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use strict;
use Cwd;
# create a directory and a file
my $sub = Test::CheckManifest->can('_check_excludes');
ok $sub;
my $dir = Cwd::realpath( dirname __FILE__ );
$dir =~ s{.t\z}{};
is_deeply $sub->( { exclude => ['testing'] }, $dir ), [], 'empty excludes';
is_deeply $sub->( { exclude => ['/t'] }, $dir ), [ File::Spec->catdir( $dir, 't' ) ], 't directory';
is_deeply $sub->( { exclude => ['/t'] }, '.' ), [ File::Spec->catdir( $dir, 't' ) ], 't directory - home: .';
is_deeply $sub->( { exclude => ['/t2'] }, '.' ), [ ], 't2 directory, that does not exist';
is_deeply $sub->( { exclude => [''] }, '' ), [ ], 'empty strings';
is_deeply $sub->( { exclude => [undef] }, '' ), [ ], 'undef excluded path';
is_deeply $sub->( { exclude => undef }, '' ), [ ], 'exclude is undef';