OTRS::OPM::Maker::Command::sopm - Build .sopm file based on metadata


version 1.28


SOPM files are used for OTRS addon creation. They define some metadata like the vendor, their URL, packages required or required Perl modules. It is an XML file and it's no fun to create it. It not uncommon that the list of files included in the addon is not updated before the addon is built and released.

That's why this package exists. You can define the metadata and stuff like database changes in a JSON file and the file list is created automatically. And you don't have to write the XML tags repeatedly.


When an OTRS addon is installed, it happens in several phases

1 CodeInstall - type "pre"
2 DatabaseInstall - type "pre"
3 Files are installed
4 Include SysConfig
5 DatabaseInstall - type "post"
6 CodeInstall - type "post"

These types are important in some cases and you'll see them later.


You can configure this command with a JSON file.

A simple add on

This configuration file defines only the metadata.

   "name": "Test",
   "version": "0.0.3",
   "framework": [
   "vendor": {
       "name":  "",
       "url": ""
   "license": "GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, November 2007",
   "description" : {
       "en": "Test sopm command"

And this .sopm will be created (assuming the file exists)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<otrs_package version="1.0">
  <!-- GENERATED WITH OTRS::OPM::Maker::Command::sopm (1.27) -->
  <Description Lang="en">Test sopm command</Description>
  <License>GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, November 2007</License>
      <File Permission="644" Location="01_simple_json.t" />
      <File Permission="644" Location="02_intro.t" />

Support more than one framework version

If the module runs on several framework version, you can define them in the list of frameworks

"framework": [

And they will all be listed in the .sopm


Required packages and modules

Some addons depend on other addons and/or Perl modules. So it has to define those prerequesits.

"requires": {
    "package" : {
        "TicketOverviewHooked" : "3.2.1"
    "module" : {
        "Digest::MD5" : "0.01"

Creates those tags

<PackageRequired Version="3.2.1">TicketOverviewHooked</PackageRequired>
<ModuleRequired Version="0.01">Digest::MD5</ModuleRequired>

Database changes

Create new table

Insert stuff

Change Column


Renee Baecker <>


This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Renee Baecker.

This is free software, licensed under:

The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)