Changes for version 0.08 - 2015-11-29
- added options to pass automatic_load_item => 0 for not loading item when POST returns 201 with Location.
- process_request, process_response, process_response_success, response_decoded, item_loaded , stash_added and list_loaded now can be an option for rest_* in addition to the Class::Trigger
- eg: (when you want check reponse verification by yourself AND want to have $res to better error messages): my ($obj, $res, $req); $obj = $stash_rest_obj->rest_post( 'customer', data => ['key', 'value'], params => {api_key => '123'}, skip_response_tests => 1, process_response => sub { $res = $_[0]->{res}; $req = $_[0]->{req}; }, ); if (!$res->is_success) { do verification by yourself }
Add Requests into stash. Then, Extends with Class::Trigger!