Sub::Identify - Retrieve names of code references


    use Sub::Identify ':all';
    my $subname = sub_name( $some_coderef );
    my $p = stash_name( $some_coderef );
    my $fully_qualified_name = sub_fullname( $some_coderef );
    defined $subname
	and print "this coderef points to sub $subname in package $p\n";


Sub::Identify allows you to retrieve the real name of code references. For this, it uses perl's introspection mechanism, provided by the B module.

It provides three functions : sub_name returns the name of the subroutine (or __ANON__ if it's an anonymous code reference), stash_name returns its package, and sub_fullname returns the concatenation of the two.

In case of subroutine aliasing, those functions always return the original name.


Written by Rafael Garcia-Suarez (rgarciasuarez at mandriva dot com).

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.