Changes for version 1.0000 - 2010-12-09

  • Updated recipe2 example to use more modern Dancer features.
  • Merged POD patch from fayland.
  • Can now post posts and events directly to other pages you control without switching access tokens.
  • Added set_source(), set_privacy(), set_actions(), add_actions(), set_target_countries(), set_target_cities(), set_target_regions(), and set_target_locales to Facebook::Graph::Publish::Post.
  • Changed get_post_params() in Facebook::Graph::Publish to return an array ref instead of a hash ref.
  • Now requires Exception::Class.
  • NOTE: This version is not backward compatible with previous versions because the get_post_params() method in Facebook::Graph::Publish now returns an array ref rather than a hash ref. However, if you didn't extend this module, then you likely aren't calling this method anywhere, so for you the module will remain backward compatible. This is the reason for the major version number increase.
  • NOTE2: This version is not backward compatible with previous versions because we are no longer throwing array based exceptions. Instead the exceptions are Exception::Class based. If you don't care about exception formatting then this module will still be backward compatible for you.


A cookbook for Facebook::Graph
Building Privileged Applications
Building a Full Web App


A fast and easy way to integrate your apps with Facebook.
Acquire an access token from Facebook.
The Facebook access token request response.
Authorizing an app with Facebook
The exceptions thrown by this module.
Get the URI for the picture of any object.
A base class for publishing various things to facebook.
Publish a comment on a post.
Mark a post as something you like.
Add a note to a user's list of notes.
Publish to a user's wall.
RSVP attending to an event.
RSVP declined to an event.
RSVP maybe to an event.
Simple and fast searching and fetching of Facebook data.
Handling of a Facebook::Graph response documents.
The base URI for the Facebook Graph API.
Convert old API sessions into Graph API access_tokens.