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use strict;
use lib qw(t/lib);
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
my $rs = $schema->resultset('Artist')->search({}, {
select => 'artistid',
prefetch => { cds => 'tracks' },
my $initial_artists_cnt = $rs->count;
# create one extra artist with just one cd with just one track
# and then an artist with nothing at all
# the implicit order by me.artistid will get them back in correct order
name => 'foo',
cds => [{
year => 2012,
title => 'foocd',
tracks => [{
title => 'footrack',
$rs->create({ name => 'bar' });
$rs->create({ name => 'baz' });
# make sure we are reentrant, and also check with explicit order_by
for (undef, undef, 'me.artistid') {
$rs = $rs->search({}, { order_by => $_ }) if $_;
for (1 .. $initial_artists_cnt) {
is ($rs->next->artistid, $_, 'Default fixture artists in order') || exit;
my $foo_artist = $rs->next;
is ($foo_artist->cds->next->tracks->next->title, 'footrack', 'Right track');
is (
$initial_artists_cnt + 3,
'Very last artist still on the cursor'
is_deeply ([$rs->cursor->next], [], 'Nothing else left');
is ($rs->next->artistid, $initial_artists_cnt + 2, 'Row stashed in resultset still accessible');
is ($rs->next, undef, 'Nothing left in resultset either');
my @objs = $rs->all;
is (@objs, $initial_artists_cnt + 3, '->all resets everything correctly');
is ( ($rs->cursor->next)[0], 1, 'Cursor auto-rewound after all()');
is ($rs->{_stashed_rows}, undef, 'Nothing else left in $rs stash');
my $unordered_rs = $rs->search({}, { order_by => 'cds.title' });
warnings_exist {
ok ($unordered_rs->next, 'got row 1');
} qr/performed an eager cursor slurp underneath/, 'Warned on auto-eager cursor';
is_deeply ([$unordered_rs->cursor->next], [], 'Nothing left on cursor, eager slurp');
ok ($unordered_rs->next, "got row $_") for (2 .. $initial_artists_cnt + 3);
is ($unordered_rs->next, undef, 'End of RS reached');
is ($unordered_rs->next, undef, 'End of RS not lost');
my $non_uniquely_ordered_constrained = $schema->resultset('CD')->search(
{ artist => 1 },
{ order_by => [qw( me.genreid me.title me.year )], prefetch => 'tracks' },
isa_ok ($non_uniquely_ordered_constrained->next, 'DBICTest::CD' );
ok( defined $non_uniquely_ordered_constrained->cursor->next, 'Cursor not exhausted' );