App::Addex - generate mail tool configuration from an address book


version 0.002

$Id: /my/cs/projects/App-Addex/trunk/lib/App/ 31345 2007-04-07T20:42:45.994879Z rjbs  $


This module iterates through all the entries in an address book and produces configuration file based on the entries in the address book, using configured output plugins.

It is meant to be run with the addex command, which is bundled as part of this software distribution.


Achtung! The API to this code may very well change. It is almost certain to be broken into smaller pieces, to support alternate sources of entries, and it might just get plugins.


my $addex = App::Addex->new(\%arg);

This method returns a new Addex.

Valid paramters are:

classes    - a hashref of plugin/class pairs, described below

Valid keys for the classes parameter are:

addressbook - the App::Addex::AddressBook subclass to use (required)
output      - an array of output producers (required)

For each class given, an entry in %arg may be given, which will be used to initialize the plugin before use.


my $abook = $addex->addressbook;

This method returns the App::Addex::AddressBook object.


This method returns all of the output plugin objects.


App::Addex->new({ ... })->run;

This method performs all the work expected of an Addex: it iterates through the entries, writing the relevant information to the relevant files.


Ricardo SIGNES, <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Copyright 2006-2007 Ricardo Signes, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.