Changes for version 1.403 - 2013-10-23

  • Honor PATH_FSTAB in the environment on a NetBSD system if present (Thanks to
  • try improve error handling on Darwin to avoid smoke errors
  • be noisy about where we're running on during tests
  • remove runtime recommends for author tests
  • bump required version of Module::Pluggable to avoid blead whining
  • include p5-toolchain gang recommended way to declare developer dependencies
  • use proper indenting for Changes


Retrieve list of filesystems and their properties
Return AIX filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
Return Cygwin filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
Return Darwin (Mac OS X) filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
Returns nothing to Sys::Filesystem
Return Freebsd filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
Return HP-UX filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
Return Linux filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
Return Win32 filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
Return NetBSD filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
Return Solaris filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem
Return generic Unix filesystem information to Sys::Filesystem