Changes for version 1.126 - 2016-12-27
- no changes since v1.125_001
Changes for version 1.125_001 - 2016-12-27
- if objects in the "expected" structured have an as_test_deep_cmp method, it will be called and its return (which should be a Test::Deep::Cmp object) will be used as the test for that location in the structure
- internal undocumented class_base routine has been replaced with a different, clearly private routine
- the LeafWrapper is also used for objects with an unknown reftype (like LVALUE or other weird ones)
Extremely flexible deep comparison
Use Test::Deep outside of the testing framework
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/Cache/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/
in lib/Test/Deep/