NAME - Frequently Asked Questions


This is a growing collection of things that might help. Please send you questions that are not answered here to


How can I find out what Expect is doing?

If you set

$Expect::Exp_Internal = 1;

Expect will tell you very verbosely what it is receiving, what matching it is trying and what it found.

You can also set

$Expect::Debug = 1;

which gives you even more output.

I am seeing the output of the command I spawned. Can I turn that off?

Yes, just set

$Expect::Log_Stdout = 0;

How can I turn off multi-line matching for my regexps?

To globally unset multi-line matching for all regexps:

$Expect::Multiline_Matching = 0;

You can do that on a per-regexp basis by stating (?-m) inside the regexp (you need perl5.00503 or later for that).

How can I expect on multiple spawned commands?

You can use the -i parameter to specify a single or a list of Expect objects. All following patterns will be evaluated against that list.

You can specify -i multiple times to create groups of objects and patterns to mtach against within the same expect statement.

See the source example below.

Source Examples

How to automate login

		qr'login: $',
		sub {
		  my $fh = shift;
		  print $fh "$username\r"; exp_continue;
		'Password: $',
		sub {
		  my $fh = shift;
		  print $fh "$password\r"; exp_continue;
		timeout =>
		sub {
		  die "No login.\n";
	       '-re', qr'[#>:] $', #' wait for shell prompt, then exit expect

How to expect on multiple spawned commands

  foreach my $cmd (@list_of_commands) {
    push @commands, new Expect $cmd;

	 '-i', \@commands,
	  qr"pattern",		# find this pattern in output of all commands
	  sub {
	    my $obj = shift;	# object that matched
	    print $obj "something\r";
	    exp_continue;	# we don't want to terminate the expect call
	 '-i', $some_other_command,
	  "some other pattern",
	  sub {
	    my ($obj, $parmref) = @_;
	    # ...

	    # now we exit the expect command