Data::Bucketeer - sort data into buckets based on threshholds


version 0.001


Data::Bucketeer lets you easily map values in ranges to results. It's for doing table lookups where you're looking for the key in a range, not a list of fixed values.

For example, you sell widgets with prices based on quantity:

  1 -  100   |  10 USD
101 -  200   |   5 USD
201 -  500   |   4 USD
501 - 1000   |   3 USD
1001+        |   2 USD

This can be easily turned into a bucketeer:

use Data::Bucketeer;

my $buck = Data::Bucketeer->new({
     0 => 10,
   100 => 5,
   200 => 4,
   500 => 3,
  1000 => 2,

my $cost = $buck->result_for( 701 ); # cost is 3

By default, the values exclusive minima. For example, above, you end up with a result of 3 by having an input strictly greater than 500, and less than or equal to 500. If you want to use a different operator, you can specify it like this:

my $buck = Data::Bucketeer->new( '>=', {
     1 => 10,
   101 => 5,
   201 => 4,
   501 => 3,
  1001 => 2,

my $cost = $buck->result_for( 701 ); # cost is 3

This distinction can be useful when dealing with non-integers. The understood operators are:

  • >

  • >=

  • <=

  • <

If the result value is a code reference, it will be invoked with $_ set to the input. This can be used for dynamically generating results, or to throw exceptions. Here is a contrived example of exception-throwing:

my $greeting = Data::Bucketeer->new( '>=', {
  '-Inf' => sub { die "secs-into-day must be between 0 and 86399; got $_" },

       0 => "Good evening.",
  28_800 => "Good morning.",
  43_200 => "Good afternoon.",
  61_200 => "Good evening.",

  86_400 => sub { die "secs-into-day must be between 0 and 86399; got $_" },



my $result = $buck->result_for( $input );

This returns the result for the given input, as described above.


my ($bound, $result) = $buck->bound_and_result_for( $input );

This returns two values: the boundary key whose result was used, and the result itself.

Using the item quantity price above, for example:

my $buck = Data::Bucketeer->new({
     0 => 10,
   100 => 5,
   200 => 4,
   500 => 3,
  1000 => 2,

my ($bound, $cost) = $buck->bound_and_result_for( 701 );

# $bound is 500
# $cost  is 3


Ricardo Signes <>


This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Ricardo Signes.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.