JMAP::Tester - a JMAP client made for testing JMAP servers


version 0.004


Achtung! This library is in its really early days, so use it with that in mind.

JMAP::Tester is for testing JMAP servers. Okay? Okay!

JMAP::Tester calls the whole thing you get back from a JMAP server a "response" if it's an HTTP 200. Every JSON Array (of three entries -- go read the spec if you need to!) is called a Sentence. Runs of Sentences with the same client id are called Paragraphs.

You use the test client like this:

my $jtest = JMAP::Tester->new({
  jmap_uri => 'https://jmap.local/account/123',

my $response = $jtest->request([
  [ getMailboxes => {} ],
  [ getMessageUpdates => { sinceState => "123" } ],

# This returns two Paragraph objects if there are exactly two paragraphs.
# Otherwise, it throws an exception.
my ($mbx_p, $msg_p) = $response->assert_n_paragraphs(2);

# These get the single Sentence of each paragraph, asserting that there is
# exactly one Sentence in each Paragraph, and that it's of the given type.
my $mbx = $mbx_p->single('mailboxes');
my $msg = $msg_p->single('messageUpdates');

is( @{ $mbx->arguments->{list} }, 10, "we expect 10 mailboxes");
ok( ! $msg->arguments->{hasMoreUpdates}, "we got all the msg updates needed");

By default, all the structures returned have been passed through JSON::Typist, so you may want to strip their type data before using normal Perl code on them. You can do that with:

my $struct = $response->as_struct;   # gets the complete JSON data
$jtest->strip_json_types( $struct ); # strips all the JSON::Typist types

Or more simply:

my $struct = $response->as_stripped_struct;

There is also "as_stripped_pairs" in JMAP::Tester::Response.



my $result = $jtest->request([
  [ methodOne => { ... } ],
  [ methodTwo => { ... } ],

This method takes an arrayref of method calls and sends them to the JMAP server. If the method calls have a third element (a client id) then it's left as-is. If no client id is given, one is generated. You can mix explicit and autogenerated client ids. They will never conflict.

The arguments to methods are JSON-encoded with a JSON::Typist-aware encoder, so JSON::Typist types can be used to ensure string or number types in the generated JSON.

The return value is an object that does the JMAP::Tester::Result role, meaning it's got an is_success method that returns true or false. For now, at least, failures are JMAP::Tester::Result::Failure objects. More refined failure objects may exist in the future. Successful requests return JMAP::Tester::Response objects.


Ricardo SIGNES <>


  • Alfie John <>

  • Matthew Horsfall <>


This software is copyright (c) 2016 by FastMail, Ltd.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.