Iterator::Simple - Simple iterator and utilities
use Iterator::Simple;
sub foo {
my $max = shift;
my $i = 0;
iterator {
return if $i > $max;
my $iterator = foo(20); # yields 0,1,2, ..., 19, 20;
$iterator = imap { $_ + 2 } $iterator; # yields 2,3,4,5, ... ,20,21,22
$iterator = igrep { $_ % 2 } $iterator; # yields 3,5,7,9, ... ,17,19,21
# iterable object
$iterator = iter([qw(foo bar baz)]); # iterator from array ref
$iterator = iter(IO::File->new($filename)); # iterator from GLOB
# filters
$iterator = ichain($itr1, $itr2); # chain iterators;
$iterator = izip($itr1, $itr2); # zip iterators;
$iterator = ienumerate $iterator; # add index;
# general filter
$iterator = ifilter $iterator, {
return $_ if /^A/;
Iterator::Simple is yet another general-purpose iterator utilities.
Rather simple, but powerful and fast iterator.
Iterator::Simple doesn't export any functions by default. please import them like:
use Iterator::Simple qw(iter list imap);
For all functions:
use Iterator::Simple qw(:all);
- iterator { CODE }
Iterator constructor. CODE returns a value on each call, and if it is exhausted, returns undef. Therefore, you cannot yields undefined value as a meaning value. If you want, you could use Iterator module which can do that.
Generally, you can implement iterator as a closure like:
use Iterator::Simple qw(iterator); sub fibonacci { my($s1, $s2, $max) = @_; iterator { my $rv; ($rv, $s1, $s2) = ($s1, $s2, $s1 + $s2); return if $rv > $max; return $rv; } } my $iterator = fiboacci(1, 1, 1000);
You can iterate it in several ways:
just call it
while(defined($_ = $iterator->())) { print "$_\n"; }
methodwhile(defined($_ = $iterator->next)) { print "$_\n"; }
<> operator
while(<$iterator>) { print "$_\n"; }
- is_iterator($object)
is iterator created by Iterator::Simple, returns true. False otherwise. - iter($object)
This function auto detects what $object is, and automatically turns it into an iterator. Auto detection and iterator creation is processed following order:
Just return
if it is an iterator.If
method, call it and return the result.$object
overloads '<>' or hasnext
method, creates an iterator which calls it.If
is a array reference, returnsiarray($object)
is a code reference, assume it is an iterator function.If
is a GLOB reference, returns iterator which calls <$object> in scalar context in turn.Croak.
is not iterable.
- list($object)
This fuction converts
into single array referece.If
is an iterator, iterator it until it is exhausted.Just return
if it is array reference.For GLOB reference, evaluate it in list context, and returns its reference.
overloads '@{}' operator, call it.If
implements '__iter__' method, get iterator from it, and iterate it until it is exhausted.If
overloads '<>' operator or hasnext
method, make an array by calling that method until it returns undef.Croak.
could not be convert to array.
Note that after
, that iterator is not usable any more. - imap { CODE } $iterable
This is the iterator version of
. Returns an iterator which yields the value from source iterator modified by CODE. - igrep { CODE } $iterable
This is the iterator version of
. Returns an iterator which yields the value from source iterator only when CODE returns true value. - iflatten $iterable
yields another iterator, iterate it first.$subitr = iter([10, 11,12]); $source = iter([ 1, 2, $subitr, 4]); $flattened = iflatten $source; # yields 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 4.
- ifilter $iterable, sub{ CODE }
This is the combination of imap, igrep, iflatten. it supports modify (imap) , skip (igrep), and inflate (iflatten). but it should be faster than combination of them.
For example:
$combination = iflatten imap { $_ eq 'baz' ? iter(['whoa', 'who']) : ":$_:" } igrep { $_ ne 'bar' } iter [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'fiz' ]; $itr = iter [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'fiz' ]; $filterd = ifilter $itr, sub { return if $_ eq 'bar'; #skip retrun iter(['whoa', 'who']) if $_ eq 'baz'; #inflate return ":$_:"; # modify };
Both of them will yields
':foo:', 'whoa', 'who', ':fiz:'
. - ichain($iterable, $iterable2, ...)
This function returns an iterator which chains one or more iterators. Iterates each iterables in order as is, until each iterables are exhausted.
$itr1 = iter(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']); $itr2 = iter(['hoge', 'hage']); $chained = ichain($itr1, $itr2); # yields 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'hoge', 'hage'.
- ienumrate($iterable)
This function returns an iterator yields like:
$ary = iter(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', ... ]); $iter = ienumrate $ary; # yields [0, 'foo'], [1, 'bar'], [2, 'baz'], ...
- izip($iterable, $iterable2, ...);
Accepts one or more itrables, returns an iterator like:
$animals = iter(['dogs', 'cats', 'pigs']); $says = iter(['bowwow', 'mew', 'oink']); $zipped = izip($i1, $2); # yields ['dogs','bowwow'], ['cats','mew'], ['pigs', 'oink'].
Note that when one of source iterables is exhausted, zipped iterator will be exhausted also.
- islice($iterable, $start, $end, $step)
Same as islice of itertools in Python. If
is undef or negative value, it iterates source until it is exhausted.$step
defaults to 1. 0 or negative step value is prohibited.$iter = iter([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]); $sliced = islice($iter, 3, 13, 2); # yields 3, 5, 7, 9, 11.
- ihead($count, $iterable)
islice($iterable, 0, $count, 1);
- iskip($count, $iterable)
islice($iterable, $count, undef, 1);
- iarray($arrayref);
Turns array reference into an iterator. Used in
. You do not have to use this function directly, becauseiter($arrayref)
is sufficient.
Iterator used in Iterator::Simple is just a code reference blessed in Iterator::Simple::Iterator. This class implements several method and overloads some operators.
- Itrator::Simple::Iterator->new($coderef)
Just bless $coderef in Iterator::Simple::Iterator and returns it.
- $iterator->next
Call undelying code.
- $iterator->__iter__
Returns self. You don't need to use this.
- Overloaded operators.
Read filehandle operator '<>'
Overloading '<>' makes this possible like:
print while <$iterator>;
Pipe.. bit_OR? .. No, pipe!
$iterator | $coderef1 | $coderef2;
is equivalent to:
is equivalent to:
ifilter(ifilter($iterator, $coderef1), $coderef2);
- $iterator->filter($coderef)
- $iterator->flatten()
- $iterator->chain($another, ..)
- $iterator->zip($another, ..)
- $iterator->enumerate()
- $iterator->slice($start, $end, $step)
- $iterator->head($count)
- $iterator->skip($count)
For example, $iterator->flatten() is equivalent to
iflatten $iterator
All iterator transformation function calls iter
function on all source iterables. So you can pass just array reference, GLOB ref, etc.
These examples completely do the right thing:
imap { $_ + 2 } [1, 2, 3, ... ];
# L<DBIx::Class::ResultSet> has 'next' method.
ifilter $dbic_resultset, sub {CODE};
You can implement __iter__
method on your objects in your application. By doing that, your object will be Iterator::Simple friendly :).
Note that __iter__
method must return an iterator.
Why Not
There is another iterator module in CPAN, named Iterator and Iterator::Util made by Eric J. Roode that is great solution. Why yet another iterator module? The answer is *Speed*. You use iterator because you have too many data to manipulate in memory, therefore iterator could be called thousands of times, speed is important.
For this simple example:
use Iterator::Util qw(iarray imap igrep);
for(1 .. 100) {
my $itr = igrep { $_ % 2 } imap { $_ + 2 } iarray([1 .. 1000]);
my @result;
while($itr->isnt_exhausted) {
push @result, $itr->value;
use Iterator::Simple qw(iarray imap igrep);
for(1 .. 100) {
my $itr = igrep { $_ % 2 } imap { $_ + 2 } iarray([1 .. 1000]);
my @result;
while(defined($_ = $itr->())) {
push @result, $_;
Iterator::Simple is about ten times faster!
That is natural because Iterator::Simple iterator is just a code reference, while iterator is full featured class instance. But Iterator::Simple is sufficient for usual demands.
One of most downside of Iterator::Simple is, you cannot yields undef value as a meaning value, because Iterator::Simple thinks it as a exhausted sign. If you need to do that, you have to yield something which represents undef value.
Also, Iterator::Simple cannot determine iterator is exhausted until next iteration, while has 'is(nt)_exhausted' method which is useful in some situation.
Rintaro Ishizaki <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
Iterator - Feature rich another iterator class.
Iterator::Util - Utilities which uses Iterator. Many of filter functions are from this module.