#_{ Encoding and name
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
GraphViz::Graph - Object Oriented interface to graphviz.
use strict;
use utf8;
#_{ Version
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.02
our $VERSION = '0.02';
#_{ Synopsis
use GraphViz::Graph;
my $graph = GraphViz::Graph->new('filename-without-suffix');
# Create nodes:
my $nd_1 = $graph->node(…);
my $nd_2 = $graph->node(…);
# Connect nodes:
$graph->edge($nd_1, $nd_2);
# Create .dot file, run graphviz/dot to
# create filename-without-suffix.png:
#_{ use …
use Carp;
#_{ Methods
=head1 METHODS
sub new { #_{
=head2 new
my $graph = GraphViz::Graph->new('FileNameBase');
Start a graph. C<'FileNameBase'> is the base name for the produced dot and png/pdf/svg… etc. output file.
my $class = shift;
my $file_base_name = shift;
my $opts = shift // {};
my $self = {};
croak 'File base name must be passed' unless defined $file_base_name;
croak 'File base name must be sclar' unless ref \$file_base_name eq 'SCALAR';
$self -> {file_base_name} = $file_base_name;
# $opts->{file_base_name} = $file_base_name;
croak "Unrecognized opts " . join "/", keys %$opts if keys %$opts;
$self->{nodes} = [];
$self->{edges} = [];
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
} #_}
sub label { #_{
#_{ POD
=head2 label
GraphViz::Graph->label({text => 'Graph Title'}');
GraphViz::Graph->label({html => '<font point-size="20">Say <font face="Courier">Hello World</font></font>'}');
Add a label to a graph. Most probably used as a title.
my $self = shift;
my $opts = shift;
$self -> {label} = GraphViz::Graph::Label->new($opts);
} #_}
sub node { #_{
=head2 node
my $nd_foo = GraphViz::Graph->node();
# … later:
$nd_foo -> label({html=>"<b>Bold</b><i>Italic</i>"});
Add a node to a graph
my $self = shift;
my $opts = shift;
my $node = GraphViz::Graph::Node -> new($opts);
push @{$self->{nodes}}, $node;
return $node;
} #_}
sub edge { #_{
=head2 edge
Add an edge to a graph.
my $nd_one = $graph->node();
my $nd_two = $graph->node();
my $nd_three = $graph->node();
<tr><td port='port_f'>f</td><td>g</td></tr>
$graph->edge($nd_one, $nd_two->port('port_f')):
$graph->edge($nd_two, $nd_three);
my $self = shift;
my $from = shift;
my $to = shift;
my $edge = GraphViz::Graph::Edge -> new($from, $to);
push @{$self->{edges}}, $edge;
return $edge;
} #_}
sub write_dot { #_{
my $self = shift;
open my $out, '>', "$self->{file_base_name}.dot";
print $out "digraph {\n";
for my $node (@{$self->{nodes}}) {
print $out $node -> dot_text();
for my $edge (@{$self->{edges}}) {
print $out $edge -> dot_text();
# Define the graph label end of your dot file,
# otherwise subgraphs will inherit those properties.
if ($self->{label}) {
print $out $self->{label}->dot_text;
print $out "}\n";
} #_}
sub create { #_{
my $self = shift;
my $filetype = shift;
croak "unspecified filetype" unless $filetype;
my $command = "dot $self->{file_base_name}.dot -T$filetype -o$self->{file_base_name}.$filetype";
my $rc = system ($command);
croak "rc = $rc, command=$command" if $rc;
} #_}
sub node_or_port_to_string_ { #_{
#_{ POD
=head2 node_or_port_to_string_
This function is internally used by the constructur (C<new()>) of L<GraphViz::Graph::Edge>.
my $node_or_port = shift;
if (ref $node_or_port eq 'GraphViz::Graph::Node') {
return $node_or_port->{id};
unless (ref $node_or_port) {
# String ???
return $node_or_port;
croak "Graph - node_or_port ($node_or_port) neither Node nor string";
} #_}
#_{ POD: Copyright
=head1 Copyright
Copyright © 2017 René Nyffenegger, Switzerland. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a
#_{ Testing
=head1 Testing