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use strict;
use lib 't/cdbi/testlib';
use Film;
Film->create({ Title => $_, Rating => "PG" }) for ("Superman", "Super Fuzz");
Film->create({ Title => "Batman", Rating => "PG13" });
my $superman = Film->search_where( Title => "Superman" );
is $superman->next->Title, "Superman", "search_where() as iterator";
is $superman->next, undef;
my @supers = Film->search_where({ title => { 'like' => 'Super%' } });
is_deeply [sort map $_->Title, @supers],
[sort ("Super Fuzz", "Superman")], 'like';
my @all = Film->search_where({}, { order_by => "Title ASC" });
is_deeply ["Batman", "Super Fuzz", "Superman"],
[map $_->Title, @all],
"order_by ASC";
@all = Film->search_where({}, { order_by => "Title DESC" });
is_deeply ["Superman", "Super Fuzz", "Batman"],
[map $_->Title, @all],
"order_by DESC";
@all = Film->search_where({ Rating => "PG" }, { limit => 1, order_by => "Title ASC" });
is_deeply ["Super Fuzz"],
[map $_->Title, @all],
"where, limit";
@all = Film->search_where({}, { limit => 2, order_by => "Title ASC" });
is_deeply ["Batman", "Super Fuzz"],
[map $_->Title, @all],
@all = Film->search_where({}, { offset => 1, order_by => "Title ASC" });
is_deeply ["Super Fuzz", "Superman"],
[map $_->Title, @all],
@all = Film->search_where({}, { limit => 1, offset => 1, order_by => "Title ASC" });
is_deeply ["Super Fuzz"],
[map $_->Title, @all],
"limit + offset";
@all = Film->search_where({}, { limit => 2, offset => 1,
limit_dialect => "Top", order_by => "Title ASC"
is_deeply ["Super Fuzz", "Superman"],
[map $_->Title, @all],
"limit_dialect ignored";