# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.11004 2010-02-14
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Fix PG producer numeric precision regression (RT#49301)
* Add DB2 producer numeric/decimal precision output
* Fix Oracle producer creating numeric precision statements that the test case expects (no whitespace)
* Add Oracle producer creating drop view statements like PG producer does
* Fix SQL::Translator::Diff to use producer_args instead of producer_options
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.11003 2009-09-28
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Pg parser fixes to deal properly with MATCH <type>
* Pg parser fixes to parse timestamp attributes correctly
* Fix broken default detection in script/sqlt (RT#27438)
* Fix dependency issues with LibXML and TT
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.11002 2009-08-30
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Depend on fixed Parse::RecDescent
* Added skip-tables and skip-tables-like options to Diagram
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.11001 2009-08-18
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Removed last use of Readonly
* Adjusted YAML dependency
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.11000 2009-08-18
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Re-add version numbers to files, else cpan's "upgrade" gets very confused
* Replaced code using Readonly, since most of the rest uses constant, and thats already a dep
* Moved YAML and XML::LibXML back to recommends, the tests for both now skip if not installed
* Bumped to 0.11000 to supercede 0.10 which has incorrect numbering scheme
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.10 2009-08-13
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Resolved the following RT bugs (thanks to everyone for reporting!):
25791 does not recognize PostgreSQL ON_ERROR_STOP
29265 sqlt-diagram: --natural-join needs Graph::Directed
37814 SQLite translator failing to parse schema
42548 Producer::PostgreSQL incorrectly inserts the size in
'time(stamp)? with(out) time zone' fields
43173 SQL::Translator::Parser without versionnumber - will install
old 0.09002
46805 (No subject)
47026 META.yml is not packaged due to MANIFEST.SKIP (easyfix)
32130 Move from XML::XPath to XML::LibXML::XPathContext
22261 MySQL parse
13915 missing optional prerequisite cause make test to fail
8847 Diagram.pm: BINMODE missing in printing of graphic file.
21065 GraphViz producer fails on tables named 'node'
35448 Producer::PostgreSQL types without size
22026 sqlt-diagram uses -f arg twice
47897 [PATCH] Fix uninitialized value within @_ in (uc|lc)
47668 Mysql Parser doesn't recognize key types
46448 sqlt-graph errors out on MySQL DDL with btree keys
47176 Add Foreign Key support to Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL.pm
48025 MySQL Producer: Case inconsistency between elements in
@no_length_attr and $data_type
48569 sqlt-diagram fails to load SQLite schema
48596 SQL::Translator::Diff::schema_diff should produce a list in
list context
44907 SQL::Translator::Producer::PostgreSQL produce() in list context
should return a list of statements
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.09007 2009-06-25
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Fixed Pg parser - caching the compiled P::RD schema is a *very*
bad idea
* Delay MSSQL FK constraint deployment until after all CREATE TABLE
* Coerce other engine's bytea/blob/clob datatypes to VarBinary
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.09006 2009-06-10
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Multiple test and dependency adhustments to make smokers happy
* Fix YAML producer wrt extra attribute
* Added support for "time(stamp) (p) with time zone" for Pg producer (mo)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.09005 2009-06-08
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Add parser support for MySQL default values with a single quote
* Properly quote absolute table names in the MySQL producer
* Added CREATE VIEW subrules for mysql parser (wreis)
* Many fixes to code and tests for trigger's "database_events"
* Added semi-colon for (DROP|CREATE) TYPE statements in the Pg producer (wreis)
* ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN/DROP DEFAULT support in Pg producer (mo)
* XML parser support for multi-event triggers
* SQLite producer support for multi-event triggers
* XML parser switched from XML::XPath to XML::LibXML
* Pg producer ALTER TABLE/COLUMN and DROP DEFAULT support
* MySQL producer skips length attribute for columns which do not support that
attribute. Currently following column types are added to that list:
date time timestamp datetime year
* Switch to Module::Install (mandates minimum perl 5.005)
* Major cleanup of GraphViz proucer
* Massive amount of fixes to SQLite/Pg/Mysql/MSSQL parsers/producers
Fix most of the problems uncovered by the roundtrip test framework
Some highlights:
Rewind exhausted globs before attempting a read
Do not add xml comment header if no_comments is set
table/field counts are held per schema object, not globally
no more variable table and column names in SQLite and MSSQL
VIEW support for Pg parser, also some cleanups
The way we generate Pg create view statements was not standards compliant
(per RhodiumToad in #postgresql)
Disable MSSQL view/procedure production - they never worked in the first place
SQLite/MSSQL improvements:
Support parsing of all DROP clauses
Support parsing of field-level comments
When producing do not append table names to constraint/index names
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.09004 2009-02-13
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Add support for temporary tables in Pg (nachos)
* Create Trigger support for SQLite
* GraphViz producer improvements
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.09003 2009-02-07
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.09002 2008-12-05
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* parsing MySQL CURRENT_TIMESTAMP as scalar ref so it can be produced without
quotes (jgoulah)
* Add ignore_opts parser arg (to ignore table options) in Parser::MySQL (jgoulah)
* Skip tests for buggy Spreadsheet::ParseExcel versions (rbo)
* Add support for skip tables parser arg in Parser::DBI::MySQL (jgoulah)
* Changed behaviour of ::Producer::Oracle when returning an array of statements
to make it compatible to DBI->do()
* Fixed a few bugs in ::Producer::Oracle
* Applied patch from jgoulah to support mysql's MERGE option
* Applied patch from rbo to add support of multiple database events on a trigger
* Applied patch from lukes to allow drop if exists in sqlite producer, with
version >= 3.3
* Applied patch from rjbs with minor changes, now we support scalar refs in
default values!
* Fixed SQLite producer to end index statements in newlines, in scalar context
* Decreed that all list context statements shall not end in ; or ;\n
* Fixed SQLite, Diff and MySQL producers to agree with Decree.
* Added support for CREATE VIEW + tests in the Pg producer (wreis)
* Added support for CREATE VIEW + tests in the sqlite producer (groditi)
* Added proper argument parsing and documentation to MySQL Parser and
Producer (ribasushi)
* Using DROP VIEW instead of OR REPLACE clause in the Pg producer, as replace
only allows replacement with identical set of columns (wreis)
* Added support for DROP VIEW and fixed CREATE VIEW statement in the sqlite
producer (wreis)
* Removed source_db and target_db accessors from Diff (throwback to old version,
only output_db is used)
Support for longer varchar fields in MySQL
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.09001 2008-08-19
# ----------------------------------------------------------
* Added support for CREATE VIEW + tests in the mysql producer (groditi)
* Added support for SET fields in the mysql producer + test (groditi)
* Added support for proper booleans in the mysql producer, when a mysql version
of at least 4.x is supplied
* Added support for proper enums under pg (as of 8.3), with pg version check,
and deferrable constraints
* Added support to truncate long constraint and index names in the mysql
producer, because of a change to DBIx::Class to produce such long names in
some cases.
# ----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.09000 2008-02-25
# ----------------------------------------------------------
Fix Pg produces idea of which field types need a size param (wreis)
* Add support for COLLATE table option to MySQL parser
* Allow DEFAULT CHARACTER SET without '=' (as produced by mysqldump)
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.0899_02 2008-01-29
# ----------------------------------------------------------
Major refactoring of SQL::Translator::Diff again:
* Diff is no longer one huge monolithic function.
* Added more tests for diff
* When producing diffs for MySQL you will (by default) get single alter
statements per table
* SQLite can also do remove columns (by creating a temp table as shown in
* Columns can be renamed if the new schema is from a form that can have metadata
(which is pretty much anything but an SQL file.) It does this by looking at
renamed_from in the $field->extra
* Updated Oracle and Postgres producers
* More tests!
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.0899_01 2007-10-21
# ----------------------------------------------------------
SQL::Translator::Diff now uses the ::Producer modules to create diffs
This *will* break back-compatibility
Use sqlt-diff-old for the previous one, and fix producers!
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.08001 2007-09-26
# ----------------------------------------------------------
Patched to ignore all TT versions >= 2.15 until TT is fixed :(
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.08 2006-12-07
# -----------------------------------------------------------
Patched 18ttschema-producer.t and 33tt-table-producter.t to skip on TT 2.15,
thanks Ash!
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.08_04 2006-11-10
# -----------------------------------------------------------
Patched MySQL producer to name constraints sanely, thanks Ash
* Added patch to Producer::DB2 to avoid dependency issues with foreign keys
* Added patch to remove single quotes for numeric default values in Producer::DB2
* Fixed Parser::SQLite to require a semicolon after a create trigger statement
* Added patch from avinash to add CASCADE to pg table drops
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.08_03
# -----------------------------------------------------------
Added patch to use default values for Pg timestamp fields
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.08_02 2006-11-03
# -----------------------------------------------------------
Added patch from Ash to separate DROP statements in mysql producer in
* Fixed up SQLites usage of no-comments
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.08_01 2006-07-23
# -----------------------------------------------------------
Made Trigger check that a give table exists in on_table - castaway
* Split some producers (DB2, MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL) into sub methods (others
to follow) - castaway
* Add alter_* methods to some Producers and docs to Producer.pm (for use by Diff
later) - castaway
* Made changes to allow producers to return a list of statements - castaway
* Split sqlt-diff into script and module - castaway
* Added quote_table_names and quote_field_names patch (omega, zamolxes) - castaway
* Added DB2 Producer - castaway
* Added mysql_character_set for 4.1+ -mda
* New filters, Names and Globals. -mda
* Added the initial work on a template based Dia UML producer. -mda
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.07 2005-06-10
# -----------------------------------------------------------
* YAML parser supports extra attributes on tables.
All schema objects now support the extra attribute, so can
have arbitary name/value data attached to them.
Refactoring: Added SQL::Translator::Schema::Object - base
class for all Schema objects.
Changes to MySQL Parser (Dave Howorth)
ignore INSERT statements
allow trailing comma on last field in CREATE statements
collect the database name
TTSchema Producer
Can pass extra variables using tt_vars producer arg.
Can pass extra config using tt_conf producer arg.
Variables and config can be passed on the command line
with --tt-var and --tt-conf options to sqlt.
Added schema filters.
MySQL Producer
Added 'mysql_table_type' extra attribute on tables.
Works out InnoDB tables from constraints.
mysql_charset and mysql_collate extra attributes for tables and fiels.
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.06 2004-05-13
# -----------------------------------------------------------
* Added SQL::Translator::Manual
Installation process now uses Module::Build
Added new "Dumper" producer
Changed the native SQL Fairy XML format to a fixed mapping.
NB:* You should convert your existing XML schema. See the
SQL::Translator::Parser::XML::SQLFairy docs.
Added producers: TT::Base and TT::Table.
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.05 2004-02-27
# -----------------------------------------------------------
* Added "COMMENT ON *" syntax to PostgreSQL parser
Some fixes to Oracle parser as reported by Gail Binkley
Added support in PostgreSQL parser for all "ALTER TABLE" statements
Now distributing sqlt-diff script as it's pretty usable
Added new options to sqlt-graph and GraphViz producer (Dave Cash)
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.04 2003-11-07
# -----------------------------------------------------------
Increased version of Constants module to 1.41 to avoid a problem
where 0.02 has 1.4 of that file and 0.03 had 1.06 which confused
Hard-coded all the PREREQ_PM modules in Makefile.PL (rather than
setting them dynamically) so that automated tests would pass
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.03 2003-11-06
# -----------------------------------------------------------
Added parsers: XML::SQLFairy, Sybase, SQLite, DBI-MySQL,
DBI-PostgreSQL, DBI-SQLite, DBI-Sybase, Storable, YAML
Added producers: XML::SQLFairy, TTSchema, Storable, YAML
HTML producer now uses stylesheets to allow easy customization of colors
Many bug fixes to most every module
Added "sqlt-dumper" script to help create a script for dumping
a database a la "mysqldump"
Reversed the arrowheads on the graphical producers to show the
relationships in a more standard way
Changes all included script names to start with "sqlt"
Added capturing and printing most embedded table and field comments
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.02 2003-06-17
# -----------------------------------------------------------
Added parsers for Excel and Oracle
Removed Sybase parser because it didn't actually work
Added ClassDBI, Diagram, GraphViz, HTML, POD, SQLite, Sybase producers
Added Schema classes to represent schema as objects
Removed "Raw" producer in favor of the Schema classes
Removed "Validator" class as the Schema classes validate themselves
Improved all existing parsers and producers, expanding them to
handle foreign keys much better, produce better output, etc.
Added sqlt-diagram.pl and sqlt-graphviz.pl as CLI frontends to the
graphical producers
Added sql_translator.cgi as a web-form frontend to graphical producers
Expanded test suite
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# 0.01 2003-02-27
# -----------------------------------------------------------
Added parsers: XML::SQLFairy, Sybase, SQLite, DBI-MySQL,
DBI-PostgreSQL, DBI-SQLite, DBI-Sybase, Storable, YAML
Added producers: XML::SQLFairy, TTSchema, Storable, YAML
HTML producer now uses stylesheets to allow easy customization of colors
Many bug fixes to most every module
Added "sqlt-dumper" script to help create a script for dumping
a database a la "mysqldump"
Reversed the arrowheads on the graphical producers to show the
relationships in a more standard way
Changes all included script names to start with "sqlt"
Added capturing and printing most embedded table and field comments