name = Dist-Zilla
author = Ricardo SIGNES <>
license = Perl_5
copyright_holder = Ricardo SIGNES
-bundle = @RJBS
-remove = Test::Compile
skip = Dist::Zilla::Tutorial
Dist::Zilla::MintingProfile::Default = profiles
dir = corpus
dir = misc
repository.type = git
[Prereqs / TestRequires]
Test::More = 0.90
[Prereqs / RuntimeRecommends]
Term::ReadLine::Gnu = 0
perl = v5.8.5 ; how tempted am I to set this to v5.10? very!
autobox = 2.53 ; @array->method support, portability
parent = 0 ; used by the AutoPrereq test corpus
File::ShareDir::Install = 0.03 ; for EUMM
Class::Load = 0.17
Config::MVP::Reader::INI = 2 ; ensure there's a basic config format
remove = Config ; why isn't this indexed?? -- rjbs, 2011-02-11
remove = Dist::Zilla::Tester::_Role ; mistakenly added by autoprereq
remove = Some::Package::That::Does::Not::Exist::Due::To::A::Typo