k, $v) = ("", "") ;
   my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
   my %dbcopy=();
   while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
   undef $cursor ;
   if (exists $dbcopy{$line}) {
      $result='File has Already been Transferred';
   } elsif (&Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::test_semaphore($ipc_key)) {
      $result='Another Process is Transferring File';
   } elsif (!$hr && testtime(\%dbcopy,$filename,$size,
         $mn,$dy,$rx1,$rx2,$hostlabel)) {
      $result='File has Already been Transferred';
   } elsif (!$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron) {
      undef $bdb;
      undef $dbenv;
      if (time-$timestamp<600 && $timestamp<time) {
         return 'File Less then 10 Minutes Old','';
      my $acc='';my $ln='';
      ($acc,$ln)=split /\|\%\|/, $line;
      $ln=~tr/ //s;
      my $banner="\n   The $acc Account File :\n\n      $ln\n\n"
                ."   Is Ready to Transfer\n\n   Choose One :";
      my @output=("Do NOT Transfer NOW","Do NOT Transfer EVER",
                  "TRANSFER Now");
      my $output=&Menus::pick(\@output,$banner,7);
      if ($output eq 'Do NOT Transfer NOW') {
         return "User Declines to Transfer File Now",'';
      } elsif ($output eq ']quit[') {
      } elsif ($output eq 'Do NOT Transfer EVER') {
         unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Custom') {
         my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
            -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Custom',
            -Flags =>
         ) or &handle_error(
            "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
         my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
            -Filename => "$self->{_dbfile}.db",
            -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
            -Compare    => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
            -Env      => $dbenv
         ) or &handle_error(
            "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
         my $status=$bdb->db_put($line,time);
         undef $bdb;
         undef $dbenv;
         return 'User Declines to EVER Transfer File','';
      } else {
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) {
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FA_DB::query() QUERYLINE=",
               "$line\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FA_DB::query() ALL_LINES=",
               (join "\n",sort keys %dbcopy),"\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
         return 0,'';
   } else {
      if (time-$timestamp<600) {
         $result='File Less then 10 Minutes Old';
      } else {
         if ($Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log) {
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FA_DB::query() QUERYLINE=",
               "$line\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                               -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
            print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FA_DB::query() ALL_LINES=",
               (join "\n",sort keys %dbcopy),"\n"
               if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log &&
                     -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;
   return $result,'';

sub testtime
   my @topcaller=caller;
   print "FA_DB::testtime() CALLER=",(join ' ',@topcaller),"\n"
      if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FA_DB::testtime() CALLER=",
      (join ' ',@topcaller),"\n" if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
   my $dbcopy=$_[0];
   my $filename=$_[1];
   my $size=$_[2];
   my $mn=$_[3];my $dy=$_[4];
   my $rx1=$_[5];my $rx2=$_[6];
   my $hostlabel=$_[7];
   foreach my $dbline (keys %{$dbcopy}) {
      my $dbhostlabel='';
      ($dbhostlabel,$dbline)=split /\|\%\|/,$dbline;
      next if $dbhostlabel ne $hostlabel;
      my $dbsize=$1;my $dbtimestamp=$2;my $dbfilename=$3;
      my $dbmt='';my $dbdy=0;my $dbmn=0;
      ($dbmn,$dbdy,$dbmt)=split /\s+/, $dbtimestamp;
      next if -1==index $dbmt,':';
print $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG "FA_DB::testtime() FILENAME=$filename and DBFN=$dbfilename",
" SIZE=$size and DBS=$dbsize and MN=$mn and DBM=$dbmn and DY=$dy and DBDY=$dbdy\n"
 if $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::log && -1<index $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::MRLOG,'*';
      if ($filename eq $dbfilename && $size eq $dbsize
            && $mn eq $dbmn && $dy eq $dbdy) {
         return 1;
   } return 0;

sub mod
   my $self=shift;
   unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Custom') {
   my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
      -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Custom',
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
   my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
      -Filename => "$self->{_dbfile}.db",
      -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
      -Compare    => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
      -Env      => $dbenv
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
   my $banner="\n   Please Pick a SkipDB Entry to Delete :";
   my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
   my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
   my @output=();
   while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
      push @output, $k;
   undef $cursor;
   my $output=&Menus::pick(\@output,$banner,7);
   my $status=$bdb->db_del($output);
   undef $bdb;
   undef $dbenv;


sub close
   my @caller=caller;
print "CLOSE_Caller=",(join ' ',@caller),"\n" if !$Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::cron && $Net::FullAuto::FA_Core::debug;
   my $self=shift;
   unless (-d $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Custom') {
   my $dbenv = BerkeleyDB::Env->new(
      -Home  => $Hosts{"__Master_${$}__"}{'FA_Secure'}.'Custom',
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open environment for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
   my $bdb = BerkeleyDB::Btree->new(
      -Filename => "$self->{_dbfile}.db",
      -Flags    => DB_CREATE,
      -Compare    => sub { $_[0] <=> $_[1] },
      -Env      => $dbenv
   ) or &handle_error(
      "cannot open Btree for DB: $BerkeleyDB::Error\n");
   my ($k,$v) = ("","") ;
   my $cursor = $bdb->db_cursor() ;
   while ($cursor->c_get($k, $v, DB_NEXT) == 0) {
      my $hostlabel=substr($k,0,(index $k,'|%|'));
      if (exists ${$self->{_host_queried}}{$hostlabel}
            && !exists ${$self->{_line_queried}}{$k}) {
         my $status=$bdb->db_del($k);
   undef $cursor ;
   undef $bdb ;
   undef $dbenv;


package Net::FullAuto::Getline;
# file: IO/

# Figure 13.2: The Getline module
# line-oriented reading from sockets/handles with access to
# internal buffer.

use strict;
use Carp 'croak';
use IO::Handle;