The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use lib qw(t/lib);
use DBICTest ':DiffSQL';
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema( no_deploy => 1 );
@{ $schema->storage->_dbi_connect_info },
{ AutoCommit => 1, quote_char => [qw/[ ]/] }
my $rs = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
{ 'me.year' => 2001, '' => 'Caterwauler McCrae' },
{ join => 'artist' }
my $expected_bind = [
[ { dbic_colname => "", sqlt_datatype => "varchar", sqlt_size => 100 }
=> 'Caterwauler McCrae' ],
[ { dbic_colname => "me.year", sqlt_datatype => "varchar", sqlt_size => 100 }
=> 2001 ],
"(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM cd [me] JOIN [artist] [artist] ON [artist].[artistid] = [me].[artist] WHERE ( [artist].[name] = ? AND [me].[year] = ? ))",
'got correct SQL for count query with bracket quoting'
is_same_sql_bind (
"(SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM cd `me` JOIN `artist` `artist` ON ( `artist`.`artistid` = `me`.`artist` ) WHERE ( `artist`.`name` = ? AND `me`.`year` = ? ))",
'got correct SQL for count query with mysql quoting'
# !!! talk to ribasushi *explicitly* before modfying these tests !!!
$schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, { order_by => 'year DESC', columns => 'cdid' })->as_query,
'(SELECT `me`.`cdid` FROM cd `me` ORDER BY `year DESC`)',
'quoted ORDER BY with DESC (should use a scalarref anyway)'
$schema->resultset('CD')->search({}, { order_by => \'year DESC', columns => 'cdid' })->as_query,
'(SELECT `me`.`cdid` FROM cd `me` ORDER BY year DESC)',
'did not quote ORDER BY with scalarref',
scalar $schema->storage->sql_maker->update('group', { order => 12, name => 'Bill' }),
'UPDATE `group` SET `name` = ?, `order` = ?',
'quoted table names for UPDATE' );