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use strict;
use lib qw(t/lib);
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema(no_populate => 1);
my $ars = $schema->resultset('Artist');
my $rank = \13;
my $ref1 = \['?', [name => 'foo']];
my $ref2 = \['?', [name => 'bar']];
my $ref3 = \['?', [name => 'baz']];
# do it twice, make sure the args are untouched
for (1,2) {
lives_ok {
$ars->create({ artistid => 666, name => $ref1, rank => $rank });
} 'inserted row using literal sql';
ok (($ars->search({ name => 'foo' })->first),
'row was inserted');
lives_ok {
$ars->search({ name => { '=' => $ref1} })->update({ name => $ref2, rank => $rank });
} 'search/updated row using literal sql';
ok (($ars->search({ name => 'bar' })->first),
'row was updated');
lives_ok {
$ars->populate([{ artistid => 777, name => $ref3, rank => $rank }]);
} 'populated row using literal sql';
ok (($ars->search({ name => 'baz' })->first),
'row was populated');
\['?', [name => 'foo']],
'ref1 unchanged',
\['?', [name => 'bar']],
'ref2 unchanged',
\['?', [name => 'baz']],
'ref3 unchanged',
# vim:sts=2 sw=2: