SimpleDB::Class::HTTP - The network interface to the SimpleDB service.


version 0.0502


use SimpleDB::Class::HTTP;

my $http = SimpleDB::Class::HTTP->new(secret_key=>'abc', access_key=>'123');
my $hashref = $http->send_request('CreateDomain', {DomainName => 'my_new_domain'});


This class will let you quickly and easily inteface with AWS SimpleDB. It throws exceptions from SimpleDB::Class::Exception, but other than that doesn't rely on any of the other modules in the SimpleDB::Class system, which means it's very light weight. Although we haven't run any benchmarks, it should outperform any of the other Perl modules that exist today.

It's also got built-in AnyEvent support, so you can use it in your Coro, POE, or other event frameworks and it will handle its requests and timers in a non-blocking fashion.


The following methods are available from this class.

new ( params )


A hash containing the parameters to pass in to this method.


The access key given to you from Amazon when you sign up for the SimpleDB service at this URL:


The secret access key given to you from Amazon.

access_key ( )

Returns the access key passed to the constructor.

secret_key ( )

Returns the secret key passed to the constructor.

construct_request ( action, [ params ] )

Returns a string that contains the HTTP post data ready to make a request to SimpleDB. Normally this is only called by send_request(), but if you want to debug a SimpleDB interaction, then having access to this method is critical.


The action to perform on SimpleDB. See the "Operations" section of the guide located at "/"" in <a href="http:</a>>.


Any extra prameters required by the operation. The normal parameters of Action, AWSAccessKeyId, Version, Timestamp, SignatureMethod, SignatureVersion, and Signature are all automatically provided by this method.

send_request ( action, [ params ] )

Creates a request, and then sends it to SimpleDB. The response is returned as a hash reference of the raw XML document returned by SimpleDB. Automatically attempts 5 cascading retries on connection failure.

Throws SimpleDB::Class::Exception::Response and SimpleDB::Class::Exception::Connection.


See create_request() for details.


See create_request() for details.

handle_response ( body, headers )

Returns a hashref containing the response from SimpleDB.

Throws SimpleDB::Class::Exception::Response.


The XML returned by SimpleDB.


The HTTP headers.


SimpleDB::Class is Copyright 2009 Plain Black Corporation ( and is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.