The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use lib qw(t/lib);
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema();
plan tests => 9;
my $artist = $schema->resultset ('Artist')->first;
my $genre = $schema->resultset ('Genre')
->create ({ name => 'par excellence' });
is ($genre->search_related( 'model_cd' )->count, 0, 'No cds yet');
# expect a create
$genre->update_or_create_related ('model_cd', {
artist => $artist,
year => 2009,
title => 'the best thing since sliced bread',
# verify cd was inserted ok
is ($genre->search_related( 'model_cd' )->count, 1, 'One cd');
my $cd = $genre->find_related ('model_cd', {});
is_deeply (
{ map { $_, $cd->get_column ($_) } qw/artist year title/ },
artist => $artist->id,
year => 2009,
title => 'the best thing since sliced bread',
'CD created correctly',
# expect a year update on the only related row
# (non-qunique column + unique column as disambiguator)
$genre->update_or_create_related ('model_cd', {
year => 2010,
title => 'the best thing since sliced bread',
# re-fetch the cd, verify update
is ($genre->search_related( 'model_cd' )->count, 1, 'Still one cd');
$cd = $genre->find_related ('model_cd', {});
is_deeply (
{ map { $_, $cd->get_column ($_) } qw/artist year title/ },
artist => $artist->id,
year => 2010,
title => 'the best thing since sliced bread',
'CD year column updated correctly',
# expect an update of the only related row
# (update a unique column)
$genre->update_or_create_related ('model_cd', {
title => 'the best thing since vertical toasters',
# re-fetch the cd, verify update
is ($genre->search_related( 'model_cd' )->count, 1, 'Still one cd');
$cd = $genre->find_related ('model_cd', {});
is_deeply (
{ map { $_, $cd->get_column ($_) } qw/artist year title/ },
artist => $artist->id,
year => 2010,
title => 'the best thing since vertical toasters',
'CD title column updated correctly',
# expect a year update on the only related row
# (non-unique column only)
$genre->update_or_create_related ('model_cd', {
year => 2011,
# re-fetch the cd, verify update
is ($genre->search_related( 'model_cd' )->count, 1, 'Still one cd');
$cd = $genre->find_related ('model_cd', {});
is_deeply (
{ map { $_, $cd->get_column ($_) } qw/artist year title/ },
artist => $artist->id,
year => 2011,
title => 'the best thing since vertical toasters',
'CD year column updated correctly without a disambiguator',