a set of strongly-typed, PSGI-friendly HTTP 1.1 exception libraries
a factory that throws HTTP::Throwables for you
provide the simplest text_body method possible
a generic built-by-hand exception
an exception with no body
an exception that is a redirect
502 Bad Gateway
400 Bad Request
409 Conflict
417 Expectation Failed
403 Forbidden
302 Found
504 Gateway Timeout
410 Gone
505 HTTP Version Not Supported
418 I'm a teapot
500 Internal Server Error
411 Length Required
405 Method Not Allowed
301 Moved Permanently
300 Multiple Choices
406 Not Acceptable
404 Not Found
501 Not Implemented
304 Not Modified
412 Precondition Failed
407 Proxy Authentication Required
413 Request Entity Too Large
408 Request Timeout
414 Request-URI Too Long
416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable
303 See Other
503 Service Unavailable
307 Temporary Redirect
401 Unauthorized
415 Unsupported Media Type
305 Use Proxy
an exception with a plaintext body