SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class - Create a SQL::Translator schema from a DBIx::Class::Schema instance
## Via DBIx::Class
use MyApp::Schema;
my $schema = MyApp::Schema->connect("dbi:SQLite:something.db");
## or
## Standalone
use MyApp::Schema;
use SQL::Translator;
my $schema = MyApp::Schema->connect;
my $trans = SQL::Translator->new (
parser => 'SQL::Translator::Parser::DBIx::Class',
parser_args => { package => $schema },
producer => 'SQLite',
) or die SQL::Translator->error;
my $out = $trans->translate() or die $trans->error;
This class requires SQL::Translator installed to work.
reads a DBIx::Class schema, interrogates the columns, and stuffs it all in an $sqlt_schema object.
It's primary use is in deploying database layouts described as a set of DBIx::Class classes, to a database. To do this, see "deploy" in DBIx::Class::Schema.
This can also be achieved by having DBIx::Class export the schema as a set of SQL files ready for import into your database, or passed to other machines that need to have your application installed but don't have SQL::Translator installed. To do this see "create_ddl_dir" in DBIx::Class::Schema.
SQL::Translator, DBIx::Class::Schema
Jess Robinson
Matt S Trout
Ash Berlin