Image::Size - read the dimensions of an image in several popular formats


use Image::Size;
# Get the size of globe.gif
($globe_x, $globe_y) = &imgsize("globe.gif");
# Assume X=60 and Y=40 for remaining examples

use Image::Size 'html_imgsize';
# Get the size as "HEIGHT=X WIDTH=Y" for HTML generation
$size = &html_imgsize("globe.gif");
# $size == "HEIGHT=60 WIDTH=40"

use Image::Size 'attr_imgsize';
# Get the size as a list passable to routines in
@attrs = &attr_imgsize("globe.gif");
# @attrs == ('-HEIGHT', 60, '-WIDTH', 40)


The Image::Size library is based upon the wwwis script written by Alex Knowles (, a tool to examine HTML and add HEIGHT and WIDTH parameters to image tags. The sizes are cached internally based on file name, so multiple calls on the same file name (such as images used in bulleted lists, for example) does not repeat computation.

Image::Size provides three interfaces for possible import:


Returns a two-item list of the X and Y dimensions (height and width, in that order) of file. Errors are noted by a -1 value for the first element, and an error string for the second.


Returns the height and width (X and Y) of file pre-formatted as a single string "HEIGHT=X WIDTH=Y" suitable for addition into generated HTML IMG tags.


Returns the height and width of file as part of a 4-element list useful for routines that use hash tables for the manipulation of named parameters, such as the Tk or CGI libraries. A typical return value looks like ("-HEIGHT", X, "-WIDTH", Y).

By default, only imgsize() is imported. Any one or combination of the three may be imported, or all three may be with the tag :all.


The base routine, imgsize, returns a -1 as the first value in its list when an error has occured. The second return element contains a descriptive error message.

The second and third forms blindly format the returned data of imgsize, and as such may return corrupted data in the event of an error.


Current implementation can operate only on files, and uses the suffix of the file name to determine how to examine the file. Thus, files with no suffix or an incorrect suffix will not be sized correctly. Suffixes are treated in a case-independant manner. Currently recognized suffixes are: JPEG, JPG, GIF, PNG, XBM and XPM.

I have no PNG-format files on which to test the PNG sizing. I can only trust that it works.

SEE ALSO for a description of wwwis and how to obtain it.


Perl module interface by Randy J. Ray (, original image-sizing code by Alex Knowles ( and Andrew Tong (, used with their joint permission.