Changes for version 0.102 - 2022-07-25
- allow subclasses to change how JWT-authenticated links work (you probably don't need this!)
- Stop acting like JMAP sessions contain an authenticationUri, because they don't! This means: don't change the $tester->authentication_uri to be whatever you find in the client session. You'll never find a defined value, which means you'll clobber the correctly-set value from initialization.
a JMAP client made for testing JMAP servers
what you get in reply to a succesful JMAP request
a group of sentences in a JMAP response
a single triple within a JMAP response
the kind of sentence you get in reply to a setFoos call
what you get when you authenticate
what you get when you download a blob
what you get when your JMAP request utterly fails
a successful logout
what you get when you upload a blob
the kind of thing that you get back for an http request
the kind of thing that you get back for a request
in lib/JMAP/Tester/
in lib/JMAP/Tester/
in lib/JMAP/Tester/