Number::Nary - encode and decode numbers as n-ary strings


version 0.02



This module lets you convert numbers into strings that encode the number using the digit set of your choice.

my ($encode_sub, $decode_sub) = n_codec('01234'); # base five

my $number = $encode_sub('8675309'); # jenny's number for one-handed folk



This routine returns a reference to a subroutine which will encode numbers into the given set of digits and a reference which will do the reverse operation.

This routine will croak if the digit string contains repeated digits.

The encode sub will croak if it is given input other than a non-negative integer.

The decode sub will croak if given a string that contains characters not in the digit string.

n_encode($value, $digits)

This encodes the given value into a string using the given digit string. It is written in terms of n_codec, above, so it's not efficient at all for multiple uses in one process.

This routine is not exported by default.

n_decode($value, $digits)

This is the decoding equivalent to n_encode, above.

This routine is not exported by default.


Ricardo Signes, <rjbs at>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


I originally used this system to produce unique worksheet names in Excel. I had a large report generating system that used Win32::OLE, and to keep track of what was where I'd Storable-digest the options used to produce each worksheet and then n-ary encode them into the set of characters that were valid in worksheet names. Working out that set of characters was by far the hardest part.


Thanks, Jesse Vincent. When I remarked, on IRC, that this would be trivial to do, he said, "Great. Would you mind doing it?" (Well, more or less.) It was a fun little distraction.


Copyright 2005 Ricardo Signes, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.