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Changes for version 0.02_04 - 2005-01-13
- potentially finished with first round of EventQueries (the path for the future is clear) fixed a few small (but critical) bugs it'll be 0.03 if nothing's broken
Changes for version 0.02_03 - 2005-01-10
- EntriesQuery pretty much working, needs work minor repairs to use of Time::Local added some prereqs for Date::Span
Changes for version 0.02_02 - 2005-01-03
- added EntriesQuery basic framework for EntriesQuery exists, but stinks minor fixes to incorrect method calls added pop-up to help docs; must add "close" to when_done options
Changes for version 0.02_01 - 2004-12-20
- added Rubric::WebApp::Login added skip_newuser_verification option
a notes and bookmarks manager with tagging
the configuration data for a Rubric
Rubric's subclass of Class::DBI
a single entry made by a user
a tag on an entry
a link (URI) against which entries have been made
the rendering interface for Rubric
a Rubric user
the web interface to Rubric
process the /entries run method
web login processing
process web login from HTTP authentication
process web login from query parameters
URIs for Rubric web requests