Changes for version 0.10007 - 2012-11-08
- Disable tests on perls where Class::XSAccessor emits broken error messages (RT#74883, RT#80519)
- Drop minimum perl to 5.6 (from 5.6.2)
- Switch all module loading to Module::Runtime and lose dependency on Class::Inspector
- Fix stupid mistake causing double-require of Sub::Name when Class::XSAccessor is not available (RT#80657)
- Simplify superclass traversal done by the 'inherited' group type
- Fix incorrect quoting of unusual hash keys (fieldnames)
- Depend on newer bugfixed Class::XSAccessor 1.15
- Improve text of ro/wo violation exceptions
- Sanity-check accessor names for well-formedness (qr/[A-Z_a-z][0-9A-Z_a-z]*/)
Lets you build groups of accessors