Changes for version 1.0300 - 2010-03-15

  • Added options to the has_many and belongs_to methods for consistency and other things.
  • Added runtime options for has_many generated methods.
  • Added has_ predicate method for belongs_to generated methods.
  • Better documentation for the has_many and belongs_to methods, and their generated methods.
  • Included author tests as they might make good examples for someone.



An Object Relational Mapper (ORM) for the Amazon SimpleDB service.
Memcached interface for SimpleDB.
A schematic representation of a SimpleDB domain.
Exceptions thrown by SimpleDB::Class.
The network interface to the SimpleDB service.
An object representation from an item in a SimpleDB domain.
An iterator of items from a domain.
Provides utility methods to classes that need to instantiate items.
SQL generation tools for SimpleDB.
Attribute types.