detour - Command-line interface for FrameNet::WordNet::Detour


detour [options] synset

  -w, --weights  display weights for each frame
  -f, -e         display the frame evoking elements
  -v             run in verbose mode
  -vv            run in debuging mode
  -l, --limited  run in limited mode
  --no-limited   run in unlimited mode
  -c, --cache    run using the cache
  --no-cache     do not use the cache
  --wn PATH      set path to WordNet
  --fn PATH      set path to FrameNet
  -h             show this help

  A specific synset (e.g. 'get#v#1') or all synsets for one 
  lexical unit for one part-of-speech (e.g. 'get#v')


detour is a small command line script that can be used to pose a query to the detour system. The detour system is a perl module, that can be found on CPAN (FrameNet::WordNet::Detour).