Number::Tolerant -- tolerance ranges for inexact numbers


use Number::Tolerant;

my $range  = tolerance(10 => to => 12);
my $random = 10 + rand(2);

die "I shouldn't die" unless $random == $range;

print "This line will always print.\n";


Number::Tolerant creates a number-like object whose value refers to a range of possible values, each equally acceptable. It overloads comparison operations to reflect this.

I use this module to simplify the comparison of measurement results to specified tolerances.

reject $product unless $measurement == $specification;



There is a new method on the Number::Tolerant class, but it also exports a simple function, tolerance, which will return an object of the Number::Tolerant class. Both use the same syntax:

my $range = tolerance( $x => $method => $y);

The meaning of $x and $y are dependant on the value of $method, which describes the nature of the tolerance. Tolerances can be defined in five ways, at present:

  method              range
  plus_or_minus     | x ± y
  plus_or_minus_pct | x ± (y% of x)
  or_more           | x to Inf
  or_less           | x to -Inf
  to                | x to y
	infinite          | -Inf to Inf

For or_less and or_more, $y is ignored if passed.


Tolerances overload a few operations, mostly comparisons.


Tolerances with finite ranges numify to their center values. Tolerances with infinite ranges numify to their fixed end.


A tolerance stringifies to a short description of itself.

to      - "x to y"
or_more - "x or more"
or_less - "x or less"
plus_or_minus     - "x +/- y"
plus_or_minus_pct - "x +/- y%"

A number is equal to a tolerance if it is neither less than nor greater than it. (See below).


A number is greater than a tolerance if it is greater than its maximum value.

A number is less than a tolerance if it is less than its minimum value.

No number is greater than an "or_more" tolerance or less than an "or_less" tolerance.

"...or equal to" comparisons include the min/max values in the permissible range, as common sense suggests.

tolerance unions

A tolerance & a tolerance or number is the intersection of the two ranges. Unions allow you to quickly narrow down a set of tolerances to the most stringent intersection of values.

tolerance(5 => to => 6) & tolerance(5.5 => to => 6.5);
# this yields: tolerance(5.5 => to => 6)

If the given values have no intersection, () is returned.

A union with a normal number will yield that number, if it is within the tolerance.


Overload | to create multiple range options.

Allow translation into forms not originally used:

$range = tolerance(9 => to => 17); 


Ricardo SIGNES, <>


(C) 2004, Ricardo SIGNES. Number::Tolerant is available under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 52:

Non-ASCII character seen before =encoding in '±'. Assuming CP1252