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use strict;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest ':DiffSQL';
sub test_order {
my $rs = shift;
my $args = shift;
local $TODO = "Not implemented" if $args->{todo};
lives_ok {
{ foo => 'bar' },
order_by => $args->{order_by},
having =>
[ { read_count => { '>' => 5 } }, \[ 'read_count < ?', [ read_count => 8 ] ] ]
SELECT,, me.hello, me.goodbye, me.sensors, me.read_count
FROM fourkeys me
WHERE ( foo = ? )
HAVING read_count > ? OR read_count < ?
ORDER BY $args->{order_req}
[ { sqlt_datatype => 'integer', dbic_colname => 'foo' }
=> 'bar' ],
[ { sqlt_datatype => 'int', dbic_colname => 'read_count' }
=> 5 ],
[ { sqlt_datatype => 'int', dbic_colname => 'read_count' }
=> 8 ],
? map { [ { dbic_colname => $_->[0] } => $_->[1] ] } @{ $args->{bind} }
: ()
) || diag Dumper $args->{order_by};
my @tests = (
order_by => \'foo DESC',
order_req => 'foo DESC',
bind => [],
order_by => { -asc => 'foo' },
order_req => 'foo ASC',
bind => [],
order_by => { -desc => \[ 'colA LIKE ?', [ colA => 'test' ] ] },
order_req => 'colA LIKE ? DESC',
bind => [ [ colA => 'test' ] ],
order_by => \[ 'colA LIKE ? DESC', [ colA => 'test' ] ],
order_req => 'colA LIKE ? DESC',
bind => [ [ colA => 'test' ] ],
order_by => [
{ -asc => \['colA'] },
{ -desc => \[ 'colB LIKE ?', [ colB => 'test' ] ] },
{ -asc => \[ 'colC LIKE ?', [ colC => 'tost' ] ] },
order_req => 'colA ASC, colB LIKE ? DESC, colC LIKE ? ASC',
bind => [ [ colB => 'test' ], [ colC => 'tost' ] ],
todo => 1,
order_by => [
{ -asc => 'colA' },
{ -desc => { colB => { 'LIKE' => 'test' } } },
{ -asc => { colC => { 'LIKE' => 'tost' } } }
order_req => 'colA ASC, colB LIKE ? DESC, colC LIKE ? ASC',
bind => [ [ colB => 'test' ], [ colC => 'tost' ] ],
todo => 1,
order_by => { -desc => { colA => { LIKE => 'test' } } },
order_req => 'colA LIKE ? DESC',
bind => [ [ colA => 'test' ] ],
my $rs = DBICTest->init_schema->resultset('FourKeys');
test_order($rs, $_) for @tests;