The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
plan skip_all => 'Test needs ' . DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_missing_for ('id_shortener')
unless DBIx::Class::Optional::Dependencies->req_ok_for ('id_shortener');
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest ':DiffSQL';
# Offline test for connect_by
# ( without active database connection)
my @handle_tests = (
connect_by => { 'parentid' => { '-prior' => \'artistid' } },
stmt => '"parentid" = PRIOR artistid',
bind => [],
msg => 'Simple: "parentid" = PRIOR artistid',
connect_by => { 'parentid' => { '!=' => { '-prior' => { -ident => 'artistid' } } } },
stmt => '"parentid" != ( PRIOR "artistid" )',
bind => [],
msg => 'Simple: "parentid" != ( PRIOR "artistid" )',
# CONNECT BY last_name != 'King' AND PRIOR employee_id = manager_id ...
connect_by => [
last_name => { '!=' => 'King' },
manager_id => { '-prior' => { -ident => 'employee_id' } },
stmt => '( "last_name" != ? OR "manager_id" = PRIOR "employee_id" )',
bind => ['King'],
msg => ' example #1',
# CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id and
# PRIOR account_mgr_id = customer_id ...
connect_by => {
manager_id => { '-prior' => { -ident => 'employee_id' } },
customer_id => { '>', { '-prior' => \'account_mgr_id' } },
stmt => '( "customer_id" > ( PRIOR account_mgr_id ) AND "manager_id" = PRIOR "employee_id" )',
bind => [],
msg => ' example #2',
# CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR employee_id = manager_id AND LEVEL <= 4;
# TODO: NOCYCLE parameter doesn't work
my $sqla_oracle = DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::Oracle->new( quote_char => '"', name_sep => '.' );
isa_ok($sqla_oracle, 'DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::Oracle');
for my $case (@handle_tests) {
my ( $stmt, @bind );
my $msg = sprintf("Offline: %s",
$case->{msg} || substr($case->{stmt},0,25),
sub {
( $stmt, @bind ) = $sqla_oracle->_recurse_where( $case->{connect_by} );
is_same_sql_bind( $stmt, \@bind, $case->{stmt}, $case->{bind},$msg )
|| diag "Search term:\n" . Dumper $case->{connect_by};
,sprintf("lives is ok from '%s'",$msg));
is (
'_shorten_identifier for short id without keywords ok'
is (
$sqla_oracle->_shorten_identifier('short_id', [qw/ foo /]),
'_shorten_identifier for short id with one keyword ok'
is (
$sqla_oracle->_shorten_identifier('short_id', [qw/ foo bar baz /]),
'_shorten_identifier for short id with keywords ok'
is (
'_shorten_identifier without keywords ok',
is (
$sqla_oracle->_shorten_identifier('very_long_identifier_which_exceeds_the_30char_limit',[qw/ foo /]),
'_shorten_identifier with one keyword ok',
is (
$sqla_oracle->_shorten_identifier('very_long_identifier_which_exceeds_the_30char_limit',[qw/ foo bar baz /]),
'_shorten_identifier with keywords ok',
# test SQL generation for INSERT ... RETURNING
sub UREF { \do { my $x } };
$sqla_oracle->{bindtype} = 'columns';
for my $q ('', '"') {
local $sqla_oracle->{quote_char} = $q;
my ($sql, @bind) = $sqla_oracle->insert(
'name' => 'Testartist',
'returning' => 'artistid',
'returning_container' => [],
$sql, \@bind,
"INSERT INTO ${q}artist${q} (${q}name${q}) VALUES (?) RETURNING ${q}artistid${q} INTO ?",
[ [ name => 'Testartist' ], [ artistid => UREF ] ],
'sql_maker generates insert returning for one column'
($sql, @bind) = $sqla_oracle->insert(
'name' => 'Testartist',
'returning' => \'artistid',
'returning_container' => [],
$sql, \@bind,
"INSERT INTO ${q}artist${q} (${q}name${q}) VALUES (?) RETURNING artistid INTO ?",
[ [ name => 'Testartist' ], [ artistid => UREF ] ],
'sql_maker generates insert returning for one column'
($sql, @bind) = $sqla_oracle->insert(
'a_timestamp' => '2010-05-26 18:22:00',
'returning' => [ 'id', 'a_computed_column', 'charfield' ],
'returning_container' => [],
$sql, \@bind,
"INSERT INTO ${q}computed_column_test${q} (${q}a_timestamp${q}) VALUES (?) RETURNING ${q}id${q}, ${q}a_computed_column${q}, ${q}charfield${q} INTO ?, ?, ?",
[ [ a_timestamp => '2010-05-26 18:22:00' ], [ id => UREF ], [ a_computed_column => UREF ], [ charfield => UREF ] ],
'sql_maker generates insert returning for multiple columns'