urpmi.recover - manages repackaging of old RPMs and rollbacks


urpmi.recover --checkpoint
urpmi.recover --list '1 week ago'
urpmi.recover --rollback '1 hour ago'
urpmi.recover --disable


urpmi.recover is a tool to help management of RPM rollbacks. It has three main functions:

urpmi.recover --checkpoint is used to define a point in your system that you consider stable, and to start storing info that will enable you to rollback installations and upgrades to this state.

urpmi.recover --list is used to list chronologically all installations and upgrades on your system.

urpmi.recover --rollback is used to roll back installations and upgrades to a previous point in the past (at most until your checkpoint.)



Define the repackaging checkpoint. From now on, using rpm and/or urpmi/urpme to install, upgrade or remove packages, the older packages will be stored in /var/spool/repackage, or whatever directory you set the %_repackage_dir rpm macro to. This way one can use them for rollbacks.

Technically, using this option writes a file /etc/rpm/macros.d/urpmi.recover.macros that overrides the rpm macros used to set up the repackaging functionalities of rpm. You can change %_repackage_dir there if you want to. Note that you'll probably need plenty of space to store repackaged rpms for a long timeframe.

You can also choose to turn off repackaging by setting %_repackage_all_erasures to 0 in this file. (Of course if you do so rollbacks won't be possible anymore.)


--checkpoint defines a new checkpoint and removes everything in the repackage directory. To prevent this cleaning, use the --noclean option.

--list <date>

Lists all installations and upgrades from now since the provided date. The date parser is quite elaborated, so you can give a date in ISO format or close to it (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) or a duration (e.g. "1 day ago").


Lists all installations and upgrades known to the RPM database.


Lists all installations and upgrades up to the date of the checkpoint.

--rollback <date>
--rollback <number of transactions>

Roll back the system to the given date (see --list for accepted date formats), or rolls back the given number of transactions.


Turn off repackaging. Unless --noclean was also specified, this cleans up the repackage directory as well. To turn it on again, use --checkpoint.


When enabled, you can't install and repackage delta rpms (rpms generated with the makedeltarpm tool.)




Rafael Garcia-Suarez, <>


urpmi(8), urpme(8)