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DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::InterBase - Driver for the Firebird RDBMS


This class implements autoincrements for Firebird using RETURNING as well as auto_nextval sets the limit dialect to FIRST X SKIP X and provides DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime support.

You need to use either the disable_sth_caching option or "connect_call_use_softcommit" (see "CAVEATS") for your code to function correctly with this driver. Otherwise you will likely get bizarre error messages such as no statement executing. The alternative is to use the ODBC driver, which is more suitable for long running processes such as under Catalyst.

To turn on DBIx::Class::InflateColumn::DateTime support, see "connect_call_datetime_setup".


Used as:

on_connect_call => 'use_softcommit'

In connect_info to set the DBD::InterBase ib_softcommit option.

You need either this option or disable_sth_caching => 1 for DBIx::Class code to function correctly (otherwise you may get no statement executing errors.) Or use the ODBC driver.

The downside of using this option is that your process will NOT see UPDATEs, INSERTs and DELETEs from other processes for already open statements.


Used as:

on_connect_call => 'datetime_setup'

In connect_info to set the date and timestamp formats using:

$dbh->{ib_time_all} = 'ISO';

See DBD::InterBase for more details.

The TIMESTAMP data type supports up to 4 digits after the decimal point for second precision. The full precision is used.

The DATE data type stores the date portion only, and it MUST be declared with:

data_type => 'date'

in your Result class.

Timestamp columns can be declared with either datetime or timestamp.

You will need the DateTime::Format::Strptime module for inflation to work.

For DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ODBC::Firebird, this is a noop and sub-second precision is not currently available.


  • with "connect_call_use_softcommit", you will not be able to see changes made to data in other processes. If this is an issue, use disable_sth_caching as a workaround for the no statement executing errors, this of course adversely affects performance.

    Alternately, use the ODBC driver.

  • last_insert_id support by default only works for Firebird versions 2 or greater, auto_nextval however should work with earlier versions.

  • Sub-second precision for TIMESTAMPs is not currently available when using the ODBC driver.


See "AUTHOR" in DBIx::Class and "CONTRIBUTORS" in DBIx::Class.


You may distribute this code under the same terms as Perl itself.