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# ABSTRACT: A column of the ER model
use strict;
use Moo;
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
our $VERSION = '1.10';
has node => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
isa => sub {
blessed $_[0] && $_[0]->isa( 'XML::LibXML::Element' );
has table => (
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
isa => sub {
blessed $_[0] && $_[0]->isa( 'MySQL::Workbench::Parser::Table' );
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
has name => ( is => 'rwp' );
has id => ( is => 'rwp' );
has length => ( is => 'rwp' );
has datatype => ( is => 'rwp' );
has precision => ( is => 'rwp' );
has not_null => ( is => 'rwp' );
has autoincrement => ( is => 'rwp' );
has default_value => ( is => 'rwp' );
has comment => ( is => 'rwp' );
has type_info => ( is => 'rwp' );
has flags => ( is => 'rwp' );
sub as_hash {
my $self = shift;
my %info;
for my $attr ( qw(name length datatype precision not_null autoincrement default_value comment) ) {
$info{$attr} = $self->$attr();
return \%info;
sub as_string {
my ($self) = @_;
my $info = sprintf "%s %s%s%s%s%s",
( $self->length > 0 ? "(" . $self->length . ")" : '' ),
( $self->not_null ? ' NOT NULL' : '' ),
( $self->autoincrement ? ' AUTOINCREMENT' : '' ),
return $info;
sub _parse {
my $self = shift;
my $node = $self->node;
my $id = $node->findvalue( '@id' );
$self->_set_id( $id );
for my $key ( qw(name length precision comment) ) {
my $value = $node->findvalue( './value[@key="' . $key . '"]' );
my $method = $self->can( '_set_' . $key );
$self->$method( $value );
my $datatype_internal = $node->findvalue( './link[@struct-name="db.SimpleDatatype" or @struct-name="db.UserDatatype"]' );
my $datatype = $self->table->get_datatype( $datatype_internal );
$self->_set_datatype( $datatype->{name} );
$self->_set_type_info( $datatype );
$self->_set_length( $datatype->{length} ) if $datatype->{length};
$self->_set_precision( $datatype->{precision} ) if $datatype->{precision};
my %flags = map{
my $flag = lc $_->textContent;
$flag => 1;
}@{ $node->findnodes('./value[@key="flags"]/value') || [] };
$self->_set_flags( \%flags );
my $not_null = $node->findvalue( './value[@key="isNotNull"]' );
$self->_set_not_null( $not_null );
my $auto_increment = $node->findvalue( './value[@key="autoIncrement"]' );
$self->_set_autoincrement( $auto_increment );
my $default = $node->findvalue( './value[@key="defaultValue"]' );
$self->_set_default_value( $default );
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
MySQL::Workbench::Parser::Column - A column of the ER model
=head1 VERSION
version 1.10
=head1 METHODS
=for Pod::Coverage BUILD
=head2 as_hash
return info about a column as a hash
my %info = $column->as_hash;
name => 'id',
datatype => 'INT',
length => '',
precision => '0',
not_null => '1',
autoincrement => '1',
default_value => '',
=head2 as_string
Returns a stringified version of the column information
name => 'id',
datatype => 'INT',
length => '',
precision => '0',
not_null => '1',
autoincrement => '1',
default_value => '',
=over 4
=item * autoincrement
=item * comment
=item * datatype
=item * default_value
=item * flags
Any extra flags like I<binary>, I<unsigned> and/or I<zerofill>.
=item * id
=item * length
=item * name
=item * node
=item * not_null
=item * precision
=item * table
=item * type_info
More information about the datatype:
=over 4
=item * args
The I<length>, I<precision> or a list of possible values (for enums).
=item * gui_name
The column type as shown in Workbench. For user defined types
it is the label shown in the dropdowns.
=item * length
E.g. for C<VARCHAR> columns, the max length of the value
=item * name
The SQL definition name. For user defined types, this is the
underlying data type.
=item * precision
=head1 MISC
=head2 BUILD
=head1 AUTHOR
Renee Baecker <reneeb@cpan.org>
This software is Copyright (c) 2018 by Renee Baecker.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)