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use strict;
use lib qw(t/lib);
for my $conn_args (
[ on_connect_do => "_NOPE_" ],
[ on_connect_call => sub { shift->_dbh->do("_NOPE_") } ],
[ on_connect_call => "_NOPE_" ],
) {
for my $method (qw( ensure_connected _server_info _get_server_version _get_dbh )) {
my $s = DBICTest->init_schema(
no_deploy => 1,
on_disconnect_call => sub { fail 'Disconnector should not be invoked' },
my $storage = $s->storage;
$storage = $storage->master
if $storage->isa('DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated');
ok( ! $storage->connected, 'Starting unconnected' );
my $desc = "calling $method with broken on_connect action @{[ explain $conn_args ]}";
throws_ok { $storage->$method }
qr/ _NOPE_ \b/x,
"Throwing correctly when $desc";
ok( ! $storage->connected, "Still not connected after $desc" );
# this checks that the on_disconect_call FAIL won't trigger
for my $conn_args (
[ on_disconnect_do => "_NOPE_" ],
[ on_disconnect_call => sub { shift->_dbh->do("_NOPE_") } ],
[ on_disconnect_call => "_NOPE_" ],
) {
my $s = DBICTest->init_schema( no_deploy => 1, @$conn_args );
my $storage = $s->storage;
$storage = $storage->master
if $storage->isa('DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::Replicated');
my $desc = "broken on_disconnect action @{[ explain $conn_args ]}";
# connect + ping
my $dbh = $storage->dbh;
ok ($dbh->FETCH('Active'), 'Freshly connected DBI handle is healthy');
warnings_exist { eval { $storage->disconnect } } [
qr/\QDisconnect action failed\E .+ _NOPE_ \b/x
], "Found warning of failed $desc";
ok (! $dbh->FETCH('Active'), "Actual DBI disconnect was not prevented by $desc" );
my $schema = DBICTest->init_schema;
warnings_are ( sub {
throws_ok (
sub {
$schema->resultset('CD')->create({ title => 'vacation in antarctica' })
qr/DBI Exception.+(?x:
\QNOT NULL constraint failed: cd.artist\E
\Qcd.artist may not be NULL\E
); # as opposed to some other error
}, [], 'No warnings besides exception' );
my $dbh = $schema->storage->dbh;
throws_ok (
sub {
$dbh->do ('INSERT INTO nonexistent_table VALUES (1)')
qr/DBI Exception.+no such table.+nonexistent_table/s,
'DBI exceptions properly handled by dbic-installed callback'
# This usage is a bit unusual but it was actually seen in the wild
# destruction of everything except the $dbh should use the proper
# exception fallback:
if ( !!DBIx::Class::_ENV_::PEEPEENESS ) {
skip "Your perl version $] appears to leak like a sieve - skipping garbage collected \$schema test", 1;
undef ($schema);
throws_ok (
sub {
$dbh->do ('INSERT INTO nonexistent_table VALUES (1)')
qr/DBI Exception.+unhandled by DBIC.+no such table.+nonexistent_table/s,
'callback works after $schema is gone'