TheGameCrafter::Client - A simple client to TGC's web services.
version 0.0102
use TheGameCrafter::Client;
my $game = tgc_get('game/528F18A2-F2C4-11E1-991D-40A48889CD00');
my $session = tgc_post('session', { username => 'me', password => '123qwe', api_key_id => 'abcdefghijklmnopqrztuz' });
$game = tgc_put('game/528F18A2-F2C4-11E1-991D-40A48889CD00', { session_id => $session->{id}, name => 'Lacuna Expanse' });
my $status = tgc_delete('game/528F18A2-F2C4-11E1-991D-40A48889CD00', { session_id => $session->{id} });
A light-weight wrapper for The Game Crafter's ( RESTful API ( This wrapper basically hides the request cycle from you so that you can get down to the business of using the API. It doesn't attempt to manage the data structures or objects the web service interfaces with.
The following subroutines are exported into your namespace wherever you use TheGameCrafter::Client
tgc_get(path, params)
Performs a GET
request, which is used for reading data from the service.
- path
The path to the REST interface you wish to call. You can abbreviate and leave off the
part if you wish. - params
A hash reference of parameters you wish to pass to the web service.
tgc_delete(path, params)
Performs a DELETE
request, deleting data from the service.
- path
The path to the REST interface you wish to call. You can abbreviate and leave off the
part if you wish. - params
A hash reference of parameters you wish to pass to the web service.
tgc_put(path, params)
Performs a PUT
request, which is used for updating data in the service.
- path
The path to the REST interface you wish to call. You can abbreviate and leave off the
part if you wish. - params
A hash reference of parameters you wish to pass to the web service.
tgc_post(path, params)
Performs a POST
request, which is used for creating data in the service.
- path
The path to the REST interface you wish to call. You can abbreviate and leave off the
part if you wish. - params
A hash reference of parameters you wish to pass to the web service.
LWP::UserAgent Ouch HTTP::Request::Common JSON URI
JT Smith <jt_at_plainblack_dot_com>
This module is Copyright 2012 Plain Black Corporation. It is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.