Rubric::Config - the configuration data for a Rubric


$Id:,v 1.18 2005/04/01 04:28:29 rjbs Exp $


Rubric::Config provides access to the configuration data for a Rubric. The basic implementation stores its configuration in YAML in a text file found using Config::Auto's find_file function. By default, Rubric::Config looks for rubric.yml, but an alternate filename may be passed when using the module:

use Rubric::Config ".rubric_yml";


These configuration settings can all be retrieved by methods of the same name.

  • dsn

    the DSN to be used by Rubric::DBI to connect to the Rubric's database

  • db_user

    the username to be used by Rubric::DBI to connect to the Rubric's database

  • db_pass

    the password to be used by Rubric::DBI to connect to the Rubric's database

  • uri_root

    the absolute URI for the root of the Rubric::WebApp install

  • css_href

    the absolute URI for the stylesheet to be used by Rubric::WebApp pages

  • template_path

    the INCLUDE_PATH passed to Template when creating the template renderers

  • email_from

    the email address from which Rubric will send email

  • smtp_server

    the SMTP server used to send email

  • entries_query_class

    This is the class used to process the entries run method. It defaults to Rubric::WebApp::Entries.

  • login_class

    This is the class used to check for logins; it should subclass Rubric::WebApp::Login. If not supplied, the default is Rubric::WebApp::Login::Post.

  • skip_newuser_verification

    If true, users will be created without verification codes, and won't get verification emails.

  • registration_closed

    true if registration new users can't register for accounts via the web

  • private_system

    true value if users must have an account to view entries

  • one_entry_per_link

    if true, each user can have only one entry per link (default: true)

  • allowed_schemes

    If undef, all URI schemes are allowed in entries. If it's an array reference, it's the list of allowed schemes.


These methods are used by the setting accessors, internally:


This method returns the config data, if loaded. If it hasn't already been loaded, it finds and parses the configuration file, then returns the data.


This method returns the default configuration has a hashref.


Rubric::Config isa Class::Accessor, and uses this sub to build its setting accessors. For a given field, it returns the value of that field in the configuration, if it exists. Otherwise, it returns the default for that field.


Ricardo SIGNES, <>


Please report any bugs or feature requests to, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Copyright 2004 Ricardo SIGNES. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.