Changes for version 0.012 - 2016-08-24
- ProhibitLeadingZeros::ExceptChmod is now just an empty subclass of ProhibitLeadingZeros, which has allowed leading zeroes on args to chmod since 2008
- policy ValuesAndExpressions::RequireConstantOnLeftSideOfEquality has been added to allow variables on the left side of `eq` (thanks, Andreas Schröter!)
policies that let you slide on common exceptions
prohibit multiline maps, not multistatement maps
empty quotes are okay as the fallback on the rhs of ||
leading zeroes are okay as the first arg to chmod
stringy eval is bad, but it's okay just to "require"
constant value on the right side is ok with 'eq'
ending your package with a simple, fun true value is okay
you can put strict and warnings before "package"