Changes for version 2.100860 - 2010-03-27
- the AllFiles plugin is now known as GatherDir
- the InstallDirs plugin has been replaced by ExecDir and ShareDir
- the PodTests plugin has been replaced by PodCoverageTests and PodSyntaxTests
- the FixedPrereq role is replaced with PrereqSource
- numerous improvements to testing libraries ...and numerous actual tests!
- added include_dotfiles option to GatherDir allow relative root directory for GatherDir
- AutoPrereq is now distributed with Dist::Zilla
- AutoPrereq will make requirements only found in ./t "build_requires"
- ConfirmRelease plugin added and made part of @Classic (dagolden)
- MakeMaker-produced Makefile.PL will produce warnings less often
- MakeMaker-produced Makefile.PL will require v6.31 for INSTALL_BASE
- Prereq plugin can target config_requires, build_requires, etc
- dzil takes -v arg to enable debugging globally or per-plugin
- PkgVersion now adds a fully-qualified $VERSION variables, not 'our'
- PruneCruft prunes MYMETA.yml
- add 'dzil nop' command to initialize zilla object and exit
distribution builder; installer not included!
Dist::Zilla's App::Cmd
base class for dzil commands
build your dist
clean up after build, test, or install
install your dist
start a new dist
initialize dzil, then exit
release your dist to the CPAN
run stuff in a dir where your dist is built
smoke your dist
test your dist
testing library for Dist::Zilla::App
stored configuration loader role
the reader for dist.ini files
the reader for files
a file whose content is (re-)built on demand
a file that you build entirely in memory
a file that comes from your filesystem
automatically extract prereqs from your modules
take care of numbering versions so you don't have to
bump the configured version number by one before building
prompt for confirmation before releasing
install a directory's contents as executables
rewrite ./xt tests to ./t tests with skips
fake plugin to test release
a callback-based FileFinder plugin
gather all the files in a directory
files in a data section
output a LICENSE file
build a Makefile.PL that uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker
build a MANIFEST file
decline to build files that appear in a MANIFEST.SKIP-like file
summarize Dist::Zilla configuration into distmeta
produce a META.json
provide arbitrary "resources" for distribution metadata
common extra tests for META.yml
produce a META.yml
build a Build.PL that uses Module::Build
update the next release number in your changelog
add a $VERSION to your packages
a release test for Pod coverage
a release test for Pod syntax
add a VERSION head1 to each Perl document
list simple prerequisites
prune stuff that you probably don't mean to include
prune arbirary files from the dist
build a README file
install a directory's contents as "ShareDir" content
upload the dist to CPAN
build something more or less like a "classic" CPAN dist
build something more or less like a "classic" CPAN dist
use another bundle, with some plugins removed
the prerequisites of a Dist::Zilla distribution
something that runs after building is mostly complete
something that runs after release is mostly complete
something that runs before building really begins
something that runs before release really begins
something used as a delegating agent during 'dzil run'
something that can dump its (public, simplified) configuraiton
something that can act like a file
something that finds files within the distribution
something that uses FileFinder plugins
something that gathers files into the distribution
something that can add files to the distribution
something that alters a file's destination or content
something that removes found files from the distribution
something that creates an install program for a dist
something that provides metadata (for META.yml/json)
something that gets plugged in to Dist::Zilla
a bundle of plugins
something that registers prerequisites
something that makes a release of the dist
something that picks a directory to install as shared files
something used as a delegating agent to 'dzil test'
something that renders a Text::Template template string
something that provides a version number for the dist
a testing-enabling stand-in for Dist::Zilla
how to use this "Dist::Zilla" thing
dzil-specific type library
random snippets of code that Dist::Zilla wants
Dist::Zilla-specific subclass of Config::MVP::Assembler
in corpus/DZ1/lib/
in corpus/DZ2/lib/
in corpus/AutoPrereq/lib/DZPA/
in corpus/AutoPrereq/lib/DZPA/
in corpus/DZT/lib/DZT/
in lib/Dist/Zilla/App/
in lib/Dist/Zilla/Plugin/
in lib/Dist/Zilla/