The Perl and Raku Conference 2025: Greenville, South Carolina - June 27-29 Learn more

use strict;
use Test::More 0.88;
use utf8;
# 2.0
my $tzil = Builder->from_config(
{ dist_root => 'corpus/dist/DZT' },
add_files => {
'source/dist.ini' => simple_ini(
[ MetaResources => HomePage => {homepage => ''}],
[ MetaResources => License => {license => '' }],
[ Prereqs => { 'Foo::Bar' => '1.234' } ],
[ Prereqs => RuntimeRecommends => { 'Foo::Bar::Opt' => '1.234' } ],
[ Prereqs => BuildRequires => { 'Test::Foo' => '2.34' } ],
[ Prereqs => ConfigureRequires => { 'Build::Foo' => '0.12' } ],
my @files = map {; $_->name } @{ $tzil->files };
my %meta;
my $json = $tzil->slurp_file('build/META.json');
$meta{json} = JSON::MaybeXS->new(utf8 => 0)->decode($json);
$meta{json}{x_serialization_backend} = 'ignore';
$meta{original} = $tzil->distmeta;
$meta{original}{x_serialization_backend} = 'ignore';
%{ $meta{original} },
generated_by => $meta{original}{generated_by} . ', CPAN::Meta::Converter version ' . CPAN::Meta::Converter->VERSION,
"META.json data is identical to original distmeta",
for my $type (qw(json original)) {
my $meta = $meta{$type};
my %want = (
name => 'DZT-Sample',
abstract => 'Sample DZ Dist',
author => [ 'E. Xavier Ample <>' ],
prereqs => {
runtime => {
requires => { 'Foo::Bar' => '1.234' },
recommends => { 'Foo::Bar::Opt' => '1.234' },
build => { requires => { 'Test::Foo' => '2.34' } },
configure => { requires => { 'Build::Foo' => '0.12' } },
license => [ 'perl_5' ],
resources => {
homepage => '',
license => [ '' ],
version => '0.001',
"2.0 $type data",
# 1.4
my $tzil = Builder->from_config(
{ dist_root => 'corpus/dist/DZT' },
add_files => {
'source/dist.ini' => simple_ini(
[ MetaResources => HomePage => {homepage => ''}],
[ MetaResources => License => {license => '' }],
[ Prereqs => { 'Foo::Bar' => '1.234' } ],
[ Prereqs => RuntimeRecommends => { 'Foo::Bar::Opt' => '1.234' } ],
[ Prereqs => BuildRequires => { 'Test::Foo' => '2.34' } ],
[ Prereqs => ConfigureRequires => { 'Build::Foo' => '0.12' } ],
my @files = map {; $_->name } @{ $tzil->files };
my %meta;
my $yaml = $tzil->slurp_file('build/META.yml');
$meta{yaml} = YAML::Tiny->new->read_string($yaml)->[0];
$meta{yaml}{x_serialization_backend} = 'ignore';
#cmp_deeply($meta{json}, $meta{yaml}, "META.json data is identical to META.yml");
for my $type (qw(yaml)) {
my $meta = $meta{$type};
my %want = (
name => 'DZT-Sample',
abstract => 'Sample DZ Dist',
author => [ 'E. Xavier Ample <>' ],
configure_requires => { 'Build::Foo' => '0.12' },
build_requires => { 'Test::Foo' => '2.34' },
requires => { 'Foo::Bar' => '1.234' },
recommends => { 'Foo::Bar::Opt' => '1.234' },
license => 'perl',
resources => {
homepage => '',
license => '',
version => '0.001',
"1.4 $type data",
{ # non-ASCII
my $tzil = Builder->from_config(
{ dist_root => 'corpus/dist/DZ-NonAscii' },
my @files = map {; $_->name } @{ $tzil->files };
my %meta;
my $json = $tzil->slurp_file('build/META.json');
$meta{json} = JSON::MaybeXS->new(utf8 => 0)->decode($json);
$meta{json}{x_serialization_backend} = 'ignore';
my $yaml = $tzil->slurp_file('build/META.yml');
$meta{yaml} = YAML::Tiny->new->read_string($yaml)->[0];
$meta{yaml}{x_serialization_backend} = 'ignore';
for my $type (qw(json yaml)) {
'Olivier Mengué <>',
'김도형 <>'
"authors ($type) are set as expected, decode properly",