Exception::Reporter::Sender::Dir - a report sender that writes to directories on the filesystem


version 0.013


my $sender = Exception::Reporter::Sender::Dir->new({
  root => '/var/error/my-app',


This report sender writes reports to the file system. Given a report with bunch dumpable items, the Dir sender will make a directory and write each item to a file in it, using the ident when practical, and a generated filename otherwise.


$email_reporter->send_report(\@summaries, \%arg, \%internal_arg);

This method makes a subdirectory for the report and writes it out.

%arg is the same set of arguments given to Exception::Reporter's report_exception method. Arguments that will have an effect include:

reporter     - the name of the program reporting the exception
handled      - if true, the reported exception was handled and the user
               saw a simple error message; sets X-Exception-Handled header
               and adds a text part at the beginning of the report,
               calling out the "handled" status"

%internal_arg contains data produced by the Exception::Reporter using this object. It includes the guid of the report and the caller calling the reporter.

The return value of send_report is not defined.


Ricardo Signes <>


This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Ricardo Signes.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.