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Rubric::User - a Rubric user
$Id: /my/cs/projects/rubric/trunk/lib/Rubric/User.pm 1425 2006-08-14T17:02:44.651525Z rjbs $
This class provides an interface to Rubric users. It inherits from Rubric::DBI, which is a Class::DBI class.
username - the user's login name
password - the hex md5sum of the user's password
email - the user's email address
created - the user's date of registration
verification_code - the code sent to the user for verification
NULL if verified
Every user has_many entries, which are Rubric::Entry objects. They can be retrieved with the entries
accessor, as usual.
A user has as "his" tags all the tags that occur on his entries. There exist a number of accessors for his tag list.
This returns an arrayref of all the user's (non-system) tags in their database colation order.
This returns an arrayref of arrayrefs, each containing a tag name and the number of entries tagged with that tag. The pairs are sorted in colation order by tag name.
related_tags(\@tags, \%context)
This method returns a reference to an array of tags related to all the given tags. Tags are related if they occur together on entries.
related_tags_counted(\@tags, \%context)
This is the obvious conjunction of related_tags
and tags_counted
. It returns an arrayref of arrayrefs, each a pair of tag/occurance values.
The created column is stored as seconds since epoch, but inflated to Time::Piece objects.
This method creates or updates an entry for the user. The passed entry should include the following data:
uri - the URI for the entry
tags - the tags for the entry, as a space delimited string
title - the title for the entry
description - the description for the entry
body - the body for the entry
If an entry for the link exists, it is updated. Existing tags are replaced with the new tags. If no entry exists, the Rubric::Link is created if needed, and a new entry is then created.
The Rubric::Entry object is returned.
If the given code matches this user's verification_code
, the user will be verified; that is, his verification_code
will be undefined.
If the given code matches this user's reset_code
, the user's password will be reset via randomize_password
and his reset code will be undefined. If successful, the new password is returned. Otherwise, the routine returns false.
This method resets the user's password to a pseudo-random string and returns the new password.
This method resets the user's reset code to the md5sum of a pseudo-random string.
This method resets the user's verification code to the md5sum of a pseudo-random string.
Ricardo SIGNES, <rjbs@cpan.org>
Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-rubric@rt.cpan.org
, or through the web interface at http://rt.cpan.org. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
Copyright 2004 Ricardo SIGNES. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.