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Changes for version 0.04 - 2005-01-20
- created stub of autocreate_user method on Login updated tests to test compilability of all files
Changes for version 0.03_04 - 2005-01-20
- updated post template to not fail when query contains an ' updated entries query bits to use undef for errors
Changes for version 0.03_03 - 2005-01-18
- must_login has been replaced with a smarter login runmode if you try to /post or perform another operation without a login, the login form will redirect you back to it once you're auth'd
Changes for version 0.03_02 - 2005-01-15
- restore recent tags listing to "root" redirect to root when root failed caused loop; just die eliminate numerous references to EntriesQuery; AUGH!
Changes for version 0.03_01 - 2005-01-15
- refactored EntriesQuery.pm into two parts
a notes and bookmarks manager with tagging
the configuration data for a Rubric
Rubric's subclass of Class::DBI
a single entry made by a user
construct and execute a complex query
a tag on an entry
a link (URI) against which entries have been made
the rendering interface for Rubric
a Rubric user
the web interface to Rubric
process the /entries run method
web login processing
process web login from HTTP authentication
process web login from query parameters
URIs for Rubric web requests